General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Food for thought

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 07/11/16 at 05:55:20

Title: Food for thought
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/11/16 at 05:55:20

Unless perhaps you're so full of your own ideology that taking the time to consider the idea that those who you don't agree with are possibly Not the idiots you Need to believe they are in order to sneer at what they think, thus protecting your dogmatic attachment to The Agenda.


. This is because once someone has “committed” to an ideology, they close themselves off to even hearing other points of view. At that point, learning and critical thinking ends, and dogmatism takes over.

So, here, written by a
liberal-college-professor, which is kinda redundant, generally.. a rundown of what he learned by going and actually talking to the people who the Left love to demonize.
Those bitter clinger, idiotic Tea Party types understood that the corporatocracy , too big to fail, crony capitalists, all wrecking America,, and They, the idiots, understood.. WOW,,

Well, SOMEone slapped a label on him,, but, seems like he tries to avoid such. He seems to be more of a principle and philosophy directed thinker.  


One of the ways I’ve tried to prevent this mindset from infecting my own psyche, is by shunning political labels entirely. In my early days of writing many people characterized me as “libertarian,” although I never personally embraced such a label. As discussed earlier, once you embrace a label you end up defending a side more so than thinking critically. You have committed the sin of identity politics, and from that point forward you feel it is your duty to defend other “libertarians” and wage war against those who you perceive to be “on the other side.” Although discarding political labels confers obvious advantages, many people simply can’t do it. Why?

Again, back to human nature. Most people feel a need to identify with, and become part of, a larger group. Unfortunately that larger group is almost never “the human race” as it should be. Why? Because if people tried to identify with everyone then they couldn’t feel special. People like to feel special, and that they’re a small part of a bigger struggle against other groups of humans who are in the wrong. Not in the wrong about specific policies mind you, but in the wrong merely because those other humans have not chosen to identify with the particular group you have aligned yourself with. You can usually tell who these brainwashed people are, because they constantly critique other people as “libtards” or “tea party wackos.” There’s no need for these loaded labels, but many people love to use them anyway. Why? Because with a single word they can be dismissive and degrading without ever having to talk to the other side and discuss real issues.

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