General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> How we got here......

Message started by pg on 02/18/16 at 16:04:01

Title: How we got here......
Post by pg on 02/18/16 at 16:04:01

This is a comprehensive summary from a former treasury official.

Best regards,

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by Serowbot on 02/18/16 at 16:27:43

Sometimes,.. I'm glad I can't read... :-?

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/18/16 at 16:47:50

The US Economy Has Not Recovered And Will Not Recover

He's only a few years behind me. And, as correct as he is, like Charlotte Iserbyt, who is also correct, they sat in positions of power and not only didn't Do anything, they contributed.
Roberts is the Author of Trickle Down economics. Look what that caused. The notion that repairs can be made, and America restored, by changing Captains of the ship, without Gutting the engine room and throwing out the federal reserve and, if not all, most alphabet agencies, is ludicrous. We need to tell the banksters to shove that bogus , alleged Debt and end the perpetual war machine.
Rather, we see attacks on the hundred dollar bill, and a push towards the cashless society.
Seen the latest Monopoly game?


Im not sure that Charlotte was in a position to stop or change the way things were going. I'm just a cynic.

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by pg on 02/18/16 at 17:16:21

352A2C2B3631003000382A266D5F0 wrote:
Im not sure that Charlotte was in a position to stop or change the way things were going.

Is anyone in a position to make a change?

Best regards,

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/18/16 at 17:24:53

Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, former Senior Policy Advisor in the U.S. Department of Education

You tell me.

Hey, you read that, and see Shadowstats references.

Gee, Roberts is wising up.

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/18/16 at 17:36:48

3E283F223A2F22394D0 wrote:
Sometimes,.. I'm glad I can't read... :-?

Not knowing won't protect you.

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by pg on 02/18/16 at 17:40:21

2631373B3424560 wrote:
[quote author=352A2C2B3631003000382A266D5F0 link=1455840241/0#2 date=1455842870]

Im not sure that Charlotte was in a position to stop or change the way things were going.

Is anyone in a position to make a change?

Best regards,

If you do try to make a difference you might end up like Luca Brasi, then no autopsy, then embalmed so no one will ever know.   :-/

Best regards,

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/18/16 at 18:14:04

Luca Brasi

Or Antonin Scalia?

Think that doesn't stink?

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by raydawg on 02/18/16 at 18:17:41

6E7177706D6A5B6B5B63717D36040 wrote:
Luca Brasi

Or Antonin Scalia?

Think that doesn't stink?

Geez..... how old was Methuselah anyhow  ::)

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by pg on 02/18/16 at 18:27:23

382B332E2B3D2D4A0 wrote:
Geez..... how old was Methuselah anyhow  ::)

I don't follow you...

Incidentally, what kind of ranch where they visiting in Marfa?  Do you know where that is?  Several hundred $$ a night to be in the middle of the desert....

Best regards,

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/18/16 at 18:28:06

Really? In good enough shape to go hunting. THE biggest obstacle of Obama's great desires, a Supreme Court Justice, dies, no doctor, just a judge on a telephone, decides it's natural causes? They autopsy mere mortals like your neighbor, but NOT a Supreme Court Justice?
There were Three Airsteams on the ranch. He could've been Flown to Virginia probably in less time than the clown from Alpine, why not locals?, got there to Drive to El Paso.
Until you spend time looking at the different options, where things came from, how it went, Don't Try looking down the nose at me.
I have spent time, the information isn't in one place. You have to Want it.

Get the name of the ranch.
Find out WHO owns it.
Find out the names of the nearest towns.
Find out where autopsies are performed locally.
Don't smell a rat yet?

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by pg on 02/18/16 at 18:40:27

Find out WHO owns it.

Best regards,

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by Paraquat on 02/19/16 at 05:58:58

5641474B4454260 wrote:
Is anyone in a position to make a change?


Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/19/16 at 10:19:29

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by raydawg on 02/20/16 at 08:11:22

You guys are scaring me.......

Not that I am paranoid of black helicopters, etc, no, but that folks can grasp at any thread of possibility and run to conclusions with it.

Is this anyway to live?

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/20/16 at 19:37:03

Hiding from the obvious isn't how I think it's supposed to be done. Believing that political murders don't happen?
Look at what is happening. No room for doubt?
Did Oswald kill JFK?

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by Serowbot on 02/21/16 at 06:32:39

I think the JFK assassination was the kick-off to the conspiracy culture.

Most people today, base their assumptions on Oliver Stone's movie, rather than the facts.
It's the classic whodunnit' where everybody dunnit'... ;D

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by raydawg on 02/21/16 at 07:11:43

JOG, what I am saying is history is done. Forever in the past.
I will not dwell in the past, for it removes me from the present.

Evil exist, always has, always will.

The best we can do is try and elect the best people to oversee our system of govern, and hold them to it.
We haven't done a good job of that, as people allow themselves to believe what they want to believe, just as Bot refers to about Oliver Stone's movie.
Folks use this same mindset, and reasoning, when it comes to believing a candidate, and parties talking points, about the opposition.

Its always the lessor of two evil anymore, if people are honest, NOT, the best candidate, as they believe in party, etc.

Ever notice in life how fast a rumor travels?

We are sad pathetic creatures......  

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/21/16 at 08:32:24

Im tempted to vote Sanders.
Get it over with. Start over.

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by raydawg on 02/21/16 at 08:58:56

46595F5845427343734B59551E2C0 wrote:
Im tempted to vote Sanders.
Get it over with. Start over.


I am not viewing Sanders with the same perception that I imagine Bot is, but again, he has the banks in his scope, and if we tackle one problem at a time, well, maybe, just maybe.....
When folks get a sniff and realization of the stacked deck, more polidicks with turn on the banks too, as they are skinless little turdballs that care only for themselves, HOWEVER, it will be revealing.

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by Serowbot on 02/21/16 at 09:10:48

52415944415747200 wrote:
skinless little turdballs

;D ;D ;D...

I see them on a plate of spaghetti... :-/
That's a tough descriptive to visualize...  :-?

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by raydawg on 02/21/16 at 09:51:09

4355425F47525F44300 wrote:
[quote author=52415944415747200 link=1455840241/15#19 date=1456073936]skinless little turdballs

;D ;D ;D...

I see them on a plate of spaghetti... :-/
That's a tough descriptive to visualize...  :-?[/quote]

Pesto or marinara ?  ;D

Look gang, I work for the LARGEST aircraft builder in the USA.
It has seen the wisdom of a global economy.
Not because of their design, no, but of the fact it is an eventuality, and they moved out in front.
With that said, it now has to compete in that arena, which, means it has to be flexible and liquid, to changing conditions.
This is not setting well with the union mentality that wants everything guaranteed, for the rest of their lives.
They are not mutually compatible if this company is to remain viable and competitive.
It has announced, and already started lay-offs, because it must restructure, from top to bottom.
It is telling how folks at work would rather assign blame, suspicion, etc, on others in leadership, as the cause, yet fail to scrutinize their own behavior in costing the company more to operate.....
The perfect bite your nose off to spite your face.
This entitlement mentality is ripe all across our society, and it only subtracts and hobbles any real effort on improving our lot in a sustainable manner.

Folks, its a new reality, its a changing world, conditions are global in context, and scope, and until we grasp that our social, and political affairs, will be linked, and connected, then we will be isolated in thinking and actions, and fall further into a mindset that will prove primitive in nature.

We must cultivate citizens to be able to withstand, and succeed the challenges this new world will surely bring.
For us to produce a strong population will be one that is not easily manipulated by low self esteem, fear, etc, that leads to all sorts of defensive behavior, even war  :o  

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by WebsterMark on 02/21/16 at 10:57:39

706F696E73744575457D6F63281A0 wrote:
Did Oswald kill JFK?


Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by cheapnewb24 on 02/21/16 at 13:01:01



;D ;D

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by raydawg on 02/21/16 at 13:10:12

Mick said it was you and I  :D

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by cheapnewb24 on 02/21/16 at 13:23:51

;D ;D ;D

Who's Mick?

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by cheapnewb24 on 02/21/16 at 13:33:31

0A151314090E3F0F3F07151952600 wrote:
Im tempted to vote Sanders.
Get it over with. Start over.


Fifty percent top-bracket income taxes ain't too bad, especially compared to the 90+% we had many years ago. Who cares if the big shot has to pay Uncle Sam a few more dollars. Those rich Republicans act like the sky is falling if they have to serve Uncle Sam so much as a single percent more, but then they'll pull their hair out and scream about America drowning in debt.  ::)

;D ::) ;D >:( ::) :P

That's the problem with Repubs.

Madness, utter madness... >:(

Want to cut taxes... fine. But cut spending FIRST. Anything less will just perpetuate the madness. Repubs love to cut taxes, but the tough job is the spending. I think some blame our financial problems on the Bush tax cuts. Who knows. :-/

Anyone who wants to cut taxes before spending ought to be run out of town with torches and pitchforks... Sorry Tea Party. ;D ... and Rand Paul...  ;D

It's just irresponsible.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe they don't want to cut taxes first. I don't know anything. :P

So JOG, buddy, educate me. ;)

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by WebsterMark on 02/21/16 at 17:57:14

Fifty percent top-bracket income taxes ain't too bad, especially compared to the 90+% we had many years ago. Who cares if the big shot has to pay Uncle Sam a few more dollars.  

Taking 1/2 of someone's income to pay for a crapload of unconstitutional programs the federal government was never authorized to fund is bull$hit. You wanna hand over 50% of your money, go ahead but keep your thieving hands off mine. It always just pissing me off when people think the government has first rights to our money. Grow some ball$.....

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by cheapnewb24 on 02/21/16 at 20:36:10

Are you a top bracket millionaire/billionaire Mark? Is that why you're so mad? I'm not going to pay half of my paycheck. Why should the little man do that? That's why we have higher taxes for richer people--they can afford to pay it and have a decent life. SOMEONE HAS TO PAY THE BILLS. If you don't want to pay it, then get rid of the crappy programs FIRST-- unless, of course, you favor the idea of driving our nation broke. >:( :P Wanna put a chokehold on America, huh? Yeah, You thinkin' "I ain't givin' you my money, that'll make you cut spending!"-- Is that your strategy Mark?

When a rich man screams about not getting to keep his big fat profits, he doesn't make a very defensible argument. He gets condemned as greedy. Uh Oh, Webby, I think I just hit a really big ugly tender nerve. :P Stop being so selfish. Or, are you just arguing from principle? Maybe you'll never in your life pay 50% income taxes, but you just want to fuss about it because you "don't believe in it." Maybe you just buy into the whole Republican dogma of "rich capitalists make our nation rich and give everyone jobs, so we have to let them keep all of their money or America will suffer."

Like I said, the Repubs act like the sky is falling over something like this. The point is that the sky is not falling. Taxes used to be WAY WORSE, POSSIBLY EVEN INSANELY HIGH, compared to what Bernie is proposing.

I'm gonna admit, largely, rich people should keep their money. Maybe that makes the world go round. HOWEVER, when the nation has bills to pay and crappy programs to make the bills, someone has to deal with it and PAY THE BILLS. Who's gonna do it? The poor waitress, or the corporate tycoon? Wanna flat tax? No taxes? What do you want Webby?

That's the problem with Republicans, SOS, insane, unrealistic, garbage attitude. Not practical. Trump is different. He's proven that he is smart and can do amazing things. He gets things done. And, Duh, he's rich. It will be interesting, if he wins the election, how he will behave on this whole tax and spend issue.

Can Republicans stop being delusional already! That seems to be the right word for the attitude: DELUSIONAL

And yes, I generally vote Republican, ironically.  ::)

Get real Webby-- the nation is going broke. You want us to default, or are you going to help pay the bills? Since you are easily a multi-trillionaire, you can pay the whole bill by yourself in one fell swoop. We know you have it in you. Your patriotism is so awesome. Like Whatshisnameactor, I think I'll tear my clothes and cover myself in ashes in an act of pure worship.  ;D

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by cheapnewb24 on 02/21/16 at 21:19:55

1D2F28393E2F38072B38214A0 wrote:
Fifty percent top-bracket income taxes ain't too bad, especially compared to the 90+% we had many years ago. Who cares if the big shot has to pay Uncle Sam a few more dollars.  

Taking 1/2 of someone's income to pay for a crapload of unconstitutional programs the federal government was never authorized to fund is bull$hit. You wanna hand over 50% of your money, go ahead but keep your thieving hands off mine. It always just pissing me off when people think the government has first rights to our money. Grow some ball$.....

Fix it! Get the feds to stop spending money. Till then, grow a pair yourself and pay the bills!

Or, maybe we should just buck up, give up, rebel, and let America default. Sounds tempting.... :-/

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by cheapnewb24 on 02/21/16 at 21:36:45

Yeah, maybe I get it now. You don't think the gov't is authorized to spend all that money, so you just want to abandon the debt and leave China and our other debtors holding the bag.

Hmmm.... Sounds nice-- for us at least. :-/ Doesn't sound very honorable, though. Of course, they get a lot of interest payments, right? That justifies abandoning the debt, right? That, and the fact that people who give loans expect the risk of default-- So all is fair, right?

I'm catchin' on. ;)

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by cheapnewb24 on 02/21/16 at 21:49:43

Oh, and, for conscience sake, I hope my rants don't traumatize you, Webby.  :) I used to get upset when people here said something harsh to me. Well, I guess that you're old enough and tough enough, and that you've been around here long enough not to let it bother you. Right? ;)

Title: Re: How we got here......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/22/16 at 00:46:49

If your lawyer signed contracts that put you in deep debt, would you feel obligated to pay?
The fed reserve isn't supposed to exist. The alleged debt is onerous and fraudulent. Screw it. Make the sorry bastards who own the system pay it back to us.
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