General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Trump U lawsuits

Message started by badwolf on 06/07/16 at 08:03:15

Title: Trump U lawsuits
Post by badwolf on 06/07/16 at 08:03:15

The anti-Trump liberals & media are all over Trump U giving people "useless education & degrees". Lawsuits & criminal investigations galore.
When are they going to go after our University system for the same thing at 40 or 50 times the cost?
Employer to applicant-
"I see you have a Liberal Arts degree, you should make a fine burger flipper"  

Title: Re: Trump U lawsuits
Post by Serowbot on 06/07/16 at 08:57:18

If you go in for a Liberal Arts degree... you know what you're buying...
These Trump-U people didn't... they were expecting more substantive rewards...

Therein lies the rub... 8-)

Title: Re: Trump U lawsuits
Post by oldNslow on 06/07/16 at 09:10:38

Wonder if the folks that took out 100 grand worth of student loans at one of our vaunted Ivy League schools for a degree in "African- American Feminist Gender Studies" knew what they were buying. Lotsa good paying jobs in that field I hear.

Title: Re: Trump U lawsuits
Post by Paraquat on 06/07/16 at 09:17:18

How about me? Computer Information Systems and went into manufacturing because I couldn't find a job in my field.


Title: Re: Trump U lawsuits
Post by pg on 06/07/16 at 09:25:00

In April 2015, Bill Clinton was forced to abruptly resign from his lucrative perch as honorary chancellor of Laureate Education, a for-profit college company. The reason for Clinton’s immediate departure: Clinton Cash revealed, and Bloomberg confirmed, that Laureate funneled Bill Clinton $16.46 million over five years while Hillary Clinton’s State Dept. pumped at least $55 million to a group run by Laureate’s founder and chairman, Douglas Becker, a man with strong ties to the Clinton Global Initiative.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Trump U lawsuits
Post by Serowbot on 06/07/16 at 09:40:51

We have entered the zone of,...I know you are, but what am I?...  ;D

Trump-U is being sued...  so are several other Trump enterprises that swindled people...
If Trump gets in office... he will be spending some of his time in court...
Perhaps some, ... in prison...

I know I know... Bengazi, e-mails, Bengazi, e-mails, Bengazi, e-mails, ...
The investigations in search of crimes... ::)
The difference?...
Trump has crimes under investigation... :-?

Title: Re: Trump U lawsuits
Post by oldNslow on 06/07/16 at 09:41:10

If Trump gets elected he oughta have his AG sue Harvard and Yale. The last two presidents were "educated" in those places, and look at where that's got us.

Title: Re: Trump U lawsuits
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/07/16 at 09:48:12

0836373B2935345A0 wrote:
If Trump gets elected he oughta have his AG sue Harvard and Yale. The last two presidents were "educated" in those places, and look at where that's got us.

I Would Have laughed, because it's seriously funny.

But it's just So correct,, and sickening..

Y'all have fun..

Trump Adviser Stephen Miller Hits Back at Hillary's for-Profit College ... › video › 2016/06/02
5 days ago - ... saying,”The only scam in education that I am aware of is the scam of Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton ...
Why Clintons hawking Soros-backed for-profit college company ...
The Daily Caller › 2014/01/13 › why-are...
Jan 13, 2014 - Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton deep ties to Laureate Education, international conglomerate of ...
Clintons' Stunning University Fraud the Media Won't Report | www ...
Independent Sentinel › clintons-stunning...
5 hours ago - As the schools' reputation slipped, Bill Clinton, Beckers' buddy, was ... In April 2015, Bill Clinton resigned as honorary chancellor of Laureate Education, a for- profit college company.
The For-Profit College Scam That These Students Are Still Paying ... › story › the-for-profit-c...
Mar 9, 2016 - The For-Profit College Scam That These Students Are Still Paying For ..... Another scamming America scheme and Bill Clinton and Lanny Davis were two of their political puppets and ...
Control Fraud and For-Profit "Universities" (Et Tu, Bill Clinton ...
naked capitalism › 2015/04 › control-fra...
Apr 30, 2015 - Bill Black's formula for accounting control fraud applied to for-profit universities like Corinthian and Laureate. ... Corinthian will also close Everest colleges in Phoenix and Rochester, ...
#ClintonUniversity – The YUGE Clinton-Soros University Scandal ... › Politics
3 days ago - Clinton University: Bill Clinton Rakes in $16.46 Million From a For-Profit College Scam. As Hillary's ...
Video Shows Bill Clinton Possible Felony Obstruction of Voting ...
Daily Kos › story ›
Mar 2, 2016 - The violation by Bill Clinton of Massachusetts electioneering laws has gained ... town where presidential candidate Hillary Clinton went to college, Wellesley. ... It's fraud and illegal.
Wall Street analyst uncovers Clinton Foundation fraud - › 2015/04 › wall-street-analys...
Apr 22, 2015 - NEW YORK – The Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation ..... She is against Free College
Clinton sued for election fraud : politics - Reddit
Reddit › politics › comments › clinton_s...
Mar 31, 2016 - ... 2 months ago (7 children). You studied law in the college of engineering? ..... But, IMO, what Bill Clinton did in MA was obviously unethical and most likely illegal. I'm glad someone's ...
Bill & Hillary Clinton :
Snopes › Fact Check
Political items about Bill and Hillary Clinton. ... Clinton's husband is a former congressman who pled guilty to fraud ...

Title: Re: Trump U lawsuits
Post by stewmills on 06/07/16 at 12:29:35

I don't disagree that Trump has his faults, but the one thing I will say about Trump is that he at least speaks to the press and responds to these accusations. No, he doesn't go into extensive detail nor would I with regards to an ongoing and open lawsuit, but do you see that other bag of crap or her husband even attempting to respond to their situation?  No, you don't, because just like she turned her back on the Americans in Benghazi that were killed she thinks she can ignore it and it will go away.

Sorry, but I'd rather have the devil I know (Trump) than the devil I don't (bag of crap) leading this county. At least with Trump we know what to keep an eye on. That bag of crap is a liar, deceiver, and let's not forget ugly as homemade soap! :o :o :o

Title: Re: Trump U lawsuits
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 06/07/16 at 13:33:37

Trump U is no different than the "feel good" motivational speakers who charge a ton for books, CDs, and seminars.  There will always be a market to sell "secrets of success" to the ill informed, uneducated, etc. who think that successful people have some secret formula that can be unlocked with a few lectures.  Is this fraud?  No; you do come away with a point or two.  But is it the lecturer's fault if the audience comes away without achieving success?  No.
The part that all of these fools who buy into these programs forget is that you can't make a sow's ear into a silk purse without very hard work, and real effort.  There is no magic to success.

Title: Re: Trump U lawsuits
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 06/07/16 at 13:34:00

Trump U is no different than the "feel good" motivational speakers who charge a ton for books, CDs, and seminars.  There will always be a market to sell "secrets of success" to the ill informed, uneducated, etc. who think that successful people have some secret formula that can be unlocked with a few lectures.  Is this fraud?  No; you do come away with a point or two.  But is it the lecturer's fault if the audience comes away without achieving success?  No.
The part that all of these fools who buy into these programs forget is that you can't make a sow's ear into a silk purse without very hard work, and real effort.  There is no magic to success.

Title: Re: Trump U lawsuits
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 06/07/16 at 13:38:55

For a person to think that he can achieve success in high end real estate investing by going to a few seminars is stupid.  Gee, maybe I can attend a first aid course and then be a brain surgeon.  Makes about as much sense.  Yet the first aid course is valuable - I saved my wife's life 20 years ago ( no joking ) by using the Heimlich maneuver when she was as blue as a robin's egg from choking on a bay leaf in a restaurant.  The bay leaf shot out of her and landed 10 feet away.  Without the Heimlich, we're both convinced that she would have died before the EMTs got there.

Title: Re: Trump U lawsuits
Post by Serowbot on 06/07/16 at 16:04:46

The Trump-U seminars were a couple thousand bucks,... where they pushed you to enrol for $30,000+...
For that money,... they were expecting a little more than just "feel good" motivation...

They are suckers,.. admittedly...   Heck, they trusted Trump... :-?

Title: Re: Trump U lawsuits
Post by raydawg on 06/07/16 at 16:08:33

2728242E2528232F283F2A283F4D0 wrote:
For a person to think that he can achieve success in high end real estate investing by going to a few seminars is stupid.  Gee, maybe I can attend a first aid course and then be a brain surgeon.  Makes about as much sense.  Yet the first aid course is valuable - I saved my wife's life 20 years ago ( no joking ) by using the Heimlich maneuver when she was as blue as a robin's egg from choking on a bay leaf in a restaurant.  The bay leaf shot out of her and landed 10 feet away.  Without the Heimlich, we're both convinced that she would have died before the EMTs got there.

Jerry, if by chance you happen to see Hillary choking on something other than her lies,
promise us you won't intervene, OK?

Title: Re: Trump U lawsuits
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/07/16 at 16:31:54

Ray! You're on a Roll!!

Jerry, good posts.

Bot, and Who, or more accurately, What, are you trusting?
You Do know how she believes the Constitution reads, right?

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