General Category >> The Cafe >> How is OldFeller doing?

Message started by springman on 02/12/16 at 14:54:51

Title: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by springman on 02/12/16 at 14:54:51

I was just wondering if anybody is in contact with OF or his wife. It would be nice for him to know that we all wish him a speedy recovery and we are thinking of him and keeping him in our prayers. I would like to know that he is doing well.

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by old.indian on 02/12/16 at 14:57:29


Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Dave on 02/12/16 at 16:07:40

The only contact he has made so far...was to post in the Humor thread.

So....I they didn't damage his sense of humor.

Hopefully he will give us a report.


Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Kris01 on 02/12/16 at 18:19:08

I must've missed something. I take it he's had surgery and has come through ok?

OF, wishing you a speedy recovery!  ;)

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Dave on 02/13/16 at 02:41:17

Oldfeller needed a new heart valve......(I guess that passing Harley's in the mountains somehow has a negative effect on heart valves - whodda' thunk it?)

He told us about it in the trip threads....he is hoping to be well enough to come to the August event.

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Serowbot on 02/13/16 at 07:11:20

Does that mean he'll be even faster with the new valves?...

You guys better polish yer' skates... :-?

Best wishes, OF,...

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Art Webb on 02/13/16 at 07:19:03

Speedy recovery OF
if he gets any faster they'll need jet skates from Acme

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by MMRanch on 02/13/16 at 12:25:13

Hi guys

I just got off the phone with OldFeller a few minutes ago.   He didn't even sound tired or anything unusual.   I understand his wife has been at the hospital long as he has .   He got a new heart valve , I believe it was Thursday.  
OldFeller thinks he might have to leave early next week , I'm not sure he wants to leave the Nurse's .   So we'll know who is in charge by when he leaves the hospital .  If his wife is in charge he leaves early in the week !  ;D

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Kris01 on 02/13/16 at 13:22:33

75666063717676140 wrote:
Speedy recovery OF
if he gets any faster they'll need jet skates from Acme

That brought to mind an image of Wile E. Coyote!  ;D

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by springman on 02/13/16 at 20:10:53

That is great news MM. Thanks for the update. Does this mean we can ask him now if Rotella will be better than Mobil 1 for his valve?

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Oldfeller on 02/14/16 at 00:30:47

Well I'm alive anyway. Main issue that I've got right now is I can't do anything and I'd include simple stuff like rolling over or peeing into that I can't do stuff.

My Mount Everest right now is to get up and walk 30 feet. And when I get really really good I'll walk 300 feet.

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Oldfeller on 02/14/16 at 04:20:11

My first day was spent learning how to stay warm. My second day was spent learning how to stay pain free and that means mainly keeping tubes of such from pulling.

3rd and 4th days were occupied with removing tubes and wires and all kinds of paraphernalia.

Now I've got to master the pee  into the container trick as that is my next challenge to master.   Plus eating and defecating which have their own challenges.

Open heart surgery is not for sissies.

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by rl153 on 02/14/16 at 07:10:25


Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Kris01 on 02/14/16 at 07:20:25

Wow! My father had quadruple bypass surgery and I remember helping him do almost everything. I'm sure it isn't any fun at all right now! I hope you're at least warm and comfortable.  ;)

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by MMRanch on 02/14/16 at 07:22:35


Just  keep telling yourself : "I can stand anything for a day or two ! " ,   Your on my prayer list buddy !

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by old.indian on 02/14/16 at 07:25:49

Old Feller
 Get Well Soon .  

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Art Webb on 02/14/16 at 08:29:07

7B4259430001300 wrote:
[quote author=75666063717676140 link=1455317691/0#7 date=1455376743]Speedy recovery OF
if he gets any faster they'll need jet skates from Acme

That brought to mind an image of Wile E. Coyote!  ;D[/quote]
That's exactly what I had in mind
OF is the Roadrunner Meep Meep!
OF glad you made it through, speedy recovery buddy!

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by LANCER on 02/14/16 at 08:46:14

Receive the Healing & Favor of the Holy Spirit my friend.

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by springman on 02/14/16 at 20:12:36

Nice to hear from you OF. I believe you can rest assured no one is calling you a sissy. A tough old fart, maybe, but not a sissy. God bless you Oldfeller. You are a tough old fart and will be doing the things you want soon enough. Trust in God and push yourself forward. You are in my prayers.

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Kris01 on 02/15/16 at 13:30:20

This thread expresses everything I love about this site. Well, not the fact that Oldfeller has had heart surgery, but you know what I mean!  ;D

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Pete in NC on 02/15/16 at 16:33:25

Hey OldFeller, prayers from Sanford.

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by old_rider on 02/15/16 at 16:48:51

Well, when a vehicle gets a valve job, they run like new again!  Recon next we see him, he will look younger too! We might not be able to keep up with him  ;D

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by MMRanch on 02/15/16 at 18:06:39

Heck !  

I couldn't keep-up with him before he got a Valve Job


Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by zipidachimp on 02/16/16 at 02:02:11

As one old fella to another, Hang in there! Changing my diet today, lucky so far! 8-)

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by kimchris1 on 02/16/16 at 05:47:40

Hugs old fella and a speedy recovery sent from wa state. Xoxo kim

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Oldfeller on 02/19/16 at 10:11:29

Having some fun with the new Frankenheart.

First, all players who have viewed it (or been inside it) say my heart chambers and existing valves were all in great shape, especially so on very the last chamber that had been pumping through the stenotic (severe) restriction that my old 2 petal valve (and resulting reduced opening) had made it pump through.   The last chamber muscle is hyper-sized somewhat and the old meat valve itself was thickened and stiff compared to the rest of the valves and was relatively slow to shut completely -- which by the end it wasn't even really doing completely, BYW.

My heart had grown up hyperstyle (oversize) to make up that long high pressure final stroke that delivered blood volume X over more time (and at higher velocity) through the restricted meat valve.   Remember, I have had this condition since I was a baby .....

My resting rhythm was 80-90 long beats a minute.   My last muscle chamber had to clamp and squeeze for a long time, in other words, to move the blood out with the old defective valve.

Replace the defective meat valve with a FAST to completely open, yet complete closes instantly type mechanical valve --- now suddenly my heart says "beat" and the feedback from contraction cycle says"Done already" because the effective opening past the valve is over twice as big and opens twice as fast.  The blood charge is simply moved on out of there instantly.

That big ol last chamber feels like it never even really gets a grip on the charge of blood because it is out of there already.   There is no long squeeze period any more.

Actual pulse form is now very small and very abrupt, yet also very light compared to the past.

I have a heart that at full snoozy rest that barely seems to beat (yet moves the same amount of blood).

Give me a surprise or a shock and it revs up like a 4 stroke GSXr in first gear.

My new "normal" resting beats per min is 114 to 120 very small quick pulses -- I now have a humming bird heart.

When it digs in good it goes up to 140+ and I start to see the little dancing at the edges of your vision thingies that used to indicate high blood pressure.

When this happens I back off on whatever is doing that .....  too much sewn together stuff is leaking a tiny bit at those pressures.


It is a Frankenheart, after all.   I can call it up with an act of will inside the space of time of a single deep inhalation, which is kinda neat to do.  

Play with the nursing staff a little bit I did.

Nurse was being all fussy and rough with my blood pressure cuff, so I'd hulk it while the cuff was pumping up and force the cuff to do a reset, then do a bruce banner and relax on her on the next try, which made the cuff do another reset in the other direction.



Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by verslagen1 on 02/19/16 at 11:21:45

15363E3C3F36363F285A0 wrote:
Play with the nursing staff a little bit I did.

Nurse was being all fussy and rough with my blood pressure cuff, so I'd hulk it while the cuff was pumping up and force the cuff to do a reset, then do a bruce banner and relax on her on the next try, which made the cuff do another reset in the other direction.  

Take it easy on the staff, they can get really vindictive like in 'one flew over the cuckoo's nest'
You already got the frankenheart... they flip you over and do it again if you keep it up.   :o

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by jcstokes on 02/19/16 at 11:49:10

Recover well OF, some of your 2016 predictions may be coming true.

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by springman on 02/19/16 at 11:58:57

Hey there Oldfeller. Very glad to see you are doing so well. I figured you would make light of your operation, but you still crack me up. Go ahead and mess with those nurses, they'll miss you when you are outta there. ;D

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Oldfeller on 02/19/16 at 12:08:18

While on the subject of young snarky head nurses, let's talk about Amanada.

First, very bright.  Second, very pretty.  Also a bit lazy, when she had the time to be.   A pleasure to look at, but the snarky BS bit flat got to me after a while.

Amanda was the sort that was never happy but always had some sort of further demand until she found something she flat couldn't get from you.

There is a gizmo called an "airlife" which is a suction measurement tool that measures your vital capacity of your lungs.

At one point in time I had two drainage tubes running from my chest to the same flat collection device sitting down on the floor.   I could only generate a 300 number on the airlife, which was low, even to me.   Amanda loved to torture me with endless repeated requests of "better".

Better did not come until had I lost both drain tubes -- then suddenly my punty 300 on airlife became a strong 1100+.

Why?   There is a bypass valve in the back of each of the flat boxes which provided a complete alternative air pathway during an airlife inhale test (air flowing back up the chest tubes).

I asked Amanda about it while showing her the flat box valve system in motion, she just made one of her snarky little moue grins so I no, don't think it was unknown to her.    She just enjoyed inflicting pain as an Airlife hurts you to do it when you have tubes in your chest.

At that point I stopped listening to Amanda completely, as she had hit the top of the BS roster for me.   This drove her crazy, of course.

She was on duty when I was due to be released at noon.   She flounces in at 12:05 and asks where my electro-cardigram harness was -- I pointed at the keyboard where the harness was neatly coiled up.   She then wanted to know where my elecrode pasties were -- I pointed at the trash can.  I was seated in my day chair fully dressed in my street clothes.  I asked her if she wanted to change my dressings one last time before I left and she said no, that it wasn't needed.  

I then asked her where my wheelchair to take me downstairs was.

Then I stopped that wheelchair trip twice to exchange hugs with two other nurses who were just plain good people just to make sure Miss Snarky Pretty knew exactly where she stood with me.

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by springman on 02/19/16 at 15:38:31

Good on ya mate. It's a shame when a woman thinks she can be a b__ch just because she is pretty. So it is cool when you get a chance to put them in their place.

Well, glad to hear you are out of the hospital. Happy healing! ;D

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Art Webb on 02/19/16 at 18:43:36

good to hear you are doing well, quick recovery OF

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Kris01 on 02/19/16 at 21:11:51

61424A484B42424B5C2E0 wrote:
Then I stopped that wheelchair trip twice to exchange hugs with two other nurses who were just plain good people just to make sure Miss Snarky Pretty knew exactly where she stood with me.

I've had a few nurses that were in the profession to genuinely help people and I've had a few who just did it for the paycheck. You can always tell who's who!  ;)

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Art Webb on 02/20/16 at 07:15:11

She's probably just as snarky in real life, and, sadly, she probably still gets dates  ;D

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by MMRanch on 02/20/16 at 10:21:15

Glad your out-and-about now  :) .  

 OldFeller , if I were in your position then I'd learn to do nothing energetic for a while  ::) letting other folks do for ya might get to be good !   In a year or two , you might get a chance to be the "doo'er" for somebody else ... till then Enjoy , and heal up for a spell !  ;)
You'll be Ridding again before summer maybe   8-)

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Oldfeller on 02/20/16 at 12:29:02

What I am doing is learning how to take a shower (great things, showers) and taking rides to local doctors to have stitches pulled and drugs adjusted.    Other than that, a jug of milk exceeds my lifting capacity, so even getting a cup of coffee is a stretch on things.

Speaking about Amanda the snarky pretty, she was banging up on me for "exceeding my lift limits" while moving my suitcase around.

I paused and asked "Does this include the 200+ pounds per hand and arm I have to put out to rock myself back up into the bed?

She thought a minute and allowed that 200+ pounds of force putting myself back into the bed was an OK thing ......

...... just leave the 40 pound suitcase alone.

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Art Webb on 02/21/16 at 08:57:53

Ah the logic of the snarky nurse  ;D
she's going to make some unlucky fellow a terrible partner, if anyone's fool enough to pair up with her

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Oldfeller on 02/22/16 at 12:54:32

Did I mention she was Very Pretty?

Some young idiot boy will marry the girl, be assured of it.    May well already be married, as all nurses take their rings off due to the incessant hand scrub that goes on on entering and leaving a recovering patient's room.


Pulse rate "afib" issues with cardiac work.   Working on your heart "injures" it and every injured heart reacts by defaulting to the easiest, least damaging heart rate it can find.

Historically with mechanical valve replacement folks like me this means a very light, very fast pulse.

At the hospital the max I ever saw at rest was 150 bpm -- a hummingbird's pulse rate.   This slowed while I was there to 124 bpm, then by the time I was released it was down to 114.

After a week at home I am down to 98 bpm and I am entering the general turf called "normal".

:)   ah, progress .....

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by verslagen1 on 02/22/16 at 14:05:14

092A2220232A2A2334460 wrote:
Did I mention she was Very Pretty?

wasn't helping the pulse rate either.   :-?

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by springman on 02/22/16 at 15:01:10

I was waiting to see who would say that first. And Versy is the winner.

So just how pretty was she OF?

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by verslagen1 on 02/22/16 at 15:03:32

494A4853545D575B543A0 wrote:
I was waiting to see who would say that first. And Versy is the winner.

So just how pretty was she OF?

betcha just thinking about raises the bpm 10%, the ensueing beating from the wife another 10%.

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Oldfeller on 02/22/16 at 16:46:10

When she was walking away from me (done, finished) she was the prettiest girl on the floor -- however walking towards me was not so good.    

"Here comes trouble ....."

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Oldfeller on 02/22/16 at 16:51:54

My pulse rate was already well over a HUNDRED all the time, so it wasn't her making me go pitty pat .......

You know, she never gave me a sponge bath either  ---  of which I had several from the nicer nurses.   She was too lazy and would have a nursing assistant do it.

Please understand I was a broken up old fart the whole time I was in the hospital and I didn't think amorous thoughts about any of them.

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Kris01 on 02/22/16 at 19:01:22

415245445B5650525906370 wrote:
betcha just thinking about raises the bpm 10%, the ensueing beating from the wife another 10%.


Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Kruzader on 02/23/16 at 00:16:04


You inspired me although I don't know you well.

If I get to be older and in a hospital (hopefully not), I'm going to pass my time talking to the nurses about the time I had a Savage with a big single, and an improved petcock....yea it was a beautiful motorcycle. ;D LOL

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Oldfeller on 02/23/16 at 02:23:04

Seriously, you can't talk shite to the nurses.   It is both not allowed and a very very stupid thing to do.

Plus, every one of them was nice to you and you are nice as you can be back to them.    Some of them are right little angels -- and the one upstairs who actually keeps you going through all of it wants that you should be very nice to them.

I mean seriously, the worst I could say about the worst of the bunch was that she grew up being a "highschool prettiest girl" with all of the attendant attitudes that being the in-girl gives to them.    

That is not a crime you know -- and remember, she was in reality after all Very Pretty.

And for her making the mistake of sharpening her wit on me -- please also remember I was out of my friggin' mind (surgical dementia) for day 1&2 after the surgery itself.   It was all I could do not to piss all over myself.  

Day 3&4 I was still easy meat, don't kid yourself.

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Art Webb on 02/23/16 at 08:01:54

oh I've talked shite to a few nurses, you just gotta be strategic and talk it to the ones that think it's funny
unless you just came out from anesthesia, then everything you say ids funny
I bet that one nurse is still laughing about me and my BBQ sandwich, it was a running joke all through my recovery
the phlebotomist I told 'no fishing' was less easygoing about it, but then, I didn't like her anyway  ;D

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Gus on 02/24/16 at 18:14:04

Hope yet recovery is swift and the nurses even swifter. You'll be home dusting off tour Savage before you know it.

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Oldfeller on 02/24/16 at 20:43:24

Gus, I am at home now, but living with a 5 lb lift limit means I don't do much.   Go Monday to get some more stitches taken out ...... weeeeee !!!

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Gus on 02/25/16 at 05:55:05

Hope it all goes well.


Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by jcstokes on 02/25/16 at 23:11:18

OF, I see you are posting on other topics again, which demonstrates your psychological strength is pretty much back up, even if you still have physical recovery issues. If it doesn't tire you too much, have you any idea of the numbers that have "upgraded" to Win 10? I'm still getting messages telling me that 100 million people have done so, but that's still a small percentage of the number of PC's out there.

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Oldfeller on 02/25/16 at 23:49:21

Current total raw count of PCs out there is 1.25 Billion and dropping all the time.   The raw total PC count declines by approximately 6-10% a year as PCs die and are not replaced (customers do have alternate units of various sorts now).

Microsoft claims 200 million win 10 "installations" at this time.    It is a very unclear number, confused by the huge numbers of quiet nighttime unapproved "Win 10 downloads" to secret holding areas on your hard drive and the large number of user reversed installations and subsequent re-re-re-installations (all of which get counted again)..

Consider also that Microsoft "installs" Win 10 on phones and Xboxes all the time now, so the base count to compare it against is fairly brown and vapourous.

But, it is safe to say that despite all jerking around MS has yet to convert 10% of the total mass of PCs out there.

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Oldfeller on 02/28/16 at 00:29:00

Well, my recovery slowly goes apace.   Monday I go in to have the last of the stitches removed from my drainage tubes holes in my chest.  Then I start the process of cardiac rehabilitation developing stamina and learning how to walk in balance and do all the things that you normally take for granted.

Rehabilitation will be needed since I have lost 40 pounds of body weight and my muscles have slackened and atrophied to a certain degree during all this enforced bed rest.   My stamina right now really sucks.

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Gus on 02/28/16 at 07:40:11

Hang in there OldFeller. Springs a common and so are You!

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Art Webb on 02/28/16 at 20:48:27

steady on OF, you'll be back in the saddle before you know it

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by old_rider on 03/01/16 at 05:24:41

Listen to what the Doc's say!
And listen to what your body says! only you can tell what it is truly doing....
don't push too hard, and don't be LAZY either :)

Get well... I hope to see you sometime this year....

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by springman on 03/01/16 at 21:11:43

Thump on Old Feller. Take care of yourself. Hope to see you sometime this year.

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Oldfeller on 03/02/16 at 00:49:18

True to his word, my Primary Care Physician pulled my tube hole stitches and prescribed some white superantibotic cream that caused all the angry red necrosis tissue around the tube holes to soften, dissolve and to come out in the shower.

Then three days later when saw me again he re-stitched the gaping pit holes shut with tape sutures as I had me two brand new belly buttons where the tubes had come out --- no I'm serious, the infection around the tube holes had gotten that bad, I had lost 1/8th to a quarter inch band of flesh around the tube holes themselves.

Good news is that I am growing new skin rapidly which is closing the holes up from the bottom up.   Estimated time until full flush closure is 30 days.

I look like I got stabbed horizontally by a machete right above my right nipple and shot with a .38 wadcutter revolver twice right below my right nipple.   But all wounds are pain free and healing well now.


But today is a red letter day.

Two weeks post hospital release.

Unless the Primary Care guy gives me countermanding orders, I have a written release from the surgeon to go where I will and to drive my own car to get there.

Pulse rate is down to 96 bpm and amplitude is good, pulse is strong and even.   This is upper normal range and it will go down lower and lower as time goes on.

I am one week out from returning to Duke for my three week post-op surgical review.   This is the last time I will go to Duke.


I cannot believe people are letting surgeons talk them into putting in organic heart valves that have to be replaced every 12 years (+/- three years).

Seriously, I was there in the Cardiac Unit with people 85 years old going through this shite for the THIRD time .....

This whole thing is a fantastically expensive pain in the chest (I thank Blue Cross and Blue Shield every time I look at my ongoing hospital bills and thank God as I PAID my deductable already).    

I cannot imagine ever doing it again ........  ever.

Title: Re: How is OldFeller doing?
Post by Art Webb on 03/02/16 at 06:56:37

I am fortunate enough to have had only 3 surgeries in my 48 years, 2 inguinal hernia repairs (actually the same hernia, twice) abd an umbilical hernia repair
I sincerely hope to never need anything like you are now going through, especially the necrosis, that is frightening stuff » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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