General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Sam Harris on Trump...

Message started by Serowbot on 06/30/16 at 11:52:39

Title: Sam Harris on Trump...
Post by Serowbot on 06/30/16 at 11:52:39

Title: Re: Sam Harris on Trump...
Post by pg on 06/30/16 at 14:59:53

I've never heard of him, I assume he is another marxist.....   :-/

Best regards,

Title: Re: Sam Harris on Trump...
Post by Serowbot on 06/30/16 at 16:03:18

You could try listening...
I do occasionally listen to the idiots some others post on here... :-?

Title: Re: Sam Harris on Trump...
Post by WebsterMark on 06/30/16 at 16:37:13

OK I listened to the first 10 seconds until he said no one can argue that Hillary is not qualified. Yes, I can.
A civilian defense worker who paid to install their own server in their  basement and used it to send and receive work emails would: 1) lose their job 2) never again gain security clearance and 3) go to jail.

She's more than just dishonest, she's careless.

Not qualified.

Title: Re: Sam Harris on Trump...
Post by raydawg on 06/30/16 at 17:37:03

734146575041566945564F240 wrote:
OK I listened to the first 10 seconds until he said no one can argue that Hillary is not qualified. Yes, I can.
A civilian defense worker who paid to install their own server in their  basement and used it to send and receive work emails would: 1) lose their job 2) never again gain security clearance and 3) go to jail.

She's more than just dishonest, she's careless.

Not qualified.

Which goes to show just how qualified she is....

Obama tried word games with a problem he wanted to eliminate, with J V team, and, I won't say Muslim, etc.....
But it didn't work, did it.
And yet, many think we was qualified enough to be president, even some idiots I know ( myself, the first time ONLY ).

Now Hillary, she can raise millions by her speeches.
And she can say she didn't do anything wrong, then amend that as she gets trapped, amend it again, parse words, and so on and so forth, and still they will believe her.

That dude, is the makings of a first class scam artist, and a highly successful one.
Heck, I bet she could call these Muslim Terrorist J V fairies.....

And they would put down their arms and become soldiers for global warming in a heartbeat  ;D

Title: Re: Sam Harris on Trump...
Post by LostArtist on 06/30/16 at 17:53:20

675552434455427D51425B300 wrote:
OK I listened to the first 10 seconds until he said no one can argue that Hillary is not qualified. Yes, I can.
A civilian defense worker who paid to install their own server in their  basement and used it to send and receive work emails would: 1) lose their job 2) never again gain security clearance and 3) go to jail.

She's more than just dishonest, she's careless.

Not qualified.

is the State department part of the Department of Defense??  

now I agree she shoulda just used her .gov email, it's not that hard.

But, I'm not convinced that that's the end of the world either. I think it'd be nice if our government would get with the darn times already though.

Title: Re: Sam Harris on Trump...
Post by pg on 06/30/16 at 17:54:31

4E584F524A5F52493D0 wrote:
You could try listening...
I do occasionally listen to the idiots some others post on here... :-?

At least he didn't deny it.  I'll see what he has to say.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Sam Harris on Trump...
Post by LostArtist on 06/30/16 at 18:25:45

If Sam Harris wasn't such a little twerp that woulda been alright, but in many aspects he's as bad as Trump

Title: Re: Sam Harris on Trump...
Post by WebsterMark on 06/30/16 at 20:02:57

is the State department part of the Department of Defense??  

the Secretary of State is ranked higher than the secretary of defense.

Title: Re: Sam Harris on Trump...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/30/16 at 21:05:06

Yes, Clinton gets tons of money for a half hour speech. It's money laundering.

Title: Re: Sam Harris on Trump...
Post by WebsterMark on 07/01/16 at 05:09:33

Actually if you think about today's world, the US Secretary of State is perhaps the 2nd most influential person in our federal government, perhaps top 5 in the world. Look at the influence Condi Rice had. It was at least equal to Cheney. Of course in this administration, Uncle Joe Biden means nothing. He might as well be a pet cow eating grass outside.

However, Secretary of State is an unelected position. Who the President selects for that position is pretty important. I'm not suggesting it become an elected position, but who the future President selects is an interesting piece of information. I've not heard any names tossed about.

Title: Re: Sam Harris on Trump...
Post by raydawg on 07/01/16 at 05:59:54

Interesting web, I always thought it was a toss away impotent cabinet spot......
Sort of a press secretary on a global stage.

Well Hillary proved how lucrative it can be, which might prove it to be desirable appointment from now on  ;D

Title: Re: Sam Harris on Trump...
Post by Serowbot on 07/01/16 at 08:52:41

093B3C2D2A3B2C133F2C355E0 wrote:
OK I listened to the first 10 seconds until he said no one can argue that Hillary is not qualified. Yes, I can.

615354454253447B57445D360 wrote:
Actually if you think about today's world, the US Secretary of State is perhaps the 2nd most influential person in our federal government, perhaps top 5 in the world.

You may argue that she doesn't deserve it, or shouldn't be voted for,.. but,... she is more qualified than most any candidate is recent memory...
Law degree, Yale...
Secretary of State...
Plus,.. 8 years as First Lady, and 8 as First Lady of Arkansas...

Trump.... has a lot of money...  (his only qualification)... ::)

This is the point Sam Harris is making...
If you had listened on,.. you'd hear that he is not a fan of Hillary,... but sees Trump as totally unqualified.  
And I agree,.. Trump has neither the temperament, intelligence, nor experience, for the job... only money...

Title: Re: Sam Harris on Trump...
Post by Paraquat on 07/01/16 at 09:13:04

50736F685D6E68756F681C0 wrote:
But, I'm not convinced that that's the end of the world either. I think it'd be nice if our government would get with the darn times already though.

What if it were the end of the world for people who lost their lives as a result of classified information being leaked?


Title: Re: Sam Harris on Trump...
Post by raydawg on 07/01/16 at 10:41:27

Using "what if" only allows more what if....
Subjective assumptions at best.

I'm with Bot in this assessment, however, I won't vote a known conniver in either.
What I find sorta funny is why is money even a requirement?
I get their "own person" angle, but ain't that like saying it would take more money to buy me off, then?

Biden has no money when compared to the wealth Clinton and Trump have, yet I would have no problem saying he is a better candidate than those two!

Title: Re: Sam Harris on Trump...
Post by Paraquat on 07/01/16 at 11:13:23

4B58405D584E5E390 wrote:
Using "what if" only allows more what if....
Subjective assumptions at best.

Even the emails that have now been made public contain sensitive information -— including information about Benghazi, said Napolitano, a former judge, in an Aug. 5 conversation with Fox News host Sean Hannity.

"I saw emails that have been revealed under the Freedom of Information Act," Napolitano said. "And in them, she is discussing the location of French fighter jets during the NATO bombardment of Libya, how big the no-fly zone is, where the no-fly zones are, and are you ready for this? — the location of Ambassador Stevens, who of course was murdered, in Libya. If that is not classified — if she didn’t know that was classified, she has no business being in public office."

March 27, 2011: This is an email between two State Department officials that was then forwarded to Clinton. The subject line is: "Chris Stevens mission." Regarding his location and travel plans, the email said, "The current game plan is for Mr. Stevens to move no later than Wednesday from Malta to Benghazi. He will stage off shore initially for a one day visit during which he will have meetings with TNC interlocutors and get a sense of the situation on the ground. The goal of this one day trip is for him to lay the groundwork for a stay of up to 30 days."

These emails do discuss Stevens’ location, though the terms are vague. We learn from the emails that Stevens was in Malta then Benghazi, where he met with local leaders at unspecified locations, and he stayed at an unnamed hotel. That’s about it.

Napolitano’s statement suggests that if a bad guy had gotten his hands on these emails, Stevens could have been in danger because the bad guys would know exactly where to find him. In reality, these emails don’t reveal much more than what was publicly known at the time.

Clinton received at least six emails that discussed Stevens’ location in Libya, though the terms are vague -- for example, saying he was in Benghazi at an unidentified hotel.

The context of Napolitano’s statement gives the impression that the emails contain information that would have been damaging if released, but it was widely noted in the media at the time that Stevens was in Benghazi, and on at least one occasion, reporters encountered him at the hotel where he was living and working.

All quotes from politifact.


Title: Re: Sam Harris on Trump...
Post by Serowbot on 07/01/16 at 13:26:08

7342514252564257230 wrote:
Even the emails that have now been made public contain sensitive information -— including information about Benghazi, said Napolitano, a former judge, in an Aug. 5 conversation with Fox News host Sean Hannity.

Makes you wonder WTF the Pub's on the Benghazi Committee are releasing them...  don't it?... ::)

Title: Re: Sam Harris on Trump...
Post by pg on 07/01/16 at 14:20:10

3D2B3C21392C213A4E0 wrote:
[quote author=7342514252564257230 link=1467312759/15#15 date=1467396803]Even the emails that have now been made public contain sensitive information -— including information about Benghazi, said Napolitano, a former judge, in an Aug. 5 conversation with Fox News host Sean Hannity.

Makes you wonder WTF the Pub's on the Benghazi Committee are releasing them...  don't it?... ::)[/quote]

What difference does it make now; regardless, it was on a spontaneous reaction to a youtube video.  

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