General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> How stupid........?????

Message started by raydawg on 04/04/16 at 16:46:28

Title: How stupid........?????
Post by raydawg on 04/04/16 at 16:46:28

I just can't seem to even begin to wrap any sort of understanding around some of the excuses this administration has used to explain things....

From his Lois Lerner IRS computers all going bad at the same time, to this one: White House blames glitch for 'Islamist terrorist' omission

Sure, it just happens to be a glitch on the very talking point why he won't call the terrorist Muslims Extremist....


I mean, I got it, those who you fool, are fools, right on.

The story:

Title: Re: How stupid........?????
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/04/16 at 21:17:27

That's hilarious. Most Transparent Administration EVER!
If you can't see through it, well,, no wonder we are where we are. Not to say previous, I mean Every previous, administrations have been all that hard to see through. Bush cackling as he pointed out
Look, no WMDs here, ohh, uhh, Nope, no WMDs there, either.
Eighteen minutes of recording, gone.
Twenty eight pages, secret.
JFK was Trying to heed Ikes warnings..
Been downhill since.

The purchasing power of the dollar is, and has been, in decline.

I'm unable to remember a president who didn't add more to the national debt than all his predecessors, combined.

Ron Paul says that policy wise, Trump and Hillary support the same MIC, big debt, big government ideology. I'm not able to see anything that would make me disagree.

I said, back in 08, that This time the economy wouldn't rebound.
Actual unemployment is Far from what They are telling us.

Let's THINK for a moment.

IF the reason for the open borders is to have cheap labor, just how many unemployed people are needed to satisfy that demand?
I've heard countless times about
It's the bubs who want to keep the cheap labor coming in.

Well, PISS THEM OFF! Control immigration.

Title: Re: How stupid........?????
Post by raydawg on 04/05/16 at 04:13:26

I wonder if people are just naive or more, like the the Muslim Terrorist who have a BELIEF based on a GOD who tell them they are JUSTIFIED and therefor AFFIRMED and have since lost any real connection and perception of reality  :-? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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