General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> It's up to us......

Message started by raydawg on 07/10/16 at 08:37:35

Title: It's up to us......
Post by raydawg on 07/10/16 at 08:37:35

We can either choose to get along, which will require forgiveness, an open hand, not a fist, and patience.....

It's not the guns, it's not our race, gender, beliefs, or any other characteristic that might define and seperate us.
It's us, you, me.

The healing starts with each and everyone of us, or none of us....

It's that simple, choose.


Title: Re: It's up to us......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/10/16 at 08:50:17

Awwwww, Shadduppp.... I'm MAD, and I don't WANNA forgive.
You can do mine for me. Okay, I gotta go outside and kick something,, GRRRRRR!!!!!

Title: Re: It's up to us......
Post by raydawg on 07/10/16 at 10:39:05

697670776A6D5C6C5C64767A31030 wrote:
Awwwww, Shadduppp.... I'm MAD, and I don't WANNA forgive.
You can do mine for me. Okay, I gotta go outside and kick something,, GRRRRRR!!!!!

No you don't  :-*

I would feel safe in stating I believe you have a loving and gentle heart!
I believe most rational people only want to get along.
Of course we feel better when others share our beliefs, and kinda "judge" them, assigning a general wrong or misguided label to them, if they don't.
We don't often try and wrap an understanding about what it is they say or feel. We push back in a defensive manner, they likewise, and all we garner from such an encounter is ill will.

It's hard, we have been propagandized since the beginning, and it has gotten way more sophisticated.
If we were to label those influences that lead us away from a sustainable peace, we might call it evil, or sin, yet, that is just a little to vague, abstract, or maybe "religious", we need something more familiar, as if we could touch it, to make it real.....
And that is where we slip into the thinking its circumstance, others, etc, that are the cause of all the divisiveness in our life/world.  

Title: Re: It's up to us......
Post by Paraquat on 07/11/16 at 09:29:13

It goes both ways. That's where the problem is: there's no acceptance middle ground.

I have no issue with, say, homosexual marriage.

But I don't want them petitioning against, say, my Second Amendment right.

I just picked two hot button topics. They are not necessarily accurate assessments.


Title: Re: It's up to us......
Post by Serowbot on 07/11/16 at 10:20:12

59687B68787C687D090 wrote:
It goes both ways.
.... But I don't want them petitioning against, say, my Second Amendment right.


It goes both ways implies an us against them mentality....
As if, married homo's are taking your guns... ;D

The me and my, and they and them,... is the problem...
It should be, us.. all different but all together...

There are, and should be, limits on rights.  They should be decided by all, for the benefit of all...  allowing for the most freedoms possible, without infringing on others.  
How does this particular right, affect me, you, others, and us as a nation?...
We,... all should decide.  as a people.  not as us vs them...

"I'm okay with gay marriage, as long as you don't touch my guns",... is a divisive non sequitur...

Title: Re: It's up to us......
Post by raydawg on 07/11/16 at 10:35:34

5B4D5A475F4A475C280 wrote:
[quote author=59687B68787C687D090 link=1468165055/0#3 date=1468254553]It goes both ways.
.... But I don't want them petitioning against, say, my Second Amendment right.


It goes both ways implies an us against them mentality....
As if, married homo's are taking your guns... ;D

The me and my, and they and them,... is the problem...
It should be, us.. all different but all together...

There are, and should be, limits on rights.  They should be decided by all, for the benefit of all...  allowing for the most freedoms possible, without infringing on others.  
How does this particular right, affect me, you, others, and us as a nation?...
We,... all should decide.  as a people.  not as us vs them...

"I'm okay with gay marriage, as long as you don't touch my guns",... is a divisive non sequitur...


That is not how I read it.
I didn't see Steve striking a deal, based in I get this, you get that....
But I saw it as an example of how two current issues have become wedge issues, and both are freedom based on personal beliefs.

Title: Re: It's up to us......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/11/16 at 11:05:56

What limits need to be on the first and second?

t should be, us.. all different but all together.

Except for the Trump supporters, They are supporting hate and bigotry, so,whip sumass.. they deserve it.

I know, I Saw you say assault was wrong, after you said it was good.

Title: Re: It's up to us......
Post by Paraquat on 07/11/16 at 11:15:31

As much as it pains me, Ray nailed it.

Which is why I included the caveat that I only referenced hot button topics. Fill in your own blanks.


Title: Re: It's up to us......
Post by WebsterMark on 07/11/16 at 11:16:57

There are, and should be, limits on rights.  They should be decided by all, for the benefit of all...  allowing for the most freedoms possible, without infringing on others.  
How does this particular right, affect me, you, others, and us as a nation?...
We,... all should decide.  as a people.  

And there in lies the rub, as they say.

My owning an assault rifle does not infringe on anyone. The only way it does is if I use it illegally.  

We have, in a sense,  decided about gun control because of the existence and power of the NRA. You liberals like to think the NRA is some kind of independent monster but it only exist because people, millions and millions of people, fund it.

you say we should all decide as a people, fine let's do that. However the odds are stacked against the conservative ideology. The liberal side of the spectrum has their members plus the majority of the mainstream media. The other side of the coin only has only their members on whatever topic. It's always 2 to 1.

The entertainment and media culture always assumes the liberal  ideology as it's default position. Always. That constant " preaching"  of the liberal point of you has an impact, especially on young people. That's why a majority percentage of people under 25 always vote Democratic but as they get older a significant portion of them wise up and tend to slide to the right side of the political spectrum. That's because experience finally catches up to them and they're able  to tune out the subliminal messages.

it's why do liberals hate FOXNews so much why you hate Rush Limbaugh so much. These are organizations and people that actually stand up to the liberal powerbase.

I guess my point is elections on social issues aren't always fair because our media has chosen one particular color jersey to wear instead of being neutral.  this is part of the reason for trumps appeal. He's one of the few people who are able to overcome the liberal media's influence. At least so far.

Title: Re: It's up to us......
Post by Serowbot on 07/11/16 at 12:33:28

The average Fox News viewer is 68 years old...
...and dumber than the average bear...
... and Fox keeps making them dumber...

A majority of Fox viewers still think Saddam had WMD's...
About a third still think Obama is a Muslim...
A majority thinks Global Warming is a lie...

It's just sad...
How can you have rational debate when one side has different facts?...
Watching Fox, or listening to righty talk radio, makes you dumber...
Proven fact.

Stats showing young people vote Dem, and older people vote Pub,.. doesn't show wisdom with age,... it shows Conservatism dying...

Title: Re: It's up to us......
Post by raydawg on 07/11/16 at 12:46:45

Why the lumping smack talk?
So much generalization, and augastity.....
Yes, all gays like little boys.
Yes, all Black's like fried catfish, collards, and Cadillac's.
Hispanics, retried beans.
Asians ( we can lump the whole continent ) fish heads.
Republicans stupid
Democrats, smart.

Sadly, you don't even understand that it's sheep, little weak heard animals, those lacking appreciation for things different than themselves....
That are the cause of this insanity.
By any chance, do you buy boots that make you appear taller?

Title: Re: It's up to us......
Post by WebsterMark on 07/11/16 at 14:32:41

5640574A52474A51250 wrote:
The average Fox News viewer is 68 years old...
...and dumber than the average bear...
... and Fox keeps making them dumber...

A majority of Fox viewers still think Saddam had WMD's...
About a third still think Obama is a Muslim...
A majority thinks Global Warming is a lie...

It's just sad...
How can you have rational debate when one side has different facts?...
Watching Fox, or listening to righty talk radio, makes you dumber...
Proven fact.

Stats showing young people vote Dem, and older people vote Pub,.. doesn't show wisdom with age,... it shows Conservatism dying...

I think you just called me dumb.....

Well, what does the average MSNBC viewer think?

Title: Re: It's up to us......
Post by Serowbot on 07/11/16 at 14:33:54

Are there boots that make you appear shorter?.. :-/

I'm not generalizing...  It's just a fact.
Fox viewers score lower on basic knowledge of current issues.
The question is,.. are they inherently dumber, or are they misled by inaccurate reporting by Fox?...
either way,.. watching Fox don't help... or the am radio echo chamber.

Title: Re: It's up to us......
Post by WebsterMark on 07/11/16 at 14:39:26

To be fair, I don't watch FoxNews regularly. I don't watch much cable news at all. The only time is when a big event is going on and I channel surf around looking for whose not showing commercials.

So a media outlet, which in all probability is liberal, comes up with a poll showing viewers of their hated news competitor, Fox News,are dumber than their team's news show and you take it as Gospel truth....  Now, just exactly whose the dumb one?....

Title: Re: It's up to us......
Post by verslagen1 on 07/11/16 at 14:47:56

Snap! MSNBC rates same as Fox

Media outlets such as Fox News and MSNBC have a negative impact on people’s current events knowledge while NPR and Sunday morning political talk shows are the most informative sources of news, according to Fairleigh Dickinson University’s newest PublicMind survey.

Title: Re: It's up to us......
Post by Serowbot on 07/11/16 at 14:59:06

Business Insiders stats don't match they original study they refer to... :-?

Quote from
"The study showed that the effects of ideologically pitched media, like Fox News, MSNBC and talk radio, depend on who is listening or watching. On the whole, MSNBC, for instance, had no impact on political knowledge one way or the other. However, liberals who watched MSNBC did better on the knowledge questions, answering correctly 1.89 of the domestic questions and 1.64 of the international questions correctly. Similarly, while moderates and liberals who watch Fox News do
worse at answering the questions than others, conservatives who watch Fox do no worse than people who watch no news at all. Talk radio also had differential effects depending on the ideology of the listener, but they were much smaller. None of the other news media had effects that depended on ideology."

Title: Re: It's up to us......
Post by raydawg on 07/11/16 at 15:00:07

5543544951444952260 wrote:
Are there boots that make you appear shorter?.. :-/

I'm not generalizing...  It's just a fact.
Fox viewers score lower on basic knowledge of current issues.
The question is,.. are they inherently dumber, or are they misled by inaccurate reporting by Fox?...
either way,.. watching Fox don't help... or the am radio echo chamber.

Again bot, surveys can be skewed to get the answer you want.
You want to call those facts, you might as well be a FOX watcher....

Title: Re: It's up to us......
Post by HovisPresley on 07/11/16 at 15:01:28

As I've posted before..... FOX claimed that "Brum", a city that is maybe 25 miles away from me, is a NO-GO AREA for non-muslims.....they have shiria law and the cops don't go near......

I will gladly post a pic of me with the LS650 manual in front of me at any Brum address you might want.....I'm white, 50, and non-muslim.... oh Europe, whatever the media tells you.......

Title: Re: It's up to us......
Post by Serowbot on 07/11/16 at 15:02:14

Obama is not a Muslim...
Saddam had no WMD's...
Global Warming is real...

These aren't skewed facts... they are facts.
Only Fox skews them...
There is Fox News,...or there is the real news that rest of the world reports...

This is like the mother watching her son in the parade...
"Oh look,.. only my Johnny is marching in step"... ;D

Title: Re: It's up to us......
Post by WebsterMark on 07/11/16 at 15:11:10

The question is,.. are they inherently dumber

My brother-in-law watches Fox News.

He is quite literally a rocket scientist, multiple degrees in physics and engineering, a well know writer in his field, has won two Hugo's (which since Sew watches real news channels should know what that is....), makes Sheldon on Big Bang Theory look like....well, he makes him look like you Sew........

Careful who you call stupid.

Title: Re: It's up to us......
Post by verslagen1 on 07/11/16 at 15:11:12

2533243921343922560 wrote:
This is like the mother watching her son in the parade...
"Oh look,.. only my Johnny is marching in step"... ;D

You left out half the quote
"I don't know what the rest of them are marching to"

Title: Re: It's up to us......
Post by pg on 07/11/16 at 15:15:08

6D7B6C71697C716A1E0 wrote:
These aren't skewed facts... they are facts.

Right..... ::)

Best regards,

Title: Re: It's up to us......
Post by Serowbot on 07/11/16 at 15:21:54

4C7E79686F7E69567A69701B0 wrote:
The question is,.. are they inherently dumber

My brother-in-law watches Fox News.

He is quite literally a rocket scientist, multiple degrees in physics and engineering, a well know writer in his field, has won two Hugo's (which since Sew watches real news channels should know what that is....), makes Sheldon on Big Bang Theory look like....well, he makes him look like you Sew........

Careful who you call stupid.

You can be Einstein, and still not know what's happening in the world...
Especially if you are lied to...

What are your BIL's books?...
I like speculative science... Sci-fi not so much...

Title: Re: It's up to us......
Post by WebsterMark on 07/11/16 at 16:22:28

I could ask questions of MSNBC viewers and make them look like absolute idiots which is what I suspect that little college tried to do the Fox news.  and frankly you fell for it, but line and sinker.

I don't know, I don't read them. He write some stuff but he's most known for editing some famous sci-fi magazine. Couldn't tell you what it is. All I know is in his world he's a rockstar.   he's on panels at these big sci-fi shows and people actually try calling or tracking down for questions. I think he's been asked for an autograph a couple of times but honestly you got to be pretty dorky to ask for the editor of a sci-fi magazines autograph.

Title: Re: It's up to us......
Post by raydawg on 07/11/16 at 17:14:42

Lets see here, universities that want only certain speak zones, yes, that is smart, etc....
Look at the demonstrations that turn to destruction, yes that is smart....

You guys play with him, I am done, now that is SMART  ;D » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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