General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> and there it is....

Message started by WebsterMark on 07/06/16 at 06:18:56

Title: and there it is....
Post by WebsterMark on 07/06/16 at 06:18:56

The Clinton Standard.

"This is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions."

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by Serowbot on 07/06/16 at 07:49:56

Yer' not allowed to use the coffee machine,...
... and we're taking away your stapler, for a month... ;D

I said at the start of all this,.. no one has ever been prosecuted without there being clear intent to aid the enemy or pass secrets...
Here, there is no clear evidence that any documents were even seen... only a potential vulnerability...
That was clear from the start...
The Republican led committee knew it all along... they ordered the FBI to investigate.  The sole purpose was to damage Hillary's reputation with scandal.  A witch hunt... E-mails and Benghazi...
Mission accomplished.
...but, it's over now... and they can go on about the business of losing the election badly...

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/06/16 at 08:02:35

of all this,.. no one has ever been prosecuted without there being clear intent to aid the


Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by Serowbot on 07/06/16 at 08:20:01

283731362B2C1D2D1D25373B70420 wrote:

Wow!... that was so convincing...
Any examples?.. evidence,?.. proof?...

I won't hold my breath...

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by WebsterMark on 07/06/16 at 08:48:53

Sew, your continued support for her is an embarrassment.

she committed the crime but the FBI didn't recommend prosecution but said others could be prosecuted for the exact same actions. This FBI guy will regret this for the rest of his life. And, by the way, this just means others will get off for releasing info because lawyers will point to this precedent.

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/06/16 at 08:57:50

What are whistleblower laws For?
More to come,, I gotta find what I was reading yesterday, but you're way wrong.

No double standards here, nope..

Not showing who got screwed, but just what Cumeyter was willing to admit she DID, and they Know she was hacked, and the double speak says it all.

You can pretend that she didn't get special treatment and the law is applied evenly, but it is the most glaring example of intellectual dishonesty I've seen.

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by WebsterMark on 07/06/16 at 09:01:40

What did Petraus do exactly? Don't remember all the details, took classified info home or something.

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by WebsterMark on 07/06/16 at 09:09:44

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by Serowbot on 07/06/16 at 09:16:24

043631202736211E322138530 wrote:
What did Petraus do exactly? Don't remember all the details, took classified info home or something.

He clearly, intentionally, and knowingly, passed top secret info on to his mistress in exchange for sex...

Get it?... :-?

Have you ever watched a spy movie?... the sexy female spy gets the Top Secret info with seduction?... :-?...
...or she can blackmail him,... threaten to tell the wife?...
Typical... :-?

Hillary's e-mails had the potential to be hacked,... no proof they ever were... ..and no intentional passing of secrets...
Huge difference...
The difference between a crime, and no crime... :-?

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/06/16 at 09:34:11

You don't get it. Intent is not the determining factor.

nother Director of the CIA, John M. Deutch, found himself in a similar debacle less than two decades earlier. Deutch, who had been appointed by President Bill Clinton in 1995, resigned from his high post in 1996 after it was discovered that he stored classified documents on his personal computer.
Deutch agreed to plead guilty to misdemeanor mishandling of classified information and pay $5,000 dollars, but he was saved by a pardon by President Clinton in January 2001, during the president’s last day in office.
But perhaps the strongest parallels can be seen with someone lower on the government totem pole. Bryan H. Nishimura, was sentenced to two years’ probation and $7,500 fine last year for holding classified materials on personal devices – without malicious intent, just like Hillary Clinton.
“He carried such classified materials on his unauthorized media when he traveled off-base in Afghanistan and, ultimately, carried those materials back to the United States at the end of his deployment,” the FBI’s website says. “In the United States, Nishimura continued to maintain the information on unclassified systems in unauthorized locations, and copied the materials onto at least one additional unauthorized and unclassified system.”
The similarity of such case to the Clinton controversy doesn’t seem to be lost on Comey. The FBI chief strongly stated that others who behaved as Clinton did wouldn’t necessarily get off the hook like the former secretary did.
“To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences," Comey's statement said. "To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now.”

And Cumeater even Said
While we Found no evidence of a hack, we also know that the actors who Would, would leave no trace.

You don't Want to admit what a heinous pregnant dog you support.
It's Going to be obvious soon.

BREAKING: Hillary Just Received The Worst Possible - Putin Is ... › breaking-...
While Hillary thought she cleaned off her server and deleted the most darning emails, ... According to the report, NBC news knew why Guccifer was being ... report, Clinton's server was not only compromised by Guccifer but also by Russia.
Why Did Hillary Clinton NOT Notify State Department Of Hacking ...
RedState › streiff › 2016/05/27 › hillary-...
May 27, 2016 - Clinton, naturally, claims her server, unlike those at OPM, Defense, the White House, and the ... to have originated at CIA and that demonstrates he knew Hillary Clinton's email address.
REPORT: Hillary's Emails Hacked by Russia – Kremlin Deciding ... › 2016/05
May 10, 2016 - Guccifer told FOX News last week that he hacked Hillary's homebrew server and so did at least 10 ...
[Exclusive] Here's PROOF Hillary lied about being hacked - The ... › secret-smokin...
May 9, 2016 - For former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, it is her husband's ... when she explained how her email server was set up in an interview ...... Hillary knew better then to do what she did,.
Liar, liar! Clinton KNEW email was hacked - The Horn News › clinton-hid-e...
May 26, 2016 - Clinton KNEW email was hacked ... that she likely knew her server was hacked — and went to .... Hillary knows exactly what she was doing was illegal but thinks she is above the law.

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by Serowbot on 07/06/16 at 09:45:40

Guccifer told FOX News

Please... ::)

You just finished arguing that they are liars...

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/06/16 at 10:07:36

Depends on the goal.. like your wonder woemun

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by verslagen1 on 07/06/16 at 13:53:44


Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/06/16 at 14:48:05

Facts do not matter to the sold out, the ones who are determined to worship her. She is the most evil piece of pregnant dog feces who has ever been seen as Good by the brainwashed.
Where we are headed is absolute hell. And that pregnant dog is leading the way.

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by LostArtist on 07/06/16 at 19:33:56

7B646265787F4E7E4E76646823110 wrote:
Facts do not matter to the sold out, the ones who are determined to worship her. She is the most evil piece of pregnant dog feces who has ever been seen as Good by the brainwashed.
Where we are headed is absolute hell. And that pregnant dog is leading the way.

and you're an unbiased source of logic ......        

Dear God JOG, how long does it take you to brush your teeth in the morning???  

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by LostArtist on 07/06/16 at 19:40:21

4C5F4849565B5D5F540B3A0 wrote:

getting around technical difficulties often caused by EXTREMELY cumbersome and obtrusive government software????      so it isn't so!!!!!!  

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by WebsterMark on 07/07/16 at 13:55:30

Just drove home from KC and listened to pretty much the entire congressional hearing from FBI director Comey.

After listening to his answers, I agree with his decision, maybe 75%.

He's right when he says the law, not as it is written, but as it has been used for past 50 years, demands a certain level of 'intent' before prosecution is recommended. (It was used once he said in a similar case that was decided in a plea bargain) He found no direct evidence of intent to purposely leak classified information or to evade the FBI in searching for answers. In this case, ignorance of the law is in fact a defense.

However, I think that and this is a big f'ing however, those caught in criminal acts tend to do what they can to cover their acts. Hilary's actions in deleting emails and directing her attorneys to do so,  could be construed as an attempt to hide the contents of those emails. Also, you could say using an unauthorized server that you had complete control of is in fact 'intend' to violate the law. But Comey didn't see it that way.

I also believe him 100% when he says no one from the White House, Justice Department or Clinton campaign ever tried to influence him.

However, I also think this might be true: think about John Roberts’s decision on Obamacare. He basically said he wasn't going to find it unconstitutional because he wasn’t going to end a Presidency before it got started. Obama was elected promoting this idea and if the people didn’t want it, they could unelect him. So instead, he said the fine imposed by Obamacare was really a tax. Perhaps Roberts thought yes, of course it's unconstitutional, but reasoned if people knew it was a tax and if they united against that, they'd elect a new congress to rewrite the law. Many thought it was a cowardly way out of inserting himself into the middle of history.

So, here’s my point: had Comey recommend to charge Hilary, that effectively ends her Presidential aspirations. So in essence, he very well could have, single handedly, decided who becomes President of the United States. I think its possible, consciously or unconsciously, he couldn’t bring himself to do that. Instead, he lays out the case of how inept, corrupt and dishonest Hilary Clinton really is and will leave it to the electorate to decide.

And by the way, listening to him discuss the actual facts of the case and what he found, it's shocking how dangerous her actions really were. The steps she took to operate that private server can lead you to only two possible conclusions, and neither are good for Hilary.

1) she's a crooked, lying thief who needed a private server to protect the illegal activities going on at the Clinton Foundation.

2) she's completely inept and stupid. As Comey said over and over, he was surprise at her lack of sophistication.

Either way, she cannot be President.  

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by Serowbot on 07/07/16 at 14:19:29

I'll tell her...  :-?

I should call Joe too... he might need to change his plans... ;D

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/07/16 at 18:03:46

73607776696462606B34050 wrote:

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by raydawg on 07/07/16 at 18:54:51

685A5D4C4B5A4D725E4D543F0 wrote:
Just drove home from KC and listened to pretty much the entire congressional hearing from FBI director Comey.

After listening to his answers, I agree with his decision, maybe 75%.

He's right when he says the law, not as it is written, but as it has been used for past 50 years, demands a certain level of 'intent' before prosecution is recommended. (It was used once he said in a similar case that was decided in a plea bargain) He found no direct evidence of intent to purposely leak classified information or to evade the FBI in searching for answers. In this case, ignorance of the law is in fact a defense.

However, I think that and this is a big f'ing however, those caught in criminal acts tend to do what they can to cover their acts. Hilary's actions in deleting emails and directing her attorneys to do so,  could be construed as an attempt to hide the contents of those emails. Also, you could say using an unauthorized server that you had complete control of is in fact 'intend' to violate the law. But Comey didn't see it that way.

I also believe him 100% when he says no one from the White House, Justice Department or Clinton campaign ever tried to influence him.

However, I also think this might be true: think about John Roberts’s decision on Obamacare. He basically said he wasn't going to find it unconstitutional because he wasn’t going to end a Presidency before it got started. Obama was elected promoting this idea and if the people didn’t want it, they could unelect him. So instead, he said the fine imposed by Obamacare was really a tax. Perhaps Roberts thought yes, of course it's unconstitutional, but reasoned if people knew it was a tax and if they united against that, they'd elect a new congress to rewrite the law. Many thought it was a cowardly way out of inserting himself into the middle of history.

So, here’s my point: had Comey recommend to charge Hilary, that effectively ends her Presidential aspirations. So in essence, he very well could have, single handedly, decided who becomes President of the United States. I think its possible, consciously or unconsciously, he couldn’t bring himself to do that. Instead, he lays out the case of how inept, corrupt and dishonest Hilary Clinton really is and will leave it to the electorate to decide.

And by the way, listening to him discuss the actual facts of the case and what he found, it's shocking how dangerous her actions really were. The steps she took to operate that private server can lead you to only two possible conclusions, and neither are good for Hilary.

1) she's a crooked, lying thief who needed a private server to protect the illegal activities going on at the Clinton Foundation.

2) she's completely inept and stupid. As Comey said over and over, he was surprise at her lack of sophistication.

Either way, she cannot be President.  

Gee Web, I am surprised that you agreed that much, from what I perceive of your right leanings....
I only looked at snippets, and without context, I think I might have read more into it than what it was, if I am to believe you.

I have 2 questions maybe you can answer, yes?

1. Why was the IT guy given immunity then if it/he wasn't at issue?
2. Regarding where Comey said he could prove no intent. Isn't the charge, Murder 1, based on "intent" of premeditation, where a trial and evidenced is weighed by a jury, falling short of its "intent", then the charged is released from of prosecution.....
Not innocent mind you, but they prosecuting party did not meet the threshold of "intentions" to convict on a M1, yes?  

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by WebsterMark on 07/07/16 at 19:47:40

I'm the original fair and balanced guy......

1. Why was the IT guy given immunity then if it/he wasn't at issue?

He was asked that and said two things. 1) he couldn't go into too much detail of the specifics of the immunity deal for confidentiality reasons.
2) the immunity deal was granted for the same reasons it's granted in other cases, he said they give immunity when they feel there is no other way to get the information. I assume what he can't say is the guy's attorney believed Hilary would be prosecuted and convicted so he was trying to protect his client and got the best deal for him. If Hilary had been convicted, the IT guy could have been brought up on charges as well because I assume he must have signed the same documents as Hilary with regards to acknowledging he would follow protocol with regards to classified documents. If he signed that and set up a separate server, he would have potentially been guilty like her.

2. Regarding where Comey said he could prove no intent. Isn't the charge, Murder 1, based on "intent" of premeditation, where a trial and evidenced is weighed by a jury, falling short of its "intent", then the charged is released from of prosecution.....
Not innocent mind you, but they prosecuting party did not meet the threshold of "intentions" to convict on a M1, yes?  

A prosecutor brings charges when he believes evidence exists a crime was committed. Because of the language of the law, he had to show intent. In his opinion, he says they found no evidence of intent. This is where I disagree with him to a certain degree. I think the very act of setting up a separate server is intent to retain classified documents outside of their approved domicile.

As I read some more and think about it, my 75% agreement is dropping to around 55%. I think he should have recommended the DOJ prosecute simply because the very act of setting up an user account on a non-government server is the same as taking classified documents home and leaving them in your house.

Now our friend Sew will likely want to argue the false comparison that other Secy of States did the same, but that's not entirely true. No one went to the trouble to set up a SERVER at their home. As Comey pointed out, the security on her home server was not even as good as what's on publicly available domiciles like Gmail. No one has done what Hilary did and the more I think about it, that in and of itself is enough to pursue further.

But, Hilary is not out of hot water just yet. She testified under oath to Congress she 1) never sent classified emails which the investigation proves she did.  2) She told congress she set the server up because she only used one device, but in fact during the investigation it was discovered she used multiple ones.  3) She said no official emails were deleted when in fact 110 'work' emails were recovered that she thought were deleted. Comey said if asked, the FBI would be obliged to investigate potential charges of perjury before a congressional committee.

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by raydawg on 07/07/16 at 20:06:03

605255444352457A56455C370 wrote:
I'm the original fair and balanced guy......

1. Why was the IT guy given immunity then if it/he wasn't at issue?

He was asked that and said two things. 1) he couldn't go into too much detail of the specifics of the immunity deal for confidentiality reasons.
2) the immunity deal was granted for the same reasons it's granted in other cases, he said they give immunity when they feel there is no other way to get the information. I assume what he can't say is the guy's attorney believed Hilary would be prosecuted and convicted so he was trying to protect his client and got the best deal for him. If Hilary had been convicted, the IT guy could have been brought up on charges as well because I assume he must have signed the same documents as Hilary with regards to acknowledging he would follow protocol with regards to classified documents. If he signed that and set up a separate server, he would have potentially been guilty like her.

2. Regarding where Comey said he could prove no intent. Isn't the charge, Murder 1, based on "intent" of premeditation, where a trial and evidenced is weighed by a jury, falling short of its "intent", then the charged is released from of prosecution.....
Not innocent mind you, but they prosecuting party did not meet the threshold of "intentions" to convict on a M1, yes?  

A prosecutor brings charges when he believes evidence exists a crime was committed. Because of the language of the law, he had to show intent. In his opinion, he says they found no evidence of intent. This is where I disagree with him to a certain degree. I think the very act of setting up a separate server is intent to retain classified documents outside of their approved domicile.

As I read some more and think about it, my 75% agreement is dropping to around 55%. I think he should have recommended the DOJ prosecute simply because the very act of setting up an user account on a non-government server is the same as taking classified documents home and leaving them in your house.

Now our friend Sew will likely want to argue the false comparison that other Secy of States did the same, but that's not entirely true. No one went to the trouble to set up a SERVER at their home. As Comey pointed out, the security on her home server was not even as good as what's on publicly available domiciles like Gmail. No one has done what Hilary did and the more I think about it, that in and of itself is enough to pursue further.

But, Hilary is not out of hot water just yet. She testified under oath to Congress she 1) never sent classified emails which the investigation proves she did.  2) She told congress she set the server up because she only used one device, but in fact during the investigation it was discovered she used multiple ones.  3) She said no official emails were deleted when in fact 110 'work' emails were recovered that she thought were deleted. Comey said if asked, the FBI would be obliged to investigate potential charges of perjury before a congressional committee.

Thank you web....

I see the state department is reopening its investigation too.
I guess they feel slighted, or lied to, as well?

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by WebsterMark on 07/07/16 at 20:18:00

I'm afraid Comey, who seems like a good guy, is going to be yet another soul sacrificed on the altar of Clinton.

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by raydawg on 07/08/16 at 03:53:24

192B2C3D3A2B3C032F3C254E0 wrote:
I'm afraid Comey, who seems like a good guy, is going to be yet another soul sacrificed on the altar of Clinton.

Well maybe the Clinton's are just the best gamers ever......
Its easy to sit back and fit the players after the results, but at this stage of the game, I can't honestly assess that all their moves resulted because of partisan relationships, willingly......
No, I think the Clinton's, the hicks from the sticks, are ardent and savvy, like a extremely street wise thug, picking your pockets, while embracing your virtues  ;D  

Politically speaking, a GREAT asset to possess, in a crooked and rigged system, that most of its citizenry are ignorant to its dealings.....

This ability could be devastating to our nation, if elected, or brilliant, its a coin toss.
If she tries this on a global scale, with positive results for the USA, in those dealings, watch out if the scammed, awaken to the truth, the proverbial hell to pay, might be demanded of our nation, by our so called allies, not to mention, foes  :o

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by WebsterMark on 07/08/16 at 04:15:36

Is Charles Krauthamer of the Washington Post as Savage rider reading our posts because I'm reading the paper this morning and his column is exactly what I said. He compared John Roberts Obamacare decision and Comey's decision just like I was thinking. Comey did not want to be the one to decide who the President of the United States is.

I guess I should quit my job and go write for a paper...... not.

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by raydawg on 07/08/16 at 05:10:27

625057464150477854475E350 wrote:
Is Charles Krauthamer of the Washington Post as Savage rider reading our posts because I'm reading the paper this morning and his column is exactly what I said. He compared John Roberts Obamacare decision and Comey's decision just like I was thinking. Comey did not want to be the one to decide who the President of the United States is.

I guess I should quit my job and go write for a paper...... not.

You want an atta boy  ;D

It's interesting theory, but it circumvents our system of governing doesn't it?
Do 2 wrongs ever make it right?

I get it, and I wish all the infighting,and hypocrisy, of both parties, when their firmly held beliefs swing 180 degrees depending on which way the wind is blowing.

Pulling strings can and do get tangled, and it seems it just pulls all of us down deeper into the quagmire.
Maybe, just maybe, faintly, Trumps no holds barred smack talk is like a hand to a child's butt....
We don't want to spank our kids, but spare the rod, often their ways of wrong only grow more bold....
Dang, I am not sure if this is his plan, or if he is just some weird dude, but it does open up a possibility of maybe, in my thinking  :o

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/08/16 at 08:25:30

Radio show caller said

Comey let her slide, But, laid out Tons of reasons why she should be indicted. Typically they don't explain what they found, they just say they are not taking action. Comey stressed that a Reasonable prosecutor wouldn't go forward. Really? Having SEEN them go after others with less, what is it that makes it Reasonable to Not go forward? Well, IF she is indicted, Obama just pardons her..
Once Lynch compromised the whole thing, what options were left?
The caller said that he thinks Comey could see that an indictment would go nowhere and laid out why she Should be indicted.. And the only way she is possibly ever going to be held accountable is for Trump to win, then He see to it that she gets what is coming to her.
Not Comeys words, but the best guess as to why.

But, Comey was involved in other things that Somehow managed to
Magically Work Out for a Clinton.  
The system is rigged, obviously enough.

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/08/16 at 15:59:19

I recently made a few serious points that are going unanswered.
Since I Know what that feels like and since I see and agree with this, I will at least address it.

I have 2 questions maybe you can answer, yes?

1. Why was the IT guy given immunity then if it/he wasn't at issue?

This got Lost in the fog. Since his testimony wasn't used,why did they bother?
This is the Very Loud Silence..

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by WebsterMark on 07/08/16 at 16:17:42

I didnt see your points or I would have.

Well, they were investigating and needed info from him. Like I said, I think the guy's lawyer was worried so he asked for immunity and got it.
They asked him questions and I assume that's where they got all the info about how poorly the server was set up.

I imagine that happens. They give someone immunity, interview them, but turns out their info didn't end up being the difference.

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/08/16 at 16:41:04

And yet, Cumeater laid out a load of reasons to indict.
In a crooked game it's not easy to know what value each player really has. An Honest investigation may well have utilized the ITguy a bunch.. But they didn't Want to hang her,, as is made obvious by the lame Investigation..

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/09/16 at 08:35:09

I see nobody has considered the last post , so,I'll add one,, maybe two..

Hotlinks   all through it.. And they go to supporting articles.

If someone is just a guthooked liberal, unwilling to see what kind of creature they are hoping will be the president, then they probably won't even look.

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by cheapnewb24 on 07/09/16 at 11:52:29

Why don't I run for President? I can make a mess out of emails. I can sling papers everywhere and run about like a bumbling fool making a mess out of everything.  ;D Why is Hillary even running for office? She can't even do Secretary of State without making an irresponsible mess out of her emails, falling into the whole Benghazi incident, whatever that's all about, and having to resign from falling ill. Talk about a stressed out mess. Somehow she managed Senator and First Lady, right? Maybe she's too old and weak. And the Dems want this train wreck for President??? ::) Perhaps an Average Joe can get by with that many screw-ups. Now, I just need to find a political party to support my campaign. :D

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/10/16 at 03:44:56

Are you a good enough liar?

She just So sucks.
Dodging sniper fire again, I guess.

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/10/16 at 04:12:35

Are people Really so careless?

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by pg on 07/10/16 at 05:47:36

56494F4855526353635B49450E3C0 wrote:
Are people Really so careless?

I thought he had a heart attack, well then he dropped a bar bell on his own neck.  Maybe he had a heart attack, which caused him to drop the bar bell........ ::)

Best regards,

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/10/16 at 06:22:52

When anything is so perfectly timed and the reports are maybe a little less than clear, I get suspicious. But, why would I? Why would Anyone ever doubt that we are being told the truth?

So, early reports,, Heart Attack,, ehhh, but, what about the throat? You stupid enough to work out with a barbell that you can't control better than to drop it on your THROAT? I Have been in trouble and had one on my chest.. maybe a heart attack made him drop it, or maybe someone came in and pushed down on it, and he had a heart attack knowing that he was going to die. Never gonna know. But ohhh how wonderfully timed.

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by Serowbot on 07/10/16 at 07:17:50

Pub's did it... :-?

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/10/16 at 08:05:14

I thought it was his wife.

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/10/16 at 09:01:29

This is what
Equal protection under the law
Looks like.

Since Intent is the new central issue in crime and ignorance is now a defense, I don't see why Americans should be concerned about any legal action. Well, except for the minor point Comeater pointed out, when he said that p part about
Should anyone else find themselves in the same position we might prosecute

Gee, ya THINK? Gag me,  anyone celebrating this travesty is too short sighted to understand that when justice is so perverted it damages society. Thanks to this there Will be a segment of society who will feel justified breaking the law.

If you don't have to follow the law, neither do we.
That's what some people will feel and act on.

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by cheapnewb24 on 07/10/16 at 12:25:05

796660677A7D4C7C4C74666A21130 wrote:
Are you a good enough liar?

She just So sucks.
Dodging sniper fire again, I guess.

I actually thought of it when I was writing the post. I'm probably too honest to run for office.

I wonder how honest Trump is. At least he's willing to say things no one else will.

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by cheapnewb24 on 07/10/16 at 12:31:54

Perhaps intent should be a big issue. Wanna be punished when you're innocent and happen to trip and fall into legal trouble?

But if g-men who should have known better were convicted of misdemeanors for bad handling of classified stuff, then that seems a reasonable penalty for Hillary-- a misdemeanor. It should certainly question her competence for president. How much worse could Trump be?

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by Serowbot on 07/10/16 at 14:41:46

757E737766787361742422160 wrote:
PHow much worse could Trump be?

This should not be an idle question...

He could be very much worse...
VERY.... :-?

Title: Re: and there it is....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/10/16 at 15:15:00

Worse than that cackling pregnant dog? I seriously doubt that. He could be bad, I have said that, but WORSE than a neocon wearing a D? Give me a break. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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