General Category >> The Cafe >> Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone

Message started by Oldfeller on 03/13/16 at 09:27:32

Title: Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone
Post by Oldfeller on 03/13/16 at 09:27:32

FreedomPOP strikes again !!!!    

$29 for a refurbie MOTO E, a free MEGABYTE of Cellar Data and a promise of no cost ever .......

This is twice as good as my last foray into FreedomPOP which was a $49 phone and only a half meg of free cell data.  But the phone sounded like talking in a rain barrel all the time.

There is some rumor (likely brown vaporish) that FreedomPOP has fixed their call echo rainbarrel issues as well.

I can risk $29 I think .....   and I have recovered pretty well from my surgery and am "feeling lucky, punk?" as Dirty Harry used to say.

It doesn't take much to amuse me, huh?  

::)   FreedomPOP strikes again !!!!

Eventually, one of these things may actually work right.

Title: Re: Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone
Post by DesertRat on 03/13/16 at 18:54:04

do they have burner phones?

Title: Re: Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone
Post by Oldfeller on 03/13/16 at 21:21:17

If by burner phone do you mean a cheap phone?  Yes, as low as $5 --- but the plan on that phone costs $25 a month.    You are far better to get a TracPhone as the "maintenance time" on a FreedomPOP burner phone is too too much time and aggravation.

FreedomPOP is all about gimmicks and tricky misleading deals .....

You always have to be very careful to understand what you are getting into.

This one I am taking has a $29 phone cost and NO COST for plan.   If it turns out to be a lie, they get the phone back ASAP.

Title: Re: Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone
Post by Oldfeller on 03/14/16 at 03:15:31

Example -- Freedom Friends Program.

This is a ponzi scheme by which you put 10 email addresses in and FreedomPOP bugs the shite out of the people to buy one of their deals.  You get a chunk of free data to use that month as your "finder's fee".

Gimmick is to go to slick deals and get the list of email addresses of all the people already running on this Ponzi treadmill and give FreedomPOP those burner addresses and they can bombard the already active Freedom Friends email addresses all they want.

Bad news is when your list of email addresses dries up you only get a half gig of free data from then on.   But this takes a while since you got 30 sets of 10 all ready for you to use.

Trick is to create a separate addy for FreedomPOP activity and just scrape it clean periodically.

Recommendation:   create a new separate addy for ONLY dealing with FreedomPOP.

WARNING: otherwise FreedomPOP WILL GET your real contact list and harass the hell out of folks you care about that are on it.

Title: Re: Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone
Post by Oldfeller on 03/15/16 at 19:13:24

Current order crossed the 5 day limit, allowing me to insist on getting delivery information.   Supposedly FP has to geek now or offer my money back (or else Paypal will just take the money from them).

If you choose to deal with FP you have to be mentally prepared to act tough -- "acting reasonably" just increasing the overall screwing you can get from folks like FP and their distributors.

Title: Re: Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone
Post by Oldfeller on 03/18/16 at 08:08:19

No response from the vendor, escalation begun with Paypal.

Title: Re: Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/18/16 at 08:56:49

I decided I needed a boot cleaner outside the back door.
Being the scrounger , tightwad, fabricator and such, that I am I decided to just Build one. Some bed frame, coupla wire brushes, several hours later, and, voila, ugly as sin, worked like crap, and  THEN I saw one, for sale at Harbor Freight. A whopping Six Dollars! I got two...

I've built stuff, worked great, saved some money,but I have learned to hire someone or buy the thing I need, IF the hassle factor starts to look like it might be equal to or exceed the potential savings.

When a car gets wrecked the insurance company calls it a total when the estimate for repair gets to 50% of retail.

Yes, you're looking at some real savings, And, you have already been through the learning curve, so, for You, that could be a winning combination. I'm going to keep following the thread and stay up with your journey. IF you wind up with a decent phone,for cheap and explain HOW, I just might be interested in having my very own cell phone.
My wife probably has an old one laying in a drawer..

Title: Re: Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone
Post by Oldfeller on 03/18/16 at 17:50:56

Justin, the first time I went FreedomPOP it wasn't real, it didn't work right.

Second time (this time around) it wasn't even real at all -- no product = not real.

Come Monday, I start asking Paypal for my money back ......    having communicated with the vendor and getting NO ANSWER.

Title: Re: Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/18/16 at 17:53:37

Bummer, dude,,,

Title: Re: Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone
Post by Oldfeller on 03/18/16 at 18:18:26

Justin, hear me --- FreedomPOP is all gimmick, all brown vapor === not much on real performance.

Across all of the low cost guy's plan prices are going up because Sprint is discontinuing their old 3 G service plans and replacing 3G on the towers with 4 G LTE electronics packages.   Sprint is charging more for this service.   So, FreedomPOP is losing their low cost to free plans as well.

My good Republic Wireless phone plan and service just ended last month -- prices just went up 50%.

Oh well, prices go up, prices go up.

You can turn around and find you are paying Google Fi prices, well, then get you a good  Google Fi Nexus phone and go get that level of good service.

.... or put up with the BS from FreedomPOP.    And understand that FreedomPOP is going to lose their low cost plans when Sprint upgrades their areas ......

Title: Re: Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone
Post by Oldfeller on 03/20/16 at 17:18:23

3/20/2016 17:10 PDT - Buyer: I paid for a phone. I have no phone, no shipper, no tracer number and no return communications from the seller after trying his email twice and Bonanza twice and Paypal once.   I am tired of dealing with this -- please reverse the charges and put my money back in my Paypal account.

Is this all FreedomPOP's fault? -- no, they have a third party making claims FOR them, a third party that has no phone to send to you, just a vague promise of some sort of future phone dancing somewhere out in the future.

But that is the FreedomPOP BS way, you know --- Bull Fertilizer all the way ---- and they go along with this, as does Bonanza the internet service listing the mostly misleading ads.

Paypal however does not play -- they will either refund my money or else give the guy a concrete response time period and then give him a shipping period to meet.   Then if he doesn't do that, back the funds go.   Paypal will attempt to be fair to both sides.

Title: Re: Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/20/16 at 17:35:12

s this all FreedomPOP's fault? -- no, they have a third party making claims FOR them, a third party that has no phone to send to you, just a vague promise of some sort of future phone dancing somewhere out in the future.

Well, IF that's a Paid third party making claims that can't be met,, then they are at fault, aren't they?

Title: Re: Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone
Post by Oldfeller on 03/20/16 at 17:55:42

In fairness, Justin --- FreedomPOP does allow Best Buy and New Egg and others to sell their phones.    The deal is cut between you and the third party and FreedomPOP is supposed to ship you the phone the next day after getting a ship notification from the 3rd party reseller.   YOU get a ship notification from FreedomPOP, supposedly.

BUT, when this doesn't happen, you have to suspect maybe some funny business has taken place.

..... then you take actions to get your funds back.

Title: Re: Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/20/16 at 18:15:59

Seems like that advertising group would catch on.
Sure is a screwed up world, that such a deal is out there.
I wonder how many people just walk away from the screwing to dodge the hassle.

Title: Re: Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone
Post by Oldfeller on 03/21/16 at 01:22:34

I think the dude is going to find out it isn't smart to blow off Paypal.

The seller responded to our request for shipment tracking information. We
still need to investigate and confirm this information, but we wanted to
share the seller's response with you:

Tracking Company: FedEx
Tracking Number: N/A

No further action on your part is required at this time. We will continue
our investigation, and contact you with any updates.


Title: Re: Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/21/16 at 07:37:10

No further action on your part is required at this time. We will continue
our investigation, and contact you with any updates.


Okay, we got it from here. We'll be taking this one out behind the woodshed. You'll have your money back soon.

Pay-Pal HAS to be a dependable protector of the purchasers,or people will look for a safer way to buy.
I hope you get it back quickly.

For some reason, this tale makes me think of the story of the Tucker car, though I do wonder if the established car makers didn't have more to do with it than disgruntled customers.
He was building quite a machine,,

Sure was a shame that DeLorean got snared in a sting operation.
Gee, what horrible luck.. high profile guy, competing with, and being brash and outspoken against, powerful people who Knew that he was in a bind, but could swing a big deal,,golly,, and who shows up to Help with that deal? Why, none other than the FBI,,

A pair of 24-karat solid gold cars bearing $85,000 price tags were made for an American Express Christmas catalog; one resides in a glass showcase in the lobby of a Snyder, Texas bank and the other is in a Reno,Nevada car museum.

I lived in West Texas, Snyder is a tiny little place.
No idea when this was written, but where that car is now doesn't have to be there.

And that, my friends, is what is commonly referred to as thread drift. This particular bit of thread drift would fall into the the four wheel, tires squalling, drift category.

Instant update,
The Gold DeLorean is no longer in the bank lobby -- it was loaned or sold to the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles in 2004. Roger Mize, president of the Snyder National Bank, bought it in the 1980s and had it installed in his bank's lobby. It has never been driven. Mize died in 1987. We hear the will states the car can't be driven or sold until the last of Mize's four grandchildren is 30 years old. There may be three other gold-plated DeLoreans - two in Europe, and one in Reno, NV. - See more at:

Ain't the innerwebs amazing?

Title: Re: Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone
Post by Oldfeller on 03/21/16 at 19:23:05

795A5250535A5A5344360 wrote:
I think the dude is going to find out it isn't smart to blow off Paypal.

The seller responded to our request for shipment tracking information. We
still need to investigate and confirm this information, but we wanted to
share the seller's response with you:

Tracking Company: FedEx
Tracking Number: N/A

No further action on your part is required at this time. We will continue
our investigation, and contact you with any updates.


Turns out the seller understands Paypal pretty well -- Paypal is fully automated and they ACCEPT ANY ANSWER AND GO TO THE NEXT STEP.   His BS totally bogus response is enough to kick the can on down the road.

I am disappointed in PayPal and have attempted to get a HUMAN BEING to review the case.

Failing this, I think PayPal may need review as a trustworthy handler of my funds.

It is bad when EBAY does a better job of policing its vendors than PayPal does.

Title: Re: Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone
Post by old_rider on 03/21/16 at 20:32:07

Didn't you beat your head against the POP wall once already?

Granpa always said, if it seems too good to be true......

However, his cheap Chinese quotes would have changed their tune.... some of that stuff is awesome! :P

Title: Re: Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone
Post by Art Webb on 03/22/16 at 08:29:29

This is the part were, if he were local, bad things would start happening to his store  :-X

Title: Re: Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone
Post by Oldfeller on 03/22/16 at 14:37:54

Fair is ...... something different for every situation, apparently.

I got sold the promise of a phone for $29 (according to my seller).

He wants up to two months to achieve that promise.

Paypal wants 30 days just to be able to make up their mind.

My disappointment with Paypal is fresh -- I no longer trust Paypal to be in my court, instead they seem to lean towards the sellers more than the buyers.

FreedomPOP is cheap, that's what they bring to the party.   So far them and their re-sellers suck ditchwater more than I can believe is actually possible.

Misleading ads that trick and take advantage of Greedy people, that's what the FreedomPOP guys specialize in, bunko done to greedy cheap people is their modus operandi.

Republic Wireless is honest all the way but they are seeing costs go up lately and are passing the increases along and that hurts, but in a honest sort of hurtful fashion.

Google Fi is holding the line, using LARGE PURCHASING POWER to offer more phone and more service than anyone else right now.

Title: Re: Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/22/16 at 18:21:52

Misleading ads that trick and take advantage of Greedy people, that's what the FreedomPOP guys specialize in, bunko done to greedy cheap people is their modus operandi.

All I need is just Another ten thousand dollars to send to the Nigerian princess and I will be set, for life!

Title: Re: Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone
Post by Oldfeller on 03/25/16 at 07:09:42

I changed my complaint enough to get it looked at again, and this time I insisted that it be reviewed by a human being.    Result was the claim was bounced back at bogus boy and he was given 10 days to reply with a REAL shipping tracer number for Fed Ex.

PayPal Claims is completely automated except when you put in all caps at the front and at the back of your verbage REVIEW THIS CLAIM BY A HUMAN BEING, you will get an eventual review by a human being, who will attempt to be fair, but the claim now cannot be kicked on down the road like the automated review stuff can by completely bogus stuff like "Fed Ex tracer number -- N/A".

Once again, all my curiosity and energy has been consumed in dealing with the FreedomPOP nonsense level -- I just want out of it.

Bad taste left in my mouth likely means never never never again,  too.

Good news, my wife's new Google Fi phone has come in, gotten set up, gotten over my wife's learning curve and it is now HER phone.    I have not noted any downsides to it so far whatsoever.

Costs for the plans currently go like this:

Google Fi                =    $20 for dual carrier tower support and a part of $10 each month for (fast) 4 G LTE data.

Republic Wireless   =    $25 for single carrier tower support and a meg of 3G (slow) data

FreedomPOP          =     free single carrier support from Sprint, half meg of data (slow)  plus lots and lots of aggravations

Title: Re: Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone
Post by Oldfeller on 03/25/16 at 07:56:51

New trick for Nexus 5 phone I am using with Google Fi base service -- keeps that $10 for data mostly being sent back to you as a refund every billing cycle.

It is an app called Data ON/OFF, and you find it in Google PlayStore.

It is a "front of the phone" icon that you tap once to bring up the app itself, then tap again to chose to turn your cellular data on and off.   Simple.   Easy to use.

Tap, choose, tap

Now you can leave your cellular data OFF unless you see something you want to get to, then you click it on, go get whatever it was and click it off again.   OFF is my default mode as I live in a sea of WIFI both at home and at work.  

Go down the highway in a car, tap tap and your two carriers worth of cellular data is available to you as needed.

This stops your apps from upgrading themselves on cell data, and shuts off all the constantly running background tasks that run all the time from executing unless you are within a WIFI zone.  

It stops the cellular data overuse nonsense that the big four carriers have built into the system.

Title: Re: Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone
Post by Art Webb on 03/25/16 at 08:56:20

thanks for that OF, I just installed it on my phone
Although I think you can do the same via settings

Title: Re: Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone
Post by Oldfeller on 03/25/16 at 09:01:18

Yes, you can do it through settings, but who remembers how they left it and how much time does it take to go find out.

Tap, choose, tap is a lot quicker.

Title: Re: Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone
Post by Art Webb on 03/25/16 at 09:23:19


Title: Re: Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone
Post by Oldfeller on 03/27/16 at 12:48:33

Paypal is now in their final decision mode -- after 14 days since I first found out my seller had no phone to ship to me and was just hoping against hope to find one.

Paypal wants 30 extra days to reach a decision.   This is BS since the facts are clear right now.

However, it gets Bogus Boy 30 extra days to find a phone to promise to ship to me.


Don't use Bonanza or the "other Ebays" at all since they are as just bogus as the vendors advertising on them are.   As far as Paypal, if you have given them any sort of access to your checking account or any sort of larger funds limits, I would cancel that as quickly as you can.   Paypal is not in your court ......

   You can still deal with Paypal through your charge card, which gives you a little smidgen of real protection against being cheated.


BEST CELL PHONE SERVICE  will cost you $20-$25 real dollars after monthly rebate and that is Google Fi Nexus 5X at the cost of a $200 phone that is actually a very nice phone.   I am impressed again every time I pick the wife's phone up and use it.   Data and phone connection is fast and flawless ........

Cheapest reputable cell phone service is Republic Wireless, who is rebounding back away from the $29 plan to a $17.50 plan with rumors of going back to $10 ASAP as soon as they can do it as they are hemorrhaging customers over to Google Fi right and left.    Raising prices that much was a strategic goof and Republic Wireless will find that by the time they can advertise their new $10-$15 plan again that they will have already lost a bunch of their customer base.    Their early success was all based upon a low initial cost plan ......

FreedomPOP is just a busted open freely bleeding hemorrhoid at this point in time.   Not even recommended to read their BS much less to act upon it.

Title: Re: Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone
Post by Oldfeller on 03/27/16 at 14:45:45

Paypal is also now hitting my hemorrhoid list as being bogus non-responsive.

For those who hit this wall, here is every contact you could ever want, by email or phone or any other method you choose to utilize.

I never realized ebay and paypal were so closely linked --- bogus BS can easily trap badly you if you allowed paypal access to your checking account.

If you are expecting any sort of "protection" from Paypal you are deluded -- they protect the seller, not you.

Title: Re: Freedom POP no cost plan, $29 phone
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/28/16 at 22:46:49

Sellers can't survive without buyers. If the rip off ratio gets too far out, buyers will fall off. Stories like this aren't good for business. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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