General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> The only way out of this mess

Message started by WebsterMark on 07/12/16 at 05:32:47

Title: The only way out of this mess
Post by WebsterMark on 07/12/16 at 05:32:47

Below is from the smartest man in America, Walter E Williams. He articulated much better than I could what I've thought which is the black community is 9-% to blame for the situation we find ourselves in today. The last paragraph is a perfect illustration that politics is what's holding back progress in black America.

President Barack Obama and his first attorney general, Eric Holder, called for an honest conversation about race. Holder even called us “a nation of cowards” because we were unwilling to have a “national conversation” about race. The truth of the matter is there’s been more than a half-century of conversations about race. We do not need more. Instead, black people need to have frank conversations among ourselves, no matter how uncomfortable and embarrassing the topics may be.

Among the nation’s most dangerous cities are Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, Memphis, Milwaukee, Birmingham, Newark, Cleveland and Philadelphia. These once-thriving cities are in steep decline. What these cities have in common is that they have large black populations. Also, they have been run by Democrats for nearly a half-century, with blacks having significant political power. Other characteristics these cities share are poorly performing and unsafe schools, poor-quality city services, and declining populations.

Each year, more than 7,000 blacks are murdered. That’s a number greater than white and Hispanic murder victims combined. Blacks of all ages are killed at six times the rate of whites and Hispanics combined. According to the FBI, the police kill about 400 people a year; blacks are roughly one-third of that number. In Chicago alone, so far this year, over 2,000 people have been shot, leaving over 320 dead. It’s a similar tale of mayhem in other predominantly black cities.

Heather Mac Donald’s most recent book, “The War on Cops,” points out some devastating and sobering statistics: “Blacks were charged with 62 percent of all robberies, 57 percent of all murders, and 45 percent of all assaults in the 75 largest U.S. counties in 2009, while constituting roughly 15 percent of the population in those counties. From 2005 to 2014, 40 percent of cop-killers were black. Given the racially lopsided nature of gun violence, a 26 percent rate of black victimization by the police is not evidence of bias.”

The primary victims of lawlessness are black people. To address this problem and most others, black people should ignore the liberal agenda. If civil authorities will not do their job of creating a safe environment, then black people should take the initiative. One example comes to mind. In 1988, at the request of residents, black Muslims began to patrol Mayfair Mansions, a drug-infested, gang-ridden, unsafe Washington, D.C., housing project ( The gangs and drug lords left. The Nation of Islam sentinels were not deterred by the wishes of politicians and the American Civil Liberties Union. They didn’t feel obliged to give kid glove treatment to criminals. Black residents of crime-infested neighborhoods should set up patrols, armed if necessary, to challenge thugs, gangs, drug dealers and other miscreants and make black neighborhoods safe and respectable. No one should have to live in daily fear for his life and safety. Most Americans have no idea of — and wouldn’t begin to tolerate — the climate of fear and intimidation under which so many black people live.

Without self-initiative, there is not much that can be done about the high crime rate in black neighborhoods. Black and white liberals and their allies in the ACLU, as well as many libertarians, will not countenance the kind of tools needed to bring about civility. For example, the Chicago Police Department recently entered an agreement with the ACLU to record contact cards for all street stops. The ACLU claimed that police were disproportionately targeting minorities for questioning and searches. The practical result will be fewer investigative stops by policemen and more crime, and it will be black residents who suffer.

Black people have the capacity to run the criminals out of their neighborhoods. Let me put the issue another way. Suppose it were the Ku Klux Klan riding through black neighborhoods murdering 7,000 blacks year after year. How many black people would be willing to wait for the Klansmen to behave themselves or accept political promises and wait for a government program?

Title: Re: The only way out of this mess
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/12/16 at 06:26:36

Among the nation’s most dangerous cities are Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, Memphis, Milwaukee, Birmingham, Newark, Cleveland and Philadelphia. These once-thriving cities are in steep decline. What these cities have in common is that they have large black populations. Also, they have been run by Democrats for nearly a half-century, with blacks having significant political power. Other characteristics these cities share are poorly performing and unsafe schools, poor-quality city services, and declining populations.

If white republicans were the big driving force, im pretty sure our left leaning friends would be pointing this out and, AND, asking

Okay, white.   And republican.  And you have failed economies, schools and a dangerous society..

Okay, is it republican ideology that is bad?
Or, is it the whites?
Or, what?

Something is OBVIOUSLY WRONG with the picture.
The Common Elements are What political ideology has been prevalent
And a Large population of Blacks.
The black population and the democrat ideology, where these two things exist, failure IS.
Now, have a look down the list, Note Libya, too, and Iran,
Remember, these are places where vicious, low forms of humanity are the norm..

Darn near the bottom are Iceland and others with generally socialist leaning societies,, and LOW murder,, so, what is missing?

Then we ask why,, And note that Prior to
The Great Society there were little areas of Blacks, communities, black business owners and job creating ventures. The
Out of Wedlock stats were Fine, and the Mom, head of household, was not common.
We have been MANEUVERED into the divisions we see.
Yes, it's Where Blacks ARE,but it's Also where Opportunity Is No More, and that was no accident.

Why do drug dealers shoot each other on street corners?
Answer: Joe the drug dealer cannot call the cops and tell them that Jack the drug dealer ripped him off and sold him a bag of oregano instead of weed.  Joe also can’t sue Jack.  Thus, when the threshold of his tolerance is crossed Joe has only the use of direct force available to him because he has no recourse to the law to settle his dispute with Jack.
The FIRST foundation of civil society is The Rule of Law.  Without it there is literally nothing other than the Law of the Jungle, commonly known as “he who has the biggest teeth (or the most guns) and is willing to use them first wins.”

Williams seems so smart because he's a black man who doesn't agree with the democrats ideology. He doesn't study the world through the lenses blacks are Supposed to see the world through. He is Intellectually Honest. He isn't saying anything I Haven't said, it only seems to be so incredibly brilliant because he's black and isn't brainwashed.

Another excerpt

The Federal government is arming every agency from the IRSto the State Department for domestic purposes. This is clearly a response to what they know is coming. There is no question that they are preparing for an uprising. They know that socialism is collapsing. Rather than reform the political economy, they are digging in their heels and getting ready to fight the civilian population.

Now, you can pretend that isn't so, or accept the fact that these things have been made public, in more
News Anchors
once again just saying that the government has purchased hollow point ammo and weapons for the agencies Of the government, and they SAY it like it's normal! And what other constitution choking crap? Wasn't it the NDAA? Seems to me that set them up to be able to snatch Anyone and not even Tell their families they were arrested. No phone call, no lawyer, no charges, no trial... just Gone..

Title: Re: The only way out of this mess
Post by raydawg on 07/12/16 at 08:01:42

I highly respect the man, however, and without going to far out in the limb with why faith belief works for the masses.....
The race issue has spawned even more confusion on relationships because we have censored dialogue with a PC requirement(s) that by its very nature won't allow, or accept, differences, or prejudices, based on everyone's life experiences.....
And now the issue has become so convoluted and fragmented, I am not sure if even a Black man himself knows the answer.

A true story.
I was involved in civil litigation. I was present during jury seating.
The state attorney struck every black person off the jury until they ran out of strikes.
Funny, odd, or sad, they used race to decide, when they prosecute others for the same actions, WTF????

Title: Re: The only way out of this mess
Post by WebsterMark on 07/12/16 at 08:10:23

Jog; is it your opinion that certain individuals have gathered together and pieced together a plan to force open a divide using race so they can swoop in, pick up the pieces and profit through money & power?

Title: Re: The only way out of this mess
Post by Serowbot on 07/12/16 at 08:33:03

182A2D3C3B2A3D022E3D244F0 wrote:
Jog; is it your opinion that certain individuals have gathered together and pieced together a plan to force open a divide using race so they can swoop in, pick up the pieces and profit through money & power?

Funny,... that was Charles Manson's ideology...

Title: Re: The only way out of this mess
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/12/16 at 08:38:08

How anyone could conclude otherwise is difficult to grasp. When
Divide and Conquer is and has been one of the tactics of war forever and we see division, and the Greatest Uniters , dead, and the poverty pimping, racist Jackson, Sharpton etc,,
By keeping society divided the voice of the People CAN'T unify against the policy makers that drove the Money Machine as we developed more and more weapons during the Cold War,  The warmongers got rich from both sides building weapons. And the People were convinced that WE needed more Bombs, because
They could destroy the World 22 times and we could Only destroy the world 21 times... And I was alone in my understanding that that policy was STUPID. How many times do people need to be able to destroy the Whole World?
And today? People just swallow lies, and some support more war.. And believe that giving Banks money helps the economy, instead of helping people who the Banks screwed..

Through economic policy, like Nafta and all the other horrible deals we see growing disparity. If it's not intentionally done, it's still obviously needing to change. And even IF someone Says that the problem s that arose after policies were enacted were
Unintended Consequences
Does Not mean that they were Unforeseeable.
At some point stupid Has to cease to be cover for sabotage.

Title: Re: The only way out of this mess
Post by WebsterMark on 07/12/16 at 08:40:05

Yea, I know. You stole my thunder!
But, I think Jog's point is the "mess" is not a mess at all, it's going as planned.

But Jog and Walter  are both correct that in the past there was no such thing as an achievement gap between black-and-white. There was no such thing as the huge disparity with fathers in the home. It was only after politicians (Democrats) got involved that the black community was ruined.

Title: Re: The only way out of this mess
Post by Serowbot on 07/12/16 at 08:48:28

When was that time in the past?...
What year?... or what period of time?...
I musta' missed it...

Title: Re: The only way out of this mess
Post by WebsterMark on 07/12/16 at 09:14:49

3523342931242932460 wrote:
When was that time in the past?...
What year?... or what period of time?...
I musta' missed it...

Tell you what you should do; look up Walter E William's website and read through it. You'll find it along with a lot of other interesting stuff.

Now Jog; How anyone could conclude otherwise is difficult to grasp

It's easy to grasp. Again, there is no wide spread coordinate effort. There are hundreds of individual actions taken without direct consultation with others, that created the results you see. It's not the other way around.

Title: Re: The only way out of this mess
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/12/16 at 09:23:28

I see it differently.. I see, of course, not EVERYTHING that has happened is
From a coordinated effort.

That Doesn't mean that there Isn't a coordinated effort.
It's not necessary for Every event that impacts a segment of society to be FROM some groups evil desire for there to Be a group working to drive policy that protects their interests.
Once chaos exists sufficient to maintain the iniquity and division, their work is done.
Someone is benefiting from the problems. Just opportunistic or did they play a role in helping the problems along?

Title: Re: The only way out of this mess
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/12/16 at 09:28:07

4254435E46535E45310 wrote:
[quote author=182A2D3C3B2A3D022E3D244F0 link=1468326767/0#3 date=1468336223]Jog; is it your opinion that certain individuals have gathered together and pieced together a plan to force open a divide using race so they can swoop in, pick up the pieces and profit through money & power?

Funny,... that was Charles Manson's ideology...
HELTER SKELTER...:-?[/quote]

And exactly how does that mean anything Here?
I don't see a lot of commonality between me and Manson, but,If it's there, then he is pretty smart..

Title: Re: The only way out of this mess
Post by WebsterMark on 07/12/16 at 09:54:43

2D3234332E2918281820323E75470 wrote:
I see it differently.. I see, of course, not EVERYTHING that has happened is
From a coordinated effort.

That Doesn't mean that there Isn't a coordinated effort.
It's not necessary for Every event that impacts a segment of society to be FROM some groups evil desire for there to Be a group working to drive policy that protects their interests.
Once chaos exists sufficient to maintain the iniquity and division, their work is done.
Someone is benefiting from the problems. Just opportunistic or did they play a role in helping the problems along?

Opportunistic. No one is coordinating police shootings for example.

There are people/organizations waiting to pounce. Soros for one. I just got a Bass Pro mailer this morning with the title "NRA Freedom Days" which as you can imagine , is taking advantage of recent events. Did they already have this mailer planned? Not sure. If they didn't, they were smart to pounce on the mood of their customers.

One thing's for sure, they (nor anyone else)  planned, organized and carried on the police killings in Baton Rouge for example to boost gun sales.

Title: Re: The only way out of this mess
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/12/16 at 11:00:17

Opportunistic. No one is coordinating police shootings for example.

Well duuh...

And the school system is Not designed to fail? I've pointed it out countless times before that they made changes that Admittedly caused Lower Performance, yet, they Never Undid the Bad Choice, they simply Used the
Our schools are broken
To demand power to Make More Changes.

The trade deals have destroyed our people.

And you come back to me with police shootings? Totally ridiculous to even pretend I'm so stupid as to see that as something being created by a dark hand.

And YOU PEOPLE want to disregard what I say, but Eisenhower WARNED of a military industrialial complex, JFK alluded to a dark and secret power, and the divisions of society caused by these nebulous problems Just H appen to make all that easier to accomplish, but, it's unrelated.

You are Why we can't fix it.

Title: Re: The only way out of this mess
Post by WebsterMark on 07/12/16 at 11:39:34

well it's kind of hard to blame me if you think I am treating you poorly and citing elementary examples to you but you're the one who thinks Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld planned and helped execute 911. So based on that, I think I do need to explain elementary things to you.

...and no, the school system is not designed to fail. Like a lot of other things, it's controlled by liberal ideology. Which has proven to be an absolute disaster. It's not a coordinated effort, it's just the accumulated stupidity of liberals in charge, that's all.

Title: Re: The only way out of this mess
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/12/16 at 11:54:05

If you're not old enough to remember watching the news and hearing the arguments and seeing the demand for money and power to make changes and WATCH those Changes CAUSE LOWERED PERFORMANCE, only to never see any rolled back, just more change made, how do you know what they are designed to be? Have Any of you even spent one hour listening to Charlotte Izerbyt explain what she SAW from inside the DOE?  Listen, educate yourself.

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

Or just KEEP believing your government.

You are NOw the one who is dragging up 9/11 and you can't explain why the cement all turned into powder before it hit the ground.

But, what none of you will do is address the FACTS I lay down.

The TWO parties never repeal what their mortal enemies did..

Yeah, they are opposed to each other..

Title: Re: The only way out of this mess
Post by pg on 07/12/16 at 15:49:46

The race division is just a mechanism to distract the masses what the real division is.  The US no longer has a middle class or it is so minute it is consequential.  The millennials are not going to have the opportunity of class mobility.   The real division is the ruling elite vs the masses.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: The only way out of this mess
Post by Serowbot on 07/12/16 at 16:33:24


Question is,... how to fix it...
To mix a few metaphors... do you prefer to be trickled on, or would you take your slice of pie out of the middle?...

That may be a scrambled metaphor... :P...

It's way too hot here... been out in it for 5 hours... :-?

Title: Re: The only way out of this mess
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/12/16 at 16:36:41

3B2D3A273F2A273C480 wrote:

Question is,... how to fix it...
To mix a few metaphors... do you prefer to be trickled on, or would you take your slice of pie out of the middle?...

That may be a scrambled metaphor... :P...

It's way too hot here... been out in it for 5 hours... :-?

The heat hasn't injured your logic.

Title: Re: The only way out of this mess
Post by oldNslow on 07/12/16 at 16:48:50

pg wrote:

The real division is the ruling elite vs the masses.

Pretty much always is. And the only way out of the mess that anyone has ever come up with is the dreaded R word.

Which is just great until the Revolutionaries become the next ruling elite.

Which they always do, sooner or later.

Title: Re: The only way out of this mess
Post by pg on 07/12/16 at 18:03:37

No argument here oldnslow, the only other point I feel that is necessary to make is the speed & decline to the feudalism is going to be unprecedented.  We already have 100 million on some form of welfare, just wait and see what happens when the resources really become scarce.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: The only way out of this mess
Post by Serowbot on 07/12/16 at 23:13:18

7E696F636C7C0E0 wrote:
... just wait and see what happens when the resources really become scarce.  

Best regards,

The "resources" aren't in danger... the top 1% have seen 400% increase...

pg,?.. how can you see the disappearance of the middle class,.. (they don't really disappear, you know)... and then insinuate that it's the fault of the welfare poor?...

You blame the poor for not being middle class?...

Meanwhile,.. that top 1% is 400% Richer.?.. because they work so hard and have earned it?...
They bought it...

...(Webster wants to buy you a beer)..(IT'S KOOL-AID!!)...
Drink up...  keep blaming the screwed, and defending the privileged...

The Donald loves winners... and he hates losers...
Only winners are heroes...
Success equals morality...

McCain is not a hero, he's a loser, because he got caught...
How sick is that?...

..and I get criticized here, for not respecting this man's views?...
Trump worship, is money worship...

Jesus wishes he were back on the cross...

Title: Re: The only way out of this mess
Post by pg on 07/13/16 at 03:36:09

293F28352D38352E5A0 wrote:
The "resources" aren't in danger... the top 1% have seen 400% increase...

pg,?.. how can you see the disappearance of the middle class,.. (they don't really disappear, you know)... and then insinuate that it's the fault of the welfare poor?...

You blame the poor for not being middle class?...

I did not blame the poor for not being in the middle class.  Do you feel the 100 million people receiving government assistance is considered middle class?  You stated the wealth has been transferred and I believe the opportunity has been moved out of reach of the average person.

When I was growing up the middle class was described as the nuclear family and that does not exist.  The average family needs both parents working to make ends meet let alone have a decent quality of life.  Roughly speaking the cost of living doubles every 15 years at 5% inflation, which I think the 3% understated a bit.

Best regards,

Title: Re: The only way out of this mess
Post by WebsterMark on 07/13/16 at 05:29:40

McCain is not a hero, he's a loser, because he got caught...
How sick is that?...

Now you're just repeating MSNBC lies..... McCain is not a hero because he's not a reliable voice of support for conservative ideas. He feel in love with the 'friendship' offered by the left and turned his back. When he got the predictable cold shoulder from his fake lefty friends, he had no where to turn. Screw John McCain.

Title: Re: The only way out of this mess
Post by WebsterMark on 07/13/16 at 05:36:06

But let's not get off track here......

The statement made in the piece I quoted is telling: 7000 blacks killed yearly by other blacks and the community sits by and lets it happen with barely a whimper. If the KKK killed 7000, the black community would ban together and stop it.

A couple days after the police shot those two guys and before Dallas, there was a story out of LA where two men and a 9 year old boy were shot down from behind. Tell me which is more tragic? Tell me which damages and condemns the black community to poverty and 2nd class status?

The sad thing is, since the police shootings, 50+ black men have been murdered with no greater outrage than a small paragraph in the back of the local newspaper because its such a common occurrence that if they ran front page news of murders, that's all there would be.

Yet, you'll accuse me of unfairly placing blame. BS! Let's see, your way has led to decades of blacks killing other blacks and an impending race way. Yea, lets keep doing the same thing.....

Title: Re: The only way out of this mess
Post by pg on 07/13/16 at 14:07:20

JAN. 1, 2016 - JULY 13, 2016
2,101 shooting victims

JAN. 1, 2015 - DEC. 31, 2015
2,988 shooting victims

Best regards,

Title: Re: The only way out of this mess
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/13/16 at 16:33:26

McCain is not a hero, he's a loser, because he got caught...

McCain SUCKSASS,, he was a crappy pilot and a hotshot who caused the fire on a carrier. He was the First person Off the ship. The men wanted to Kill his sorry ass.

Title: Re: The only way out of this mess
Post by WebsterMark on 07/19/16 at 09:37:24

part two of previous column.

Challenges for Black People: Part II

The prospects for a better future are nearly hopeless for roughly 20 percent of black people — those who reside in big-city crime-infested and dysfunctional neighborhoods. There is virtually nothing that can be done about it without a major rebuilding of the black community from within. Let’s examine some of the aspects of the problem and the dismal prognosis, given the status quo.

The most important social unit is the family. Many talk about the “breakdown” in the black family when a far more accurate description is that the family doesn’t form in the first place. About 73 percent of black babies are born to unwed mothers. By the way, that percentage was 25 in 1963 and 11 in 1938. The absence of fathers is crucial. Even President Barack Obama recognized this when he said that “children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime, nine times more likely to drop out of schools and 20 times more likely to end up in prison.” Female-headed households are a devastating problem, but the solution lies almost exclusively within the black community. It’s a massive job for black churches and social organizations. If there is a role for government to play, it’s to stop subsidizing such behavior with handouts.

Education and skills acquisition are vital to upward mobility. But what goes on in many predominantly black schools is no less than a betrayal to those blacks and whites who sacrificed their blood, sweat and tears during the civil rights struggle of the 1940s, ’50s and ’60s in an effort to secure better educational opportunities. Nationally, an average of 1,175 teachers and staff were physically attacked each day of the 2011-12 school year. Most of this occurred at predominantly black schools. In Baltimore, each school day in 2010, an average of four teachers and staff were assaulted. Some Chicago teachers are treated for post-traumatic stress. Given this climate of fear, intimidation and disorderliness, one should not be surprised by an outcome that shows that the average black student who manages to graduate from high school has an academic achievement level of a white seventh- or eighth-grader.

I do not believe that the disgraceful academic performance by black students is preordained. In other words, it just doesn’t have to be that way. The first order of business for education to occur is the provision of an orderly, safe teaching and learning environment. The education establishment and civil authorities have ignored their responsibility — or have been thwarted in their efforts — to create such an environment. Rather than watch future generations of black people have their educational opportunities destroyed, black people who really care need to act. They can readily discover the miscreants and use whatever methods at their disposal to stop them from making education impossible for others. The bottom line is that if civil authorities will not act to ensure a safe and orderly learning environment, there is no reason for black people to accept such inability and its results.

Here’s an experiment. Meet with black people such as Reps. John Conyers (age 87), Charles Rangel (86), Eddie Bernice Johnson (80), Alcee Hastings (79) and Maxine Waters (77). Ask them whether their parents would have tolerated their assaulting and cursing teachers or any other adult. I bet you the rent money that their parents — or any other parents they knew when they were growing up — would not have accepted the grossly disrespectful behavior seen today among many black youngsters, using foul language and racial epithets. Older blacks will tell you that had they behaved that way, they would have felt serious pain in their hind parts. If blacks of past generations would not accept such self-destructive behavior, why should today’s blacks accept it?

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