General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Today's sermon......

Message started by raydawg on 01/03/16 at 09:02:23

Title: Today's sermon......
Post by raydawg on 01/03/16 at 09:02:23

"But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.
Then saying he to his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few.... (Matthew 9:36, 37)

The Bible is ripe with passages that bring comfort and inspire service.
But as I advance in age and experience, I find myself with a breaking heart often, repeating this passage a lot.
As I contact the world, all its complicated relationships, I can't help but be impressed that a multitude of people are truly like sheep with no shepherd, they have lost their way, and unless we have compassion on them, they will never find their way home; the way of truth and beauty, peace and joy; the Father's way as revealed in our Lord and Master.
It is compassion, not criticism, that is going to transform the world.
No matter how few we can help, we must want to help all, with a great yearning and desire that amounts to compassion, or the task will never be accomplished, "He was moved with compassion on them, as sheep having no shepherd"  

Ouch  :-[

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by HovisPresley on 01/03/16 at 09:15:12

Jesus liked sheep, and he hung about with prostitutes a lot.

That's my sermon.  :D

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by Serowbot on 01/03/16 at 09:22:42

72617964617767000 wrote:
The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few.... (Matthew 9:36, 37)

...and we want to close the borders?...   :-/

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by raydawg on 01/03/16 at 09:59:41

Yes...those points have been duly noted.
But since you have heard, and have rendered your thoughts on the matter, it would seem you have forfeited the plea of ignorance upon your death, to entrance into heaven.

Seems that only leaves one avenue now  ;D

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by raydawg on 01/03/16 at 10:04:35

092E372832113324322D2438410 wrote:
Jesus liked sheep, and he hung about with prostitutes a lot.

That's my sermon.  :D

Can you give me reference to "a lot" as you state?

Or, like a politician, exaggeration is acceptable if you need it to bolster a claim  ;D  

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by Serowbot on 01/03/16 at 10:29:48

Maybe, he liked prostitutes, and hung out with sheep a lot...

Either way,... seems a nice guy...
Wouldn't care to spend an eternity on a cloud with him though...
Do you think he misses the prostitutes?... they'll be where I'm going... :-*...
Lotstitutes... even better than 70 virgins...(what the heck do you do with 70 virgins?... teach them to be prostitutes?)...

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by HovisPresley on 01/03/16 at 11:57:25

Quote Ray:
"Can you give me reference to "a lot" as you state?

Or, like a politician, exaggeration is acceptable if you need it to bolster a claim"

My reference would be the New Testament.

No exaggeration necessary.

You seem a little defensive when it comes to Jesus' relationship with prostitutes.

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by raydawg on 01/03/16 at 12:57:42

5E79607F65466473657A736F160 wrote:
Quote Ray:
"Can you give me reference to "a lot" as you state?

Or, like a politician, exaggeration is acceptable if you need it to bolster a claim"

My reference would be the New Testament.

No exaggeration necessary.

You seem a little defensive when it comes to Jesus' relationship with prostitutes.

Nope.....did you read the sermon and understand it?
Perhaps it ain't me you see in the mirror  :-[

I have read the book over many times, and indeed he defends women of many stripes, that is his nature.
I can assure you however when he returns, that extension will no longer be offered, to anyone who has not accepted him as the son of god, its that simple buddy.
If you still need to say a lot, go ahead, it is your god given right, whether you think it defends me or not  ;D

PS: I am nothing but a ho anyway, I can dig it he accepts scum like me, can I get a Hallelujah  ;D :D  

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by Serowbot on 01/03/16 at 15:50:20

One day, yer' gonna' die... and when you do, you gonna' wake up as some ashes in a box...
Try not to act disappointed...

... if I wake up anywhere that ain't ashes in a box... I'll be thrilled...

If yer' not expecting much,.. you're never disappointed. 8-)

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by pg on 01/03/16 at 15:56:48

Ok Bot, I'm curious here.  You're not agnostic, straight atheist, correct.  Dust, worm dirt, whatever after we die...

Best regards,

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by Serowbot on 01/03/16 at 15:59:58

Not that I'm looking forward to it, but yeah...
I'm a realist... atheist is a dumb word...

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by pg on 01/03/16 at 16:04:07

So be it, I won't debate those kinds of beliefs.  Worm dirt it is.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by Serowbot on 01/03/16 at 16:08:45

Yup,.. truth is a bitter pill...

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by raydawg on 01/03/16 at 16:15:46

6670677A62777A61150 wrote:
Not that I'm looking forward to it, but yeah...
I'm a realist... atheist is a dumb word...

I can appreciate A lot of what you share bot, you are consistent, and that says much about integrity to me, about you.....
Granted, I am basing this solely on an INTERNET personality and exchange, but being the savvy poker player I am, I read the back of cards pretty darn good, consistently.

Now where I find a chink in you armor, is that you claim to be a realist....

Now pray tell lad, how can you expect others to believe such folly utterance, when you believe all the stuff Obama says, eh?
The guy has left reality years ago, and is forging a new story that makes the bible seem like an encyclopedia  ;D

Son...... please don't expect to win the pot with only a pair of deuces  ;)  

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by Serowbot on 01/03/16 at 16:21:46

Obama?... I'll give him one more year and he's done... :-?

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by raydawg on 01/03/16 at 16:25:09

382E39243C29243F4B0 wrote:
Obama?... I'll give him one more year and he's done... :-?

Give me the odds and I'll take it  ;D

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by Serowbot on 01/03/16 at 17:11:45

I'm gonna' give God a shot...
Power Ball's $400 million this week...
I'll buy a ticket,... you guyz pray for me...
If I win,.. you have not only made a convert,... Santa will be incredible to you next year...
... and I do mean incredible... 8-)

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by raydawg on 01/03/16 at 17:19:35

4355425F47525F44300 wrote:
I'm gonna' give God a shot...
Power Ball's $400 million this week...
I'll buy a ticket,... you guyz pray for me...
If I win,.. you have not only made a convert,... Santa will be incredible to you next year...
... and I do mean incredible... 8-)

Tempting.....but that hooker that hung out with Jesus, that Hovis gets tingles over, is most likely not as pretty as she was, then.....

You got anything else as incredible?

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by HovisPresley on 01/03/16 at 17:22:22

You make it sound as if there was only one hooker!

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by raydawg on 01/03/16 at 18:16:39

082F362933103225332C2539400 wrote:
You make it sound as if there was only one hooker!

You make it sound like he was a pimp with a slew  ;D

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by HovisPresley on 01/03/16 at 18:36:09

There are gospels that don't even mention his birth.
There are gospels that describe how JC was 'in his comfort zone' with whores, oil, hair, feet, etc.

I can understand that many people would shy away from the idea of their Lord mixing with prostitutes, ......... but are happy to believe that his own mother was......... a virgin!

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by raydawg on 01/03/16 at 19:13:56

Sure, people believe all sorts of funny stuff, like the three musketeers and kings and queens, ha.....
Some even believe Obama.

Dude..... You can assume about people and offer up your rationale till the end of time, it changes nothing, just as mine doesn't, hey, you want to go hunting for bear

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by pg on 01/04/16 at 02:07:33

51766F706A496B7C6A757C60190 wrote:
There are gospels that don't even mention his birth.
There are gospels that describe how JC was 'in his comfort zone' with whores, oil, hair, feet, etc.

Could you elaborate?  Perhaps the book & verse?  Thanks.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by HovisPresley on 01/04/16 at 03:23:37

Luke 7:36+

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by raydawg on 01/04/16 at 04:36:50

Wow Hovis, that is a lot, I can now understand your earlier claim.....
And you say MSpring exagerates  :D

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by HovisPresley on 01/04/16 at 05:05:14

That was just one, that is so significant that 2000 years later we are still talking about it's relevance.

Where's the exaggeration?  :-?

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by HovisPresley on 01/04/16 at 05:06:47

6E7D65787D6B7B1C0 wrote:
And you say MSpring exagerates  :D


I say he makes things up.

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by WebsterMark on 01/04/16 at 10:30:36

6F796E736B7E73681C0 wrote:
Maybe, he liked prostitutes, and hung out with sheep a lot...

Either way,... seems a nice guy...
Wouldn't care to spend an eternity on a cloud with him though...
Do you think he misses the prostitutes?... they'll be where I'm going... :-*...
Lotstitutes... even better than 70 virgins...(what the heck do you do with 70 virgins?... teach them to be prostitutes?)...

I've got a bunch of stuff going on so haven't kept up with the TT, but this post caught my eye and screams out for a reply.

Sew, Jesus seems like a nice guy huh?

Since you don't think it's possible he's who he said he is, that would make him a liar, manipulator, murderer. thief, traitor, a cult leader that orders his followers to their death. You are either with him or you're against him. He has no intention of bringing peace, but rather conflict. He will turn families against one another.

What exacty makes him a good guy?

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by cheapnewb24 on 01/04/16 at 11:01:29

"Murderer, thief"????

Where are you getting this?

I know the argument you are pressing, but I am wondering where you are getting some of your points?

Yeah, I thought about Bot's whole "nice guy" perspective. It hit me--- The reason Jesus is so relevant is because he is the Son of God. He is basically God. When you are looking at the Creator of the entire universe, everything that is in it, everything good, and the first people, it makes you think a little differently.

You are essentially looking at your Ultimate Father, your Super-Parent, :o or something pretty close, considering that He would be the Son, specifically.  

In other words, he's naturally THE BOSS

Otherwise, yeah, it would just be sitting on a cloud with some nice guy like Bot said.

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by Serowbot on 01/04/16 at 11:12:33

I think he's a myth... a compilation of prophets sewn up into a morality tale... all of his miracles are obvious retelling's of previous fables from 100's of years before.
... but,.. his story promotes empathy and compassion, sharing, and warns of being judgmental... good lessons... so I like him.

Superman seems like a nice guy, too... :-?

You can accept the values and lessons of a character, without needing to believe him as literal.

You can also behave as good person, without needing threats or promises from a mythical judge.

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by WebsterMark on 01/05/16 at 07:02:31

... but,.. his story promotes empathy and compassion, sharing, and warns of being judgmental... good lessons... so I like him.

As I've said before, the persona you have crafted of Jesus is based off what others have told you. Or, if you've developed this yourself by reading, all your preconceived opinions are acting as a hell of a filter....!

Jesus' judgmental character makes would make your average moral majority or 700 club member blush but that would come as a surprise to you. His compassion is universal alright, but comes with consequences. He shares with all but will take everything from you. I suspect he might say you are like lukewarm spit he wants out of his mouth.

My parting advice to you on this topic is either pursue him or ignore him completely and avoid this subject.

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by Serowbot on 01/05/16 at 08:55:25

Jesus, the judgmental guy...  
Interesting church you attend...
Glad I don't. :-?

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by WebsterMark on 01/05/16 at 09:06:59

It's not the Church.  The "Church" has nothing to do with it. You're allowing yourself to be told what to think.

The only record we have to reconstruct who he was and what he was saying is out of the Bible. Don't take my word for it, or anyone else's anymore for that matter. Read it yourself. If you do and still come back that he's all for group hugs, so be it.

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by Serowbot on 01/05/16 at 09:12:53

I own several bible's, and have probably read as much as you or more...
We atheist's are not illiterate...
... and believe me,... when it comes to religion, no one tells me what to believe.

"Let he who has the biggest rock, cast the first stone"... - quote, Judgmental Jesus ::)

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by Paraquat on 01/05/16 at 09:28:06

That's actually the closest to my feelings that anyone's ever gotten, Sew.
I believe there was a guy named Jesus who told people to be good. Maybe multiples who claimed they were THE Jesus with the same, or similar message. All passed off, generation through generation, merged, forgotten, retold, romanticized, etc.


Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by WebsterMark on 01/05/16 at 10:03:03

... and believe me,... when it comes to religion, no one tells me what to believe.

reaching for back pocket, throwing flag..... ha ha!

"Let he who has the biggest rock, cast the first stone"... - quote, Judgmental Jesus

Actually, its recorded he said he who is without sin, cast first stone.

But then what did he do? This is the part that is conveniently always left out. He went to the sleeper (and she was a sleeper) and told her to stop doing that.

Note: before Mpes jumps in with 5 pages of history telling us that it's questionable this was in the original text, I already know that! Sorry to steal your thunder ;)

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by WebsterMark on 01/05/16 at 10:04:48

He went to the sleeper (and she was a sleeper) and told her to stop doing that

Ha ha! Our censor machine changed wh0re to sleeper! Another word I've got to code now.... gee wiz.....

Sew, you're a moderator; can't you change that? You can't say sleeper  wh0re. ?

Title: Re: Today's sermon......
Post by Serowbot on 01/05/16 at 10:16:51

6B595E4F48594E715D4E573C0 wrote:
Ha ha! Our censor machine changed wh0re to sleeper! Another word I've got to code now.... gee wiz.....

...and I thought you were being delicate... ;D » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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