General Category >> The Cafe >> It happened in Longview

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 06/10/16 at 07:11:33

Title: It happened in Longview
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/10/16 at 07:11:33

Kids answer the door.
I'm here to mow your lawn.
Huh? We don't know anything about it, we will get our dad.
Dad gets to the door , is shot , later, dies in hospital.

I knew this guy. As a customer, and he wasn't Mr Warmanfuzzy, but, if you took some time to get to know him, after he'd seen your face a few times, he was okay. The news articles paint a picture much different than what I saw, and I have heard that he seriously disliked minorities. Maybe that explains the very few I saw there. His Grandfather established it 75 years ago.
Syrian/Lebanese, something like that. I like talking to people, especially business men, and it was not easy to get this guy out of his newspaper. Once I had him talking he saw that I understood business and wasn't an idiot, after that he was slightly more outgoing.

Title: Re: It happened in Longview
Post by batman on 06/10/16 at 08:19:43

JOG it' to bad we can't all get along.We're all Mutts!(Bill Murry) we should learn to enjoy the different back grounds and personalities of the people of America,it is what made this country great.

Title: Re: It happened in Longview
Post by verslagen1 on 06/10/16 at 09:01:51

Looks like someone made him an offer he shouldn't of refused.

Title: Re: It happened in Longview
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/10/16 at 10:11:17

495A4D4C535E585A510E3F0 wrote:
Looks like someone made him an offer he shouldn't of refused.

Since the Person of Interest is not a minority, and since the man owned a thriving business, I suspect that you are , uhhh, dead on. Until I saw who they wanted to talk to I wondered if it wasn't a gang related thing. Like an initation. Probably not even a local guy, probably doesn't usually wear that kind of hat.

Title: Re: It happened in Longview
Post by pg on 06/10/16 at 18:02:16

No telling in this day and age and unless you really knew this fella one wouldn't know what he might have been into.  That takes some sand to go to his house though.  Lots of bat $hit crazy people out there.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: It happened in Longview
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/10/16 at 21:03:19

His house, and I wanna say early in the afternoon, and they have a pretty tall security fence, though the gate musta been open. It was memorial day weekend and family were over,,

Can you imagine being a kid, going to get Dad, and dad gets SHOT? Ohh, those poor kids.

Title: Re: It happened in Longview
Post by Sonny on 06/10/16 at 22:56:10

That's a terrible deal, Justin. It def. looks like a hit. I hope they figure out what the story was.

We had a well regarded lawyer killed in Dallas a couple weeks ago, apparently in his garage in the middle of the day and then the place soaked in gas and set on fire.

He was plaintiff's attorney in a lawsuit against some really dangerous individuals. The judge went under federal protection after the murder, I think still is.

Let's be careful out there.

Title: Re: It happened in Longview
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/10/16 at 23:08:34

What's the name? What's the lawsuit about?

I just can't imagine how horrible a child would feel, going to get Dad, and, unknowingly, send him into harms way. Those children will be destroyed by guilt.. And not just having lost Daddy, , but Delivered him to the killer.. those poor kids.. I hope they catch that piece of nuts and give the kids some time alone with him, cuffed to something, and just let them beat his sorry ass bloody from end to end..

Title: Re: It happened in Longview
Post by Sonny on 06/10/16 at 23:25:18

The lawyer was Ira Tobolowski, part of an old family of Dallas lawyers. I don't know about the lawsuit. I think he did real estate and corporate litigation which, you know, there are thousands of kinds of disputes and fraud issues that can turn vicious if you are messing with the wrong people on the other side of the deal.

According to Dallas Morning News, the police and courts were aware of let's say trouble brewing before the murder and were already using extra bailiffs and so forth.

Title: Re: It happened in Longview
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/11/16 at 05:54:39

That's a real mess. The Dentist was an idiot.

Title: Re: It happened in Longview
Post by Sonny on 06/11/16 at 07:59:35

You get these trusts created in wills when someone does not trust his/her heirs not to degenerate into that kind of thing. But that doesn't always prevent trouble if the players are nasty enough.

Really sad. Tobolowski was a family man with a good legal reputation. And like the Longview deal, killed at home to make it as pesronal as possible.

Title: Re: It happened in Longview
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/11/16 at 20:59:24

Seriously, turn over a multi million dollar estate to a housewife, who knows fukkall about anything, BUT does know how to play favorites... STUPID DENTIST.
But, hey, I should not be surprised,  America elected a community organizer, twice, or, so they say.

Title: Re: It happened in Longview
Post by Art Webb on 06/12/16 at 07:58:02

A trust should never be administrated by anyone who has an interest in it

Title: Re: It happened in Longview
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/12/16 at 09:32:52

A perfectly boiled down statement, Art. It might could have been a little more emphatic,, maybe a big


It's just so obvious.. but, he did it..

Title: Re: It happened in Longview
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/12/16 at 15:59:56

Update, nothing but gossip,, but, lifelong Longview resident talking about it said that he would threaten employees, waving a gun around, intimidating them, telling them they better not be stealing or talking bad, yadda,, etcetera and so on and so forth..

Okay, asked the wife Why she would believe it. The source's parents and grandparents have been in business since about when the Horaneys started up. The stories come through the family, having been in the business community.. So, I wouldn't bet the farm, but I would not just shrug it off.

Long list of potential enemies... Possibly just a really good friend of someone he did wrong.

I did notice that the employees were rarely the same, one visit to the next.

Title: Re: It happened in Longview
Post by Sonny on 06/12/16 at 16:31:34

Just to get philosophical here, but most people go through life without making enemies by their nature. Other kinds of people  may generate a lot of people who don't like them, for good reason, but it never rises to the hatred of wanting to kill the person.

Others stack up lists of people who would like to kill them, and they interact with people perfectly willing and able to do it. Mobsters, hard core criminals, cops, judges and lawyers come to mind, and abusive spouses and employers.
Even in normal public business transactions you can't control what kind of individual you will come in contact with.

But it seems like a Basic Commonsense Rule Of Life should be: 1, Do not make anyone want to kill you, and, 2, Especially avoid making the kind of person who is willing and able to kill you want to kill you.

No one can avoid random, to-whom-it-may-concern violence, but there's a lot you can do to avoid the rest, and to defuse it before it becomes deadly.

When the back stories come out on there things, well, it's always a deal, and one of the parties (or both) is ready and willing to commit murder, and then they did.

Title: Re: It happened in Longview
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/12/16 at 17:46:59

, Do not make anyone want to kill you, and, 2, Especially avoid making the kind of person who is willing and able to kill you want to kill you.

Stuff Everyone Knows at a gut level, but Seeing it in black and white, concepts, gelled into complete thoughts,, cool.

Title: Re: It happened in Longview
Post by Sonny on 06/12/16 at 18:39:08

It's just which set of rules you live by I guess. For an infantryman or  for a cop, you have to go in eyes open, you are liable to kill, you are liable to be killed. That's the rules on the employment contract.

And then there's the sort of civilian who goes out and doesn't make any effort to avoid having mortal enemies, and adopts the same rules.

It's most of what creates the gulf between people who live and work that way and people who don't. It's a bridge to cross in how one looks at the world.

There are shades of gray in the rules, too. I'm a peaceful fellow who won't escalate or participate in a threatening confrontation, a road rage incident, whatever. But if you break in on me at 3am I will kill you if my defensive situation dictates.

But see, if that happens it's nothing I did... I am just unlucky and thanks entirely to the person who broke into my house I am in the wrong place at the wrong time and have to deal with it.

It's all choices.

Title: Re: It happened in Longview
Post by batman on 06/13/16 at 18:18:24

My father told me try to make half the people you meet your friends,the other half I don't invite to supper, but I still wave, say hello,and "talk about the weather" I don't really talk to them ,but I'm fairly sure they don't hate me enough to kill me. It doesn't cost anything to be nice!

Title: Re: It happened in Longview
Post by Kris01 on 06/13/16 at 18:23:05

5D5E4B525E510B073F0 wrote:
It doesn't cost anything to be nice!

Words to live by!  ;)

Title: Re: It happened in Longview
Post by Sonny on 06/13/16 at 19:49:21

In fact it actually pays, in peace of mind and lack of disharmony in your life, lack of fear, on and on.

It ain't perfect... somebody can still cross the street to f**k with you where you have to respond. But as a day in day out practice, being a hale fellow well met is smart in all kinds of ways. For the most part you reap what you sow. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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