General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> How did he do?

Message started by raydawg on 07/21/16 at 23:14:50

Title: How did he do?
Post by raydawg on 07/21/16 at 23:14:50

You watch Trump, or waiting for the talking heads to tell you what you saw and heard?

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by thumperclone on 07/22/16 at 00:21:00

great fact distorter
believe me :D

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by Serowbot on 07/22/16 at 07:43:48

He paints a very dark picture of America,.. but promises to paint it white.
He will stop all the bad, and make everything good, and it will cost you nothing... and he'll give you a tax cut to boot...
Don't ask how... he just will...

It's magic... :-?

Ivanka is cute though...

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by raydawg on 07/22/16 at 07:44:07

5C405D45584D5A4B4447464D280 wrote:
great fact distorter
believe me :D

Pretty ugly oxymoron discript you begrudgingly shared  :o

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by raydawg on 07/22/16 at 07:47:22

6F796E736B7E73681C0 wrote:
He paints a very dark picture of America,.. but promises to paint it white.
He will stop all the bad, and make everything good, and it will cost you nothing... and he'll give you a tax cut to boot...
Don't ask how... he just will...

It's magic... :-?

Ivanka is cute though...

Oh I'm sorry, I should have clarified a little more my question I reckon.....

I meant the RNC convention, not Hillary at the DNC one that I guess I missed  ;D

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by Ed L. on 07/22/16 at 07:58:00

He sure talks a lot about himself. Lots of hot air with no apparent plans. Busting on Hillary is not a plan to run the country. JMHO

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/16 at 09:09:39

I certainly don't Trust trump, I figure there is at least an 80% chance he will screw us up. Hitlery, 100 %..

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by verslagen1 on 07/22/16 at 09:57:41

Now that Hellery is the DPC, you can expect a pardon from Obama before he leaves office.

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/16 at 10:17:03

But, WHY? How many innocent people Need to be Pardoned?

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by raydawg on 07/22/16 at 10:42:40

I liked what Peter Thiel had to say......
How he inserted he is American before all the other subtitles.
I liked how he said we needed to focus on technology and job creation instead of wars and social issues, etc.
His idea of governing closely resembles mine.
It was refreshing to see the party accept and allow a person to be real, about who they are, perhaps those who still judge might awaken to the fact the left has driven their perception of Gay people, and not reality....
Also, I liked the fact the party is growing its base across more social diversitites, bout time...,
And I get a laugh how the left is reporting this as disruptive and splintering, good, growing pains are just that, the pangs of change....
Why do they say it as a bad thing?
Perhaps it's because their party demands strict adherence to their own agenda  ;D

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by Paraquat on 07/22/16 at 11:14:25

01201B086A440 wrote:
He sure talks a lot about himself. Lots of hot air with no apparent plans.
No plans?!
Have you heard about this wall?


Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by thumperclone on 07/22/16 at 11:17:20

fact less fear monger
akin to Nixon

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by raydawg on 07/22/16 at 11:30:50

160A170F120710010E0D0C07620 wrote:
fact less fear monger
akin to Nixon

Cut spending means old people eat dog food and drink dirty water, indeed!

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/16 at 12:02:20

I recorded part of it.
Good signs

Latinas para Trump

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/16 at 12:10:02

He has said NOTHING I don't like.

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by LostArtist on 07/22/16 at 14:11:51

392620273A3D0C3C0C34262A61530 wrote:
He has said NOTHING I don't like.

oh jeeezzzzzzz

going to have to start praying for you again...       :-*

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by stewmills on 07/22/16 at 14:39:21

7D5E4245704345584245310 wrote:
[quote author=392620273A3D0C3C0C34262A61530 link=1469168090/0#14 date=1469214602]He has said NOTHING I don't like.

oh jeeezzzzzzz

going to have to start praying for you again...       :-*[/quote]

Hey...if the horse-faced lying, cheating, doo doo head had her way with it, you wouldn't be able to pray!

I am waiting, just waiting, to see if the DNC even has the balls to say "God Bless America" once...just once.

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/16 at 14:46:52

4F6C70774271776A7077030 wrote:
[quote author=392620273A3D0C3C0C34262A61530 link=1469168090/0#14 date=1469214602]He has said NOTHING I don't like.

oh jeeezzzzzzz

going to have to start praying for you again...       :-*[/quote]

I'm not lost. And I know what America needs a lot better than you. IF Trump can do 1/2 of what he said you're gonna be thrilled.

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by raydawg on 07/22/16 at 15:17:33

7D6264637E7948784870626E25170 wrote:
[quote author=4F6C70774271776A7077030 link=1469168090/15#15 date=1469221911][quote author=392620273A3D0C3C0C34262A61530 link=1469168090/0#14 date=1469214602]He has said NOTHING I don't like.

I was once a democrat.
I believed.
Hope and change, yes, I changed, I had hope.
I thought if I drank Michelob beer, the pretty girls would flank me at the bar.....
I thought if I took that blue pill, I would be sitting in adjacent bathtubs on a tropical beach, with the prettiest one of those girls that I met at that bar.
I thought I knew what is-is, is, was....
I thought everything was a vast rightwing conspiracy and we only needed to go back and tell the Gipper it wasn't really for him.....

However, I came to the conclusion, at 60 plus, I didn't wander off, no....
My parents left me there and split, because they needed to find themselves first.
Life can and is harsh, and pretending otherwise doesn't change a frucken thing, even if I hold myself above the fray and accuse others of riding a high horse.....

I have since caught my own fish.
I will share with you how.
I will even share my fire with you so you can cook yours.
But if you think you can keep showing up at dinner time, having not dug a worm, baited a hook, or gathering wood, and expecting me to feed you and your friends who claim I am selfish, if I don't...
Well, go pound sand pal.
Not many care for your BS anymore, even tho the crowd you run with still affirm your disfunction and dismal life choices....

Scan  :D

oh jeeezzzzzzz

going to have to start praying for you again...       :-*[/quote]

I'm not lost. And I know what America needs a lot better than you. IF Trump can do 1/2 of what he said you're gonna be thrilled. [/quote]

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by HovisPresley on 07/22/16 at 18:08:05

" And I know what America needs a lot better than you."
Interesting......  ;)

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/16 at 18:32:27

I'm sure everyone believes they know what would be best.

Thing is, I've been watching the downward spiral for almost fifty years. And studying the events. I Know what happened to our schools. I watched, and I've paid attention to people who were involved. And has anyone here even bothered to listen to interviews?

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by raydawg on 07/22/16 at 19:15:57

Jog, respectively, this is your opine based upon your perception.....
Yes, I agree many things have changed, and we could say not for the better.
However, others have a difference experience I would venture to say, and they could say things are better.
As I have shared, I am down in SoCal visiting my kids.
When I left here 15 years ago, this neighborhood was predominantly white. Today, it is mostly Hispanic and Black, and Asian.
This is the middle class now too.
They work, pay taxes, raise kids, etc.
The "system" has worked well in this regard, allowing more to experience the American Dream.
I see it firsthand, it is NOT dead, but as always, it can be better...
If we learn from the past, we can always improve upon it, IF, people live to the golden rule....

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/16 at 19:40:22

An isolated pocket versus an overwhelming number of places where industry is rusting, debt, beyond belief, unemployment, outtasight, the overall picture Is down. I'm in a pretty good place, but check out the Former manufacturing locales.

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by LostArtist on 07/23/16 at 06:09:09


you must love being scared, seeing conspiracies and everyone out to get you all the time, cause that's what Trump is selling and you're buying it hook, line and sinker.

here's the fact check, I tried to find it from a conservative news source, but, for some reason they didn't do one apparently....  wonder why?  protecting their allmighty super-businessman savior???

All politicians lie,

Hillary lies to protect herself and to make herself look good, that's still crappy but that's an internal issue within herself, this affects her judgment and character, but at least her intent is to tackle the REAL issues (in her speeches at least...whether she can or will do anything in real life is highly skeptical) She wants you to like her because of what she supports, not because of what she's against

Trump, and most GOP/conservative candidates and media are lying to MAKE YOU SCARED. They distort the stats to make things look worse than they are, to make government look like a failure, to make you feel anger towards others, they are baiting your base instinct, your lowest common denominator or fear and anger towards your fellow Americans and human beings, he wants you to look at him like he's your only hope, do you worship at the puffy hair billionaire's feet?  

now the fear lie, that's just a tactic the opposition party, whether democratic or republican, usually uses

anyway, I AM NEITHER REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRAT. I am independent, I will always be so. I actually voted libertarian the last election, can you say that JOG?  I know your hero Ron Paul wasn't on the libertarian ticket, but THERE WAS A LIBERTARIAN candidate, you often preach a libertarian viewpoint on here, did you support your own then??

I am a pragmatic independent arbitrator of my vote. I belong to no party, I am on no team, I see benefits in both liberal and conservative ideologies, the reality is we need both

All the Best to you all,

now go ahead and attack me as a crazy liberal, cause obviously I deserve it for not badmouthing Hillary enough....

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/23/16 at 06:20:03

You need some dental floss?
Maybe just a toothpick?
After you finish chewing someone's Butt like that, you should get the meat outta your teeth.

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by raydawg on 07/23/16 at 08:17:32

7C6365627F7849794971636F24160 wrote:
You need some dental floss?
Maybe just a toothpick?
After you finish chewing someone's Butt like that, you should get the meat outta your teeth.

Jog buddy, I think you might be putting too much stock into thinking that somethings lurks under every rock.
Somethings really are as they appear, and even tho to our view seem skewed, they aren't.
They are just different, nothing sinister.

I remember pictures of China, everyone looked the same, clothes, bike, etc....
How boring is that?
Yeah, I might not fancy a young Hispanic guy with tats on his neck, clothes pushed and shoved in what appears to be a designed disheveled look, with a haircut that seems to be cut by a drunk barber....
But that is solely my reading.
This guy took the time and energy to do this for a reason, expression, it to him it is freedom......
The very thing we hold in high esteem as example to the rest of the world.

I will be flying home this evening, first time ever in first class, some could say that is evidence that Obama's economy is recovering well....

I am flying home a wiser man.

Some of my prejudice debunked......

Remember, my daughter married a Hispanic guy, my wife is half Hispanic, my brother married a Hispanic woman, so my prejudice was not based on surperiority, no, but on absents of relationships on a more intimate level, AND news stories, arg.

By just living life on life's terms, talking and listening, engaging in others, I discovered we are WAY more alike, than different.
And, our differences are good. They are of the nature of learning and experiencing new cultural things, NOT.....
Right and wrong, or good and bad, things, like the press often utilizes to sensualize a story....

Everything I don't understand, is not a threat, nor an enemy, my friend....

You see how ideology, and a rigidness of belief ( prejudice ) in Sewbot, befuddles you.
I have seen you call him out on it, rightly so, as have I ( like right now ).
He will post up great things next week, of the DNC, that he would fault in the RNC.
Buddy, you seem to wear the same blinders at times too, except your vision is different, your attitude, not.

I hope my post doesn't offend you, but gives you a different perspective to consider, maybe bouncing your idea/thoughts off of it before you file them away as "fact" that the world should share with you.

None, yeah not even me, the village idiot, is perfect and beyond the common faults and traps that ensnares us all ( now that is a fact )  ;D

Be well amigo, and BTW, these low life minorities can have this stinking land of 100 plus degree weather, I good Sir, will gladly prance about through my 70 degrees and evergreens, as my skin gets even whiter, my mind, more open, until all the false perceptions I have stored there, fall out, no clutter, no nothing, ah,  I could get use to that ;D

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/23/16 at 08:28:53

Am I alone in believing that the schools were intentionally wrecked?

If you don't agree, read up on John Taylor Gatto.
Listen to Charlotte Izerbyt.

I guess Ike was a madman and Ford a fool.
JFK was planning on exposing secrets, but, his head exploded.

And the car was sent to Ford, cleaned, new windshield,
Instead of studying it as the crime scene it was.

The Murrah building was bombed inside, too.
The trade deals? Who actually believes that they were intended to better the lives of Americans?

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by raydawg on 07/23/16 at 08:35:06

4D5254534E4978487840525E15270 wrote:
Am I alone in believing that the schools were intentionally wrecked?

If you don't agree, read up on John Taylor Gatto.
Listen to Charlotte Izerbyt.

I guess Ike was a madman and Ford a fool.
JFK was planning on exposing secrets, but, his head exploded.

And the car was sent to Ford, cleaned, new windshield,
Instead of studying it as the crime scene it was.

The Murrah building was bombed inside, too.
The trade deals? Who actually believes that they were intended to better the lives of Americans?

Are you wrong?

I don't know buddy.

Will this truth set you free, if you find it?

I default to this tool many times, when I don't know or have an answer.....
Even when it comes to faith in my life, I default to this simple understanding, it is what it is and move down the trail of my life....

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/23/16 at 09:03:30

Yeah, Everything
Is what it is.
And I have spent countless hours peering into and through the understandings that others would have me call
Truth, in order to discern the truth.
I'm almost completely alone here in my understanding of the Fed. And I have read much, and I have a fool like Ford ALSO saying what a bad thing it is. So, defend yourself and the happy shrug and walk on, believing. I had Time for study. I was home bound.

Either look into things or don't, but don't tell me im imagining what I see when books are written on it, historical figures say what I say. But, the ones who agree with what the government says are right.. yeah, it is what i t is.
Now, do you want to know what it i s?

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by raydawg on 07/23/16 at 09:27:01

5A454344595E6F5F6F57454902300 wrote:
Now, do you want to know what it i s?

Will it change anything if you do?

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/23/16 at 09:54:23


Once ENOUGH see, Then change is inevitable.
While the masses continue to accept
What is
And don't investigate and actually understand
Then What will drive change?
Will Not understanding make it better?

Why would anyone pass up an opportunity to understand what is  being done and has been done?

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by raydawg on 07/23/16 at 15:27:05

Not sure if understanding, while standing in line, why my right leg gets tired, is needed, when I can just shift the weight to the other leg and solve it.....
I believe most if us work on this type of understanding, make it rough enough, and change will come accordingly.

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/23/16 at 16:06:49

If you don't WANT to know, if you are happy believing as you Do, then continue on that path, but don't preach to me about being concerned about things that don't exist because you don't see them, after Avoiding Looking for them.

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by raydawg on 07/23/16 at 16:30:21

435C5A5D40477646764E5C501B290 wrote:
If you don't WANT to know, if you are happy believing as you Do, then continue on that path, but don't preach to me about being concerned about things that don't exist because you don't see them, after Avoiding Looking for them.

Buddy, it seems to me it gets you a tad upset that NO ONE ( your words ) want to listen to you, incredulous comes to mind  8-)

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by raydawg on 07/23/16 at 16:30:36

435C5A5D40477646764E5C501B290 wrote:
If you don't WANT to know, if you are happy believing as you Do, then continue on that path, but don't preach to me about being concerned about things that don't exist because you don't see them, after Avoiding Looking for them.

Buddy, it seems to me it gets you a tad upset that NO ONE ( your words ) want to listen to you, incredulous comes to mind  8-)

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/23/16 at 17:58:23

Yeah, I've spent tons of time listening to people who were involved in high level department of education stuff and it's obvious that the game was to ruin our schools. And people want to tell me im delusional but they are unwilling to even look at what I'm talking about. Yeah, I'm not happy.
Ignorance is strength and America is getting stronger.

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by raydawg on 07/23/16 at 21:32:40

7D6264637E7948784870626E25170 wrote:
Yeah, I've spent tons of time listening to people who were involved in high level department of education stuff and it's obvious that the game was to ruin our schools. And people want to tell me im delusional but they are unwilling to even look at what I'm talking about. Yeah, I'm not happy.
Ignorance is strength and America is getting stronger.

I don't doubt your sincerity one little bit, and I believe your intentions worthy, but sorry buddy, I have peed so much into the wind it's a wonder I haven't drowned.
Yes, I know, I admit freely, I leave in the 7th inning when my team is losing  ;D

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/24/16 at 03:38:25

Well, if you're happy enough Not knowing, okay. But don't try telling me that I'm Not seeing what I see. Watching the priests get Punished by being Forced to Move to another parish when I was a kid, Knowing that had it been my dad, he would be in jail, had a little bit to do with my starting to question the answers I was getting. Watching the Vietnam war on the news,, lose forty guys taking hill 468 today , only to give it up and lose 50 tomorrow, taking it again, and Rules of ENGAGEMENT? Really?

If YOU'RE tuning something, you Change something, it's running Worse now,  

What would You do?

You would UNDO what made it worse.

That's Not how they Fixed the schools.

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by LostArtist on 07/24/16 at 23:27:49

425D5B5C41467747774F5D511A280 wrote:
You need some dental floss?
Maybe just a toothpick?
After you finish chewing someone's Butt like that, you should get the meat outta your teeth.

what's your brand of choice?   since you are the expert at it ;)

Title: Re: How did he do?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/25/16 at 07:58:10

Huhh? Was that supposed to be a smart comeback? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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