General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Can you be sorta pregnant?

Message started by raydawg on 06/30/16 at 04:47:00

Title: Can you be sorta pregnant?
Post by raydawg on 06/30/16 at 04:47:00

Listening to the Obama media and associated cabinet members, they tell us The terrorist are losing and desperate, from recent strikes the US has enacted on them.....
That our successes, or actions, is the motivation for bombings and uptick in terrorist activities against civilians, etc.

Can someone please explain the rationales of this thinking?

What has me perplexed, is this.....
I thought by not calling them out, or using discriptives that belittle them, will make them stop.....
You know, the JV team is delusional thinking it can compete with varsity, etc.
So, if striking them, or a sword for a sword, is what is working, you know, Kerry said they are losing and desperate, why wasn't this type of force used to begin with?
Did the JV plan only extend their reign of terror?
Are we now responsible for their aggression because of our aggressions, ya know, like we have been told that, because we have always been the dickheads over there, etc?

Geez, I am so confused  :o

Title: Re: Can you be sorta pregnant?
Post by verslagen1 on 06/30/16 at 09:14:12

You were never told 'sticks and stone may break my bones, but names will never hurt me'?

The true JV team just got that and have stepped up the bombing program.

So now the cowards have decided to after soft targets cause you know, they're getting their a$$es kicked in the desert. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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