General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> A worthy story on Trump.....

Message started by raydawg on 06/03/16 at 08:33:10

Title: A worthy story on Trump.....
Post by raydawg on 06/03/16 at 08:33:10

Best read to date I have come across on this guy.
I hope you will look at it and lets discuss it......

Title: Re: A worthy story on Trump.....
Post by thumperclone on 06/03/16 at 08:49:45

as much as I don't like clinton a trump pres is too risky

Title: Re: A worthy story on Trump.....
Post by Paraquat on 06/03/16 at 09:22:12

Might President Trump send U.S. ground troops after ISIL?

Given a choice, I'd rather sent troops after ISIL than sending arms to them.

Would he tear up existing trade deals?

Why is that a bad thing? NAFTA killed manufacturing and the TPP is going to be the finishing blow.

This article is an incoherent jumbled mess. If I submitted this in elementary school I would lose points.

I want to add that I'm neither for, nor against, Trump; I'm not commenting negatively out of political bias.


Title: Re: A worthy story on Trump.....
Post by raydawg on 06/03/16 at 09:25:45

0233203323273326520 wrote:

Might President Trump send U.S. ground troops after ISIL?

Given a choice, I'd rather sent troops after ISIL than sending arms to them.

[quote]Would he tear up existing trade deals?

Why is that a bad thing? NAFTA killed manufacturing and the TPP is going to be the finishing blow.

This article is an incoherent jumbled mess. If I submitted this in elementary school I would lose points.

I want to add that I'm neither for, nor against, Trump; I'm not commenting negatively out of political bias.


I chuckle at your reply.....
You know why?

It is because I view trump as an incoherent jumbled mess of speak [ch128523]

Title: Re: A worthy story on Trump.....
Post by Serowbot on 06/03/16 at 10:02:57

I think this sums up why he's running, and why he has support... and why we should be worried...
Scary stupid... :-?

Title: Re: A worthy story on Trump.....
Post by pg on 06/03/16 at 15:37:12

4B5D4A574F5A574C380 wrote:
why we should be worried...

This is why we should be worried.

Best regards

Title: Re: A worthy story on Trump.....
Post by Serowbot on 06/03/16 at 15:56:32

pg,.. those graphs you keep posting are from a Trump retweet...

" If a bunch of graphs claim to show how Obama has been bad for the economy, boom. Retweet. If some jerk goes through each one and notes why it's wrong or skewed, that doesn't detract from the main point, which is that Obama is bad. If challenged, Trump can simply blame the originator of what he retweeted, which he has often proven willing to do." - Washington Post

Title: Re: A worthy story on Trump.....
Post by pg on 06/03/16 at 16:12:07

5147504D55404D56220 wrote:
pg,.. those graphs you keep posting are from a Trump retweet...

That graph original came from the zero hedge website and it does not lean one way or another.  No kidding, it is for the most part just financial information that the msm doesn't want to talk about.  WAPO is just a mouth piece for the left or at least after Bezos purchased it.  It was probably a reputable media outlet in past.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: A worthy story on Trump.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/03/16 at 16:41:46

61726A77726474130 wrote:
[quote author=0233203323273326520 link=1464967991/0#2 date=1464970932]
Might President Trump send U.S. ground troops after ISIL?

Given a choice, I'd rather sent troops after ISIL than sending arms to them.

[quote]Would he tear up existing trade deals?

Why is that a bad thing? NAFTA killed manufacturing and the TPP is going to be the finishing blow.

This article is an incoherent jumbled mess. If I submitted this in elementary school I would lose points.

I want to add that I'm neither for, nor against, Trump; I'm not commenting negatively out of political bias.


I chuckle at your reply.....
You know why?

It is because I view trump as an incoherent jumbled mess of speak [ch128523][/quote]

I chuckle at yours because you Think you're pointing out flaws in  the post Steve made, but there Is no incoherent jumble There, except for your attempt at being snide.

Zero hedge had those graphs days ago.

Looks like the bitter clingers have actually created greater racial divide..
And Obama, with a straight face says,
By nearly every measure the economy is Better than when I took office.


Unless something changes he will be the first black president
THE ONLY president to Ever Fail to see at least One Year of a lousy Three Percent growth rate in GDP.

YEAH, Trump is obviously a bad idea..
How many BILLIONS do any of these haters have?
Trump screwed up and Bounced back.
Maybe he learned some things.
How many JOBS has Trump created? Paychecks that He is directly responsible for?

Obama? Ever?
Community organizer?

Way to completely ignore the obvious.

Title: Re: A worthy story on Trump.....
Post by WebsterMark on 06/03/16 at 17:38:06

4751465B43565B40340 wrote:
pg,.. those graphs you keep posting are from a Trump retweet...

" If a bunch of graphs claim to show how Obama has been bad for the economy, boom. Retweet. If some jerk goes through each one and notes why it's wrong or skewed, that doesn't detract from the main point, which is that Obama is bad. If challenged, Trump can simply blame the originator of what he retweeted, which he has often proven willing to do." - Washington Post

Are they wrong?

Title: Re: A worthy story on Trump.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/03/16 at 17:48:41

7B6D7A677F6A677C080 wrote:
pg,.. those graphs you keep posting are from a Trump retweet...

" If a bunch of graphs claim to show how Obama has been bad for the economy, boom. Retweet. If some jerk goes through each one and notes why it's wrong or skewed, that doesn't detract from the main point, which is that Obama is bad. If challenged, Trump can simply blame the originator of what he retweeted, which he has often proven willing to do." - Washington Post

OOONLY that EeeEeevil Trump would do that. Obama and Hillary are just Way too honest.

Poor Hillary, ducking and dodging sniper fire. What a liar.

Title: Re: A worthy story on Trump.....
Post by raydawg on 06/03/16 at 18:25:54

Goodness, a sitting administration fudges on the spin.....
Dial it back boyz, I am no Obama fan but he took a sheet economy and tried to stop the bleeding.

We all know we an make numbers validate our argument, global warming, uh, cooling..... I mean, climate change being a perfect example  :P

Title: Re: A worthy story on Trump.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/03/16 at 20:12:48

fan but he took a sheet economy and tried to stop the bleeding.

Ohh, he did, did he? What policies were enacted that you saw as steps toward a better economic picture?

And not One Year of even a crappy three percent..

And I don't Blame HIM. It's All of them, and the system.
I told everyone who would listen that This economic downturn wouldn't be like the others.

All the things I've been saying about How banking Really works, might be time to try to hear that.
Nobody has a problem laughing me off, but nobody has been able to explain why Henry Ford was wrong.

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