General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Truth hurts......sometimes?

Message started by raydawg on 06/21/16 at 03:32:48

Title: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by raydawg on 06/21/16 at 03:32:48

A Pittsburgh anchorwoman, who was fired after comments in a Facebook post about a shooting were deemed racially insensitive, filed a lawsuit against her former employer Monday saying the television station let her go because she is white.

Wendy Bell said in her federal lawsuit against WTAE-TV that the station fired her on March 30 “because of her race,” violating her civil rights.

"Had Ms. Bell written the same comments about white criminal suspects or had her race not have been white, Defendant would not have fired her, much less disciplined her," the lawsuit reads. "Ms. Bell's posting of concern for the African-American community stung by mass shooting was clearly and obviously not intended to be racially offensive."

Bell is seeking back pay, punitive damages and her old job.

She commented on the March 9 shooting of five black people in the poor Pittsburgh suburb of Wilkinsburg.

"You needn't be a criminal profiler to draw a mental sketch of the killers who broke so many hearts," Bell wrote March 21. "They are young black men, likely in their teens or in their early 20s. They have multiple siblings from multiple fathers and their mothers work multiple jobs. These boys have been in the system before. They've grown up there. They know the police. They've been arrested."

In the same post, she also praised a black restaurant worker in a way some readers felt was condescending.

No arrests have been made in the case.

Bell's comments sparked a backlash from some who saw her words as racist, but also drew defenders who found her post honest.

After a social media backlash, Bell apologized, saying her words "were insensitive and could be viewed as racist." The station also apologized, saying Bell's remarks showed "an egregious lack of judgment."

Bell was fired nine days later after WTAE determined her remarks violated the company's journalism and ethics standards.

In an interview with The Associated Press on the day she was fired, Bell said she did not get a "fair shake" from the station, and that the focus on her comments was a distraction from the issue of "African-Americans being killed by other African-Americans."

Sam Cordes, Bell’s lawyer, told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that Bell is still searching for a job, but the situation is complicated because WTAE-TV management told her that she had a noncompete clause in her original contract that ran through March 30, 2017.

“This was not easy for her and has not been,” Mr. Cordes said.

Bell joined WTAE in 1998 and has won 21 Emmy Awards.

Can you tell me where she lied, distorted, embellished, the true facts of the story?

Why is it Dan Rathers can fabricate and lie, Katie Couric, etc, and yet....

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/21/16 at 04:45:14

Defendant would not have fired her, much less disciplined her,

Poorly done.. Emphasis on discipline instead of fired,, totally backwards.

Ray, INSENSITIVITY is the crime. Failure to self censor.
Using the odds, calling it like it most likely Is, after having seen it before, it's just wrong, see, and they want to Normalize the insanity.  Live immersed in PC,it's sick.

The condescending comment should have been included..

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by pg on 06/21/16 at 05:02:53

Do you still believe we do not have protected classes in our society?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/21/16 at 05:13:39

I'm not seeing
of anyone.
I'm just seeing training people to accept policy over common sense,,insanity over common sense.
Everyone who has two brain cells still alive KNOWS what she said is true.

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by raydawg on 06/21/16 at 06:41:45

293E38343B2B590 wrote:
Do you still believe we do not have protected classes in our society?

Best regards,

No, evidence is all around us.
On its face Affirmative Action promotes discrimination.
Free or safe zones on campus, free from free speak....
A president who won't use the truth, and a justice department that marched to his orders, a clear violation of separation of powers.
Black caucus.
Hispanic caucus.
Wimen caucus.

Until we act as equals, we won't behave as equals, and truth will be forfeited for beliefs....

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/21/16 at 07:52:03

Well, since you put it That way..

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by Serowbot on 06/21/16 at 07:56:37

61726A77726474130 wrote:
Can you tell me where she lied, distorted, embellished, the true facts of the story?

Why is it Dan Rathers can fabricate and lie, Katie Couric, etc, and yet....

Uhhh,... I think you forgot...
Rather was fired... :-?

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/21/16 at 08:38:33

I don't see how it is germane. SHE didn't Lie.

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by Serowbot on 06/21/16 at 09:24:14

Let's keep the Germans out of this... :-?

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/21/16 at 10:03:48

Good opening line, but where is something to make your reason for pointing out He lied something that We can see, understand and grasp the correlation?

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by Ruttly on 06/21/16 at 10:08:56

Engage brain before opening mouth !
Remember Jimmy the Greek , didn't take nine days to fire him !

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by WebsterMark on 06/21/16 at 10:20:35

if you open up, they always have news stores down at the bottom. I'm sorry, I said news but I meant to say "news". Anyway there's a story about a church in Sacramento where the property owner is looking for a way to forced them to move because the preacher had some very unflattering things to say about those killed in Orlando. there's a lot of post on Twitter about how this guy should be imprisoned, the IRS apparently is looking into revoking your tax exemption status etc.

Now, I don't agree with what the preacher had to say, and I suspect 99.9% of Americans would not agree with him either. But here's my question, we have hundreds of Islamic mosque around the nation today calling for violence against gays yet I don't recall ever seeing an article praising a property management company trying to evict an Islamic church. And I don't think we ever will.

Many of these Islamic mosque have said and done things 1000 times worse than Westboro Baptist Church ever has but you will never hear about it.

So, are there protected classes? Of course there are and our lovely wonderful president has decided to throw a security blanket around a group of people whose members have done an awful lot of killing lately.

Go figure.

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by raydawg on 06/21/16 at 11:10:55

Dan forged a document to make his desire to burn Junior Bush with a negative story.... Not until a typewriter expert caught the discrepancy did he get held accountable....
Not only that, it speaks volumes in him thinking he could do this in the first place

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/21/16 at 11:31:39

Why shouldn't he think he could get away with it? The media have been lying to us for decades. But, when you try to burn the Guy who Creates our Reality... well, that can blow up in your face..

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by Serowbot on 06/21/16 at 12:04:42

73607865607666010 wrote:
Dan forged a document to make his desire to burn Junior Bush with a negative story.... Not until a typewriter expert caught the discrepancy did he get held accountable....
Not only that, it speaks volumes in him thinking he could do this in the first place

Yes,.. the document a fake... and his research did not catch that...
Rather did not forge it... and his conclusion about Bush was true and correct.  That was never disputed...
..but, he was fired anyway...

I think Dan Rather should have should have been reprimanded, and made a public correction and apology... but not been fired.
This woman,.. should apologize also... but, not be fired...

Fox News went to court, to defend their right to report lies...
That's beyond the pale... Orwellian... :-?

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by raydawg on 06/21/16 at 13:15:20

6A7C6B766E7B766D190 wrote:
[quote author=73607865607666010 link=1466505168/0#12 date=1466532655]Dan forged a document to make his desire to burn Junior Bush with a negative story.... Not until a typewriter expert caught the discrepancy did he get held accountable....
Not only that, it speaks volumes in him thinking he could do this in the first place

Yes,.. the document a fake... and his research did not catch that...
Rather did not forge it... and his conclusion about Bush was true and correct.  That was never disputed...
..but, he was fired anyway...

I think Dan Rather should have should have been reprimanded, and made a public correction and apology... but not been fired.
This woman,.. should apologize also... but, not be fired...

Fox News went to court, to defend their right to report lies...
That's beyond the pale... Orwellian... :-?


Oh Fox News....... Deflection?

If it was true, why did they need to lie?
You can't have it both ways.

I understand your need to assign things to justify your beliefs, heck we all do, but perception is not fact, and the truth subjective.
You can see this exhibited with numbers, depending how you ask a question, then fine tune, or edit that question, to get the results you wanted in the first place....

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by Serowbot on 06/21/16 at 14:39:59

7E6D75686D7B6B0C0 wrote:
I understand your need to assign things to justify your beliefs, heck we all do, but perception is not fact, and the truth subjective.
You can see this exhibited with numbers, depending how you ask a question, then fine tune, or edit that question, to get the results you wanted in the first place....

I assign facts to support my beliefs...

If you or others use Breibart, or Fox, or Alex Jones, Rush, etc...
You're not using facts...

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by raydawg on 06/21/16 at 14:46:02

786E79647C69647F0B0 wrote:
[quote author=7E6D75686D7B6B0C0 link=1466505168/15#15 date=1466540120]I understand your need to assign things to justify your beliefs, heck we all do, but perception is not fact, and the truth subjective.
You can see this exhibited with numbers, depending how you ask a question, then fine tune, or edit that question, to get the results you wanted in the first place....

I assign facts to support my beliefs...

If you or others use Breibart, or Fox, or Alex Jones, Rush, etc...
You're not using facts...[/quote]

No, history, nice try tho.....

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/21/16 at 16:12:33

I assign facts to support my beliefs...

If you or others use Breibart, or Fox, or Alex Jones, Rush, etc...
You're not using facts..

I would bet that I have spent more time listening to
Commie News Network than you have Alex Jones.

The people who are interviewed are often high ranking military or former military. The belief that He, Alex, is the Source of what is said and Not just the reporter is ridiculous. Sure, he does his editorial stuff, but I don't think you're being objective.
And, if every source you pointed out Is Not a place where facts are available, where am I to turn?

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by raydawg on 06/21/16 at 17:24:44

746B6D6A7770417141796B672C1E0 wrote:
I assign facts to support my beliefs...

If you or others use Breibart, or Fox, or Alex Jones, Rush, etc...
You're not using facts..

I would bet that I have spent more time listening to
Commie News Network than you have Alex Jones.

The people who are interviewed are often high ranking military or former military. The belief that He, Alex, is the Source of what is said and Not just the reporter is ridiculous. Sure, he does his editorial stuff, but I don't think you're being objective.
And, if every source you pointed out Is Not a place where facts are available, where am I to turn?

Jog, when you don't have a sustainable argument, or can't back your assertions, you deflect.
You call names.
You obviate.
You ridicule.
You minimize.....
What you NEVER do is address the argument, and try not to be held to a absolute answer.

I never even looked at those things he list, other than FOX.
I guess they are listed in the talking points.
How you can be against something you don't listen to, well.....  ;D

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/21/16 at 17:33:53

Fox went to court to prove that they have a right to lie.
That's not
Be wrong,
Whole cloth, fabrication of stories. I don't pay attention to them much at all.
I'm selective about the sources better than most.
That Bot can just dismiss out of hand every source he doesn't like is as revealing as his saying that it's Okay to be violent against Trump supporters, because They support a hater..
Talk about FUKKTUP.

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by pg on 06/21/16 at 18:57:15


Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by WebsterMark on 06/22/16 at 05:21:32

I assign facts to support my beliefs...

If you or others use Breibart, or Fox, or Alex Jones, Rush, etc...
You're not using facts...[/quote]

Sew buddy, you've been proven wrong so many times, it's not even funny. Just the other day you said more guns equals more death but thats demonstratively false. What is funny is you (assume that was your original quote) claiming to assign "facts" you get from legitimate news agancies i.e. the ones predestined to give you the spin on the facts you want.

Facts are 10% of the news, spin is 90%.  For example, I'm thinking about buying a Ruger Mini14. It's a semi auto, shoots .223 and is easily customized, but it's not an "assault rifle" as told to us by the media. If I were to buy an AR15 which shares many attributes of the Mini14, I've just bought an assault rifle, as told to is by the media.

Notice how little we've heard about the attempt on Trumps life, how much we've heard about him firing campaign manager, how much Gary Johnson's bid is being talked up, how little you'll hear (and how much discredited) the book by the secret serive agent will get. That's spin. That's your news.

And I've never bought into this Fox went to court to sue for it's ability to lie. Like most everything else, I'm guessing there's more to the story. And if they did, I'm guessing CNN, MSNBC, CBS etc... either filed supporting briefs or collectively held their breath hoping for a Fox victory.

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/22/16 at 05:32:17

Fox did it.
I don't know if others participated.
Doesn't matter.
The law applies to all.
So does the ruling.

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by WebsterMark on 06/22/16 at 08:10:49

617E787F62655464546C7E72390B0 wrote:
Fox did it.
I don't know if others participated.
Doesn't matter.
The law applies to all.
So does the ruling.

Na, not buying it. I'll look into it later. Yellow flags flying...

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/22/16 at 08:23:50

Snopes has it as False.Yippee, the documents and direction weren't stating
We intend to demonstrate that we have the right to lie to our viewers..

But, study the Case. Understand that Fox would not allow the report compiled by reporters to be aired. If Not telling the truth isn't a lie,,  what is it? It was an expose' on Monsanto. Gee, I wonder why it was not aired..

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by WebsterMark on 06/22/16 at 10:21:50

I read up on this and read some of the statements submittef by the two reporters and as I suspected, Fox News did not cite a "right to lie privilege" as a defense in the case.

I'm sure my friend Jog will not agree but before you argue this, the transcripts of the case are available so simply copy and past where the attorneys for Fox asserted that the right to lie is a protected form of free speech within the First Amendment and therefore the case against them should be dismissed.

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/22/16 at 10:24:31

I already said as much.

What is suppressing the truth?

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by WebsterMark on 06/22/16 at 13:17:58

4F5056514C4B7A4A7A42505C17250 wrote:
I already said as much.

What is suppressing the truth?

As Pilot famously asked "what is truth?"  
Followed in Jesus Christ Superstar with the question "We both have truths, are mine the same as yours?"

The two reporters involved were not really reporters, a more accurate description would be activist. One of them had already been fired from CNN. They weren't doing a news story, they were doing to hatchet job.
This would be like you doing a 9/11 story on the news.

The editor objected to be biased tone and requested/demanded they seek out alternative points of view to which the activist/reporters refused. So the station fired them.  they sued the station on four counts and lost initially on three of them. The only count they won on was the fact the station fired them because they refused to edit their story. However, the definition of edit here is critical. The station wanted alternative points of view and that's what they meant by editing.  

incidentally, upon appeal, that loss for the station was tossed out. So the activist did not win on any of their points.  The idea that Fox sued to be allowed to lie is a lie in and of itself. Fox did not sue anybody, they were sued and defended themselves.

As I said, if they had filed a brief or presented the argument that they had a first amendment right to lie, you would have a valid point. But they didn't do that. All this is is some bull$hit nonsense about FOXNews.  your interest in all this is only because Monsanta is involved. Another topic of which you don't exactly have unbiased view zone.

so let's stop spreading yet another lie on the Internet shall we?

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/22/16 at 13:43:23

They claimed that they rewrote it something like eighty times.
Nobody needs a journalism degree to investigate anything.
The idea that without a pedigree one is useless is silly. My dad successfully ran oil companies with just a high school diploma.
Some people are able to accomplish without being taught how.
I designed the tool that captured and lifted the broken casing from downhhole. Two engineers failed twice. I don't have a degree.

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by WebsterMark on 06/22/16 at 14:13:25

all that is very interesting and impressive but it doesn't matter in this case. The new station has an editorial oversight. They told the activist/reporters to add an alternative point of view because it was biased journalism. The activist/reporters refused and got fired and they sued FoxNews, not the other way around.

Fox News never sued to lie in court. It was never stated as fact that Fox Newd lied in their reports and it was never stated as fact that Fox requested and was granted approval to lie during news stories.

I don't care how many times the reporters rewrote the story, that's not necessarily the point. All I want you to do is admit the simple fact: FoxNews did not sue to be able to lie during a news report.
Simple statement.

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/22/16 at 15:07:50

e documents and direction weren't stating
We intend to demonstrate that we have the right to lie to our viewers..

But, study the Case. Understand that Fox would not allow the report compiled by reporters to be aired. If Not telling the truth isn't a lie,,  what is it? It was an expose' on Monsanto. Gee, I wonder why it was not aired..
Back to top      

What was it you wanted again?

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by WebsterMark on 06/22/16 at 15:46:50

I thnk the point has been made, Fox News did not file suit nor claim a right to lie.

So if you want to continue perpetuating a lie, go ahead a do your best Hilary impersonation but it won't change the facts.

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/22/16 at 15:50:07

Fail to understand what they did. I'm not shocked.

So, you watch Fox a lot, do you?

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by WebsterMark on 06/22/16 at 16:11:53

You said look up the case. I did. Your statement was not true.

No, I don't. I hate Bill Oreilly, can't stand sean hannity.  Megan Kelly?  Nope.
in fact, I don't really watch cable news unless there's some big thing going on like Ferguson or something like that and then I surf around.

Look, no big deal Jog. FoxNews did not sue to lie. Just stop saying it, that's my point.

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/22/16 at 16:32:33

While the words weren't on the documents,that Is effectively what it accomplished. That you don't see it is absolutely no shock. I'm expecting you to not be surprised that I don't watch.

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by WebsterMark on 06/22/16 at 16:42:47

No, that's nothing at all what it accomplished. It's not even remotely close.

If I'm proven wrong, i admit it. you should do the same.

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/22/16 at 16:47:55

Well, I'm sure no Government ordained Authority will come stamp either opinion. I'm satisfied. You're not.
You didn't understand what Ferguson was about, I did. I'm done.

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by WebsterMark on 06/22/16 at 18:06:44

It's not an opinion, its a fact. It's one thing to misunderstand, but once you are presented with facts and you keep repeating the falsehood, you're just a liar Jog.

Just what exactly did you understand about Ferguson that I did not?

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/22/16 at 18:15:14

I POINTED OUT what you DEMAND I ADMIT,,  so, shove Liar up your Mark..



Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by WebsterMark on 06/22/16 at 19:01:40

I have no idea what you're talking about.
Anyone speak Jog? I need a translator.

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/22/16 at 19:07:43

2D3234332E2918281820323E75470 wrote:
e documents and direction weren't stating
We intend to demonstrate that we have the right to lie to our viewers..

But, study the Case. Understand that Fox would not allow the report compiled by reporters to be aired. If Not telling the truth isn't a lie,,  what is it? It was an expose' on Monsanto. Gee, I wonder why it was not aired..
Back to top      

Prior to your demand that I admit exactly THIS.

What was it you wanted again?

You completely failed to understand that in Ferguson the police HAD the information to clear the cop from minute one.
Rather than publicize it, they sat on it, allowing for the racial divide to be built. I BEGGED you to get the information about the so called demonstrators... but, no..

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by raydawg on 06/22/16 at 19:38:38

Jog, I am not sure if you grasp the magnitude of this incident.
Yes, it was politicized, as many things are, the Muslims being a perfect pawn and example.
The police saw this politicking coming and thought it prudent to circle the wagons, so to speak, as those making these charges were in no frame of mind, or intentions, to finding the truth.....
Even Obama smelled rotting fish here and sent Eric in to either fan the flames or douse them.....
We have the luxury of being way off the radar screen and its scrutiny, not really the same to, as, those dancing and feeling the heat from it....

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/22/16 at 19:48:09

If I had access to the thirty seconds of thought processes just prior to that post..

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by raydawg on 06/23/16 at 03:48:01

243B3D3A2720112111293B377C4E0 wrote:
If I had access to the thirty seconds of thought processes just prior to that post..

Sorry buddy, it would prove a waste of your time.....
I've never had 30 seconds of anything, much to my wife's frustration  :-[

Title: Re: Truth hurts......sometimes?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/23/16 at 04:07:58

So, calling the doctor because it's been four hours isn't gonna happen? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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