General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Little glasses .........WTF?

Message started by raydawg on 06/26/16 at 12:17:47

Title: Little glasses .........WTF?
Post by raydawg on 06/26/16 at 12:17:47

OK, I know how the left, when confronted with facts, call names, bully, and pull stunts like sit in, i.e.: pout....
And this is one major reason I don't see them as leaders, but when Trump references George Wills little glasses that make people think he's smart, well, that is even beneath the left wing poster boys and girls.

Sometimes I think Obama's rigidness of ideology makes me see him as a buffoon, for he appears oblivious to facts contradicting him.....
But Trump, his arrogance and childish behavior steals that title away from Obama, tenfold, if not more.....

Who will run this country from the Oval Office, or we to be rudderless?  :-/

Title: Re: Little glasses .........WTF?
Post by pg on 06/27/16 at 13:48:59

20332B36332535520 wrote:
OK, I know how the left, when confronted with facts, call names, bully, and pull stunts like sit in, i.e.: pout.... :-/

Did you see Sacramento?  A leftist group by the acronym "BAMN" by any means necessary confronted Nazi's.  My understanding is both are regarded as "hate groups" and it didn't end well.  The article I read said 10 people were stabbed with 2 suffering life threatening injuries.  It didn't say which side took the grunt of the affliction.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Little glasses .........WTF?
Post by verslagen1 on 06/27/16 at 15:15:03

Yes, saw the interview of the "BAMN" leader made it apparent what the conflict was... violent oppression of a hate group.
shoulda corralled them all in an open field separated by a moat.
gave them all 20' bamboo sticks and let them go at it.

Title: Re: Little glasses .........WTF?
Post by pg on 06/27/16 at 15:36:44

Better yet, they should have gotten both the leaders and go straight to the 50 yard line.   Flip a coin and look to the winner of the coin toss and say  --  
"knives, guns, or swords, your choice."   ;)

Best regards,

Title: Re: Little glasses .........WTF?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/27/16 at 21:07:22

594E48444B5B290 wrote:
Better yet, they should have gotten both the leaders and go straight to the 50 yard line.   Flip a coin and look to the winner of the coin toss and say  --  
"knives, guns, or swords, your choice."   ;)

Best regards,

How to let them drag us into war... just let the people who want to fight, fight...

Title: Re: Little glasses .........WTF?
Post by Serowbot on 06/29/16 at 08:32:22

You guys would see the Nazi's and the Resistance as equivalent... :-?

Talk about PC blindness... ;D

Title: Re: Little glasses .........WTF?
Post by raydawg on 06/29/16 at 10:49:51

293F28352D38352E5A0 wrote:
You guys would see the Nazi's and the Resistance as equivalent... :-?

Talk about PC blindness... ;D

U 2 Toto......????

What you fail to grasp is that PC is code "we are right" as in correct, and any opposition is WRONG....
Yet, you expect them to cave and surrender their beliefs, of which you won't do, then label them with PC terms of intolerance, etc....
Oblivious, at best, to just plain egoistical SOB's with inferiority complexes....


Title: Re: Little glasses .........WTF?
Post by Serowbot on 06/29/16 at 12:15:07

43504855504656310 wrote:
What you fail to grasp is that PC is code "we are right" as in correct,

What you fail to see,.. is that it isn't... :-?

Title: Re: Little glasses .........WTF?
Post by raydawg on 06/29/16 at 12:35:38

1204130E16030E15610 wrote:
[quote author=43504855504656310 link=1466968668/0#6 date=1467222591]What you fail to grasp is that PC is code "we are right" as in correct,

What you fail to see,.. is that it isn't... :-?[/quote]

So, what does the word correct mean?

Title: Re: Little glasses .........WTF?
Post by Serowbot on 06/29/16 at 12:37:46

Ask Jesus...  8-)

Title: Re: Little glasses .........WTF?
Post by raydawg on 06/29/16 at 13:27:06

4C5A4D50485D504B3F0 wrote:
Ask Jesus...  8-)

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.....

Your deep dude.
I understand now, why a person would ride 90 miles in ANY kind of weather for a hamburger.
I rest my case, your Honor.

Title: Re: Little glasses .........WTF?
Post by pg on 06/29/16 at 18:40:46

4355425F47525F44300 wrote:
You guys would see the Nazi's and the Resistance as equivalent... :-?

Who or what is the Resistance?  Incidentally, WD is the only person on the forum who shares those beliefs.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Little glasses .........WTF?
Post by WD on 06/29/16 at 21:29:35

Just because there is an NSDAP flag and a black shirt SS battle standard in the pond cabin, and an Aryan Nations battle standard flying at the pond itself...

I actually got an inside scoop from folks that were there. The protesters lost, and 9 of them were sent to the doctors by their own weapons. One of the legally permitted (city permit was issued for the event) was sent to the hospital.

I fly 3 Army of Tennessee CSA battle flags on the Savage, daily. The flag/banner truck from 4-7 CSA flags currently, with more to come. I'm online friends with 1 current Imperial Wizard and a former Grand Dragon whom I've met in real life.

I work in the worst part of Memphis. Unarmed. Nobody messes with me. Between the flags and the Confederate and German martial music, company and customers walk on egg shells over land mines around me...  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Little glasses .........WTF?
Post by raydawg on 06/30/16 at 03:36:12

7360240 wrote:
Just because there is an NSDAP flag and a black shirt SS battle standard in the pond cabin, and an Aryan Nations battle standard flying at the pond itself...

I actually got an inside scoop from folks that were there. The protesters lost, and 9 of them were sent to the doctors by their own weapons. One of the legally permitted (city permit was issued for the event) was sent to the hospital.

I fly 3 Army of Tennessee CSA battle flags on the Savage, daily. The flag/banner truck from 4-7 CSA flags currently, with more to come. I'm online friends with 1 current Imperial Wizard and a former Grand Dragon whom I've met in real life.

I work in the worst part of Memphis. Unarmed. Nobody messes with me. Between the flags and the Confederate and German martial music, company and customers walk on egg shells over land mines around me...  ;D ;D ;D


HEY, you ain't Muslim are you?  ;D

Title: Re: Little glasses .........WTF?
Post by WebsterMark on 06/30/16 at 05:03:13

Memphis is a $hithole of a city. Of all the places I go to, Memphis is one where I wished I had a gun on me 90% of the time. If Elvis were still alive, he'd had moved to Nashville a long tome ago.

You can't judge an entire group of people based on skin color. That's racist and shameful.

However, I'm all in favor of Trump's Muslim immigration ban. The other day, I was working in Dodge City Kansas and the guy at the plant helping me was one of the best, most competent people in his position I've worked with anywhere. If I had a job to hire for and he was available, I'd push a wheelbarrow full of cash and steal him away. Oh by the way, was a Mexican immigrant yet I'd still build a wall if I could.

So, how do I square what appears to be on the surface a major contradiction, but in reality makes perfect sense? Because if you can't square that up, it would be easy to slip into the Aryan sewage tank.

I know the answer, do you? What makes discrimination against blacks racism, but discrimination against Muslims and illegal immigrants a perfectly logical approach?

Title: Re: Little glasses .........WTF?
Post by Paraquat on 06/30/16 at 06:10:49

What's wrong with 90 miles for a burger? I went to the Poconos for a slice of pie and a hot dog. It was $2.49.

I've got nothing against Muslims or Mexicans but let's face it, our economy is in the shitter and we need to focus on US.

How can you plan for the future without the opposition bringing up "For the greater good..." ?

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