General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Should pot be legal?....

Message started by Serowbot on 07/10/16 at 15:34:29

Title: Should pot be legal?....
Post by Serowbot on 07/10/16 at 15:34:29

It's being voted on in 8 states...

On the negative side,... I really don't want a bunch of people driving while high on pot...
... but,.. that's about the only negative I see... (and it's not quite as bad as driving drunk)...  
Police do have a problem, as there's no easy test to see if you are high...

On the plus,...  It'll bring in tax revenue,...
The number of people that use, probably won't change much (you either like it, or you don't)...
Our prisons will empty out by a good percentage...
Fewer people jailed will mean fewer bankruptcies, and divorces,.. equalling less welfare, food stamps, etc...
Pot is less harmful for your health than alcohol... but, I don't think it's good for you...
It will reduce drug trafficking and sales and related crimes...
SO,.. money wise... a savings in law enforcement, courts, prisons, social services, and welfare... plus added tax revenues...
I think public welfare and safety is a wash... with a slight increase in DUI, and slight decrease in street crime...

Privately run prison lobby, is the big money against legalization... (for them,.. pot possession crimes are a cash cow)...

I lean toward legalization...
I think Repub's should agree... Smaller govn't, less intrusive, less spending, more revenue, and less crime, freeing up Police for more important stuff like writing me tickets...

Comments?... :-/

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by WebsterMark on 07/10/16 at 17:51:01

No, it shouldn't be.

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by pg on 07/10/16 at 18:08:01

1204130E16030E15610 wrote:

Privately run prison lobby, is the big money against legalization... (for them,.. pot possession crimes are a cash cow)...

My understanding is this is an enormously powerful interest, but the real cash cow is a dark & dirty secret called civil asset forfeiture.  

Best regards

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by oldNslow on 07/10/16 at 18:36:05

At this point I don't think it matters a doggone  bit one way or the other.

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/10/16 at 18:57:27

It's not even Legally ILLEGAL...

Naturally, people who are unable to see won't know,
But, don't you even remember Your History?
Weren't you taught about when Alcohol was Illegal?
Remember the Constitution was amended?
Yet, today, substances are just declared illegal.
And exactly Who has a RIGHT to tell You that you cant eat or smoke something.

Buncha brainwashed wimps.

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by whoisrawb on 07/10/16 at 19:07:40

Don't criticize it, legalize it!

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/10/16 at 19:14:57

Nobody ACTUALLY Grasps the Legal conundrum,, buncha brainwashed ninnies. They have exactly NO RIGHT, according to the Constitution, to make a Godcdarned thing

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by cheapnewb24 on 07/10/16 at 19:31:05

Let 'em have it! Hemp everywhere! Used for Everything! The next dent corn!

Better than making everyone miserable and encouraging drug-related crime.

Like I've heard. Maybe it was my uncle who said it or something very close: "Just sell it in the liquor store."

I've heard its effects are less dangerous than alcohol and pretty much no one has died from overdose. Why are we arguing about this? In a more extreme possibility You could potentially sell it alongside cigarettes in the grocery store! Remember they lock up the tobacco anyway! Why not do the same for pot? They sell beer and wine in the grocery stores. Maybe its just the idea of it that people can't grasp. It's not socially accepted, and it is considered mind altering, right? I guess that's why people are worried.

Webster, stop being such a conservative Republican hard@ss. You can't go around saying that drinking alcohol is wrong and try to make it illegal. You remember Prohibition, right? Let 'em have it! If you don't think it's a good idea, then that's fine. You can educate them, but when you try to force something down their throats (or out of their throats), you're going to encourage trouble. Pot doesn't hook and kill people like the hard drugs do.anyway, and it's arguable that even those should be legal. Just because you think something is immoral or a bad idea doesn't mean you should make it illegal. If you want to go live in a place where potentially immoral things are illegal, go live in a Muslim extremist country.

Stop using political/religious dogma, and start using your head. You wanna be free, or do you want more things for the government to throw you in jail about and ruin your life?

Tell me Mark, would you be arrested for drug possession in 1890? Has it always been American as apple pie-- has it always been "conservative"-- to put people in jail for taking any sort of substance?

I may vote Republican, but I'm getting more and more libertarian these days.

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/10/16 at 19:51:43

Hempstead Highway..
Look it up.

Hemp, and Henry Ford.
Look it up.

Hemp is Industrial. The Oil is pharmaceutical.

Gee, why would ANYONE want to see it made illegal?

Hemp doesn't get people high.

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/10/16 at 19:52:30

Is there a reason Why everyone Doesn't understand this?

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by verslagen1 on 07/10/16 at 23:27:24

With thc levels detected up to 3 months after (in heavy smokers)
DUI by blood levels will be difficult to prove.

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by Ed L. on 07/11/16 at 06:42:13

Why not make it legal. It is a cash crop and hemp is a super weed for clothing and other uses.

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/11/16 at 07:00:03

Big difference between pot and hemp.

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by Tocsik on 07/11/16 at 07:52:12

Legal pot really hasn't made much of a difference here in Colorado.  It's funny, when I travel out of state folks ask about it and honestly, it's just a non-issue for most folks who live here.  I don't use it but I don't care about it either.  I imaging I would partake if I wasn't married (wife doesn't approve) but it's not something I feel strong enough about to get riled up over.
From what I understand, the stuff these days is positively "nuclear" compared to what we had when I was younger and a fairly regular toker.

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by verslagen1 on 07/11/16 at 08:18:24

I see it as no worse than alcohol.
And being that you can get different levels of potency, same as alcohol.
Being that it's not legal for rec use in Cali, I know people that have fired for showing up on a drug test.
Which any employer has a right to perform, and as an Engineer, may override any legalization for performance of duties rational.

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by HovisPresley on 07/11/16 at 08:35:53

Legal? Yes.

A lot less dangerous than alcohol.

Ideally, it should be legal for those over 21 years old, and available on prescription for those with (appropriate) medical conditions, glaucoma, MS, chronic pain, etc.

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by Paraquat on 07/11/16 at 09:22:16

I just want to watch businesses scramble when hemp becomes legal.
I don't smoke. I don't care for it.
I can see diminished function and long term effects on my friends who do.

But hemp is a robust, biodegradable resource just waiting to be exploited.

Biodiesel, clothing, paper, just to name a few.


Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by Serowbot on 07/11/16 at 09:57:49

In Az,.. we do have legal medical MJ... but not recreational...
This is a bad idea... as it has created a new illegal market...
People with medical license, are reselling it for recreational use...
Duhhhh... of course... :-?

Little chance of this changing this election... 49-43 split has legal rec pot losing...

I don't see usage changing either way....
...but, just as a practical matter.  We waste a lot of dollars on enforcement.

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/11/16 at 11:41:03

How you See Things
Just isn't through as clear of a lens as you would like. I wonder if this is the only thing you're not seeing.

Colorado's Teen Marijuana Usage Dips after Legalization - Scientific ...
Scientific American › article › colorado-s...
Jun 21, 2016 - Colorado's Teen Marijuana Usage Dips after Legalization ... school students has dipped slightly since the state first permitted recreational cannabis use by adults, a new survey showed ...
Teen Marijuana Use Dips in Colorado After Legalization | TIME
Time Magazine › colorado-teen-marijuan...
Jun 22, 2016 - Teen Marijuana Use Dips in Colorado After Legalization ... Marijuana use amongst Colorado teenagers has declined slightly since the state legalized recreational pot use among adults ...
So, something interesting happens to weed after it's legal - The ...
Washington Post › wonk › 2016/05/04
May 4, 2016 - So, something interesting happens to weed after it's legal. The inside ... A few places where cannabis is farmed for medical or recreational use. ... How cheap can legal pot become?
Colorado teen marijuana use rate sees no increase after legalization
The Denver Post › 2016/06/20 › marijua...
Jun 20, 2016 - Marijuana use remains flat among Colorado teens, survey finds .... Colorado's first recreational marijuana stores — which can sell ... I guess we can finally drop the "duhhh teen use will ...
Number Of Medical Marijuana Patients Drops In Places That ...
Forbes › debraborchardt › 2016/04/20
Apr 20, 2016 - Now that the legalization of recreational marijuana has gotten ... Medical use sales only grew 5%. ... Patient applications for medical marijuana dropped right after Measure 91 legalized ...
It sure looks like marijuana legalization will make your weed a ... › marijuana-legalization-p...
May 6, 2016 - But since pot is such a huge market, its legalization will likely ... drug policy change, marijuana legalization and the price drop it ... to vote to legalize marijuana for recreational purposes.
[PDF]Marijuana Legalization in Colorado After One Year of Retail Sales ... › sites › files
Since the first retail marijuana stores opened ... about drug ... traffic fatalities, a 3% drop from the 449 fatalities.
Marijuana Legalization in Washington State: One-Year ... › news › 2015/07
Jul 6, 2015 - ... Use or Traffic Fatalities – And Massive Drop in Marijuana Arrests ... Since adult possession of marijuana became legal eighteen ... In addition, rates of youth marijuana use and traffic ...
Recreational Marijuana Data and Research - Law Professor Blogs ...
TypePad › lawprofessors › marijuana_law
Jun 27, 2016 - "Colorado's Teen Marijuana Usage Dips after Legalization" .... Those drops were accompanied by reductions in behavioral problems, including fighting, property crimes and selling ...
Teen Pot Use Drops In Colorado After Legalization | The Fix › teen-pot-use-dr...
Jun 22, 2016 - Four years after Colorado legalized recreational marijuana,

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by Serowbot on 07/11/16 at 14:26:59

5E4147405D5A6B5B6B53414D06340 wrote:
How you See Things
Just isn't through as clear of a lens as you would like. I wonder if this is the only thing you're not seeing.

Who are you referring to?... :-?

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/11/16 at 17:22:22

Golly gee,,I just don't know..

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by Ruttly on 07/11/16 at 21:13:16

Here in CA I guess we are voting on it in September. I just don't enjoy it like I use to, maybe due to higher potency. However it's a great pain reliever , if you have to live with pain it really helps. I'm a HD mechanic with a lot of pain in wrists & hands and I use a THC cream in the morning and glove up and start wrenching, within the hour I have what I call happy hands good for the day. I say make it legal. It will all work out in the wash just like it has in other states. Alcohol is a horrible drug when abused and nobody says much about it except don't drink n drive. Drunks want another drink, stoners want hostess cupcakes & nacho cheese Doritos  I rest my case.

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by Serowbot on 07/11/16 at 23:15:45

A Savage rider that's an HD mechanic?...  is that even legal?... ;D

Me and my Sporty have a lot of questions for you... :-?

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by verslagen1 on 07/12/16 at 11:15:40

Why can't we all just get a bong?   8-)

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by Serowbot on 07/12/16 at 11:19:29

;D ;D ;D...

Oh,.. that's what he was saying... :-?

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by Ruttly on 07/12/16 at 13:59:37

Bot, I do own a Sportster too, but I may have misled you. I am a heavy duty/diesel mechanic, work at Port of Oakland on welders,compressors,cars,p/u,buses,sweepers,trucks,forklifts,sidepicks,toppicks,transtainers,gas,diesel,propane,hydraulics,electrical,etc.
My Union classification is HD Mechanic

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by Ruttly on 07/12/16 at 14:06:13

Now that I think about I don't think there is such a person !
Harley mechanic that rides a Savage !
Would be a interesting character !!

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/12/16 at 18:52:56

Be an unemployed character...

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by Serowbot on 07/12/16 at 22:22:56

Rutly,.. what year Sporty?... mine's 12'.. fool injected...
I'm a carb guy...
Bypassed the O2 sensors... making a manual AIC control...
Idle is wacky... cold start goes up to 2400 rpm sometimes, sometimes not up at all...
Computers and sensors don't belong on fossil fuel SSBB engines...

What is SSBB?... :-/
Hint?... it's a repetitive count... :-?

PS.. highjack of my thread in progress...
Keep up people... ;D

Special fudge brownies involved..
Wish you all were here...
Apparently, more of you than I thought would enjoy it,..
... the rest,.. really, really, need it...
That would be some party... ;D

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by Ruttly on 07/13/16 at 06:48:28

Bot, mine is 02 carbed. Bypass 02s with a resistor or riostat? AIC ? SSBB ?
Vaccuum leak , mass air flow sensor , air bypass control , fuel pressure regulator can all affect idle. Most likely air bypass control bad. Any codes ? Goggle codes ? Sportster forum & post with issue. Good Luck let me know what it is ?

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by Kris01 on 07/13/16 at 18:58:45

795E5F5F47522B0 wrote:
stoners want hostess cupcakes & nacho cheese Doritos

I'm not a stoner. I don't smoke and never will but cupcakes and Doritos sound really good right now. I must be hungry.  ;D

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by Ruttly on 07/13/16 at 20:30:39

Taste ten times better when you are stoned ! Don't have to smoke it , make yourself nerve calming , pain relieving pan of brownies, just don't eat them all !!!! Don't bogart the brownies !

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by raydawg on 07/14/16 at 03:41:05

Dude, I think once I was listening to man it was hot pounding in my head the words screaming as I tooled along in my vdub thinking whoa dude if I was here and not tuned it would be such a drag but with some bud even ugly girls can dig it too and.......

Was there a question?

Title: Re: Should pot be legal?....
Post by Ruttly on 07/14/16 at 06:53:30

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