General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Those minorities r stupid......

Message started by raydawg on 07/20/16 at 12:55:02

Title: Those minorities r stupid......
Post by raydawg on 07/20/16 at 12:55:02

When questioning my extended family down in Southern California re: why, as minorities, they would abandon the democrat party to vote for a republican....
One young Hispanic kid, my SNL nephew, his first time voting remarked.....
The democrats think we are stupid!
I asked how so?
He went on to explain how Obama won't call the terrorist/ISIS muslims, like in clarifying exactly who these people are. He said Obama's reply about Muslim not being part of the description of these folks, yet, him and his attorney general and cabinet members always make sure the race, of who is killed, and that of the cop, is ALWAYS part of their description....

Wow, the kid was spot on.
Talk about a disingenuous fool the president is.
Can only think of one, maybe 2, around here that still think he is God  ;D

Title: Re: Those minorities r stupid......
Post by verslagen1 on 07/20/16 at 13:58:47

while you're down here... can you rub more elbows?
it seems you're contagious... the typhoid mary of republicitous.

Title: Re: Those minorities r stupid......
Post by Serowbot on 07/20/16 at 15:58:13

A Mexican Trump supporter?... Trump will have him stuffed... ;D

Title: Re: Those minorities r stupid......
Post by raydawg on 07/20/16 at 16:01:36

4254435E46535E45310 wrote:
A Mexican Trump supporter?... Trump will have him stuffed... ;D

You got plenty of ice for kool-aid  ::)

Title: Re: Those minorities r stupid......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/20/16 at 16:03:38

They don't wanna admit who Trump has hired.

Title: Re: Those minorities r stupid......
Post by old.indian on 07/20/16 at 16:09:03

5A4C5B465E4B465D290 wrote:
A Mexican Trump supporter?... Trump will have him stuffed... ;D

Shame.... He isn't a "Mexican". He is an AMERICAN, who happens to be of Hispanic decent.    Just like the guys in my platoon during our visit to beautiful Southeast Asia during the 1960s......

Title: Re: Those minorities r stupid......
Post by raydawg on 07/20/16 at 16:56:44

Proof pudding (

Title: Re: Those minorities r stupid......
Post by Serowbot on 07/20/16 at 18:17:30

Oh gee,.. sorry...  I lost my PC balance in all the excitement of finding a "Hispanic", Republican...

I know plenty of Hispanics here,.. ain't none voting for Trump...
It's the Hispanic vote that will guarantee Trump's defeat...
He's even in danger of losing AZ...  

Title: Re: Those minorities r stupid......
Post by raydawg on 07/20/16 at 18:56:32

You balance.......
Tell me another fairytale  ;D

Title: Re: Those minorities r stupid......
Post by old.indian on 07/20/16 at 19:50:28

Arizona, Texas, California, Massachusetts, New Mexico, Illinois.... It doesn't matter how you cast your vote,. How it is counted that matters......

Title: Re: Those minorities r stupid......
Post by Serowbot on 07/20/16 at 22:16:21

71627A67627464030 wrote:
You balance.......
Tell me another fairytale  ;D

You're no Flying Wallenda yer'self... get off yer' high horse...  :-?

Title: Re: Those minorities r stupid......
Post by raydawg on 07/20/16 at 23:22:50

6A7C6B766E7B766D190 wrote:
[quote author=71627A67627464030 link=1469044502/0#8 date=1469066192]You balance.......
Tell me another fairytale  ;D

You're no Flying Wallenda yer'self... get off yer' high horse...  :-?[/quote]

Well when you dig yourself into a hole I reckon just about everything appears high to you......
Perhaps bigger lifts in your boots might help shorty!

Title: Re: Those minorities r stupid......
Post by WebsterMark on 07/21/16 at 04:59:38

4650475A42575A41350 wrote:
Oh gee,.. sorry...  I lost my PC balance in all the excitement of finding a "Hispanic", Republican...

I know plenty of Hispanics here,.. ain't none voting for Trump...
It's the Hispanic vote that will guarantee Trump's defeat...
He's even in danger of losing AZ...  

I told you my stories about visiting these manufacturering facilities and being shocked at the level of Trump support from production line workers and quite frankly a large percentage of those are Hispanic.

i'm in Florida today and while the level of support isn't the same as it is in the Midwest it's still a very vocal support. You never saw anybody running around with  Mitt Romney hat on while they were at work!

right now if I had to bet, I would say Trump will win the election. Of course are still a lot of time yet and the liberal media is not going to go down without a fight. They will come up with anything. They'll make Dan Rather's stunt look like child's play.

and if you know plenty of Hispanics and none of them for voting for Trump then your friendships and acquaintances are linked to your political views. You're like the newspaper editor who was shocked when Reagan won in a landslide and she was famously quoted as saying "I don't know one son of a b!tch who voted for him". He carried 49 states!

Title: Re: Those minorities r stupid......
Post by Serowbot on 07/21/16 at 06:03:34

1F2D2A3B3C2D3A05293A23480 wrote:
You're like the newspaper editor who was shocked when Reagan won in a landslide and she was famously quoted as saying "I don't know one son of a b!tch who voted for him". He carried 49 states!

Are you sure?...  That may be you...
We'll see...  We each have our bubble...

Title: Re: Those minorities r stupid......
Post by old.indian on 07/21/16 at 06:27:06

Trump or Hillary ?  Hillary or Trump ?:-/

In the end, I doubt if it will make that much difference. After the election it will be business as usual in DC.  Money is Power, and Power is Money.

Title: Re: Those minorities r stupid......
Post by stewmills on 07/21/16 at 07:44:12

The difference, IMHO, is simple:

Hillary makes bad judgment, gets innocent Americans killed, and to this day has NEVER admitted she made a mistake or any oversight in judgment. She's an arrogant waste of a soul that thinks we're puppets on her string.

Trump, while admittedly not perfect, will make a mistake and deal with it accordingly and move on. Sure, he did a lot of crazy business stuff before running for office but I feel that in that light, business is business and that was in his "business" life.

Hillary on the other hand has ALWAYS been in politics and is granted no exception for her misgivings as public office has always been her motive.

I will vote for Trump, regardless. Not saying that Trump is one, but I'd at least rather have in office the devil I know as opposed to the devil I don't.

Title: Re: Those minorities r stupid......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/21/16 at 07:49:56

Then vote Hitlery.. you Know what evil she is. Trump is unknown.

Title: Re: Those minorities r stupid......
Post by verslagen1 on 07/21/16 at 08:03:33

6F5D5A4B4C5D4A75594A53380 wrote:
and if you know plenty of Hispanics and none of them for voting for Trump then your friendships and acquaintances are linked to your political views. You're like the newspaper editor who was shocked when Reagan won in a landslide and she was famously quoted as saying "I don't know one son of a b!tch who voted for him". He carried 49 states!

Maybe he knows a lot of Hispanics that can't vote?

Title: Re: Those minorities r stupid......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/21/16 at 08:20:39

I guess staying in the echo chamber maintains ones ideas.

Title: Re: Those minorities r stupid......
Post by raydawg on 07/21/16 at 08:46:07

36353D7730373D303837590 wrote:
Trump or Hillary ?  Hillary or Trump ?:-/

In the end, I doubt if it will make that much difference. After the election it will be business as usual in DC.  Money is Power, and Power is Money.

Yes, I agree, that is why I am voting libertarian, never done it before  ;D
However I think this administration, either of them, will be the last of this type of politician.
We will see much power, time, money, energy, gobbled up by the losing party trying to destroy the winning party.....
While nothing of real change gets done.
If you just consider for a moment who the two finalist are, their extremely high negatives, that is a clue to where politics stand.
Of course the political machine itself, media, academia, business, etc, who presently circumvent the people's say by their false motivation, only wanting to keep their own azz' in the current loop of profiteers.

I believe we are one election away from seeing real hope and change and making America great for ALL  ;D

PS: I could go on and share how I see how the Hispanic population has seemed to really step into that "middle class" slot, so many say is shrinking, but I won't.....
America is changing, and it doesn't have to be seen as bad. Change is change, it can bring with it all sorts of new opportunities as well,if you are willing to be part of it.
To stay the "same" is about as exciting as only eating vanilla ice cream every time, or riding the same road, etc....
Like calm water, it will stagnant faster that a bubbling brook  ;)

I don't have much faith in the current system or its players, but I do have in folks, right is right, wrong is wrong, and inherently we all know it, even if we take a little side street of selfishness getting there.

Title: Re: Those minorities r stupid......
Post by WebsterMark on 07/21/16 at 13:30:49

One thing's for sure, Cruz, Rubio or any of the others would be crushed by the Democratic machine. Trump is the only one with a chance because he doesn't play the game. He's not letting media direct his actions. Right or wrong, he is doing it his way.

There was no excuse for Romney losing but he did cause he let the media guide him. Can you imagine Trump being recorded saying 47%? He'd never try to minimize that, he'd say I should have said 50%!

Title: Re: Those minorities r stupid......
Post by raydawg on 07/21/16 at 15:25:20

0D3F38292E3F28173B28315A0 wrote:
One thing's for sure, Cruz, Rubio or any of the others would be crushed by the Democratic machine. Trump is the only one with a chance because he doesn't play the game. He's not letting media direct his actions. Right or wrong, he is doing it his way.

There was no excuse for Romney losing but he did cause he let the media guide him. Can you imagine Trump being recorded saying 47%? He'd never try to minimize that, he'd say I should have said 50%!

Sounds like you are a dittohead  ;D

Rush has always said the left has no interest in getting along....
You surrender and compromise to them they have no intentions of it themselves but only keep moving the 50 yard line  ;D » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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