General Category >> The Cafe >> Custom Routes on Nuvi 500

Message started by Dave on 06/02/16 at 04:56:59

Title: Custom Routes on Nuvi 500
Post by Dave on 06/02/16 at 04:56:59

I recently bought a Nuvi 500 to use on my bike.  I was trying to create a route to take the roads I wanted to ride, and the programming was giving me a fit.  I found this really helpful description of how to create a route.

It is fairly simple to add waypoints and create a route.

1. Enter bicycle mode. All this really does is create navigation routes that keep you off as many major roads as possible (when you ask the GPS to get you from point A to point B it will not select a route that takes you on an interstate highway for example). But you have a bicycle mode so why not use it.

2. From the main screen, select tools then custom routes

3. Say yes to create a new route

4. select "add new start point". Then add a start point using any of the icons (address, home, points of interest, recently found, favorites, intersection, etc). The most useful way to build a route is by selecting "browse map" or "coordinates", so lets just assume you will be using "select map".

5. The map will pop up on the screen. Touch the location of where you wish to start. Then press "select".

6. You now see a screen that shows the waypoints selected for the custom route. right now there should only be three things there, "add new start point", the point you just selected, and "add new end point". Your route contains one waypoint at this location.

7. At this point, there are two options. Each does the same thing. You have a start point, so now you need an end point. Select "add new end point". Now is where the two options come into play.

Option A is to select the nearest desired waypoint as your "end point". Lets say that is an intersection a block away. Select it. You will now be back to the screen that shows all your waypoints. You will see two selections. The start point is on the top, the end point is on the bottom. The red square deletes a waypoint, the green arrow inserts a new waypoint. Ignore the green arrow for now.

Your "end point" is now close to your start point, so simply add a new end point. Select "add new end point" and using the browse map feature, select your next waypoint. This becomes your new end point. Now you have three waypoints loaded, the start, the first waypoint, and the end. Keep adding a new end point, one intersection at a time. Then build your desired route. You do not need to add every intersection you pass through, typically you only add the turn points.

Option A builds your route from the start to the finish, with each waypoint in order.

Option B pretty much does the same thing, only you select your start point and then the ACTUAL end point. You use the green arrows to "wedge" in a new waypoint. So you have the start and the end. You select the green arrow that points between the start and end, then insert a waypoint. Now there are three waypoints, and two green arrows. "wedge" in another waypoint, then keep going till your route is complete.

Option B builds your route by selecting the start and end points first, then filling in all the details one at a time. I find this to be a little more confusing, so I would just go by option A.

There is free software you can get that works with a bunch of different GPS units called "Easy GPS". What it does is allow you to use your computer to create routes, then upload or download them to your GPS unit. For GPS units that are not touch screen this software really helps. For touch screen GPS units, it still speeds up route creation and waypoint entering if you use coordinates. You can also remove (and save) waypoints and routes off your GPS to reduce clutter - then when you want them back just hook the GPS up to the computer and upload them. You get Easy GPS at

The best way to go about this is to try to create a simple route just in your neighborhood. Start off with something like a 4 point route around your block. Then start making larger routes. Try using the "add new end point" and also use the green arrows. See what happens to the route each time. You will get the hang of it.

Title: Re: Custom Routes on Nuvi 500
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/02/16 at 05:11:20

1. Enter bicycle mode.

Dadgummmit, Dave, all I did was Read that and my legs got tired.

Title: Re: Custom Routes on Nuvi 500
Post by Dave on 06/02/16 at 05:16:43

MMRanch told me that he got tired of his always telling him to "drive" everywhere and showing a car on the he switched it to "bicycle" mode so that it would tell him to "ride" and show a 2 wheel icon.  MM lives in a rural area....and it all worked fine for a while - but the first time he got on the "superslab", the GPS kept telling him to get off at the next EXIT....and every EXIT the entire time he was on the highway.  It took him a little bit to figure out that in the "bicycle" aren't supposed to be on the highway and the GPS wanted him on the bicycle safe streets.

The Nuvi 500 has a "scooter" the little icon on the screen does show a 2 wheel scooter instead of a car.

Title: Re: Custom Routes on Nuvi 500
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/02/16 at 05:21:43

That's funny...
You'd think the thing would be congratulating the rider for being able to pedal seventy miles an hour.

Title: Re: Custom Routes on Nuvi 500
Post by Art Webb on 06/02/16 at 06:50:30

;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Custom Routes on Nuvi 500
Post by Dave on 06/02/16 at 10:47:33

I downloaded the easyGPS program......I can't see anything about it that look easy.  Maybe with a bit of fiddling it will become easy - but it certainly isn't "intuitive"!

Title: Re: Custom Routes on Nuvi 500
Post by HovisPresley on 06/02/16 at 18:58:50

JoG, that's hilarious  ;D

Title: Re: Custom Routes on Nuvi 500
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/02/16 at 19:56:26

I have my moments.

Title: Re: Custom Routes on Nuvi 500
Post by Serowbot on 06/02/16 at 21:33:20

No Savage mode?.... :-?

Title: Re: Custom Routes on Nuvi 500
Post by Dave on 06/04/16 at 17:41:46

This has been incredibly frustrating for me.  My goal was to be able to program a route into the GPS....not just punch in a destination and let the GPS choose a route.  I want to be able to view a map on my computer, easily set up a route, then download it to the GPS for use on a trip.  Sitting along side the road programming your GPS is not fun, and sometimes not even safe.

I used the method listed above to create a 217 mile route using the "map" to identify points - it took me more than an hour.  Each time you add a new point, the darn thing goes back to the starting point and you have to use your finger to move the map to where you want to add another point.  I tried going to Google maps and loading coordinates - but for the final point it would not let me use the number that Google maps identified as the coordinates for the lodge.  Maybe it is easier to put in beginning and ending point - then to back in and "edit" by adding intermediate points.  I wanted to create my own route....not just let the Garmin choose the route....and it was horribly tedious and frustrating.

I tried the free EasyGPS, and it does not show any maps...just points and straight lines between them - so I tried the ExpertGPS which is by the same folks, and it shows a map but still had the straight line "routes"....and the expert version costs money but does have a 5 day trial.  Neither one of them are intuitive, and they are cumbersome to use, and neither version will communicate with my Garmin Nuvi 500 for some claims that there is a screwed up file.  I did a reset that wipes everything out of my Garmin - but it still won't send or receive files to my computer.

The next one I tried is RidewithGPS and it seems a lot easier to use - and it appears it will work with my Nuvi500 - but it costs $ 10 a month.  It is really set up as a tool for bicycle riders to plan and record their workouts - but it does seem to be really good for creating routes.  I am not sure if there is a free version.....I am still working on this to see if I can use it.

Title: Re: Custom Routes on Nuvi 500
Post by MMRanch on 06/04/16 at 19:56:13

Dave , you remember that time I had my old Garmin 205 on "Shortest route" and we were jumping on and off Hwy 411 to make a strait line while 411 wound around the mountains.   Seems like we cut-through some back-yards ---- but ---- It Was The Shortest Route !  ;D

I tried that thing about going from Map Quest to my Garmin but got flustered with it.   Now I just put all way points on the Garmin its-self.    

Did you know you can tap the screen to add way-points ?  :-?

Also :   if you pick a route with "Go" then you can tap the top of the screen for detailed instruction --- then one of the options on the bottom of the screen will be "View Map"  do it .   Next , hit "+" several time till the map your looking at is big enough to see good ---- at this point you can tap in way points  :P  
I hope I got all that right , in doing it I don't thing about it.

I ain't been feared of getting back to camp since I started playing Garmin !  :)

Garmin's Good ,  :D   most of the time  ::)

Title: Re: Custom Routes on Nuvi 500
Post by mpescatori on 06/05/16 at 10:47:28

Hi all, I have a NUVI 550 and a TomTom XXL55.

TT is waaay more intuitive than Garmin !

Then I boughtr a TomTom Rider, which is engineered for motorcycle riding.
It has a simplified operating system and I find it presents limitations to TomTom's potential.

Garmin: I like the fact I can have a huge speedo with (amnong things) an altimeter.
I DO NOT like the fact you cannot preplan a trip, i.e. the evening for the next day. It needs a valid GPS signela or else it's no go .

TomTom: I like the fact the OS is very intuitive and that I can impose one "VIApoint" without having to plan waypoints.
I also like ther fact I can preplan a trip in order to test different routes on paper before choosing the one I like best.
I DO NOT like... the fact I need 6 hours to backup the old map in order to install the new updated one !!!  >:(

Title: Re: Custom Routes on Nuvi 500
Post by engineer on 06/05/16 at 11:09:49

I am reading this thread with great interest because I also have the same frustrations with my Garmin Nuvi.  I thought it was just me having trouble since I refuse to read the manual for the thing.  I have many more years behind me than I do ahead of me and I don't want to spend my time reading manuals.  It seems that some of these electronic devices could easily be more intuitive.

Title: Re: Custom Routes on Nuvi 500
Post by Dave on 06/06/16 at 05:42:36

So appears that RidewithGPS is the most promising and flexible.

I am having a problem getting the data to export into my Nuvi - but the website and navigation works well.  There is a "Basic" version that allows you to pay nothing - but asks you to donate something.....I have not donated yet - but I will if I can get the thing to work.

It is amazing that Garmin would not do this on their own - their product would be so much more useful if you could actually program routes into the GPS. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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