General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> The Skyhooker is spot on.....

Message started by raydawg on 07/16/16 at 08:18:53

Title: The Skyhooker is spot on.....
Post by raydawg on 07/16/16 at 08:18:53

A Laker, maybe Baker, a Muslim, and Black, and just a good gentle with a great soul giant....

Terror on Both Sides of the Badge

Title: Re: The Skyhooker is spot on.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/16/16 at 08:56:58

Part of that context is the fact that the recent police killings of Philando Castile...

And what Story is HE basing his context ON?

Gee, pulled over for a busted light and wind up DEAD?


Dispatch, I have a match for the robbery suspects. I'm pulling them over right now.

Upon arrival at the car window, sees a gun in the guys lap.

Tells him

Don't Move..

There is  subtle message in the idea that being pulled over for a busted light can result in getting shot and killed.
How can such an innocuous thing reasonably and justifiably escalate from maybe getting a warning for the light to getting Shot?

It's a Whole lot easier to grasp how a doppelganger for a robbery suspect could get shot.
Especially when he has a pistol in his lap and decides to move after being Told to Not move.

Cop mishandled it. Should have stepped toward the rear of the car, stuck the gun to suspect's head, ordered the gun out the window , held between thumb and forefinger, car off, toss keys out, but, heat of the moment and all that..

And I can't Prove that is what happened...  but it Is the new story...
Is there a tape of communications between dispatch and patrol?
Is there a busted light on the car?
WAS it there before?
Dead man's GF and the cop are the only witnesses, AFAIK, unless they have body cameras...
But, we shouldn't be able to see, because it's just so confusing to see what actually happened.

Title: Re: The Skyhooker is spot on.....
Post by raydawg on 07/16/16 at 09:19:12

Jog, what I get is that nothing will change until we quit the blame and look at ourself.
For me to guess your thoughts, etc, will always be just that, a guess.
To act on a guess really isn't the best policy, results not assured.
I do however, know my own thoughts and belief, yes, some folks are deluded, but that doesn't shift the burden away from us.

Let me give you this example to how screwed up we are in communicating these days....
A high profile white guy says honestly, " I don't understand how the Black race can overlook Chicago's black on black crime and get all worked up when it's appears a bad black teen with a history of violence gets killed because of his actions"
We most likely will get no dialogue, and based solely on HIS race, be saddled with negativity, demeaned, etc, and we get no closer to any sort of understanding......

Those who think ignorance means stupid, are a fine example of it  ;D

Title: Re: The Skyhooker is spot on.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/16/16 at 11:07:37

Re: The Skyhooker is spot on.....
Reply #1 - Today at 16:56:58 Alert Board Moderator about this Post! Quote Modify Remove  Part of that context is the fact that the recent police killings of Philando Castile...

And what Story is HE basing his context ON?

There is more than one story...

Title: Re: The Skyhooker is spot on.....
Post by pg on 07/16/16 at 15:20:50

455A5C5B4641704070485A561D2F0 wrote:
And what Story is HE basing his context ON?

I know he didn't have a CCP issued from the county he lived in.  He could have got one from another part of the state....  Is it confirmed the CCP story is bogus?

Best regards,

Title: Re: The Skyhooker is spot on.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/16/16 at 16:00:16

How is Anything
When LIES are the most prevalent commodity?

Title: Re: The Skyhooker is spot on.....
Post by pg on 07/16/16 at 20:27:30

That's right.

Another question -  When or how did become the benchmark measure for authenticity for the site?   :-?

Best regards,

Title: Re: The Skyhooker is spot on.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/16/16 at 21:29:12

When I Snopsed Snopes it said it was all lies.

Title: Re: The Skyhooker is spot on.....
Post by Serowbot on 07/16/16 at 22:50:14

Okay,.. WTF is this entire thread  about?...
What's a Skyhooher?...
What did who Snope?...

Is there something going on in Bizarro conspiracy world that sane people should know about?...

Hello?,.. reality calling...   :-/

Title: Re: The Skyhooker is spot on.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/16/16 at 23:11:13

I think
Skyhook was the name of a shot made by Kareem.

Taking a shot at Snopes?

Ohhh,, what could be more fun'?

Title: Re: The Skyhooker is spot on.....
Post by WebsterMark on 07/17/16 at 05:31:27

Both the black and police communities live in fear—because they cannot see each other's humanity.

That's the opening line and therein lies the problem. Many police have a hard time seeing the humanity in the black neighborhoods they patrol and sometimes who could blame them? The sad truth is those two guys weren't shot necessarily because of who they were or the current circumstances they were in, but because of the thousands and thousands of encounters police have with blacks acting basically sub-human. That's harsh, but true. St. Louis paper this morning reports three black men killed Friday and Saturday night, of course by other black men. The other crimes, the children left to raise themselves, the poverty they seem to find acceptable, the absolute reliance on government assistance for every facet of their lives....  how can this not impact the attitude of a cop as he confronts a situation with what he perceives to be just another NWA?

Title: Re: The Skyhooker is spot on.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/16 at 06:29:01

The PERCEPTION they are Trying to sell us is as you say.
Ohhh, geee, pulled over for a busted tail light and, because nobody truly understands anyone else he wound up dead...

No, the idiot had a gun ,in his lap and didn't listen to the cop.

Title: Re: The Skyhooker is spot on.....
Post by WebsterMark on 07/17/16 at 07:12:05

The difference is if a cop in my neighborhood pulled me over for a broken tail light and I had a gun on my lap, I probably don't get shot, probably. I might, but I get the benefit of the doubt.

My point is he didn't, not because of him as an individual but because of all the other interactions cops have with blacks.

Title: Re: The Skyhooker is spot on.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/16 at 07:16:17

Well, the new story IS
they matched the description of Robbery Suspects
He was TOLD
Don't Move once the cop saw the gun
He moved.

The PERCEPTION that Any Interaction with a cop can get a black man killed is Sold ..

And, again, according to the New story

No busted light

Title: Re: The Skyhooker is spot on.....
Post by WebsterMark on 07/17/16 at 07:23:59

7E6167607D7A4B7B4B73616D26140 wrote:
Well, the new story IS
they matched the description of Robbery Suspects
He was TOLD
Don't Move once the cop saw the gun
He moved.

The PERCEPTION that Any Interaction with a cop can get a black man killed is Sold ..

And, again, according to the New story

No busted light

If your point is that liberals and protestors/rioters exaggerate..... well hell, you'll get no argument from me.

Title: Re: The Skyhooker is spot on.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/16 at 07:56:30

My point is
Somehow every media outlet got the story wrong in the exact same way initially,
The New story is concocted in order to make it Not appear that the most Innocuous crossing of paths with a cop isn't just liable to turn deadly at any moment.

I believe that the first story was concocted to accomplish Just That. To subtly send the message of

It takes Nothing to get killed by a cop if you're black.

After all, it was Just busted light, rig h t?

How could it Possibly escalate to shooting someone?

Well, it WASN'T a busted light.
It was, in fact,

The cop saw them. They matched a BOLO for Robbery Suspects.
Cop saw a gun
Said dont move
He moved..

First story

Ohh, yeah, he Did tell the cop he was armed and was just Trying to show his CCP..

Nope , he doesn't Have a CCP.

SO, the Point I am so Desperately trying to make IS

Someone WANTS blacks particularly to believe that they are targeted by cops. Their lives mean nothing.
The most Innocuous meeting is liable to turn deadly.

And THAT is the Message that the
Busted light story carries with it.

My Point is

Someone is trying to create racial tensions..
The they are getting it done.
Treyvon Martin, Mike Brown, facts were Certainly available in Ferguson, and eventually cleared the cop, but the societal damage remained and grows.

I've been pointing at this starting with the Martin case. The media was stoking the fires, it was a blatant attempt at stirring up racial tension,, and I'm glad I pointed it out.
Now, everyone will see as they continue to work to create a problem big enough that They have to
Take Action and solve it.
Unless there is a societal convulsion sufficiently large enough to use as justification for military intervention, which would also negatively impact commerce, they won't have a scapegoat for a dollar collapse. I'm not certain that is the only goal. For all I know, someone would rather not have an election..

The WHY is pure conjecture.

That it is being Done is simply a matter of Looking at it.

Title: Re: The Skyhooker is spot on.....
Post by WebsterMark on 07/17/16 at 08:41:20

we can pick this up another time because I just saw a news flash that up to three cops were ambushed and shop down in Baton Rouge Louisiana just a little while ago.

Title: Re: The Skyhooker is spot on.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/16 at 09:05:44

Watching it now..
Three dead, at least four injured

Gee,  I hope they take someone alive to see WHY they did this.

The Hitlery
I don't have to follow the law. I don't Get punished. You follow the law or You go to jail. I get to run for president.

Why would blacks hate cops? After all, everyone Knows that if a black guy gets pulled over for something as innocuous as a busted light, he just might get shot..  

That's ASSUMING the perpetrators are black.. Hafta see.

Baton Rouge, dead now four..

At 2:00 A.M.,  Milwaukee, cop shot sitting in the car. Looking like a survivor.

Shooter suicide..

Looking at Where, I'd guess it's not a white guy.

Another thing that I think is causing frustration is a lack of opportunity in the black communities around the country.
Jobs and The American Dream just isn't within reach for a growing number of people.

Title: Re: The Skyhooker is spot on.....
Post by Serowbot on 07/17/16 at 09:42:09

27383E3924231222122A38347F4D0 wrote:
I believe that the first story was concocted to accomplish Just That.

You believe every media outlet, under some mysterious influence, colluded to lie, in order to inflame racial tensions,...  knowing that they would shortly after revise the report?...
Rather than,... they are reporting the information as it comes in?...

Early evidence last week told me that my shower spigot needed replaced,... upon further evidence, it turned out that the handle was loose...

This is how the real world works...
Evidence is gathered through investigation,... it isn’t laid out complete and accurate...

Everything is not a conspiracy... :-?

Title: Re: The Skyhooker is spot on.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/16 at 10:01:36

No, everything is not conspiracy.
I see a continuous stream of wrong information provided to the news outlets when the accurate information was there.

Police dispatch had radio contact with the cop.
He didn't say im stopping a guy who has a busted light.
He reported that he saw and was stopping people who matched the description of the robbery suspects.

Explain HOW the public information officer got That wrong and told the reporters a BS story?

No, everything ISN'T conspiracy.. but that doesn't mean nothing Is.
The information eventually cleared the cop in Ferguson was n o t  New.. It was there from  get go.
Why is the First report so easily understood to be
Bad Cop?

But now I have your attention. Stay tuned for the next time a cop kills a black guy and was justified, but initial reports have him Bad.

And nothing will undo the Real cop murders. There have been some absolutely unjustifiable killings.

Title: Re: The Skyhooker is spot on.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/16 at 12:17:10

In the FWIW department,I went in a place I've been wanting to check out. A local cop was in there and I talked to him about this shooting and the fact that all the media outlets were wrong.. I told him what I thought and why and he agreed. It's not reasonable to believe that the Public Information Officer DID NOT HAVE the Right information immediately, because the responding officer Told Dispatch WHY he was pulling the car over.
Someone totally made the busted light story up.

Go ahead, ask WHY anyone would do that..

Title: Re: The Skyhooker is spot on.....
Post by verslagen1 on 07/18/16 at 08:35:04

66797F7865625363536B79753E0C0 wrote:
In the FWIW department,I went in a place I've been wanting to check out. A local cop was in there and I talked to him about this shooting and the fact that all the media outlets were wrong.. I told him what I thought and why and he agreed. It's not reasonable to believe that the Public Information Officer DID NOT HAVE the Right information immediately, because the responding officer Told Dispatch WHY he was pulling the car over.
Someone totally made the busted light story up.

Go ahead, ask WHY anyone would do that..

PR officers don't make things up, when they don't know, they say so.
While news agencies feel they have to give the complete story immediately to show how on top of things they are.  Instead they report rumor and conjecture.  All of the "breaking news" events are this way.  Constant running of the mouth without any base in reality.

Title: Re: The Skyhooker is spot on.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/18/16 at 09:28:19

So, rather than ask the Public Information Officer, they reported some rumour, and, miraculously, every one of them got the same rumor and not one of them called the police for the story..
Have I got it right now?

Title: Re: The Skyhooker is spot on.....
Post by Serowbot on 07/18/16 at 09:33:00

You should become a reporter and show them how it's done... ::)

Title: Re: The Skyhooker is spot on.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/18/16 at 10:09:36

GOOD answer.. explained it all.
Not one news outlet contacted the police for the story.
Something had happened and everyone wanted to get it out.
So, they all got the same Wrong story,
Yeah, what are the odds?

Title: Re: The Skyhooker is spot on.....
Post by WebsterMark on 07/18/16 at 10:25:05

46595F5845427343734B59551E2C0 wrote:
So, they all got the same Wrong story,
Yeah, what are the odds?

Odds are very good because it happens all the time.

Title: Re: The Skyhooker is spot on.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/18/16 at 11:02:41

How does everyone get the SAME wrong story? How many mouths can repeat a rumor and it not change? How many reporters can find the same rumor?
How convenient,,  rather than going with Real Sensationalism, rather than reporting that the cop Thought he was pulling over a serial killer, they reported that the poor guy had a busted light and wound up dead, awww, g eee, the cop just needed to shoot someone,,
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