General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> News Update...

Message started by Serowbot on 07/15/16 at 05:37:54

Title: News Update...
Post by Serowbot on 07/15/16 at 05:37:54

- As part of out "Make America Great Again"  policy,... we're bringing back internment camps...
There will be a Muslim one,.. a black one, and a Mexican one...

- President Trump pulled a hamstring yesterday, doing his happy dance...  His private doctor says it missed his brain by inches, but he'll be okay...

- The French called,.. they want Lady Liberty back...

- in other news... American Jews  are looking a bit uppity lately,.. but President Trump says.."No worries, I got this"...

- rumours are, blacks were protesting again, but no one could see them from behind the wall...

- a Muppet was eaten alive by sharks with fikkin laser beams off the coast of Trumpizona...

- First Lady Ivanka.. handed out gold Trumpaloons to the unprivileged children the lower half of the Fortune 500 in the Rose garden,... under the new golden Trump arches...

- rain and freeze warnings again, on the outskirts of hell...

Stay tuned... Yeragreatmerkin...

Title: Re: New Update...
Post by WebsterMark on 07/15/16 at 06:12:52

- The French called,.. they want Lady Liberty back...

Well, let's be accurate, The French minus 84 recently departed, called. Guessing if you could ask those dead ones, they'd vote for a wall....

- First Lady Ivanka..

You mean Ivanka the neighbor of that destitute child of the in-debt former First Lady who gave her a 3 million dollar + New York City Central Park view apartment. That Ivanka? Maybe she and her poor as hell neighbor can hand out toy animals stuffed with shredded Benghazi emails...

You know, when 80+ were just run over by an immigrant who walked through Frances's front door announcing he was going to kill as many as he could, you're comments look poorly timed at best, stupid as worst.

Title: Re: New Update...
Post by Serowbot on 07/15/16 at 07:15:38

4D7F78696E7F68577B68711A0 wrote:
You know, when 80+ were just run over by an immigrant who walked through Frances's front door announcing he was going to kill as many as he could, you're comments look poorly timed at best, stupid as worst.

You weep for the 80 dead French citizens and toast them with your Freedom Fries...
Meanwhile,.. more than 90 Americans are killed with guns every day...

Sorry Web,.. you can never laugh again...
..but, Yeragreatmerkin... 8-)

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by verslagen1 on 07/15/16 at 07:24:44

5046514C54414C57230 wrote:
- a Muppet was eaten alive by sharks with fikkin laser beams off the coast of Trumpizona...

I know you never see water... it'll mat your hair.
So, which cousin did you loose?   ;D

And in the news today, Hellery and Bill are broke again.   ::)
They were seen warming a can of beans in their Manhattan apt and Bill was rolling his own.   ;D

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/16 at 07:28:57

Meanwhile,.. more than 90 Americans are killed with guns every day..

You can keep bleating that load of crap. It's tired. Sixty percent of those are SUICIDES.  And then, if you'll go
Follow the SCIENCE
Another big chunk of those dead are gang bangers, FIGHTING for Turf to sell THE BANNED DRUGS.
You can cling to that bunch of words in your head that you Say are Thoughts, but they are someone elses ideas.  You should inspect them and stop allowing them to guide you, because they are BS.

ONE more Time..

America banned booze.
Capone and others were the result.
Drinking didn't stop. Booze was available, and a black market was born.

Drugs, banned.

But, everywhere.

You can't tell me WHY banning Guns would work, and, we have Two historical precedents that Demonstrate how well Banning things work, but you're unwilling to let the bit fall from your teeth long enough to actually THINK about just how foolish it is to believe that guns , once banned, will suddenly not be a factor. How absolutely naive.. ohhh, it's cute and sweet, but sickeningly naive.

Maybe you're going to say that the Reason why booze and drugs aren't eliminated was lack of spending, no task force directed AT the problem? Hmm? Would you like to play that card?

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by Serowbot on 07/15/16 at 08:03:38

Yer right... it's only 36 per day if you exclude suicides...
So,.. that's okay then...

That's over 300,000 in the last 10 years...
So,.. that's okay then...

I'm so relieved...

PS... Here's why local gun laws don't work...
Even in cities with strict gun purchase laws... they're available just a few miles away...  Guns are still easier to buy than fireworks...

Percent of Recovered Crime Guns First Legally Purchased In-State:
Pennsylvania:  78%
New Jersey:  27%  (18% from PA)
New York:  28%

Source:  Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)

300,000 in the last 10 years... (let that number sink in for a minute)...
That's one hundred 9/11's... :-?

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by WebsterMark on 07/15/16 at 08:09:01

You weep for the 80 dead French citizens and toast them with your Freedom Fries...
Meanwhile,.. more than 90 Americans are killed with guns every day...

And you weep for the poor immigrants kept out of the country while some of the ones who get in murder innocent Americans which apparently you are ready to sacrifice for what? A few more democratic votes?

And as it's been pointed out repeatedly, and brilliantly today in another post, the vast majority of those deaths are brought on by themselves.

you look as foolish as Hollande, calling for an end to heightened security on the very day yet another Muslim immigrant ran over 80.

I've said in the past the liberals would win the war and this country was on it's final days, but I'm not so sure now. Maybe there are enough patriots left to defeat and ignore fools whose opinion gets disproportionately disseminated. This issue of allowing immigrants who are in fact enemies, into our country, might be the thing that saves us in the end run.

I've said you were born in my world but I would die in yours might not be correct. Maybe we really can "Make America Great Again".

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/16 at 08:11:50

The government gave it's full power and authority, Elliot Ness and all the rest, money, dedicated police force, strictly to enforcing the Prohibition issue.

That Failed.

The government has fought for decades. Our prison system has become a private industry, and Still Drugs are everywhere.

But you want to believe that Guns can be banned?

With cops carrying guns, ? You don't see what a target that makes THEM? Anyone can build a single shot, short range gun, ambush a cop, take His gun, use That gun to get more.

You're Not Thinking about it..

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by Serowbot on 07/15/16 at 08:19:47

6B595E4F48594E715D4E573C0 wrote:
And you weep for the poor immigrants kept out of the country while some of the ones who get in murder innocent Americans which apparently you are ready to sacrifice for what?

You may get your wish... savings 100's of innocent lives...
Costing 100,000's of innocent lives...

Meanwhile,.. we've had a 100 times the deaths that 9/11 caused... in domestic shootings since 9/11 happened...

Do numbers mean nothing to you?...
I will give you a penny for every dollar you own... :-/

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/16 at 08:26:35

3F2026213C3B0A3A0A32202C67550 wrote:
The government gave it's full power and authority, Elliot Ness and all the rest, money, dedicated police force, strictly to enforcing the Prohibition issue.

That Failed.

The government has fought for decades. Our prison system has become a private industry, and Still Drugs are everywhere.

But you want to believe that Guns can be banned?

With cops carrying guns, ? You don't see what a target that makes THEM? Anyone can build a single shot, short range gun, ambush a cop, take His gun, use That gun to get more.

You're Not Thinking about it..

Ohhh, the Outrage! You're So PISSED at loss of life! That's Great,,  but WHY do you believe that the answer you're so determined Is the answer will work, when you have other things that have been BANNED, and they didn't Stop being available?
Just painting an anvil orange and stenciling
Life Preserver
On it won't save a drowning man, No matter how much you want it to.
You're going Backwards, but, hey, why would I be surprised that the actual end result of Progress would be inverted from what is desirable?

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by WebsterMark on 07/15/16 at 08:38:27

Do numbers mean nothing to you?...

Trust me on this, as a liberal, you do not really want to base policy decision on math do you? You'd regret it.

And besides, how many deaths do you want to blame on the other 9 Amendments? Get rid of that pesky 4th Amendment and think how many lives we'd save if we could just kick in everyone's door and look for signs of crimes.

Free Democracies are inherently dangerous, freedom is hard sometimes.

Look, as a nation, you can't have an immigration policy that you are know beyond a shadow of a doubt, is allowing people into the country who are coming to specifically attack it. You can't do it and you can't justify it.

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by verslagen1 on 07/15/16 at 08:39:18

And 200,000 preventable medical deaths in one year.
Do you want to add a zero for over ten years?

And these are good guys helping good people.
Don't you think these people would be motivated to find a solution?
Why don't you make malpractice illegal and see how that goes.

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by Serowbot on 07/15/16 at 08:47:14

4A594E4F505D5B59520D3C0 wrote:
Why don't you make malpractice illegal and see how that goes.

I will do that as soon as I'm elected...
Promise... :-?

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/16 at 09:12:34

716E686F72754474447C6E62291B0 wrote:
[quote author=3F2026213C3B0A3A0A32202C67550 link=1468586274/0#7 date=1468595510]The government gave it's full power and authority, Elliot Ness and all the rest, money, dedicated police force, strictly to enforcing the Prohibition issue.

That Failed.

The government has fought for decades. Our prison system has become a private industry, and Still Drugs are everywhere.

But you want to believe that Guns can be banned?

With cops carrying guns, ? You don't see what a target that makes THEM? Anyone can build a single shot, short range gun, ambush a cop, take His gun, use That gun to get more.

You're Not Thinking about it..

Ohhh, the Outrage! You're So PISSED at loss of life! That's Great,,  but WHY do you believe that the answer you're so determined Is the answer will work, when you have other things that have been BANNED, and they didn't Stop being available?
Just painting an anvil orange and stenciling
Life Preserver
On it won't save a drowning man, No matter how much you want it to.
You're going Backwards, but, hey, why would I be surprised that the actual end result of Progress would be inverted from what is desirable?


In case you missed it..

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/16 at 09:17:38

d besides, how many deaths do you want to blame on the other 9 Amendments? Get rid of that pesky 4th Amendment and think how many lives we'd save if we could just kick in everyone's door and look for signs of crimes.

Wuhh ohhh,,,   there's a thing of beauty right there...
And you ditch the Second, and how will we defend the others?
How many more freedoms will we lose, for our safety? They Must Have the power to make Sure everyone is being good, otherwise, your neighbor might be planning some misdeed.

Leftist ideology isn't logic, it's tyranny.

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by Serowbot on 07/15/16 at 09:20:53

JOG,.. you site local gun laws as proof that a national one won't work...

I site nations where it has...

If you hide the cookies from the kids... they will find them...
If you don't have any cookies, they won't...

Simple enough?...

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/16 at 09:22:33

A gun ban will be effective even though banning alcohol and drugs failed BECAUSE __________________________.

Please do fill in the blank.

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by Paraquat on 07/15/16 at 09:28:10

My only issue is that I know what a merkin is.


Title: Re: News Update...
Post by WebsterMark on 07/15/16 at 09:31:21

5244534E56434E55210 wrote:
JOG,.. you site local gun laws as proof that a national one won't work...

I site nations where it has...

If you hide the cookies from the kids... they will find them...
If you don't have any cookies, they won't...

Simple enough?...

Hello! McFly!...... if you had 300 million cookies in the house, you can outlaw them all you want, but the kids are still gonna find them....

And we'll continue on in your bad metaphor, cookies disappear after you eat them, guns don't.

Pick a better metaphor if you can find one.

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/16 at 09:48:37

Even idiots can MAKE a cookie.

Again, alcohol and drugs BOTH BANNED,  And how did that work out?

Yet, even though we have these two things that the government fought to stamp out , it never WORKED.

And what happens when a cop gets mugged and his gun stolen?
That gun takes other cops out and Their guns stolen.

You're smoking crack if you believe a gun ban will work in America. People have, hell I have, enough stuff to build a one shot, piece of crap gun. But it would be enough to be able to make someone hand over Their gun. A home made, black powder pistol, and homemade powder... I could get a real gun...

Since drugs are smuggled into America by some very sophisticated ways, tunnels, drone drops, why would guns Not be? You simply aren't Thinking. You're so determined that it's a good idea to Ban guns that you're unwilling to see that it's simply not feasible to Eliminate them. And bad guys will be who wants them badly enough to risk the potential penalty for having them.

Suggest to a lefty that we deport the illegals and they laugh,, Ohh, silly boy, you know what an impossible task it would be to locate and ship all of those people?

But, rounding up 300,000,000 guns, well, nuts, no problem, just pass a  law.


Looks like a scientific wild guess of around 357 million guns..

But, pass a law and they disappear.

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by Serowbot on 07/15/16 at 10:01:36

544B4D4A5750615161594B470C3E0 wrote:
A gun ban will be effective even though banning alcohol and drugs failed BECAUSE __________________________.

Please do fill in the blank.

...because it has in every other civilized nation in the world...

You're saying,..."It can't be done, It can't be done, It can't be done, "...
while surrounded by scores of successful examples...
.. but we're lucky,... we're not like those countries, we have the 2nd amendment...
Now is when you start pounding the 2nd amendment... because the facts are against you...
Your 2nd amendment rights cost 300,000 American lives per decade...
Fair trade off?...  300,000 dead people would beg to differ ... :-?

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/16 at 10:10:59

You Believe guns can be eliminated from AMERICA, but drugs can't? We are not those other places. If drugs are unstoppable, then why would you believe Guns are? And you Know just how impossible it would be to find and export the illegals, but guns, all 350 MILLION of them, well, THAT'S not laughable?

Freedom costs,, sorry for the dead... you want to stop death?
Lookvat the medical crap, food, heart disease,

Swallow the camel, strain out the gnat.
Other people's words swim through the minds of the confused.

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by Serowbot on 07/15/16 at 10:19:35

0A151314090E3F0F3F07151952600 wrote:
Swallow the camel, strain out the gnat.

Your argument sucks,... but I like that bit...
Very Texas... 8-)

How 'bout we truce this topic... it can go on endless... :-?

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by WebsterMark on 07/15/16 at 10:22:20

By the way, here's what those poor refugees just looking for a place to raise their families did in Paris. Sorry buddy, but no Muslims should be let in this country starting immediately.

Wahhabist killers apparently gouged out eyes, castatrated victims, and shoved their testicles in their mouths. They may also have disembowelled some poor souls. Women were stabbed in the genitals – and all the torture was, victims told police, filmed by Daesh or Islamic state for propaganda. As such, medics did not release the bodies of torture victims to the families

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by WebsterMark on 07/15/16 at 10:31:02

2137203D25303D26520 wrote:
[quote author=0A151314090E3F0F3F07151952600 link=1468586274/15#21 date=1468602659]
Swallow the camel, strain out the gnat.

Your argument sucks,... but I like that bit...
Very Texas... 8-)

How 'bout we truce this topic... it can go on endless... :-?[/quote]

How  about we do something we never do, take one section of the argument and carry it to its logical conclusion.

you want greater gun control because you look at the crime rate with gins in other countries and say if we could control our guns, we could be just like that. OK fine. Let's stay focused on just that and nothing else.

jog  and I are pretty much on the same page here.

Our retort  to you would be twofold. Jog, feel free to amend.

1)  there are already 300,000,000+ guns in this country so how are you going to control them?  is it your plan to ask for guns to be turned in? I have five, are you going to pass a law that says I can only have one?

2)  we would say gun control is only effective on those unlikely to commit a gun crime to begin with. If I was forced to register my weapon or turn it over or turn in extended magazines, I probably would because I'm a law-abiding citizen. However Johnny-crack-seller is not going to do that. So my question to you is what evidence can offer that if stricter gun controls were put in place, that those most likely to use guns in a crime would be affected to the degree that gun crimes would be reduced?

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by Serowbot on 07/15/16 at 10:37:23

Maybe quit selling bullets...
...more specifically, primers... :-/

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by Serowbot on 07/15/16 at 10:41:28

477572636475625D71627B100 wrote:
Wahhabist killers apparently gouged out eyes, castatrated victims, and shoved their testicles in their mouths. They may also have disembowelled some poor souls. Women were stabbed in the genitals – and all the torture was, victims told police, filmed by Daesh or Islamic state for propaganda. As such, medics did not release the bodies of torture victims to the families

You feel compassion toward these victims... but not enough to risk helping them...
Isn't that a bit "pussified"?...

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by WebsterMark on 07/15/16 at 10:50:31

5A4C5B465E4B465D290 wrote:
Maybe quit selling bullets...
...more specifically, primers... :-/

okay, thats a start.
So how long would it take to make an impact in gun deaths?
how could you get around the court challenges?

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by WebsterMark on 07/15/16 at 10:51:19

You feel compassion toward these victims... but not enough to risk helping them...
Isn't that a bit "pussified"?...

How am I not helping them? not sure what you mean.

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by Serowbot on 07/15/16 at 10:55:04

We could do it like Australia did... however that was... need to reinvent the wheel...

There will be no court challenges when I am king... ;D
Seriously, if it were made the law of the land,...  what court challenges?...
Courts uphold the law, they don't make it...

We outlawed sawed-off shotguns,.. now there aren't any... also brass knuckles.. You can't buy'um...
I suppose there still are some... but they are illegal, and hard to find.

Not sayin' I have a perfect solution,... but let's do somethin' to make this situation better instead of worse...

PS.. I own 7 guns myself...(I went on a kick for a while)...
I'm kinda' over it now... Ammo is too pricey...

Hmmm?... charge $1,000 per bullet?... boon to tax revenue... solve the debt... ;D

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by WebsterMark on 07/15/16 at 11:06:36

Population of Australia is half of California......
Just exactly what did they do?

There's a little thing called the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment. Heller case already affirmed right to own a gun. I don't think you can count on court to toss out ammunition.....

Sawed off shotguns vanished because other weapons replaced them. Get rid of semi autos but keep shotguns for hunting and they'll return.

I'm off on a trip so catch in later. Make your best case. Make it realistic.

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/16 at 11:17:32

WELL, first, if stopping Death is making things Better
How about addressing the SCIENCE?
Heart disease, and suicide, let's cut those by half.
That's at least Possible.

While we are at that,let's Continue to follow the

So far, everywhere gun control laws were relaxed, violent crime dropped.

Why do you not see that?

That you own more guns than I do doesn't make your willingness to surrender them somehow bolster your position. It's just confusing to see someone who is so willing to surrender your ability to defend yourself in order to believe it's for the greater good and you and everyone else will be safer.

Really? And the illegals who traipse through can't also carry a gun into the country?
Just HOW, with people and drugs pouring across the border, do you believe that Guns will magically NOT?

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by Serowbot on 07/15/16 at 11:21:36

6F5D5A4B4C5D4A75594A53380 wrote:
There's a little thing called the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment.

Web,.. that's JOG's job... :-?

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/16 at 11:26:09

6F7076716C6B5A6A5A62707C37050 wrote:
WELL, first, if stopping Death is making things Better
How about addressing the SCIENCE?
Heart disease, and suicide, let's cut those by half.
That's at least Possible.

While we are at that,let's Continue to follow the

So far, everywhere gun control laws were relaxed, violent crime dropped.

Why do you not see that?

That you own more guns than I do doesn't make your willingness to surrender them somehow bolster your position. It's just confusing to see someone who is so willing to surrender your ability to defend yourself in order to believe it's for the greater good and you and everyone else will be safer.

Really? And the illegals who traipse through can't also carry a gun into the country?
Just HOW, with people and drugs pouring across the border, do you believe that Guns will magically NOT?

They changed the constitution to ban alcohol. Drugs, just an illegal decree.

But, nobody wants to address just How 350 Million guns are gonna disappear, when the very people who LAUGH at the idea of removing the illegals are the ones who say it's possible... Talk about a disconnect.

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by cheapnewb24 on 07/15/16 at 11:49:19

6177607D65707D66120 wrote:
We could do it like Australia did... however that was... need to reinvent the wheel...

There will be no court challenges when I am king... ;D
Seriously, if it were made the law of the land,...  what court challenges?...
Courts uphold the law, they don't make it...

We outlawed sawed-off shotguns,.. now there aren't any... also brass knuckles.. You can't buy'um...
I suppose there still are some... but they are illegal, and hard to find.

Not sayin' I have a perfect solution,... but let's do somethin' to make this situation better instead of worse...

PS.. I own 7 guns myself...(I went on a kick for a while)...
I'm kinda' over it now... Ammo is too pricey...

Hmmm?... charge $1,000 per bullet?... boon to tax revenue... solve the debt... ;D

Uhhh.... Bot...  :-/ I remember some years ago seeing metal knuckles hanging in a little store being sold as a "belt buckle." I think they were made in China.  At least two different styles. I think one was brass, and another steel with spikes. Turns out, when you look up "knuckles belt buckle" on google, you'll find them everywhere.

$1k per bullet wouldn't work. That would cause a black market similar to a ban.

Sawed off shotguns can be made in a few minutes. ::) Ingredients = shotgun+hacksaw.

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by cheapnewb24 on 07/15/16 at 11:55:20

I would  like to ask JOG about these nations that never shoot up each other, like Britain or Japan.   The Japanese seem to view guns differently--and funny thing-- don't the Brits shoot up each other with BB guns more than anything.  ;D

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/16 at 11:56:39

A tax on bullets to dissuade people from purchasing them is tantamount to banning the gun.Making it prohibitively expensive is prohibition. But, expecting the intellectually dishonest to see,,   well,,  

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by cheapnewb24 on 07/15/16 at 13:07:28

The ban on primers idea is interesting. That is the one part of a cartridge that both cannot be reused and must be purchased from a manufacturer. I don't know of anyone actually making them by hand. Bot must be aware of the process of handloading.

But then, powder is also normally purchased rather than homemade. There are ways to make primitive black powder, but modern powder?  :-/ At the safe quality used for modern ammunition? :-/

Primers are more gun specific in use than powder, though. Right?  :-/

Do you think people everywhere would just start making black market primers? :-? Black market ammunition? Would such a ban be effective in our culture? Bot, can you answer this?

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by Serowbot on 07/15/16 at 14:07:14

I'm sure a black market would open up, as it does with anything...
Just as there will always be guns no matter if banned...

Heroin is illegal, but it can be bought.
...but not at WallMart...

...a 90% reduction would have a huge impact on deaths...

Don't nobody panic, or get your knickers in a bunch...
We're just talkin' here.. it ain't happenin'... ;D

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/16 at 14:32:01

We Know it's not happening.
What I'm trying to do is get you to understand that IF the goal is
More people alive at the end of the year,
Then sufficient evidence exists to demonstrate that
Odds Are we would be ahead to work on the food, diet, mental health, suicide,
Further Relax gun legislation.
Everything SHOWS that where guns are least controlled, gun deaths dropped.

Don't expect That to last. The economy is creating desperate people. And
It's looking like there is some concerted effort to cause as much racial tension as possible. There's No Reasonable Justification for All the media to be pumping out the same
Regarding these shootings.

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by Serowbot on 07/15/16 at 14:48:50

You have ignored reality 100 times on this topic over the years...


Any US stat comparisons are ridiculous.. they only show that urban areas have more crime...

In COUNTRIES that have strict guns laws... homicides are reduced...
It is an indisputable fact...
Why,... can be argued... but not that it is...

You can't sift camel through a gnat's butt... so I'm done with this topic... :-?

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/16 at 16:02:27

I don't know Why or how, but so far, Drugs are not under control. W, UH GAIN, do you believe that Guns, unlike Drugs, or people, or alcohol, can be kept out?
Ohh, I know you know it won't be Perfect...
So Who is going to Have the guns?
The same kinda people who have the drugs, I know..

I know, it's Old, but true
When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

Title: Re: News Update...
Post by raydawg on 07/15/16 at 20:01:20


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