General Category >> The Cafe >> Do you smell something burning?

Message started by old_rider on 01/14/16 at 09:56:01

Title: Do you smell something burning?
Post by old_rider on 01/14/16 at 09:56:01

Well, got a call from the spine center, seems my doctor is having second guesses as to what to do, so she is sending me to her counterpart in a town east of here (golf community, richey rich area).
The phone call I received this morning was nurse explaining a dye and mri scan to see what is going on between the L3 to L5 areas.
She explained it was to find the nerves that were causing the problem so that they could "BURN" them.
WTH?!! (What the heck)
Anyone ever had this done?
She says that the procedure can help and would probably last at least a year.
I am up for anything as long as the pain is controlled or goes away, but am not sure how it will affect the rest of my body or extremities.
Will the pain loss cause problems with the nerves?
Will I be numb in other areas?
If I cut myself will I be in danger of bleeding out and not knowing unless I look down?
ROFL... I know... I will be asking the Doc's about it, but thought I would get some "real" answers from folks who might have experienced it first hand.  ;D

Title: Re: Do you smell something burning?
Post by springman on 01/14/16 at 10:59:36

Dang. That does sound a bit scary. Wish I could say I know something about it but I don't. You've got the right idea though, ask , ask and then ask again. I am very familiar with lower back pain so I definitely wish you the very best of luck and pray that this issue is resolved for you. God be with you my friend.

Title: Re: Do you smell something burning?
Post by Kris01 on 01/14/16 at 13:43:48

Are they going to burn them permanently? I'd be asking the doc a lot of questions if I were you!

Title: Re: Do you smell something burning?
Post by MMRanch on 01/14/16 at 16:48:02

Oooohoo !  :(

Old Rider

You know the best cure is to quit doing stuff that causes pain.  ;)   Anything else is a patch .    Your not still working are you ?   :-?

I'd want more opinions before having anything "Permanent" done .   What did your VA doctor say ?


Title: Re: Do you smell something burning?
Post by engineer on 01/14/16 at 18:00:28

The procedure sounds somewhat similar to some that my wife had.  Using the dye and MRI and other imaging methods they found areas where scar tissue was placing pressure on a nerve.

The "burning" was done with a focused X-ray beam, it caused the scar tissue to shrink and relieve the pressure on the nerve.  It worked and is painless.  The doctor figures out how to target the area and avoid hitting anything vital.  When they did it there are several people involved, they marked up her body with graduated marks in ink and then 2 or 3 of them did the actual positioning and aiming and finally the doctor "pulls the tiger" to activate the X-ray radiation.  

Your situation might be totally different.  Like the others have said, ask many questions.  Good luck and I hope you get some relief.

Title: Re: Do you smell something burning?
Post by Art Webb on 01/14/16 at 20:15:07

wish I had anything helpful to add, but I have no clue

Title: Re: Do you smell something burning?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/14/16 at 21:02:11

I wouldn't do anything till I talked to a few chiropractors.
I don't know HOW you came to be injured. I've seen some pretty scary xrays, and lived in pain for over twenty years before I found a chiropractor who could put my neck in place.
Before you do what can't be UNdone, know where you are going.

Title: Re: Do you smell something burning?
Post by Kris01 on 01/15/16 at 11:52:01

I've considered seeing a chiropractor (briefly). They're not doctors nor are they licensed. As far as that's concerned, I could get a friend to do the same thing and it wouldn't cost near as much. I'm not sure I trust them.

Title: Re: Do you smell something burning?
Post by Dave on 01/15/16 at 12:33:04

6D544F551617260 wrote:
I've considered seeing a chiropractor (briefly). They're not doctors nor are they licensed. As far as that's concerned, I could get a friend to do the same thing and it wouldn't cost near as much. I'm not sure I trust them.

My wife has neck and hip trouble....and she visits a chiropractor regularly.

She has had some good ones, and some not so good.  One of them didn't consider her age, and the fact that she is on the borderline of getting osteoporosis....and he broke her ribs.

The fellow she goes to now is very good.

Title: Re: Do you smell something burning?
Post by Kris01 on 01/15/16 at 19:24:02

I usually call them "Bone Crackers". No pun intended.  ;D

I guess, like any professional, there are guys that know their job and there are guys that show up for a paycheck.

Title: Re: Do you smell something burning?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/15/16 at 19:49:32

Id be crippled if not for chiropractors. And I have seen some I'd never see twice.
Funniest name for chiropractors I ever saw?
Dr. Askew, really. I nearly drove off the road laughing.

Title: Re: Do you smell something burning?
Post by Kris01 on 01/15/16 at 20:08:44

That took me a second!  ;D

Title: Re: Do you smell something burning?
Post by KennyG on 01/15/16 at 20:13:22

If you are on the East Coast you may want to consider an Osteopathic Physician. The Philadelphia School Of Osteopathy is the best training facility of it's kind in the world and if you can find a graduate near you you will have the advantage of a Dr. that can do Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy along with the ability of being able to do everything that an MD can do.

The guy that invented Chiropractic was Palmer in Iowa and he had Osteopathic Training before starting  Chiropractic Therapy.

Kenny G

Title: Re: Do you smell something burning?
Post by Art Webb on 01/16/16 at 06:50:59

0F362D377475440 wrote:
I usually call them "Bone Crackers". No pun intended.  ;D

I guess, like any professional, there are guys that know their job and there are guys that show up for a paycheck.

Licensed physicians kill / maim / cripple people through malpractice in this country far more than most people would believe
a license to practice and a degree in medicine is no guarantee either
hell I know of an orthopedic surgeon here whose own nurse will tell you, outside the office and in confidentiality of course, not to ever let him operate on you
most of his patients will tell you the same

Title: Re: Do you smell something burning?
Post by Kris01 on 01/16/16 at 12:20:38

I've heard that quite a bit unfortunately. Thankfully I've never experienced it personally.

Title: Re: Do you smell something burning?
Post by KennyG on 01/16/16 at 12:46:43

When looking for a local physician it is not that difficult to check references from other physicians that you may know.

Checking on fellowships is also useful.


Title: Re: Do you smell something burning?
Post by old_rider on 01/16/16 at 23:19:38

As far as what I did...
I was on my way up to the blue ridge campground 2 years ago... took a slow fall in some loose gravel.
I just had a skinned knee... was cussin' myself and looked over at the bike, just had filled it up about half hour before, and the gas was drippin' out of the cap onto the hot engine....
I freaked, grabbed the handle bar and the trunk (I had about 80 lbs worth of stuff stacked on top), and facing the bike I jerked it up (bad move), my back popped rather loudly and instant pain.
I still continued with the gang for about 3 days, then bugged out to home.
It was a compression fracture on my L4.... well, the military didn't see it on their xray and sent me to therapy... yeah... made me do situps, leg presses ect... made it worse.
After about 4 months I told them I needed to see a specialist, they sent me to a spine doc.... he told me that it had healed already and I got some steroid shots.
3X last year and once this year already..... it is not working.... so now the nerve burning.
It is supposed to last a year, we shall see.
Thanks for the posts, had to bump my appointment to next Friday.... and now the new doctor wants to "go over my records and talk to me first".... which I think is great :) , now I can grill him.

Oh, and they won't "fuse" it with plates and screws, because my years worth of chemo messed up my bone density (I have osteoporosis) and they are afraid the screws will crack the vertebra that they anchor into.

Title: Re: Do you smell something burning?
Post by Art Webb on 01/17/16 at 07:26:41

Best of luck with it OR, wish we could wind the clock back and save the back

Title: Re: Do you smell something burning?
Post by raydawg on 01/17/16 at 08:26:35

I have been sick since the last of midweek with the worse flu I have ever had. I hope to go to work tomorrow as I am feeling better today, Sunday.
Stayed in bed most of Saturday, my 63rd birthday.....
But reading your plight makes me thankful Old Rider.

I hope it all goes well!

Rewinding the clock, oh yeah  ;D

Title: Re: Do you smell something burning?
Post by springman on 01/22/16 at 19:38:07

May good health bless us all the rest of the year.

Title: Re: Do you smell something burning?
Post by old_rider on 01/22/16 at 21:27:04


The appointment went well, the new doctor actually seen me.... and I got to talk to him!

He is an elderly doc... asked tons of questions, made me stand on my toes, bend over, stretch, pick up the left, ect....

Monday, shots to the pelvic area.... he thinks I damaged my sacrum (sacroiliac), on both sides!

Doesn't sound like fun, as they will not sedate me for it... I will be awake and see if the shots take away any pain...

I have been in pain for about 2.5 years now... if this procedure does not produce any positive results I am changing physicians and specialists, i'm done with them.

I realize my past has resulted in body my degen.... but I have let each specialty know what happened.

The military was incompetent, the physical therapy was not needed (and actually did more damage), and my current specialist has been dragging this out for nigh on 2 years.....

My wife wants to sue the lot of them..... I don't have the finances to do so....

Anyway... I'm hoping the next treatment produces positive results.....

Title: Re: Do you smell something burning?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/24/16 at 21:38:48

Id interview every chiropractor in a fifty mile radius.

Best one I ever saw was Linux, I THINK he's in Arkansas. He taught me how to do my lower back and fixed the neck.

Title: Re: Do you smell something burning?
Post by KennyG on 01/24/16 at 23:00:40

Old Rider,

By the examination that the Doc gave you it sounds like he has the experience to heal you.

Good Luck!

Kenny G

Title: Re: Do you smell something burning?
Post by old_rider on 01/25/16 at 17:22:01

Well, my "sacroiliac" injection was today..... most PAINFULL thing I have EVER had done.(as bad as getting shot)
Local anesthetic, which DID NOT WORK, I felt the docs fingers on my lower back, felt the "burn" from the numbing agent.... and then commenced to feeling EVERY frikin' millimeter of the main needle going in!
Doc shot me up with more than he was supposed to, but it still did not work, I have had several dentist appointments that happened the same way, so I presume I am immune to this particular one.
Most painful was the last two millimeters at the joint...... I almost threw up and wet myself.... real close... after the first ten minutes I was shaking from pain.
Got home still in a bit of pain.... writing down my pain levels and what I feel. (I feel pissed!)
I am so angry with the Doc not telling me how painful it would be, and then asking me what the pain difference was 15 minutes later.
He could see I was angry, so he just left after telling us to keep a log.
LOL, my assigned nurse left when she seen the look on my face when I came out.
However.... there is a pro in the list of my cons.....
My movements so far have created no sharp stabbing pains, I lifted a gallon of milk with no "twinges", then a case of water bottles with no increase in pain level.
We will discuss what the "cure" will be in two weeks.

Title: Re: Do you smell something burning?
Post by MMRanch on 01/25/16 at 22:16:51

I think I found the problem : then a case of water bottles with no increase in pain level.

I hope your talking about the 12 pack of .5L case ?    :-?

Give your self a 10 lb. max limit for a couple of years .    Dye your hair Grey and start walking with a cane !  Let the young folks do the work.    You will feel better sooner .  ;)

I know its hard to "QUIT doing the lifting"  but that is what works .

Title: Re: Do you smell something burning?
Post by KennyG on 01/27/16 at 17:42:51

Old Rider,

Any progress in your recovery to report?

Kenny G

Title: Re: Do you smell something burning?
Post by old_rider on 01/28/16 at 01:10:40

Still have some pain... not a high stress level though.
Its a aggravating pain, constant, won't go away type, they ask you to give a 1-10 level.... my average is about 4-5, never ceases, I don't think I've ever been without pain over the last 5 years, it just goes up and down at times.
But, like I was saying... my sharp stabbing pain and travel down the leg pain, have almost gone completely.
If I sit for a while (30 min) and don't move, the lower back starts to throb... yeah... regular pain pulse....
Now that the hip pain has gone down to tolerable levels, I have begun noticing the pain from the fracture again.... constant 3-4, no major discomfort... just a pain.... wears at you.....
At least I can walk around again without worrying about getting an ice pick in the lower back if I step or move wrong, or getting a headache from the level of pain lasting too long.
I will have a few choice words for the Doc, now that I have calmed down I might be able to have a non violent conversation with him.
I did some raking of the yard yesterday.... slow and steady.... filled up three trash cans.... I quit there....LOL.... didn't want to jinx myself.

Title: Re: Do you smell something burning?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/28/16 at 03:32:50

Raking, mopping, sweeping, all involve rotation under load.
Be careful.

Title: Re: Do you smell something burning?
Post by KennyG on 01/28/16 at 08:01:16

Old Rider,

You have made some progress and hopefully the pain level will continue to diminish.

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