General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> A possible ticket......

Message started by raydawg on 03/28/16 at 03:37:10

Title: A possible ticket......
Post by raydawg on 03/28/16 at 03:37:10

I am thinking a Bern/ Kasich might prove a winner, and with the Bern being so old, John would be a good president if he needed to step in, with only the rabid fringe on either side objecting to him, but the main middle embracing it.

Your thoughts?

Title: Re: A possible ticket......
Post by Serowbot on 03/28/16 at 03:59:31

Why would he do that?... :-/


Title: Re: A possible ticket......
Post by raydawg on 03/28/16 at 05:07:33

3E283F223A2F22394D0 wrote:
Why would he do that?... :-/


Your suggestion would pull from the same pool of voters for the most part.
With kasich you could get the moderates in both parties to consider this ticket. I know a few democrats that won't vote for Hillary if she is appointed, and have even stated they could vote for kasich straight up if he won the repub ticket.

I am not even sure warren wants to even run, ah

Title: Re: A possible ticket......
Post by cl492 on 04/04/16 at 10:53:32

Kasich doesn't get the attention he deserves. Out of everyone else, who else has actually balanced a government budget? Ran in a leading office? Doesn't say insane reductionist things? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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