General Category >> The Cafe >> Update on my weight loss....

Message started by raydawg on 04/30/16 at 17:59:24

Title: Update on my weight loss....
Post by raydawg on 04/30/16 at 17:59:24

I made in finally into the 2teens, was a bugger, seemed I was stuck in the 20's forever.....
Look out 210, you are next  ;D

Title: Re: Update on my weight loss....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/30/16 at 18:19:29

How tall are you?

Title: Re: Update on my weight loss....
Post by raydawg on 04/30/16 at 18:37:26

Are you thinking about asking me out on a date?  ;D

I am just a whisper under 6 foot, 34 inseam, and 36 waist. I started out over 250 on 01JAN16, and was comfortable in a 40 inch waiste but could squeeze into 38.
You want to know my shoe size [ch128561]

Title: Re: Update on my weight loss....
Post by gizzo on 04/30/16 at 19:01:20

Great work, raydawg! Keep it up. or off.

Title: Re: Update on my weight loss....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/30/16 at 20:02:37

Knowing Weight without knowing height is meaningless. If you're five feet tall, then 210 is a bowling ball with legs, but six foot 210 isn't bad. Depending on muscle tone. Just telling everyone what you weigh and not including the size of the frame it's hanging on is not enough information. Why you came back like my questions were somehow inappropriate is beyond me.
That you didn't include the information in the first place is beyond me.

Title: Re: Update on my weight loss....
Post by raydawg on 04/30/16 at 21:25:54

3A252324393E0F3F0F37252962500 wrote:
Knowing Weight without knowing height is meaningless. If you're five feet tall, then 210 is a bowling ball with legs, but six foot 210 isn't bad. Depending on muscle tone. Just telling everyone what you weigh and not including the size of the frame it's hanging on is not enough information. Why you came back like my questions were somehow inappropriate is beyond me.
That you didn't include the information in the first place is beyond me.

Well when I stand in line at the smorgasbord, I am usually last, so everyone is beyond me too  ;D

Title: Re: Update on my weight loss....
Post by Sonny on 05/01/16 at 00:07:20

I'm 6'3" and 178. Always been wiry like Ichabod Crane. When you're tall you want minimum wind resistance...  ;)

Title: Re: Update on my weight loss....
Post by Serowbot on 05/01/16 at 06:33:36

2B37363B3734580 wrote:
When you're tall you want minimum wind resistance...  ;)

;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Update on my weight loss....
Post by MMRanch on 05/01/16 at 07:47:44

I'm just under 6 ft. with 32 inseams and 34 waist --- I still need to loose 10 lbs !  ::)   Seems like it never ends .   :)

Title: Re: Update on my weight loss....
Post by Art Webb on 05/01/16 at 07:55:42

MM if you drop 10 you will be a clothes hanger  ;D
I'm 6 feet with a 30 inseam and weigh 225, now that's too heavy. unless you carry it like Arnold Schwarzenegger (i don't)
32 inch waist is squeezing and stretching out the pants  ;D

Title: Re: Update on my weight loss....
Post by Serowbot on 05/01/16 at 08:02:52

I wear a 30 waist,.. but if I measure, my waist is 32...
I blame beans.... :-?

Title: Re: Update on my weight loss....
Post by Art Webb on 05/01/16 at 08:35:50

most guys wear their jeans around their hips, only oplder guys actualy pull them up to their waists
really old guys pull them up to their armpits  :-/

Title: Re: Update on my weight loss....
Post by Dave on 05/01/16 at 09:06:04

I remember an old guy in the town I grew up in.......the bottom of his shirt pocket was about an inch from the top of his belt.

Title: Re: Update on my weight loss....
Post by Sonny on 05/01/16 at 09:18:11

After 6 years wrestling with lymphoma, I recently cut all free sugars out of my diet, because come to find out spiking blood sugar is rocket fuel for cancer (and diabetes and other bad things.)

That meant dropping soda pop, candy, desserts and a large number of processed grocery store foods which are loaded with added sugar apparently because it is cheaper than the underlying food on the label. I started reading the ingredients and couldn't believe how many foods have this added sugar, corn syrup and etc.

It wasn't too hard to do as far as cravings even though I have gorged on sugar all my life. I quickly lost fat from gut, butt and love handles and feel much better with more energy. It's been a good change. We get plenty of natural sugar from fruits, vegetables and staple foods, and they are metabolized over hours without causing glycemic spikes in the blood.

Examples of High-Glycemic Foods: Potatoes, parsnips, rice cakes, most commercial cereals, candy, sugar-sweetened drinks, dates, crackers, cookies, ripe bananas, baked goods and other products made with flour.

Examples of Low-Glycemic Foods: Foods high in protein such as meats, eggs, and soy foods, foods high in fats such as nuts, avocados, and oils.  Low-glycemic foods with carbohydrate include beans, barley, steel-cut oats, other grains cooked whole, non-starchy vegetables, grapefruit, and berries.

Title: Re: Update on my weight loss....
Post by Trippah on 05/01/16 at 10:06:04

As a Twinkies addict throughout my childhood (My Dentists approved ;D)
I can appreciate what you have accomplished.  You are doing good,so keep up da good work.  Exercise is half the battle so keep on keeping on.

Title: Re: Update on my weight loss....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/01/16 at 11:17:28

My doctor told me that to keep blood sugar stable through the day, have beans for breakfast. She is also big on PH. Those sugars create a n acidic system, and diseases love lowvPH. SO, getting the blood, urine, saliva, muscles, everything, to be slightly basic helps kick diseases.

Title: Re: Update on my weight loss....
Post by Sonny on 05/01/16 at 11:46:48

Thanks. It's probably not that complicated if you break it down. Getting lots of exercise and healthy foods is doing so many things right that you get weight loss, a good immune system, more strength and energy and all around better health. The serious  obesity and chronic disease situation in the US the last few decades has to be mainly from the lack of the above, with a big finger pointing at all the so-called free sugars being added to almost everything.

Title: Re: Update on my weight loss....
Post by gizzo on 05/01/16 at 13:52:25

If you're interested, see if you can track down a BBC documentary series called "the men who made us fat". Gives a bit of a history into the circumstances that brought sugar into the diet as a main ingredient, the people behind it, the sugar industry and the health outcomes.

Title: Re: Update on my weight loss....
Post by Sonny on 05/01/16 at 15:11:38

That show doesn't seem to be available in the US, but I know our main players here are Big Ag and the Midwest's corn lobby, the same fine folks who force ethanol on us.

We broke off with Cuba and lost our sugar cane operations there and Big Corn stepped into the gap and onto our necks and never left...

Title: Re: Update on my weight loss....
Post by MMRanch on 05/01/16 at 20:51:07

Dave wrote ; I remember an old guy in the town I grew up in.......the bottom of his shirt pocket was about an inch from the top of his belt.

Did he wear and funny hat and assure to Goober ?   ;D

Hope to see him this summer !  :)

Title: Re: Update on my weight loss....
Post by Art Webb on 05/02/16 at 07:23:38

4D51505D51523E0 wrote:
Thanks. It's probably not that complicated if you break it down. Getting lots of exercise and healthy foods is doing so many things right that you get weight loss, a good immune system, more strength and energy and all around better health. The serious  obesity and chronic disease situation in the US the last few decades has to be mainly from the lack of the above, with a big finger pointing at all the so-called free sugars being added to almost everything.

I think it is massively appropriate that the initials for the Standard American Diet spell SAD
When shopping, stay (mostly) off the aisles, the good stuff is around the perimeter of the store in most groceries: Produce and meat are really all you need, and frozen veggies can, believe it or not, be better than fresh, IF no bad stuff is added (I'm fat now because I been shopping in the wrong part of the store  ;D)
you'll save time and energy, and eat better

Title: Re: Update on my weight loss....
Post by Sonny on 05/02/16 at 08:27:20

Right with you, Art. If food is packaged in a petroleum product, read the label, if it's processed read the label. That label reading is not a time consuming job for the rest of your life, because you quickly learn what's going on and act accordingly.

Title: Re: Update on my weight loss....
Post by LANCER on 05/02/16 at 11:09:00

677B7A777B78140 wrote:
Right with you, Art. If food is packaged in a petroleum product, read the label, if it's processed read the label. That label reading is not a time consuming job for the rest of your life, because you quickly learn what's going on and act accordingly.


Title: Re: Update on my weight loss....
Post by raydawg on 05/02/16 at 15:02:41

Yes, understand what you are eating, and its effect on you. A candy bar which is anywhere from 200 calories and up, is like 30 minutes or more to burn off with pretty strenuous work out....
Is it worth it, or just a temporary comfort?
Do you need it?
What are the pluses and benefits from not giving into urges?
It is all about behavior and thought change....

Title: Re: Update on my weight loss....
Post by Ed L. on 05/02/16 at 15:14:15

My wife and I just joined Weight Watchers last month. I've lost 9 lbs so far but still have about 25 to go. The older I get the easier it is to put it on and harder to get it off. Good to hear you are loosing it instead of putting it on. :) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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