General Category >> The Cafe >> EM fuel-less drive proven by both NASA and Chinese

Message started by Oldfeller on 03/24/16 at 18:24:32

Title: EM fuel-less drive proven by both NASA and Chinese
Post by Oldfeller on 03/24/16 at 18:24:32

Hey, you live in a new era -- the exploration of the solar system is about to begin !!!!

People want the heavy metals from the broken up planet that makes up the Asteroid Belt -- just pick your chunk, the mining is already done.

Want 1000 tons of gold?   Pick the right chunk of "presorted by weight" core material and you got it !!!!!

Want to be your own boss?   Be an Asteroid Miner ......

Your microwave oven in the kitchen contains a small version of what powers this trick --- a good old basic magnetron (alias WWII RADAR generator).

This is what the Chinese used, an old out of service military grade radar magnetron unit.   Because it was VERY powerful, it made a thrust that was not able to be argued away by any observer (which is an issue the NASA unit has, measurement error is of the same order of magnitude as their puny thrust off a microwave magnetron).

The Russsians are moving forward with our old fission rocket engine design and the Chinese are running away with the VERY powerful magnetron reactionless fuel less thingie.

NASA is still studying it.

Title: Re: EM fuel-less drive proven by both NASA and Chi
Post by DesertRat on 03/24/16 at 18:51:33

"stellar" tech (pun intended)

Title: Re: EM fuel-less drive proven by both NASA and Chi
Post by Oldfeller on 03/25/16 at 05:48:42

What about the item that makes it more fun,  heads of various scientific disciplines all say it cannot work -- it is theoretically impossible.

Well, bumblebees flying and LENR reactors heating and Magnetron space drives all say that your theory needs some work, as does the gravity waves that were just detected and a whole raft of other stuff you have been stonewalling.

What is especially irritating to the egghead set is that people are doing simply amazing things with items that are impossible simply because they don't know its impossible.  They just go do it.



Title: Re: EM fuel-less drive proven by both NASA and Chi
Post by old_rider on 03/25/16 at 06:19:52

Yes there doesn't need to be any fuel for "thrust", but there will have to be fuel to power the component needed for the drive to produce thrust.

I doubt that a "solar array" will provide enough power to start up that massive radar magnetron and keep it supplied with the energy it needs to produce the thrust. Perhaps a small nuclear reactor like the one on the rover?

AND, the EM Drive engine will have to be boosted into orbit and installed on the "ships" that will probably have to be built (or assembled from pieces) in orbit also....

Looks like we need a large REAL space station and orbiting factory to assemble our future starships.

I doubt that will happen, we are broke now.... how are we going to fund that?  :-?

Title: Re: EM fuel-less drive proven by both NASA and Chi
Post by DesertRat on 03/25/16 at 08:17:11

how are we going to fund that?

best scenario:

Pull from the military industrial complex. Or start charging for our "police/security" services rendered to others for "FREE" around the globe.

Title: Re: EM fuel-less drive proven by both NASA and Chi
Post by Oldfeller on 03/25/16 at 08:32:51

Yes, a solar array can make enough power because in the vacuum of space sunlight is raw and very strong compared to what we normally see on earth.

Next, every ICBM has a radioactive isotope power cell in it that lasts for decades and decades and the stock ICBM radioactive power cell unit has enough juice to power a mild small magnetron powered "no fuel needed" drive for unmanned trips.   (if you don't care about the whole thing getting slowly radioactive, that is)     Constant low boost levels still builds up over time, if it is unmanned, to very high speeds and fairly quickly at that.

So the solar array can do it, and the ICBM isotope power cell technology can do it.  Unmanned stuff can substitute time for raw power and get there just the same.

The Russians are looking for less than 30 days to get people to Mars, using a fission rocket plane technology they spy stole from the American Air Force, which has had its own top secret Space Agency since the 1960s.  

Look it up, the Air Force had its own small top secret space station long long before Skylab was ever financed or launched.   Back before NSA's satellites got good enough, we kept a few people in orbit over the USSR during the height of the cold war.   Were they sitting on a bunch of short range interceptor missiles?   Who knows .......  but once the rocket boost phase is over the Russian war head package (pre-separation package) is a ballistic turkey shoot using sparrow type radar homing missiles from a similar speed orbit.

Do you think the Russians folded up over Star Wars if it wasn't a real viable credible threat during the Reagan years?

We have retired Air Force people leaving documents to be read after they died saying they have personally been to Mars (which gets instantly completely discounted and disbelieved until you remember those Air Force blue colored EV suits that were discovered with those name tags that nobody can identify behind an abandoned locked unmarked door down an abandoned locked unmarked hallway at the Kennedy Space Center).

Our Government and Military keeps secrets pretty durn well, really they really do.    And I guess they should keep them secrets since we signed treaties and all with the Russians about not our not militarizing outer space after the treaty was signed (it doesn't say shite about us already having it sitting up there, you know)

Over 30 years ago there was a hushed up flap over an Air Force X plane making an emergency landing on a strip of New Mexico highway, leaving 3 miles of that highway mildly radioactive from a malfunctioning fission rocket drive.

We know we built and tested a high orbit-capable-from-the-ground fission rocket powered space plane over 30 years ago ....

Over 30 years ago we really did have orbital refueling "Mars visit capable" fission rocket plane technology available to us.  

Do you really think the "right stuff guys" didn't go there?

Bullshite .... and now we got dead right stuff guys now saying they did go orbit Mars, and the radiation from the fission space drives eventually killed them with long term cancer.


Title: Re: EM fuel-less drive proven by both NASA and Chi
Post by Oldfeller on 03/25/16 at 11:01:32

And, BTW, who do you think the secret customer is for that LENR rocket drive?    

Rossi admits to working with NASA / Military on a LENR rocket drive ..... now jest think of it as retrofitting LENR in place of an existing fully developed military fission drive space plane.

Title: Re: EM fuel-less drive proven by both NASA and Chi
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/25/16 at 11:34:33

Air Force had its own small top secret space station

Went looking, nothing jumped out.

I'm a believer in
Technology WE are being allowed to see is decades old
That we did what you say wouldn't surprise me, but I am not seeing it.

As for the
Old timers dying and leaving documents , space travel, flight suits, and all that, I would happily read about it.
Anything you can point to?
They can't keep a secret
defense against things is just not true.
Many motivations exist. Friends, family, career, framed and slammed in prison, Tons of ways to help you keep your mouth shut.

Title: Re: EM fuel-less drive proven by both NASA and Chi
Post by Oldfeller on 03/25/16 at 11:41:33

Justin, your google fu is very weak .....   it isn't even a secret any more.     This is a current NASA administrator standing next to his old Air Force Space Program suit .......

The Orion program is still top secret and no details have been released in the last 30 years about where the program went to.

Here is what is available, although it is not confirmed please note there are several different developmental generations of this nuclear powered propulsion system referred to.

Title: Re: EM fuel-less drive proven by both NASA and Chi
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/25/16 at 11:59:50

Yes my Google fu is poo.
Server Error

404 - File or directory not found.
The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

On the picture links.

Other historical treasures found in the room include old film canisters,

one flown shuttle main landing tire,

In the picture drawing, of the secret space module, there is a Very Space Shuttle looking thing near it. I don't see how it would be possible to launch such a thing secretly, or get the parts for the module up, but what I can or cannot envision doesn't necessarily define reality.

So, was the tire from a shuttle launch we all saw on T.V., or from a precursor, secretly designed and used just for the program you're telling us about?

electrical equipment, and various miscellaneous boxes.

The MOL program left other legacies to NASA, as well. When the program was cancelled, seven of the younger astronauts were transferred to the agency's human space flight program and went on to have standout careers. Among them were Robert Crippen, pilot of the first Space Shuttle mission, and Richard H. "thingy" Truly, who later became NASA Administrator.

How nicely rewarded for their silence...
Not to suggest they lacked the qualifications.

Title: Re: EM fuel-less drive proven by both NASA and Chi
Post by Oldfeller on 03/25/16 at 12:39:57

OK, it's weird ......

Click on this link

then when it comes up with "did you mean Project_Orion_(nuclear_propulsion)

then  click on that link -- you will then go to the page that was intended.   The problem is the first link is too long for a click through, as wikipedia can't handle an address that is that long and it cuts off the last "close parenthesis" every durn time.  

Weak Google fu all right, but it is Wikepedia that is weak ......

Title: Re: EM fuel-less drive proven by both NASA and Chi
Post by Oldfeller on 03/25/16 at 12:47:25

Then check out  a search that says

"We have already been to Mars" and you will find our guy saying this casually while being interviewed ......

Could he be having a senior moment, sure ..... but other astronauts have said so as well in written post death statements that were collected and removed soon there after.    The fact the post deathbed statements were collected quickly says much about a cover-up being in place.

Title: Re: EM fuel-less drive proven by both NASA and Chi
Post by old_rider on 03/25/16 at 12:51:26

That blue mol suit was an sr71 suit... the patch is right on it... kinda looks like this......

Title: Re: EM fuel-less drive proven by both NASA and Chi
Post by Oldfeller on 03/25/16 at 13:24:58

Not SR 71 suits at all, The SR 71 program was CIA based and not in the same reporting structure at all.

"The manufacturer, however, determined that they were MH-7 training suits from a short-lived Cold War-era military program to put a manned reconnaissance station in space.

Concept drawing of the Air Force's Manned Orbital Laboratory Image above: A 1960 conceptual drawing of the Manned Orbiting Laboratory. Click for larger image. Credit: NASA

Begun in 1964, the Manned Orbiting Laboratory program was an Air Force initiative that would have sent Air Force astronauts to a space station in a Gemini capsule. After spending a few weeks in orbit, the crew would undock and return to Earth. The Air Force abandoned the program in 1969, but the program produced a great deal of technological development, and three groups of military officers trained to be MOL astronauts.

The spacesuit with identifying number 008 had the name "LAWYER" on the left sleeve. The suit was traced to Lt. Col. Richard E. Lawyer, a member of the first group recruited to be MOL astronauts in 1965."

How much of all of this is obfuscation is unknown at this point in time -- the Air Force is very good at obfuscation when it needs to obfuscate over something, like say Area 51 and weather balloons .....

I will say that those little space planes don't look like gemini capsules ot me --- do they look like gemini capsules to you?  

This is stuff NASA has released from top secret, so your guess is as good as mine.


Title: Re: EM fuel-less drive proven by both NASA and Chi
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/25/16 at 17:15:14

Looks like a shuttle to me.

Interesting stuff, Buzz wants to go back to mars...
Project blue book.

Title: Re: EM fuel-less drive proven by both NASA and Chi
Post by old_rider on 03/25/16 at 19:30:10

Um, you don't understand.....

I KNOW it is an SR71 suit..... those suits were made specifically to fly "above the envelope"..... and that patch IS an SR71 patch...there are many, over the years they changed. (I just posted one that looked similar, notice the dagger shape of the nose) The suit was a basis for the mercury suits and the orbiting laboratory suits (which did not have portable air packs but plugged into the air and oxygen systems). sorry about the edits... but that is Astronaut Bob Crippen in the picture.

Have to edit that the David Clark suit (DCS 1030) was the mainstay of the SR's suits, but for the space program the SR was a good starting point to test other suits.

A lot of the astronauts trained for the suits via the SR.... and all of them were pilots. (maybe not SR pilots, but pilots).

I was stationed at Kadena Air Force Base.... home of one of the wings that flew 24/7 missions. They were VERY proud of their heritage, and the accomplishments they made. :)

Title: Re: EM fuel-less drive proven by both NASA and Chi
Post by Oldfeller on 03/27/16 at 11:49:50

I am sure all the high altitude suits of that general era looked pretty much the same as they were all made by Goodyear, but unless you can show the SR71 emblem on that old suit (the one from the locked room at Kennedy Space Center alias Cape Canaveral) I guess we won't ever really know for sure.

There have been lots of references to Air Force people being up in space and there was indeed a tremendous push for "hands on" information gathering (U-2 and SR 71) during this same period of time, up until the unmanned NSA satellites got good enough to do the job by themselves.

Specifications of early Goodyear suits

Name: Mercury Spacesuit[2]

Derived from: Navy Mark IV[2]

Manufacturer: B.F. Goodrich Company[2]

Missions: MR-3 to MA-9

Function: Intra-vehicular activity (IVA)[2]

Pressure Type: Full[3]

Operating Pressure: 3.7 psi (25.5 kPa)[2]

Suit Weight: 22 lb (10 kg)[2]

Primary Life Support: Vehicle Provided[2]

Backup Life Support: Vehicle Provided[2]

Later models were foil covered for extra-vehicular use and these were equipped with self contained bottles of a special air mix and had little tiny rocket jets for rotation and motion.


But we do know the Air Force in space was real.    We are now being told it was cancelled before it ever flew (this covers all the stuff that has been found so far without saying we broke any agreements or treaties)      This reference has the people listed, and better/more details since it has all been declassified.

Title: Re: EM fuel-less drive proven by both NASA and Chi
Post by Oldfeller on 03/27/16 at 12:23:10

And for the youngsters, this is how genteel old farts have a disagreement -- first, admit the other person could be right, then place your evidence out clearly as to why you think your information is correct.

And, if you discover you can't know what really happened, just say so.  

What makes you ever think they are going to admit to having a NUCLEAR POWERED anything up there in space after signing multiple treaties to the contrary with Russia and the UN and all the rest of the world ????    

Forget about the nuclear powered 70's trips to Mars, it never happened ......

And forget all that odd stuff that was built on the dark side of the moon too.

Title: Re: EM fuel-less drive proven by both NASA and Chi
Post by old_rider on 03/27/16 at 12:25:39

Retraction of my statement....
What I thought was a patch is actually just shadows.... it is not a patch at all.

It is an intake for suit pressure LOL.... I found a higher resolution picture.

A photo of the suit/w pilot climbing a ladder into an SR (ok which I don't have a photo of, we were not allowed to take camera's into the Habu area) happened to be in the break room, of one of the hangers (which I probably shouldn't be saying). So I assumed (yup, i'm an ass), that the blurry right chest area was a patch (which is where they normally go), and it looked so much like the many I've seen, that I was for sure (there I go again) it was one.

Like I said before, they (the squadron) were VERY proud of their contributions to the air force space program, and the testing that was accomplished before the suits were to be used.

Here is that photo I mentioned...

Title: Re: EM fuel-less drive proven by both NASA and Chi
Post by Oldfeller on 03/27/16 at 12:33:58

Those Right Stuff guys did some amazing things, whether we can know about it or not .....

Title: Re: EM fuel-less drive proven by both NASA and Chi
Post by old_rider on 03/27/16 at 12:42:34

LOL, and I was digging into my old photo's to see if I had snuck my old 110 camera in a couple times... I had a high clearance and while I was washing a couple of our F-4's and F-15's (yeah even a bomb loader was assigned to wash rack), they asked my level.

I was stationed at the rack for 2 months while awaiting a new position on a load crew. When they found my level was high enough, they brought over a couple to be "touched-up", I could only do the landing gear LOL :)

But I did get to know a few of the fella's and got a couple of tours...

No super top secret stuff was discussed (and you can see as much as I did if you go to any air museum where and SR71 is on display), just this is our area and this is what we do. I invited them over to watch a few loading sessions to even the score.

It might still be classified information.... so I cannot "prove" the picture was hanging there, and i'm not sure if they still have a program on the base. Just thought I would pass along, my input as to why I posted.

Now back to how we think the future of space flight and the EM drive are going to benefit the world !!! :)

Title: Re: EM fuel-less drive proven by both NASA and Chi
Post by dontwannapickle on 04/01/16 at 11:53:48

"Rossi admits to working with NASA / Military on a LENR rocket drive"

OH! So that explains his MotoGP championships!

I'll never forget sitting on the seawall at the end of Kadena's airstrip one night and watching a Habu take-off overhead.  Right at the end of the runway he pointed the nose up at about a 75' angle and poured the coals to her as he spiraled up and away.  HOLY S---MOKE!!!!

Title: Re: EM fuel-less drive proven by both NASA and Chi
Post by verslagen1 on 11/07/16 at 14:52:55


The key finding in the paper is describes by the authors in the conclusion: “”The test campaign included a null thrust test effort to identify any mundane sources of impulsive thrust, however none were identified. “Thrust data from forward, reverse, and null suggests that the system is consistently performing with a thrust to power ratio of 1.2 ± 0.1 mN/kW [millinewtons per kilowatt]”

They state they did not try to optimise the thrust in their device since this was more of a proof-of-concept experiment. In comparing this experimental device to other propulsion methods, they state that it is an order of magnitude lower than current Hall thrusters, and an order of magnitude higher than light sails, laser propulsion and photon rockets.

More thrust in a fart.

Title: Re: EM fuel-less drive proven by both NASA and Chi
Post by Oldfeller on 11/07/16 at 15:03:27

You are correct in that the thrust is very small.   However, it is more than is generated by a solar sail based off any current known sail materials.

They still don't know if the effect is entangled with the earth's magnetic field in some fashion and yes there is a plan to put one up in space and turn it on to finally answer that question.  

Both the USA and Chinese military space programs are doing this as we speak.

...... and if it works as planned, you will see a new generation of planetary probes go out, collect hard data and then come back with the data, all in about six-eight months time.  

Eventually, they will see something we want ....

First asteroid mining robot ships will then go out,  bump up against a likely rock, test accelerate it to accurately judge the density and balance point of the thing, then push it on back towards home very slowly (at first, anyway).  

They estimate that a car sized chunk of space debris made up of heavy core elements would be ..... well worth the effort with profit to spare for everybody involved.    

Robotics needed to do this already exist, invented for the self driving cars.

Pick a part of the desert you are not EVER planning on using, and crash land your golden monkey as an aimed meteor.

Practice this a lot and get real good at it -- this is really an offensive weapon of moderate nuclear sized potential (remember, a rock projectile leaves no radiation behind, but those valuable core material layers will leave post crash radioactive stuff around all over the place) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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