General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> All this BLM BS!!!

Message started by Kris01 on 07/11/16 at 18:14:48

Title: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by Kris01 on 07/11/16 at 18:14:48

I found this link from another site but I'll cut to the chase. This is a Facebook post from a police officer. He has a different perspective than you would think. It's fairly long but read the whole thing.

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by pg on 07/12/16 at 15:53:07

Who here believes BLM should officially be added to the "Terrorist / Hate" list ?

Best regards,

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by Paraquat on 07/13/16 at 06:10:25

Enjoy the video above with audio.

Not even posting a snippet. The title says it all.

The problem, PG, becomes "Where does it end?" We saw in the early 2000's how eco-terrorists, once the label "terrorist" was applied, were subjected to the full force of the Patriot Act. Is someone who chains themselves to a tree the same threat level as an active ISIS member? How do you differentiate? Loose wording, vagaries, open ended laws... All subject to interpretation at the time of.


Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by pg on 07/13/16 at 14:02:15

Wow, I did not see any of that on the msm.  Here is another reason why you don't block roads.

Best regards,

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/13/16 at 17:00:53

6077717D7262100 wrote:
Wow, I did not see any of that on the msm.  Here is another reason why you don't block roads.

Best regards,


Just exactly what gives anyone the right to remove the Right to Travel from others?
The cops shouldn't allow traffic to be messed with, not even slowed down.

I see a manipulated event here. Sor o s spent millions in Ferguson,
Hmm, right after Hitlery got that
Get outta jail free card
It Aaaaall goes crazy.
Astroturf movement.

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by Kris01 on 07/13/16 at 18:42:15

The BLM morons here blocked a bridge 2 days ago and a highway yesterday. They shut down the bridge for 5 hours. Cops were arresting the ones blocking the highway.

I had a discussion with a friend the other day. His take on this whole mess is if you live in a predominantly black city and if blacks STATISTICALLY commit more violent crimes then who do you think is going to get pulled over more often? If a person gets pulled over and doesn't comply with the cop and the cop feels his life is in danger then he's going to shoot. Do the math! It's not racism, it's algebra!

The time to fight getting pulled over is not when you are being pulled over. Be polite, keep your hands visible at all times, accept the ticket, sign it and THEN fight it in court. Like they say, signing the ticket is not an admission of guilt.

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/13/16 at 19:31:58


Criticize Israeli foreign policy, Antisemite

Point out the statistics on blacks crime
Why is it racist to look at what science is showing us?

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by Kris01 on 07/13/16 at 19:35:05

Because people don't want to see if seeing interferes with their beliefs,

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/13/16 at 20:10:32

I feel like I've shown sufficient evidence to cause people who want be Correct on a topic that in order to Be Right, then they have to change their thinking.

But, I don't see it happening.

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by Paraquat on 07/14/16 at 06:13:18

2C3335322F2819291921333F74460 wrote:
Why is it racist to look at what science is showing us?

I apply the same attitude to religion.


Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/14/16 at 06:20:59

And what say scientists?

And how does that answer the question? WHY is there a cry of Racist when the Crime Stats are brought up?
That Said, IF it can be Demonstrated that the black community is generally Less able to find opportunity to accomplish, then exactly what part of their lawless attitude is their fault? And Then, the
Uncovered Barrel of Crabs
phenomenon has to be looked at.

If a crab starts to crawl up and out, others will drag it back in.

I don't think the issue is being well analyzed..

Wow! Look,, someone who is Not just spewing talking points but is actually applying real Thought to a problem..

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by Paraquat on 07/14/16 at 09:10:53

I like that analogy. I had never heard it before.


Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/14/16 at 10:39:35

I do my own thinking..

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by Serowbot on 07/14/16 at 15:09:03

I like crab...

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/14/16 at 15:51:10

WHY would you think Ray doesn't like you?
You play games, either are obtuse or pretend really well.
Given a shot at a concept that describes a type of peer pressure that would tend to cause Less than optimal performance from some people and Rather than consider it, just pretend it's a joke.

I Try to offer Real food for thought.
It's frustrating to see a smug crappity smack pretend I offer nothing.
You're unwilling to admit that I, a bitter clinger, mouth breathing  
hater supporting jerk actually consider the conditions that are responsible for the societal divide.

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by Kris01 on 07/14/16 at 19:23:31

Castile, who was black, was fatally shot July 6 after he was pulled over by St. Anthony police officer Jeronimo Yanez, who is Latino.

And this matters???  >:(

...Castile was shot while reaching for his ID after telling the officer he had a gun permit and was armed.

Well, there's your problem! Don't reach behind your back if you're armed. It could be misconstrued! The cop was protecting himself!

"My son was profiled and he was executed. There's just no two ways around that," she said.

This is the crap I'm tired of hearing!

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/14/16 at 20:07:49

The information that EVENTUALLY cleared the cop who shot that gentle giant who had his hands up in Ferguson Was Available at the time of the shooting.

. As it turns out, there was an armed robbery in the area and Philando Castile and Diamond Reynolds matched the suspects. There was a BOLO (be on the look out) alert, and police officer Jeronimo Yanez recognized them from the surveillance video. The officer called it in and there is a recording of him telling dispatch he’s pulling the couple over because they match the descriptions of the armed robbers.

As you can see in the picture, the robber looks an awful lot like Castile. Same hair. Same beard.

According to a question presented to the local county sheriff who oversees the Concealed Carry Permit process, Mr. Castile had never requested a concealed carry permit from their office.

It is possible a CCP was obtained in another county, however the media are conflating “permit to purchase” with “concealed carry permit”. For some reason the CCP ownership is being amplified; it really has no bearing and is largely irrelevant for the context of the situation. That said, there is no factual evidence Mr. Philando Castile had a CCP.

The third lie is that office Yanez is white. Much like George Zimmerman he is Hispanic and I’m sure just like Zimmerman the media will eventually call him a “white Hispanic.”

So just how unjustified was this shooting? Let’s put everything together: A cop recognizes robbery suspects from a BOLO alert. He has reasonable cause and pulls them over. Castile has his hand on a gun that is resting in his lap. Officer Yanez draws his weapon and demands that Castile put his hands up. Castile makes a threatening motion and is shot. This cop did everything right. There is no law enforcement officer in the country who would have done things any differently.

As reported by NBC:

St. Anthony Police Officer Jeronimo Yanez was reacting to “the presence of that gun and the display of that gun” when he opened fire on Castile, Minneapolis attorney Thomas Kelly told The Associated Press. He declined to elaborate on how Castile displayed the weapon or what led up to the deadly traffic stop.

Yanez “was reacting to the actions of the driver,” Kelly said. “This had nothing to do with race. This had everything to do with the presence of a gun.”

President Obama freaked out and Micah Johnson killed 5 cops based in part on this lie. A white cop didn’t kill a law-abiding black man over a busted taillight in Minnesota. A Hispanic cop shot an armed robbery suspect after he brandished a firearm. There is a huge difference here.


Ookay, someone is Lying.

Now, sure is strange. Someone just walking By might think someone is Trying to Instigate a race war.

I know, I keep saying that.
And it keeps LOOKING like that.

How many Mistakes have to be shoved out through the media, over and over, and racial division growing every time, and AFTER the damage is done, truth trickles out.

Obama and his mouth sure didn't QUELL any violence.
And that vicious white cop?
No busted tail light
BOLO, robbery suspects that THEY matched.

Why such inability to simply report it accurately?
Where Did the media get the tail light as reason for the stop?

People, I'm Telling you, these events are intentionally being REPORTED wrongly and used to agitate.

Now, READ that.
I didn't say these events are being created , but Wrongly Reported.


Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by Kris01 on 07/14/16 at 20:25:16

7D6264637E7948784870626E25170 wrote:
This cop did everything right. There is no law enforcement officer in the country who would have done things any differently.

Well... He really should've ordered them out of the car at gunpoint if they were armed robbery suspects. However, I don't think Officer Yanez is to blame at all.

7D6264637E7948784870626E25170 wrote:
People, I'm Telling you, these events are intentionally being REPORTED wrongly and used to agitate.

That's the main reason for all the uproar. The media sensationalism caused this whole mess!

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/14/16 at 20:54:36

It's not Sensational to pull someone over for a busted tail light.
It's More sensational to spot a robbery suspect.


Explain how that works,  

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by Kris01 on 07/15/16 at 19:05:43

Like they say, "If it bleeds, it leads".

I watch the news to get facts. I don't want anyone's opinion unless I watch a news commentary. For all the news agencies to compete to get the "best" story is a sham and a farce and is reprehensible. Give me the facts and let me decide for myself what's right and what's wrong. Oh wait! The general population isn't smart enough for that!

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/16 at 19:48:14

It bled and led.. And the Facts were incorrect. Strangely, everyone who was reporting got it wrong and wrong the same way. Gee, how is that?
Everyone had
Stopped/ busted tail light
Really, looked like robbery suspects

Same blood, and Stopping Suspects is more Sensational than stopping someone for a busted light.

But, for Propaganda purposes
The leap from being Stopped for something so innocuous as a busted light and winding up Dead IS dramatic.
It makes it look like any contact with cops could get you killed.
See how that works?
See why I say it looks like someone wants to increase racial tensions?

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by Kris01 on 07/15/16 at 20:00:47

"Racial tensions" is the easy way out. It's easy to stir that pot. Without it, the news agencies would have to come up with another "Red Scare" Commie takeover or "Ebola will kill us all". Maybe next week the aliens are coming. Why can't they just report the news? TV shows get ratings. News programs shouldn't. Facts are facts. How can one network report facts better than another?  ::)

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/16 at 20:10:25

How can they ALL get it wrong, and exactly the same, wrong.
Everyone reported
Busted light
Nobody had
Matched robbery suspects.

And, white cop...

No,, Hispanic , soon to be
White Hispanic , they're the worst kind, you know,,,,
And, no, dude Didn't have a CCP,  
He was told to not move.
Remember,  matching description of robbery suspect, not tail light busted, and Everyone reported it wrong.

Where did the news channels get their information?

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/16 at 20:10:44

How can they ALL get it wrong, and exactly the same, wrong.
Everyone reported
Busted light
Nobody had
Matched robbery suspects.

And, white cop...

No,, Hispanic , soon to be
White Hispanic , they're the worst kind, you know,,,,
And, no, dude Didn't have a CCP,  
He was told to not move.
Remember,  matching description of robbery suspect, not tail light busted, and Everyone reported it wrong.

Where did the news channels get their information?

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/16 at 20:18:25

How can they ALL get it wrong, and exactly the same, wrong.
Everyone reported
Busted light
Nobody had
Matched robbery suspects.

And, white cop...

No,, Hispanic , soon to be
White Hispanic , they're the worst kind, you know,,,,
And, no, dude Didn't have a CCP,  
He was told to not move.

Pistol laying in his LAP,  
Remember,  matching description of robbery suspect, not tail light busted, and Everyone reported it wrong.

Where did the news channels get their information?

I used Racial Tensions, the news would never admit to stirring that pot.

But, it Looks like they are.

So, why?
Do you believe that You are the lone , pinnacle of humanity? You alone just want the news to just report facts?
No, im sure not. And I'm sure that everyone would like to see straight forward reporting, rather than lies. How DID Everyone get
Busted Tail Light
Instead of
Pulled over for matching robbery suspect?

Does anyone Not understand what that accomplished?
See how dangerous that makes a simple traffic stop look?
And you believe that was accidental?

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by Kris01 on 07/15/16 at 20:22:30

Oh no, it was definitely intentional! They were headed down a specific path. I'm no conspiracy theorist but I think the "truth" was molded to fit their purposes.

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by Kris01 on 07/15/16 at 20:24:28

Does this make the news agencies culpable? Maybe there should be a penalty. Because of this whole "truth in reporting" fiasco, several Dallas cops were blatantly murdered for being white and for being a "peace officer".  >:(

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/16 at 20:28:55

WEll, what was the purpose? News , lying, gee,  I seem to recall something about,  hmm,  It's Close, very close,, lying, news,  dadgummit,,  I'm supposed to remember something... ohh well
Outfoxed again

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by Serowbot on 07/15/16 at 22:47:41

I have worked in media... and if it bleeds it leads is true...
...but, there is also competition to report first...

We could all wait patiently for a month or two, to find out anything happened... but we won't..
We want to know now...  
So,.. reports do change and evolve as details come in..  This isn't lying, it's just reporting the info as it comes in...

Trends also lead... cop kills black, is a hot topic currently...
Shootings are hot too..
That's more pressure to report fast...

If you do carry...  I'm sure you've thought about under what circumstances you would draw...
.. but also consider what you will do to assure authorities you are not a danger...
They are understandably on alert where weapons are involved...

I would inform them that I am armed... raise hands.. and follow instructions to the letter...
Once a cop knows you are armed,.. he's more scared than you are...
Don't give him any reason to flinch...
Reach for nothing, and don't be an ass... until he has your weapon and is sure you are not a threat...
Be safe...

You are way more likely to be pulled over for a traffic violation, than need to shoot someone for self defence...
... and you're in way more danger from a scared cop, than a mass murderer...
This is why I choose not to carry...


Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/16 at 22:56:28

I see exactly no reason for
He was pulled over Because_______.

To ever be wrong.
The cop driving radioed dispatch Telling them
I see people who match the description of the robbery suspects.
I am pulling them over.

How does That Possibly turn into a busted light?
And EVERY talking head had it wrong.
And for how long?
And she shot video? I have not watched that..

Well, IF someone Wants to instill fear..
Ohh, look, get pulled over for a busted light and wind up dead..


Ohh, lookie, reaching for a non existent CC Permit after being Told, don't move, BECAUSE THE GUN WAS IN HIS LAP.

And that hateful white cop shot him.

Just a series of miscommunications..

Horsecrap.. The cops have a Public information officer,
The media get information from the cops Or, they wing it.

How did they All
wing it
The Same?

Intentional lies, designed to bolster the misconception that
WHITE  cops are looking for a reason to kill innocent black men.

Just a busted tail light and wound up DEAD? Really?

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by Serowbot on 07/15/16 at 23:12:28

When you listen to Alex Jones,... turn off the volume...
In fact,.. cut the speaker wires just to be safe... ;D

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/16 at 23:25:12

You think I listened to him? Nope.
Argue with the logic. Explain HOW it was wrong.

Ohh, news wanted to be first to report?
How did they discover the story in the first. place?
Why was it so wrong?
Why did everyone get it wrong?

You don't have any answers, so you pretend I listened to Jones.

Try looking at the points I made, instead.

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by Kris01 on 07/16/16 at 09:22:02

382E39243C29243F4B0 wrote:
I would inform them that I am armed... raise hands.. and follow instructions to the letter...
Once a cop knows you are armed,.. he's more scared than you are...
Don't give him any reason to flinch...
Reach for nothing, and don't be an ass... until he has your weapon and is sure you are not a threat...
Be safe...

Maybe somebody will listen to this instead of perverting the truth! "My innocent little angel was purposefully stalked and murdered by the cops" doesn't fly with me! Thanks for that 'bot!  ;)

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by Ruttly on 07/16/16 at 12:55:52

What does Bureau of Land Management have to do with this ?

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by Paraquat on 07/18/16 at 08:58:07

4A6D6C6C7461180 wrote:
What does Bureau of Land Management have to do with this ?

The other terrorist group with the same acronym: Black Lives Matter.


Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/18/16 at 10:10:51

4273607363677366120 wrote:
[quote author=4A6D6C6C7461180 link=1468286088/30#33 date=1468698952]What does Bureau of Land Management have to do with this ?

The other terrorist group with the same acronym: Black Lives Matter.


Bingo.. the Other.  

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by Ruttly on 07/18/16 at 12:51:07

Fishing off a tall table no license required! Two fish one hook !

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/18/16 at 13:47:06

Ahh dontgittit....

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by verslagen1 on 07/18/16 at 14:04:26

223D3B3C21261727172F3D317A480 wrote:
Ahh dontgittit....

Is that the new touchpad for the humorless?


Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/18/16 at 14:40:12

I don't think I'm humorless at all, just sometimes I don't follow..
A touchpad is a pointing device featuring a tactile sensor, a specialized surface that can translate the motion and ...

And this is just another one of those moments..
I don't understand what Ruttly was talking about. Okay, someone nailed Something,, tagged two fish, one hook..
Was that support for Steve's post? After some thinking, I'm leaning that way.. At the time, I just wasn't following.
Sometimes I just need time to let it soak..

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by Kris01 on 07/18/16 at 17:59:40

He was making a joke and "caught two fish" in the process!  ;D

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by Ruttly on 07/18/16 at 19:29:09

Kris two points and a gold star !

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by Kris01 on 07/18/16 at 20:00:29

I'll wear it proudly!  ;D

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by Ruttly on 07/18/16 at 21:20:24

What's a acronym ?

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/18/16 at 22:02:04


Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by pg on 07/19/16 at 15:30:47

I got a laugh out this, I bet it really ruffed some feathers.


Best regards,

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by Kris01 on 07/22/16 at 19:28:41

Haha! I love it!  ;D

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/16 at 21:03:52

I do believe they have finally managed to get them Pitted against each other.

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by Kris01 on 07/24/16 at 08:43:54

JOG, you just ain't right!  ;D

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by Ruttly on 07/24/16 at 11:00:44

Yes he is somewhat twisted but it wouldn't be the same here without his twisted views & opinions

Title: Re: All this BLM BS!!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/24/16 at 16:54:07

Thank ya, thank ya vura musch..
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