General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Anti vote.....

Message started by raydawg on 09/14/16 at 05:14:39

Title: Anti vote.....
Post by raydawg on 09/14/16 at 05:14:39

What I am mostly hearing is this, I know my candidate is flawed. In a "normal" year, I would not hesitate to vote for another, if my party offered another choice.
I get party, platform, propaganda.
I believe this mentality, a two party only viability is orchrastrated by the two parties.
Some of the behind the scene emails revealed, the apparent secrecy, the deal making, etc, lends much testimony that they care about themselves, more than any extenuating problems they know the commoners are experiencing.
It really is an aristocracy!

Back to my main point, why not use your vote against the two party system?
We have a choice here.
Is it a great choice, no.
But it is better than surrendering your vote to a failed system, is it not?
If not now, when?
You want Trump because of Hillary?
You want Hillary, because of Trump?
Think about that.

Neither will bring this nation back together.
Neither have shown honesty, and integrity, in their campaigning.
If other nation see the deceit these two use to empower themselves, lies justified, why would they believe either of these two would be honest in any negotiations?
The US would be limited to sanctions are war, to enact its own interest, instead of reasoning and diplomacy.....

Think all, both Libs and Cons, we don't have to keep choking down this crap, arguing amongst ourselves....
Let's fix the problem, then let's build a real consensus....
It's up to us!

Title: Re: Anti vote.....
Post by oldNslow on 09/14/16 at 07:33:16

Think all, both Libs and Cons, we don't have to keep choking down this crap, arguing amongst ourselves....
Let's fix the problem, then let's build a real consensus....
It's up to us!

Nice sentiment raydawg but it's not going to happen. Too late for that. Might just as well vote for whomever you hate the least and move on.

There will be blood running in the streets before anything changes.

Title: Re: Anti vote.....
Post by pg on 09/14/16 at 07:41:47

0F31303C2E32335D0 wrote:
There will be blood running in the streets before anything changes.

In the event Trump does get in, can you imagine the riots & civil disobedience?  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Anti vote.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/14/16 at 08:33:02

30233B26233525420 wrote:
What I am mostly hearing is this, I know my candidate is flawed. In a "normal" year, I would not hesitate to vote for another, if my party offered another choice.
I get party, platform, propaganda.
I believe this mentality, a two party only viability is orchrastrated by the two parties.
Some of the behind the scene emails revealed, the apparent secrecy, the deal making, etc, lends much testimony that they care about themselves, more than any extenuating problems they know the commoners are experiencing.
It really is an aristocracy!

Back to my main point, why not use your vote against the two party system?
We have a choice here.
Is it a great choice, no.
But it is better than surrendering your vote to a failed system, is it not?
If not now, when?
You want Trump because of Hillary?
You want Hillary, because of Trump?
Think about that.

Neither will bring this nation back together.
Neither have shown honesty, and integrity, in their campaigning.
If other nation see the deceit these two use to empower themselves, lies justified, why would they believe either of these two would be honest in any negotiations?
The US would be limited to sanctions are war, to enact its own interest, instead of reasoning and diplomacy.....

Think all, both Libs and Cons, we don't have to keep choking down this crap, arguing amongst ourselves....
Let's fix the problem, then let's build a real consensus....
It's up to us!

I believe this mentality, a two party only viability is orchrastrated by the two parties.
Some of the behind the scene emails revealed, the apparent secrecy, the deal making, etc, lends much testimony that they care about themselves, more than any extenuating problems they know the commoners are experiencing.
It really is an aristocracy!

Thank You for pointing out what is so obvious that most people Never actually bring it to complete THOUGHT, it's something everyone knows inherently.
Remember what they did to Ron Paul.
They did everything they could to keep him out of the debates.
When that failed,the questions and limited time were designed to make him look like he was a joke.
I voted for him, anyway.

Why don't We take the two party, actually one party, system apart?
That's a great idea. A Principled stand, vote for
Other Than either party.

Who believes Ron Paul really WAS a republican?
He was registered as one, wasn't he?
He's a Libertarian, a constitutional libertarian.
But he HAD to register as republican, or be excluded from the debates.

Trump, former Hillary supporter, is REGISTERED as a bub..

What makes it true? Is he a bub?

Consider Hillary's new supporters.
Koch brothers, the neocons, plenty of deplorables.
The status quo types support HER.
Anyone who wants more war, more BAD trade deals, more immigration, immigrants, many of whom are hostile to America and many are SICK.

So, now is nit the time for proving a point.
It's TIME to be absolutely sure we Don't get Hillary.

Title: Re: Anti vote.....
Post by thumperclone on 09/14/16 at 08:40:07

a third party vote is a vote for hillary

Title: Re: Anti vote.....
Post by Serowbot on 09/14/16 at 08:42:26

You need a plumber,... but you've had bad experience with plumbers in the past...
So,.. this time, you're gonna' hire a baker.


Title: Re: Anti vote.....
Post by WebsterMark on 09/14/16 at 08:46:21

Trump is a third party candidate.

Title: Re: Anti vote.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/14/16 at 08:46:26

Are you suggesting that only lifelong politicians can solve the problem?

Title: Re: Anti vote.....
Post by Serowbot on 09/14/16 at 08:50:19

No,.. but you need someone with the tools and experience to do the job...

... and temperament...

Title: Re: Anti vote.....
Post by verslagen1 on 09/14/16 at 10:19:10

and won't die in office.

Title: Re: Anti vote.....
Post by raydawg on 09/14/16 at 10:37:05

5E485F425A4F42592D0 wrote:
You need a plumber,... but you've had bad experience with plumbers in the past...
So,.. this time, you're gonna' hire a baker.


I've no doubt you would call back the same plumber because you can't admit it was a mistake the first time.....  :o

Title: Re: Anti vote.....
Post by raydawg on 09/14/16 at 14:56:13

7B6D7A677F6A677C080 wrote:
No,.. but you need someone with the tools and experience to do the job...

... and temperament...

This is why you are voting for Hillary ?????  Blahhahaaaaaa ;D

Title: Re: Anti vote.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/14/16 at 16:05:59

Trump, negotiator, builder, a man who has experienced and overcome bankruptcies, and gotten steeenkeeng RICH. HE has employed thousands. Making payroll, hired people who ran things for him. Now, the detractors will make claims that HE hired illegals. But, how can THAT be? Don't you remember how much he HATES everyone who ISN'T obviously a white boy?
You contradict Yourself, perpetually. Nobody who a radical leftist is even human. They're deplorable. How Very Tawlurunt.

Title: Re: Anti vote.....
Post by raydawg on 09/14/16 at 16:58:30

A reply/comment ( I read ):

It's not impossible to predict the election, but as Dershowitz, there points out there are many events that could make dramatic shifts in how people vote. We have two of the worst and the two most unpopular candidates ever, and that makes it difficult to predict turnout.

One factor that Dershowitz did not focus on is Clinton's health. Clinton has been wearing blue tinted glasses, which help to prevent seizures in people with epilepsy and people with Parkinson's disease. Clinton could also be wearing blue tinted glasses as a fashion statement.

I thought that Clinton might have Parkinson's disease, but a friend who is an expert on episodic LOC disagreed. This is what she said:

I disagree.

We can see beyond a doubt that she has partial complex seizures and know for a fact that she suffered head trauma and a cerebral vein thrombosis.
We also know for a fact that seizures can occur after head trauma and the 6 month period for rest after the trauma indicates that she had a serious brain injury and not simply a concussion as had been reported.
Hillary has episodic LOC and absolutely nothing consistent with Parkinson's Disease - no mask facies, no shuffling gait, no pill rolling tremor, etc.
Parkinson's Disease does not cause intermittent LOC.

Postulating Parkinson's is a violation of Occam's Razor, which is a basic tenet of medical diagnostics. Stated plainly, never diagnose 2 conditions when 1 will explain everything.

She had head trauma complicated by venous thrombosis which increased intravascular pressure in the brain and also caused direct injury to the brain surface. Over the next 12 months she developed seizures ranging from petit mal, partial complex to complex. Complex seizures or generalized grand mal can occur in 3 forms, tonic, tonic clonic, or atonic in which there is no generalized muscle movement but instead flaccid muscles. They simply loose consciousness for 3 minutes with no clear way of differentiating it from cardiac syncope. It will be followed by the classic post ictal confusion which could last for hours, then they look fine. And BTW I seriously doubt this pneumonia thing. But if she did have pneumonia, that too is consistent with seizures and aspiration if such occurred during a meal or a drink.

In addition do not forget that she is on coumadin and could also have cerebral angioid angiopathy, a condition in which the small vessels of the brain (usually of someone over 60) rupture causing multiple micro bleeds into the cerebral cortex. The blood functions as an irritant and sets up the electrical impulses that trigger seizures. It is an unappreciated disease that could very well explain what is going on even if the head trauma did not produce a post traumatic seizure disorder.

The story/article:

Title: Re: Anti vote.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/14/16 at 17:06:24

Yes, she had Head Trauma.
She went DOWN, unconscious and unable to get arms up and protect her HEAD.
The head Trauma is a Result of a neurological problem.
Unless Occams razor rusted up.

Title: Re: Anti vote.....
Post by MnSpring on 09/14/16 at 17:31:08

Lets say this year, the voter turnout will be 60%
  (5 % higher than 4 years ago)
(And again, their are between 12 and 18 ‘parties’, to vote for, depending on which State you live in.
So the vote divided by three, is not correct, but for an example, it works.)

20% + 20%, will vote Trump or Clinton, regardless.

That leaves 20% left to make the decision.
If, All, of that 20%  voted the SAME, 3rd party,
well, then the Electoral vote will decide, Not the majority of people.
Say the vote is 19%,  20%,  21%,
it could be very possible the 19%  vote wins,
because of the Electoral Collage System.

Now, if you take that 20%, and they vote for, Two Different, 3rd parties,
It makes their Vote, totally Worthless,
( In THIS  Election)  
Even if they voted 80% the same way,
16% vs 20%, is a no brainer.  

Another way;
Someone keeps STEALING, your stuff.
You need to build a shed to keep your stuff in. So someone will not Steal it.
You like, building things,
You do not like, fixing things.

You need a hammer and saw, to build the shed, but they are broke.
And someone keeps, stealing the things you need to Fix, your hammer and saw, so you can build the shed. So they don’t Steal Things.

The first thing you must do, is  Stop, someone from Stealing the things, you need to FIX, your hammer and saw, so you can start Building the Shed.

You don’t try to build a shed, with a broken hammer and saw.

Title: Re: Anti vote.....
Post by LostArtist on 09/15/16 at 18:40:24

46595F5845427343734B59551E2C0 wrote:
. Nobody who a radical leftist is even human. They're deplorable. How Very Tawlurunt.

English please, or can't you handle that?

oh, and you contradicted yourself in those three sentences, you aren't tolerant of "radical leftist" who you don't even consider human, and then you use not being tolerant as a criticism (at least that's what I'm assuming your jibber jabber spelling is meant to emphasize, but I'm sure you'll just yell at me and tell me how stupid I am)

you're as far right as they come JOG, since you are that RADICAL on the right, how do YOU claim to be human? You aren't any more tolerant than any other bigot, (yes, I mean bigot, that's what extremist are, bigots, the exist on both sides, left and right)

Title: Re: Anti vote.....
Post by MnSpring on 09/15/16 at 18:50:04

1734282F1A292F32282F5B0 wrote:
" ...  (yes, I mean bigot, that's what extremist are, bigots, the exist on both sides, left and right)

Is it interesting, that  ONLY, the Left, cries, ‘Bigot’, when someone from the right says something.

 But when someone from the left, says something,
Is is NOT,  ‘Bigot’ ?

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