General Category >> The Cafe >> Car Port

Message started by MMRanch on 05/24/16 at 20:26:20

Title: Car Port
Post by MMRanch on 05/24/16 at 20:26:20

So the Wife say's "we need a new car port ! "  

So all us married men knows what happens next !  ;)


I get a new place to park my bike !  ;D

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by MMRanch on 05/24/16 at 20:28:29

we're semi done with it now .   Its metal top , same color as the house.

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by KennyG on 05/24/16 at 21:15:14


That is not a car port, it is big enough to park a semi in there. Maybe you should call it a "Semi Port"

Kenny G :-/

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by Witchdoctor on 05/24/16 at 22:56:08

Should have called some Amish folk to help you with that barn raising.  :P

That's some serious construction!!!! Did you need a contractor or permits for that?.. I know down here you would...

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by Serowbot on 05/25/16 at 00:14:38

Yer' gonna' thank yer' wife when this is done...
Looks great!... ;)

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by Dave on 05/25/16 at 03:45:54

142A37202B272C20372C31430 wrote:
Did you need a contractor or permits for that?.. I know down here you would...

I have been to his house, and he is in a farming areas.......and there isn't anybody going to see him building this thing from the road as his driveway is abut 1/4 mile long and is wooded.  I would guess his farm status allows him to build these structures without a permit (KY has exemptions for farm buildings and I would expect that TN does as well), and I would assume that MM will be parking his bailer under his new "implement shed" on occasion! ;)

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by MMRanch on 05/25/16 at 06:09:02

Two cars , Two motorcycles , Two ATV's , One lawn mower that's the plan

is the plan ?  ::)

30 x 30 under roof  , the 12 foot height was only too match the house roof.  

It looks like a monster , but it should keep the rain off .

And your Right Dave ... I can't have the Bailer  getting WET !  ;D

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by Art Webb on 05/25/16 at 06:53:08

Wow, that's really solid looking, and huge
My RV cover (carport) is only 10x20 and not near as heavy duty
Of course, I had no 'boss' telling me how to do it  ;D
Good work sir

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by MMRanch on 05/25/16 at 07:38:20

I had two AL. guys helping , one a Carpenter , the other a Roofer .   On this job I was the helper .  ::)

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by springman on 05/25/16 at 08:13:33

Looks good MM.

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by KennyG on 05/25/16 at 08:17:36


I wish I had place like that to pull pull my cars under when we get hail storms.

That is a nice job and very sturdy looking.

Kenny G

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by MMRanch on 05/25/16 at 13:40:44

Thanks Kenny  :)

That makes me wonder , "Do ya'll get Hail every year like ya'll have this year ?  


Is the good Lord talking to our country through our gulf coast and mid-section ?   You know how God doesn't take kindly to being ignored then tends to bring nations to their knees .   Did it to the Jew repeatedly till he finally scattered them far and wide for near 1900 years ((70 AD till 1948)  .


Title: Re: Car Port
Post by LANCER on 05/25/16 at 14:25:30

You are correct Mike, God is using the ice rocks to get our attention.
Almost every series of thunder storms to come through here have had hail in the golf ball to soft ball size.  
My wife and I have been talking about it as well,  and the implications are that GOD WILL HAVE HIS WAY.
Fortunately, HE has reserved the 100 lb. hailstones for someone else, and it is not us.

By the way, that is a nice BARN SHED you've got there dude !

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by Witchdoctor on 05/25/16 at 15:04:25

Yep.. We have had some hail down here.. NOT NORMAL.

I think its more of man trying to play god. lol  ;)

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by Ruttly on 05/25/16 at 15:14:35

Wow that's nice ! How soon till I can move in ?

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by LANCER on 05/25/16 at 15:50:03

GOD is in absolute control of absolutely everything all of the time.

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by Art Webb on 05/26/16 at 19:11:23

48666D407162706B030 wrote:

I wish I had place like that to pull pull my cars under when we get hail storms.

That is a nice job and very sturdy looking.

Kenny G

If you work smart, it's not hard to build a carport big enough for a car or two, and it's not all that expensive, either
You might need a building permit, though

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by KennyG on 05/26/16 at 19:50:07


Where I live we cannot build anything. It is a gated community with more rules than The Old Testament....

I love the rules as it keeps the neighbors in check.   :P

Kenny G

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by Dave on 05/27/16 at 04:26:12

123C371A2B382A31590 wrote:
Where I live we cannot build anything. It is a gated community with more rules than The Old Testament....

I love the rules as it keeps the neighbors in check.   :P
Kenny G

Some of that is nice - however I was talking to one fellow who lives in a condominium association that prohibits motorcycles.  He has to keep his BMW at a friends house....he can't even ride his bike home!

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by LANCER on 05/27/16 at 05:18:22

He cannot ride his bike home ? ?
Time to move.

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by Art Webb on 05/27/16 at 06:54:09

052B200D3C2F3D264E0 wrote:

Where I live we cannot build anything. It is a gated community with more rules than The Old Testament....

I love the rules as it keeps the neighbors in check.   :P

Kenny G

We're opposites in this respect
Having grown up very poor, I prefer to be allowed to have my DIY projects, although I don't object to some basic safety codes
Would your community allow you to buy a certified portable steel carport that'd be erected on your lot by professionals?
Around $700 would get a 12x20
if you can't even have one measly portable carport, professionally built and engineer certified, I would be out of there so fast it'd make the HOA's heads spin
there's a diference between protecting property value and tyrannizing your neighbors, and it seems most HOAs lean to the latter

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by Art Webb on 05/27/16 at 06:57:14

1D262B3C2D213A3C272F223D4E0 wrote:
[quote author=123C371A2B382A31590 link=1464146782/15#17 date=1464317407]Art,
Where I live we cannot build anything. It is a gated community with more rules than The Old Testament....

I love the rules as it keeps the neighbors in check.   :P
Kenny G

Seems we need something added to the equal rights act
no discrimination on the basis of creed, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or choice of 2 wheels or 4
Now here is some real oppression our SJWs can protest over!  ::)
Some of that is nice - however I was talking to one fellow who lives in a condominium association that prohibits motorcycles.  He has to keep his BMW at a friends house....he can't even ride his bike home![/quote]

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by KennyG on 05/27/16 at 07:40:07

We can have all the wheeled vehicles that we want.

You can only park one vehicle in the driveway overnight. We do have "Guest Tags" for when company arrives.

No one grew up more poor than my family during the The Second World War. I was in school before I ever went to the bathroom indoors.

We managed to get ahead a little bit through hard work and I want to live where they have rules. If I want to see poverty I can go in town and look around.

Kenny G

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by Art Webb on 05/28/16 at 07:50:50

While I always had indoor plumbing, we sometimes didn't eat, and I've been homeless, that's about as poor as it gets
I'm still poor, and now don't have indoor plumbing  ;D but I eat regular, so to me I'm doing good, but there is no way I could exist in a community where no DIYing was allowed as a homeowner (if you call a 16x8 travel trailer a home, and an HOA wouldn't) so I guess current finances are a determining factor
OTOH in a gated community that disallows more than 1 car in the driveway, you probably have a garage, so there's that, I'd love to have a garage one day, but it ain't gonna happen unless I wall in my carport to make it a barn  ;D
All I have to do to see poverty is look out my windows

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by Gus on 05/28/16 at 17:22:15

Those things are a little impractical here but man that is a nice sized shed. Could double as a nice place for a cook out party type situation.

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by MMRanch on 05/28/16 at 23:17:42

Well !  ;)     Could double as a nice place for a cook out party type situation.

Come Visit and we'll throw something on the Grill !!!  :)

And ride Tn. for a bit  ...   8-)

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by jcstokes on 05/29/16 at 00:35:33

With respect Art Webb, you now appear to own land and the SHED and the formal house will arrive sooner than you think. Most of the worlds population doesn't own land

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by Art Webb on 05/30/16 at 09:25:56

with respect also, JC,  we were discussing growing up poor, and it wasn't me who claimed nobody grew up poorer than me, as that idea is demonstrably wrong
no one who has spent most of his life with a roof and some food is by any measure the poorest person in the world, there are people living in alleys and under bridges as we speak, as well as tarpaper shacks in muddy fields
Currently in the US an income of 20k is considered 'poverty level' for a 2 person household, the smallest household listed, and my income before taxes is around $27 k, so I do still qualify as 'poor' by any reasonable first world standard, but not nearly 'poorest of the poor' a status I never claimed, though i have been homeless and gone without food for days
I don't own the land yet, but will soon, so that's a definite improvement over a lot of the world's population
The land IS in an impoverished area though, I am buying this lot for less that 10k, (and it's not worth 1/2 that, according to the tax office)
the Shed will be a 'formal house' at an income of 27k, and an age of 49, I will never be able to afford what most folks would call a house
That's ok, the shed will be enough for a man going his own way, or maybe I'll go for a bigger one later
If I had any sort of an HOA I would be off this land tomorrow, and not by choice, and so would all of my neighbors
maybe that'll give a better understanding of why I said that, as someone who grew up poor I like being able to do my DIY projects, many people couldn't afford to live under such restrictions
Heck, if I hadn't been allowed to make my RV cover, my roof would be dripping on my head right now

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by KennyG on 05/30/16 at 11:39:49


I have never condemned any one else's way of living.

I count my blessings and I am thankful for the opportunities that I have had to get a public school education and a chance through hard work to get ahead.

I would love to have a carport like MM is building, but I cannot have it where I chose to live out my final years. I do have a hangar for all of the equipment that will not fit in the garage or my one car driveway limit.

On this Memorial Day I am thankful for all those that gave so I have the freedom to live any where that I want.

Kenny G

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by MMRanch on 05/30/16 at 19:57:33

Art ,

Just keep telling your self "Sugar Mom" , "Sugar Mom"  ,   ;D

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by Art Webb on 05/31/16 at 07:20:04

5D7378556477657E160 wrote:

I have never condemned any one else's way of living.

I count my blessings and I am thankful for the opportunities that I have had to get a public school education and a chance through hard work to get ahead.

I would love to have a carport like MM is building, but I cannot have it where I chose to live out my final years. I do have a hangar for all of the equipment that will not fit in the garage or my one car driveway limit.

On this Memorial Day I am thankful for all those that gave so I have the freedom to live any where that I want.

Kenny G

Kenny, I didn't mean to imply a condemnation of your life choices, nor did I infer a condemnation of mine, you have managed, through smart decisions and hard work, to acquire a home and lifestyle that makes you happy, and I am happy for you
My life is what it is, and I'm content with it, as you are with yours
I never begrudge anyone the fruits of their hard labor and good decision making, nor do I whinge about the opportunities I missed, life is what it is, and I'm happy to know good people, on the interwebs and in daily life, and I count my blessings that I am where I am

I never forget those who, through their sacrifice, have made it possible for both of us to live ion freedom and happiness, whatever challenges we ourselves may face, and whatever solutions to life we may employ
Hope you had a great memorial day

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by Art Webb on 05/31/16 at 07:24:21

514351434E5D525F541C0 wrote:
Art ,

Just keep telling your self "Sugar Mom" , "Sugar Mom"  ,   ;D

MM, if ever some high income lady comes along and offers to support me in the style I've become accustomed to (and wouldn't that be easy) in return for some domestic duties, occasional sex, and a back rub at the end of a hard day at work, I'm there  ;D
I've actually been the 'homemaker' at one time in the past, it it beat all billy hell out of working for a living  ;D
Sadly, very few women 'date down'  :P

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by Gus on 05/31/16 at 09:16:33

7B686E6D7F78781A0 wrote:
[quote author=514351434E5D525F541C0 link=1464146782/15#29 date=1464663453]Art ,

Just keep telling your self "Sugar Mom" , "Sugar Mom"  ,   ;D

Sadly, very few women 'date down'  :P

Actually statistics show couples, where the woman is the bread winner, tend not to last. Not saying that's the case always.. I went from making twice as much as the wife to making less;  by choice. We decided it was time for me to work locally rather than on the road all the time. I'm still married last I checked. I haven't been kicked out yet anyway. Guess she still needs someone to fix the washing machine, mow the lawn and service her van and, and, and . . .![ch55357][ch56844]

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by KennyG on 05/31/16 at 14:04:24


My wife had money when I married her 17 years ago....She still has all of it.

Separating her from money would take a 6' crowbar and a team of Sumo wrestlers....

I am pretty sure she will outlive me....       :'(   LOL

Be careful what you wish for......

Kenny G

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by Art Webb on 06/01/16 at 07:42:10

737C6B767D75207D7E7620120 wrote:
[quote author=7B686E6D7F78781A0 link=1464146782/30#31 date=1464704661][quote author=514351434E5D525F541C0 link=1464146782/15#29 date=1464663453]Art ,

Just keep telling your self "Sugar Mom" , "Sugar Mom"  ,   ;D

Sadly, very few women 'date down'  :P

Actually statistics show couples, where the woman is the bread winner, tend not to last. Not saying that's the case always.. I went from making twice as much as the wife to making less;  by choice. We decided it was time for me to work locally rather than on the road all the time. I'm still married last I checked. I haven't been kicked out yet anyway. Guess she still needs someone to fix the washing machine, mow the lawn and service her van and, and, and . . .![ch65533][ch65533] [/quote]
I'm very sure they don't except in rare cases
The more i learn about numan nature, the better I understand this

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by Art Webb on 06/01/16 at 07:43:38

78565D704152405B330 wrote:

My wife had money when I married her 17 years ago....She still has all of it.

Separating her from money would take a 6' crowbar and a team of Sumo wrestlers....

I am pretty sure she will outlive me....       :'(   LOL

Be careful what you wish for......

Kenny G

Yeah, that's why I specified one who would support me in my accustomed style
Ain't gonna happen, so I'm very safe there  ;D

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by KennyG on 06/01/16 at 09:03:14


Those women are out there, but hard to find.

I never thought that I would get married again but Miss Ellen came along and changed that. The marriage has worked well enough that neither of us are looking for a new spouse.

If you going to take your time striking it rich try for a woman without kids. A buddy of mine was single for about twenty years and absolutely wouldn't date a woman with kids... He struck it rich, a school superintendent from one of the largest school districts in the country. She has more capital letters behind her name than a can of alphabet soup. She is pretty and not too tough to get along with.

Good luck,

Kenny G

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by Dave on 06/01/16 at 09:09:10

Ironic.......the local radio station was just playing Leroy Troy singing "The Old Gray Mare".

One of the lines in the song is:

"She's getting more attention than a Widow with a Pension"!


Now what were we talking about......I remember....MM's new Carport!

Nice......can't wait till he closes in the sides and turns it into a B&B for us wayward motorcycle folks!

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by Gus on 06/01/16 at 09:57:20

477C7166777B60667D757867140 wrote:
Now what were we talking about......I remember....MM's new Carport!

Nice......can't wait till he closes in the sides and turns it into a B&B for us wayward motorcycle folks!

Things tend to wander here once in awhile don't they?

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by KennyG on 06/01/16 at 10:05:13

Dave, & Gus,

The catch of allowing old men on the forum is that their minds do wonder off track frequently.

We all love motorcycles though.

Kenny G

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by thumperclone on 06/01/16 at 10:05:44

477C7166777B60667D757867140 wrote:
Now what were we talking about......I remember....MM's new Carport!

Nice......can't wait till he closes in the sides and turns it into a B&B for us wayward motorcycle folks!

whats that address?

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by Gus on 06/01/16 at 11:07:29

4B656E4372617368000 wrote:
Dave, & Gus,

The catch of allowing old men on the forum is that their minds do wonder off track frequently.

We all love motorcycles though.

Kenny G

Kenny, all is forgiven then!

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by Art Webb on 06/01/16 at 11:15:00

0C2229043526342F470 wrote:

Those women are out there, but hard to find.

even more so when you ain't lookin'
I've done enough unicorn hunting for one lifetime, if she shows up, fine, but I ain't wastin time lookin

Funny how when I ain't looking, I get more attention, but I'm past caring

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by Gus on 06/01/16 at 11:35:50

4B656E4372617368000 wrote:
Dave, & Gus,

The catch of allowing old men on the forum is that their minds do wonder off track frequently.

We all love motorcycles though.

Kenny G

Kenny, all is forgiven then!

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by KennyG on 06/01/16 at 13:16:14

Thank You!

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by Dave on 06/01/16 at 13:21:06

Focus fella's.......focus!  :-?

MM's Carport!

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by verslagen1 on 06/01/16 at 13:29:53

soooo, how many m/c's will it hold and still bbq up a rack o'ribs?

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by MMRanch on 06/01/16 at 21:08:45

Now what were we talking about......I remember....MM's new Carport!

Nice......can't wait till he closes in the sides and turns it into a B&B for us wayward motorcycle folks!


Ya'll couldn't afford the rent if I did close it in !   ;D

But , I'll tell ya what :   How about we split the cost of the ribs then put portions in aluminum foil bags with our favorite taters , carrots , peppers , sauce  and such -- then name them and ring some metal air rifle targets while they cook !    

Guess we could put cots under the car-port ?   :)

May need to give the wife advanced notice , if this pans out ... Wait .... We're going to Dave's this year .... We can pencil in my place for next year !!!   ;)

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by old_rider on 06/01/16 at 21:20:46

46544654594A4548430B0 wrote:
Now what were we talking about......I remember....MM's new Carport!

Nice......can't wait till he closes in the sides and turns it into a B&B for us wayward motorcycle folks!


Ya'll couldn't afford the rent if I did close it in !   ;D

But , I'll tell ya what :   How about we split the cost of the ribs then put portions in aluminum foil bags with our favorite taters , carrots , peppers , sauce  and such -- then name them and ring some metal air rifle targets while they cook !    

Guess we could put cots under the car-port ?   :)

May need to give the wife advanced notice , if this pans out ... Wait .... We're going to Dave's this year .... We can pencil in my place for next year !!!   ;)

How far do the overhangs "overhang"?  could a fella put a hammock in between the side wall posts?
We could park our bikes under the middle to back, have the hammocks on the sides AND the BBQ grill in the front with one of his picnic tables to boot! :D
LOL, ok haven't been there yet, so I can't really say which would be better, the barn or the carport.... but i'm gettin' tired of crawlin' round on the ground in my tent... and my back is worse now that they done burned the nerves.... sigh... don't know wether to see a new doc and sue the one I have, or let him stick more needles in me...
The wife and I are planning a big trip this year... so i'm holding off on the carport craziness..... but I sure would like to sleep out under the stars a couple of times there in  your area.... and maybe take gander out your backyard at those stills on the hills :)

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by Dave on 06/02/16 at 06:41:35


Don't string your hammock on the end nearest the house.....if the dogs can stand on the front steps and get close enough to you - most likely you will get a "Good Morning Kiss" from them!

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by Art Webb on 06/02/16 at 06:47:51

We could fit more Savages and riders under there than I ever saw a one place and one time, that's for sure

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by MMRanch on 06/02/16 at 13:39:55

Old Rider

Come do Kentucky with us this year and bring your cot that looks like a folding chair ( I don't do so well on the ground anymore either  ::))

We'll do my yard next year.   The Grill is on the back patio hooked up to the 500 gal tank ,    Those 6 x 6 post are 10 foot apart --- its been my experience that you need a ratcheting tie down to pull a hammock  tight enough.   We might find a tree (by the fire pit)  to tie off too so you can get some stars ?  

Title: Re: Car Port
Post by KennyG on 06/02/16 at 14:24:24

M M,

I want to know how many steaks you can fit on the grill. I lean more towards T-bone & Porterhouse Steaks. A little on the rare side would be good...

Kenny G :-/ » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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