General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Ok Trumpsters.......

Message started by raydawg on 05/05/16 at 03:54:08

Title: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by raydawg on 05/05/16 at 03:54:08

My wife and I can not even fathom Trump's support......
Personally, I think the government has grown too big. We expect of it, especially on the federal level, to do too much.
Yes, it seems like it takes this track itself, but an opportunity, or need,  had to exist first.

I get Hillary, I know how she triangulates power, and I know how she favors Wall Street, etc....

What I want to hear is WHO is this Trump guy who is wanting to be president?
What are his ideas, as you believe, he wants to do, why, and how?

If you can, any idea what his cabinet might be.....
I realize this is just a guess, but I am hoping to discern his intentions by those he enlist.

Thanks, I am serious, the "media" is not any place to get facts anymore  >:(

Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by raydawg on 05/05/16 at 05:20:23

Reading the morning dope, it seems the right wing is talking of bailing on the party.....
Is Trump the new republican?
They say he is bringing out new voters and that explains is romp......
They are saying Hillary is more conservative on the issues of economics and foreign affairs????

Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by pg on 05/05/16 at 05:31:13

26352D30352333540 wrote:
If you can, any idea what his cabinet might be.....
I realize this is just a guess, but I am hoping to discern his intentions by those he enlist.

That is a pretty interesting question.  How about a running mate as well?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by cheapnewb24 on 05/05/16 at 07:19:04

Well, here's his platform. I guess you can call it that. :-/  I just wish he would talk about more stuff. ;D ::)

Here's a third-party site that explains his stand on things...

I guess this does a good job of filling in what his website doesn't talk about.

Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by Serowbot on 05/05/16 at 08:16:32

Trump's single legitimate claim to qualify as President, beyond racist rhetoric, is his business acumen...

Koch brothers make his wealth look like chump change...
..and they are against him...

What's he got left?...

Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/05/16 at 08:49:08

I can't decide what to really think about the Koch brothers.
They do some stuff I like, but Dad frikken GUMMM, I recently heard they are trying to do some kind of mining in or very near the Grand Canyon..  

Yeah, uranium,

Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by WebsterMark on 05/05/16 at 17:38:09

2B3D2A372F3A372C580 wrote:
Trump's single legitimate claim to qualify as President, beyond racist rhetoric, is his business acumen...

Or, another way to say that is:
Obama's single legitimate claim to qualify as President, beyond racist rhetoric, was his skin color and snake oil salesman skills.
That's not even arguable.

Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by Serowbot on 05/05/16 at 18:17:33

Yer' right, it's not...

Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by raydawg on 05/05/16 at 18:19:51

5244534E56434E55210 wrote:
Yer' right, it's not...

WOW..... you conceded fast.
I once reeled in a fish I didn't even know was on the line.

Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by old.indian on 05/05/16 at 18:32:33

Where are Harry and/ or Ike when we need them   ????????      Bernie is the only one that doesn't  flip on his issues every other sentence....  But he doesn't stand the chance of the preverbal snowball to get his agenda through Washington, even if he were elected.  Both of the others are .... well my opinions are not printable.

Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by pg on 05/05/16 at 19:00:32

Bernie is the only one that doesn't  flip on his issues every other sentence....

Yes, he is a true hard core communist.  Did you know he went on his honey moon to Moscow to see it before the Soviet Union collapsed?   :o

Best regards,

Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by raydawg on 05/05/16 at 19:15:05

23202862252228252D224C0 wrote:
Where are Harry and/ or Ike when we need them   ????????      Bernie is the only one that doesn't  flip on his issues every other sentence....  But he doesn't stand the chance of the preverbal snowball to get his agenda through Washington, even if he were elected.  Both of the others are .... well my opinions are not printable.

Banking and schools, two points of interest that need scrutiny.
As I've stated before, I am not sure his agenda and mine square, but it is a starting point.
I am still holding out he can make it to the finals  :)

Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/06/16 at 12:19:44

What would make you happy to see done with the banks and schools?
I agree that things need done, both are a mess, but, I wouldn't know how to even start on banking until the Fed was audited, then shut down.
And the schools? I would dump common core so fast that every teachers head would spin. And I believe they would applaud.

Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by raydawg on 05/06/16 at 14:14:24

I can only guess as to how/what we change about both.
In banking, I would also widen that wealth trail to include taxes, as with banking/finance, it favors the wealthy.
Schools should not be for profit, and I think they should not be farm teams for sport franchises.
I think we need to match education to aptitude/skill sets, and offer trades and any other courses/skills so students graduate with the ability to compete and earn from day one of graduation.
Social engineering, etc, has no place. We need to teach basic and then let society decide in the private sector the best policies for the most effected....

Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/06/16 at 18:39:46

I don't understand how a school is non profit. Even the Non Profit organizations pay people. Hell, wanna see some well paid people? Look at the directors of
Non profit organizations...
Who gets up and goes to work, to Not earn MONEY? Slaves.
If you can't do well financially as a teacher, why do it?
Explain how to Have education as a non profit.

Bankers, stripped of everything but the ability to open their doors, will be raking in the dough again in no time.
Until people actually understand how the Fed and the fractional reserve banking system works, we will continue to be indebted to a banking cart, called the federal reserve. It's not federal, and there are no reserves. They don't even own gold.

Do yourself a favor, at least Listen to G. Edward Griffin speak on the subject of the Fed.
Here, it is not even Half of the story, but maybe it's enough to stir some actual curiosity.

Who is unaware that it takes more labor today to have what you had twenty years ago? Accident?
Ohh, who coulda seen it coming?

Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by raydawg on 05/06/16 at 19:23:49

Jog, of course they get paid, like 1 through 12.

As to money, etc, the bible tells me all I need to know about it, etc.
it is safe to say it will always be a pitfall for most of us....
Many different trails can take you there.

Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/06/16 at 20:07:24

Really, Ray? You think the bible explains how the Federal Reserve works? And you Call it money. It's Currency, and you don't know the difference.
Henry Ford did.

Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by raydawg on 05/07/16 at 08:01:20

Be it stone, stick, or beads, it all is fashioned for a reason.
You want to get caught up in the semantics of names or manipulations, go ahead, it doesn't change the fact of monies.

Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/07/16 at 16:38:53

You missed gold and silver. Historically money. Each considered as intrinsically valuable. Never seen as mere currency.
And with all your huffing and puffing,you've yet to explain why Ford was wrong about the Federal Reserve.
Nobody has the balls to try, because I am one of MAYBE three who has a clue.
Yeah,all that biblical claptrap will surely save you.
While we kill millions a year. Yeah, we are well protected.

Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by DesertRat on 05/07/16 at 17:08:31

3B242225383F0E3E0E36242863510 wrote:
You missed gold and silver. Historically money. Each considered as intrinsically valuable. Never seen as mere currency.
And with all your huffing and puffing,you've yet to explain why Ford was wrong about the Federal Reserve.
Nobody has the balls to try, because I am one of MAYBE three who has a clue.
Yeah,all that biblical claptrap will surely save you.
While we kill millions a year. Yeah, we are well protected.

1. Money is unreal.
2. Money is imaginary.

That is the first concept to grasp.

Again -
1. Money is unreal, meaning imaginary, intangible.
2. Currency is NOT money, but merely represents money. Money is NOT currency. Currency is NOT money.

*Unreal means imaginary, meaning it can not be held in your hands.

Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/07/16 at 20:50:26

You can play with high thinking philosophical ideas all you want.
What would you rather have?
An ounce of gold, which is just a concept, or a snickers bar?

Gold and silver are considered money. Have been fought for since forever. Money is a way to store labor, and people use different ways.

Keynes theory sure has worked out for the politicians.
I've studied money and the concept
I know about tally sticks
I understand inherent value.

Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by Serowbot on 05/07/16 at 22:18:31

If you think you have a knowledge that no one else knows,... use it to your advantage.
If you really believe the currency is about to collapse,... buy gold,... or silver,.. or platinum...  ... or dry goods... whatever...

You can't change it,... use it...

That does require putting your money where your mouth is...

I did buy gold and silver back in the late 90's...
Why?...  Not because I bought into the fear mongering of conspiracy radio...
I bought it because I was aware of the advertisers on conspiracy radio...
Quadrupled my investment...  Did you?...
...are you a gambler?...
Do you understand economics better than I do?... are you sure?...

I'm not buying now...  :-X
Am I wrong?... are you right?...
You wanna' put your money where your mouth is?...

PS... I'm not recommending it...

Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/07/16 at 22:50:24

I'm trying to get people to see. While the masses don't understand how the monetary system works, we continue to be enslaved by it.
Or, don't you think Ford understood things that the People didn't?
Look at what your savings earn you now.

Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by raydawg on 05/08/16 at 06:48:50


Interesting choice of word JOG, it's almost biblical, yet, it makes me wonder if you own a mirror?

Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/08/16 at 08:26:03

Why? Because I don't know how to not be impacted by the same system I am pointing out as bad? You need a different position to attack from if that's it.

Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by raydawg on 05/08/16 at 09:50:47

4E5157504D4A7B4B7B43515D16240 wrote:
Why? Because I don't know how to not be impacted by the same system I am pointing out as bad? You need a different position to attack from if that's it.

If it consumes you, anything, is that a good perspective, or does it perhaps, enslave you?
And buddy, why do you presume its an attack?
Is all disagreements, or interests otherwise, worthy of labeling to justify your own understanding of any given concern or topic?

Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/08/16 at 12:33:54

What is debate? Logical rational attack on ideological differences. Explanations made with the understanding that they will need to be Defended. From what do we Defend? Attack.

If you believe that I live consumed by the things I know and try to get others to understand, you're wrong.
And while everyone seems to so easily brush my points aside, like Bot, diverting to
Well, if you know so much, make money on it...
I want a healthy economy for everyone. But it's not gonna happen unless the masses figure it out and reject the B.S. they taught all of us.
Why was Henry Ford wrong?

Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by WebsterMark on 05/09/16 at 06:15:22

4C5F475A5F49593E0 wrote:
My wife and I can not even fathom Trump's support......
Personally, I think the government has grown too big. We expect of it, especially on the federal level, to do too much.
Yes, it seems like it takes this track itself, but an opportunity, or need,  had to exist first.

I get Hillary, I know how she triangulates power, and I know how she favors Wall Street, etc....

What I want to hear is WHO is this Trump guy who is wanting to be president?
What are his ideas, as you believe, he wants to do, why, and how?

If you can, any idea what his cabinet might be.....
I realize this is just a guess, but I am hoping to discern his intentions by those he enlist.

Thanks, I am serious, the "media" is not any place to get facts anymore  >:(

Trump is basically a successful 3rd party candidate.

He drew support from both parties, but he aligned himself with the Republicans. It's not exactly a perfect metaphor, but he's a mirror image of Bernie Sanders except he was successful because Republicans and conservatives are more open-minded and judge people by their deeds and not because they can check off all the correct boxes.
His support runs from upper incomes to poor, black to white, Hispanic to Midwest farmers in flyover country.

Don't let the media tell you who supports Trump, they are lying. He's got broad support. I said a couple of months ago I was in a beef processing plant in Nebraska and the level of Trump supporters among management and line workers was something I've never seen before. I heard a rental car worker in Wichita talking on his phone to a buddy about how exited he was because he was going to a Trump rally. You would have thought Paul McCartney was coming over to his house for dinner.

Get ready for some fun now. The liberals will throw everything at Trump. You think some of the protest we've seen so far were something, just wait. And the MSM will paint these pieces of human excrement as heroes, as if they have a valid reason for rioting, burning, violence and I predict there will be deaths. The MSM will play the race card and bigot card hard despite the fact they have no basis in truth.  

The liberals will fight, literally to the death, to stop Trump because he represents a danger to them. By controlling the media and therefore (they thought) the culture, Trump's success means the few no longer can control the masses. They thought they'd won the war once and for all, using the entertainment culture and planted their flag, but perhaps a bit prematurely.

I'm not sure Trump will be a great President or not. It's a certainty he'll be better than the living, breathing piece of $hit we have now, that's for sure. But in my view and why he's got my support is he's the only thing standing between liberal elitist domination of this country which will be the final nail in the coffin and a chance, however small it is, at keeping this Republic alive for a little while longer.

Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by raydawg on 05/09/16 at 08:23:22

Webby, it is the right wing and Foxbots too, not just the left wing media.
Thus far all I have heard from the opposition is personal attacks, the very tactic they find outrageous about him, yet they behave the same way.....

Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by Paraquat on 05/09/16 at 09:11:07

Just be more tolerant.


Title: Re: Ok Trumpsters.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/09/16 at 11:12:59

The left have a free pass on the requirement to be tolerant.
All they have to do is label someone as hateful, then they can violently oppose them. And that violence is not limited to rhetoric. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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