General Category >> The Cafe >> Goodbye to an old friend

Message started by Art Webb on 08/18/16 at 07:56:27

Title: Goodbye to an old friend
Post by Art Webb on 08/18/16 at 07:56:27

Jeanne, my ex, passed away last night. She's been in a nursing home for a while after a fall and a bout with Pneumonia, and while she seemed fine Tuesday, aside form no appetite, she suddenly just, died

Tad, her new husband, is of the opinion she just gave up, after the care plan meeting Wednesday morning he says was just bullshit, and he might be right, as she was not down with being there, but I suspect her heart finally failed after all the years of morbid obesity and lack of activity

I am honestly surprised how much this hurts, . Goodbye, Jeanne, you were a good person, even if you never quite grew up

Title: Re: Goodbye to an old friend
Post by prechermike on 08/18/16 at 08:24:28

Sorry for your loss

Title: Re: Goodbye to an old friend
Post by springman on 08/18/16 at 09:48:17

Really sorry to hear that Art. I pray that she is in a better place and I pray God will give you strength and help you deal with this.

Title: Re: Goodbye to an old friend
Post by stewmills on 08/18/16 at 10:04:33

Sorry for your loss, Art!  I suspect your hurt just means you are a good person and despite your differences you can still see the good in her and that's noble of you.

My prayers to you and others grieving from her passing, and I hope you find some comfort knowing that she is not suffering any longer and is resting peacefully.


Title: Re: Goodbye to an old friend
Post by Ruttly on 08/18/16 at 21:23:02

Sorry for your loss

Title: Re: Goodbye to an old friend
Post by gizzo on 08/18/16 at 22:49:51

^ + 1

Title: Re: Goodbye to an old friend
Post by jcstokes on 08/19/16 at 00:30:36

The loss of someone who is or has been very close is always sad, my sympathies.

Title: Re: Goodbye to an old friend
Post by Art Webb on 08/19/16 at 07:37:00

Thank you, everyone, your support is appreciated

Title: Re: Goodbye to an old friend
Post by LANCER on 08/20/16 at 01:08:14

47545251434444260 wrote:
Thank you, everyone, your support is appreciated

Even in lost relationships there is often still connections, and when you loose someone that lose is still felt.  I am sorry for your lose Art.  

Title: Re: Goodbye to an old friend
Post by Art Webb on 08/20/16 at 07:53:01

Thank you, Lancer, there were definitely still connections

I always said, if anything happened to Jeanne, I would take Buddy, but i just couldn't do it
"sorry your wife died, by the way I'm taking take the dog"
Nope, couldn't do that to Tad
We will share him,
It'd be different if we weren't friends, maybe, besides, who locks a dog in a travel trailer for 10 hours a day while they go to work? wouldn't be fair to Buddy

Title: Re: Goodbye to an old friend
Post by raydawg on 08/20/16 at 08:32:32

Sorry Art......
Our heart can be a godsend, or a instrument of hurt.
I have always struggled with mine......
I think I'll only come to grips with it,
When others struggle with my passing.

Art, one thing you shared, and it's HUGE, was the fact about her weight and activity.
You have cheered me on in my quest to face that issue, and because of the support of folks like you, all through my life, I am overcoming years of abusing my body, first through booze, then food.

I might make my goal of 200 pounds, by the end of year, with 15 more to loose next year, to my perfect weight of 185, on my 72 inch frame.
Having dropped @ 50 pounds, thus far, I can tell you it has given me such freedom.
I hope those who need to address this weight issue, do so now, as you shared the reality, AND hurt, to those "their" actions of choice, inflict upon our lives.....

Just 100 calories less, per day, consumed, equals a one pound per month weight loss!

If someone changes their life right now, then I declare her life was NOT in vain. This is what makes life so wonderful, when we share our lives, to empower others  :)

Title: Re: Goodbye to an old friend
Post by MMRanch on 08/20/16 at 20:34:56

Art ,

What about doing some Memorable thing in Her Honor ?  

Was there somewhere she always wanted to go , or something she wanted to do ?

If so , maybe we could help you accomplish whatever it might be .


Title: Re: Goodbye to an old friend
Post by Art Webb on 08/21/16 at 06:56:56

Ray, I'm glad you found motivation in the story'
I have always maintained we have a form of immortality right here on earth
the lives we touch, are changed, and those changed people, when they touch others, change them
through this mechanism we have one form of immortality

MM, when we were together, we talked about seeing the country together, once we retired
I dunno if hauling her ashes around would actually count though
besides, she's no longer my wife

Title: Re: Goodbye to an old friend
Post by raydawg on 08/21/16 at 08:01:18

Ray, I'm glad you found motivation in the story'
I have always maintained we have a form of immortality right here on earth
the lives we touch, are changed, and those changed people, when they touch others, change them
through this mechanism we have one form of immortality

Art, I so agree with this, sadly tho, we, as a collective society, seem to only remember the bad, as in misery loves company, to often.  :-[ » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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