General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> gets my vote

Message started by thumperclone on 06/01/16 at 00:12:49

Title: gets my vote
Post by thumperclone on 06/01/16 at 00:12:49

the DPRK the Donald is a wise choice for pres..
if he wins they can have him

Title: Re: gets my vote
Post by Serowbot on 06/01/16 at 09:11:03

McCain lost...  
..then, rich billionaire business tycoon, Romney got 2 million fewer votes than McCain...
Now, you have a rich billionaire business tycoon, who's a crook, and has alienated every minority demographic, and even many fellow Republicans...and is despised by more than 50% of the population...

I can't even imagine the magnitude of this loss...

Trump is worst of Romney and Palin combined...
How does the Right pick these people?... :-?

Title: Re: gets my vote
Post by thumperclone on 06/01/16 at 09:58:56

by dysfunction ;)

Title: Re: gets my vote
Post by Paraquat on 06/01/16 at 11:07:51

Why can't we have a "Reboot" or a "Not Acceptable" vote?

If, say, 50% of the population chooses "Not acceptable" we trash all candidates and make them ineligible to run again, field another 6 or 8 candidates, and try again.


Title: Re: gets my vote
Post by oldNslow on 06/01/16 at 12:18:26

I can't even imagine the magnitude of this loss...

I'm not so sure about that. I mean, look at who he's going to be running against. I think this one is going to be close. It's going to come down to which of these two characters a very slim majority of the voters HATE the least.

If I was a Vegas bookie, and my livelihood depended on the odds I picked for this one, I'd be worried.

Title: Re: gets my vote
Post by verslagen1 on 06/01/16 at 13:34:49

betcha if he's elected, hellery will volunteer to be a intern.   ;D

Title: Re: gets my vote
Post by raydawg on 06/01/16 at 17:05:00

I am still holding out some sort of amazing outcome will happen.
Like Hillary gets indicted and so does Trump for his University scam....
And we get a choice not sanctioned by the powers that brought forth this crap.....
And while we are at it, I hope people kick out every single incumbent!

But, I bet they fuel inject the savage, give it a chain, and another piston, first  ;D

Title: Re: gets my vote
Post by oldNslow on 06/01/16 at 19:43:35

I am still holding out some sort of amazing outcome will happen.

I think it's been pretty amazing already. Watching all the "experts" running around on their rims and eating their words 'cause they have been wrong about darn near everything, and watching the press weasels get b*tch slapped by Trump so hard that they don't know whether to sh*t or go blind is making me grin from ear to ear.

I can't wait for the first debate. Trump is going to say something so outrageous to the Hildebeast that she's going to blow a gasket right on prime time TV. She'll attack him like a crazed alley cat and the secret service guys will have to drag them both off stage in opposite directions.

It's going to be GREAT !! :D

Title: Re: gets my vote
Post by verslagen1 on 06/01/16 at 22:35:24

maybe trump will shoot somebody   ;D

Title: Re: gets my vote
Post by raydawg on 06/02/16 at 03:50:03

I can't wait for the first debate. Trump is going to say something so outrageous to the Hildebeast that she's going to blow a gasket right on prime time TV. She'll attack him like a crazed alley cat and the secret service guys will have to drag them both off stage in opposite directions.

That's IF we get to the debates after the conventions.....

So many of these infringed idiots will reak havoc, risking the safety of others without regard or care......
And the press will be coming in their britches to cover it all 24/7 which will bring out their next of kin and every other one brain celled, cluless, living low lifer......

And by mutual consent of both parties and GOD himself, herself, or trans-gendered.....
It will be decreed no debates will take place for the betterment of civilization ....

Which will prompt me to ask, while I survey the partispants and their respective chorus lines.....


Hillary, Trump...... gee, it seems something is missing here.....????
OH, I know, a third choice  :o
How about Jack Nicholson "HERE'S JOHNNY" from the Shining!

Title: Re: gets my vote
Post by Ruttly on 06/02/16 at 06:52:44

Do you feel lucky today , we'll do ya Punk !

Title: Re: gets my vote
Post by Ed L. on 06/02/16 at 06:56:44

I'd vote for Pee Wee Herman over either one of them.  :D

Title: Re: gets my vote
Post by Serowbot on 06/02/16 at 07:30:46

Trump will refuse to debate Hillary, and will instead hold rally's for Mom's and apple pies... :-?

Be sure to buy a hat while yer' there... ;D

Title: Re: gets my vote
Post by verslagen1 on 06/02/16 at 09:41:49

a debate would be a true 3 ringed circus...
in this corner... Trump, and that corner... Hellery.
in the opposite corner... the liberal media, and that corner... Fox and friends.
And outside the cage are thousands of Trump supporters (dare I call them republicans?) and that side of the arena are the democrats (I hope we have enough body bags).

We join the circus in progress...

Title: Re: gets my vote
Post by raydawg on 06/02/16 at 10:13:17

6274637E66737E65110 wrote:
Trump will refuse to debate Hillary, and will instead hold rally's for Mom's and apple pies... :-?

Be sure to buy a hat while yer' there... ;D

Uh..... How many press conference has your darling held lately?

Be sure to fill your tanker with kook-aid

Title: Re: gets my vote
Post by WebsterMark on 06/02/16 at 10:22:25

5244534E56434E55210 wrote:
Trump will refuse to debate Hillary, and will instead hold rally's for Mom's and apple pies... :-?

Be sure to buy a hat while yer' there... ;D

You mean the woman who avoids unscripted press conferences like they're South American mosquitoes? That woman?

Why would Trump, who loves that kind of spotlight, avoid Hilary? At every opportunity he'll call her "crooked Hilary",  a liar, Ambassador killer,  traitor unworthy of security clearance and about 100 other names (all true by the way) and finally ask why we would elect a woman who said she'd put her child molesting, rapist husband in charge of the economy.

Title: Re: gets my vote
Post by verslagen1 on 06/02/16 at 10:31:30

BTW, does it take Hellery to bring out Trumps skeletons? or are the press really holding back till the election?

Title: Re: gets my vote
Post by WebsterMark on 06/02/16 at 11:25:27

Trump's got more skeletons than a graveyard, but I don't think he cares.

Title: Re: gets my vote
Post by thumperclone on 06/03/16 at 08:51:39

3F2C3B3A25282E2C2778490 wrote:
maybe trump will shoot somebody   ;D

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