General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> The truth on gun control......

Message started by raydawg on 01/01/16 at 21:03:09

Title: The truth on gun control......
Post by raydawg on 01/01/16 at 21:03:09

Lets try sumtin other than hookers  ;D

Obama is set to announce some sort of action on gun control, next week.
Thus far I have read a wide range of opines on the matter, and even Obama is pitching, spinning, and blaming, others, for their lack of legislation.....
Not sure how that invites others to listen, when you start out chastising....
But hey, if it floats your boat  :-*

Can we try to have some dialogue on the subject, without going after the jugular?
I am very ignorant about the matter, as I don't owe or use guns myself.
I don't see how this will really reduce the crime, as Chicago sure hasn't benefited by stricter gun laws.

I read where Obama wants to go after the on-line sales, and small time gun show dealers who are what, exempt, from the requirements of full time shops, etc?

Can someone tell me the way(s) to currently purchase a gun now?
What are the channels used for checking the buyer, etc.

Love to see some exchange of the pro gun (as it stands now ) with those who favor tighter restrictions, etc, and how/why this will help in combating crime, and why is more restriction a threat to the constitution in real terms, as opposed to predictions.....

Hope to see some good exchange  ;D

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by Serowbot on 01/01/16 at 22:16:18

Honestly,..  I think guns are too symbolic and idealized in American culture, to be realistically discussed...

It's a tug-of-war, on a slippery slope, with a slippery rope...
...with bumper stickers... ;D... sacred as cell phones... or texting...  ::)...

... or asking women to give up lipstick and heels... (not that we'd ever ask)... :-*

My precious!...

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/02/16 at 06:18:09

Ingrained, like seat belts and helmets. Only deeper. Look at the history of the world. Take note of the conditions of the People.
Does everyone now understand what Sovereign means?
You rule. You pay the servant to do your bidding.
They have united against us and are screwing us.
Look at statistics. When people started shooting car jackers, the game ended. The shootings oddly occur in gun free zones.

And, the real point is
WE the People are the Sovereign.
Read the Constitution.
Understand that the authors had been dealing with oppression and tyranny. What's going on now?  Can anyone promise to protect us from our government?
And, who will run and take your place on th floor, if you're attacked in your home? Nobody. You better be ready and able to protect yourself, because when seconds count, the police are just minutes away.

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by raydawg on 01/02/16 at 06:58:19

4553445941545942360 wrote:
Honestly,..  I think guns are too symbolic and idealized in American culture, to be realistically discussed...

It's a tug-of-war, on a slippery slope, with a slippery rope...
...with bumper stickers... ;D... sacred as cell phones... or texting...  ::)...

... or asking women to give up lipstick and heels... (not that we'd ever ask)... :-*

My precious!...

Dude..... I didn't want to talk about prostitutes no mores  ;D

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by raydawg on 01/02/16 at 07:16:36

6F7076716C6B5A6A5A62707C37050 wrote:
Ingrained, like seat belts and helmets. Only deeper. Look at the history of the world. Take note of the conditions of the People.
Does everyone now understand what Sovereign means?
You rule. You pay the servant to do your bidding.
They have united against us and are screwing us.
Look at statistics. When people started shooting car jackers, the game ended. The shootings oddly occur in gun free zones.

And, the real point is
WE the People are the Sovereign.
Read the Constitution.
Understand that the authors had been dealing with oppression and tyranny. What's going on now?  Can anyone promise to protect us from our government?
And, who will run and take your place on th floor, if you're attacked in your home? Nobody. You better be ready and able to protect yourself, because when seconds count, the police are just minutes away.

Jog, I have seen this sort of claim before, but to me it looks like you are saying they want 100% total confiscation. I am not reading that in any proposals presently.
They are calling it "loop holes" in the current system that need to be addressed. Where some people can legally skirt requirements that already exist for others.

Is that true, or not?

Why can't they draft a law with other considerations attached to it as well, something like this: If a person that is NOT a current legalized citizen of this country, uses a gun in a crime, it will be mandatory expulsion from this country with no chance of ever becoming a citizen in the future.  

Again, I don't see registering guns as a crime stopper, other than it will require legal ownership more accountability of gun whereabouts, which could help solve a crime, after the fact.

To use this as reason:

Understand that the authors had been dealing with oppression and tyranny. What's going on now?  Can anyone promise to protect us from our government?

Might be a view not be shared by everyone.
I agree executive actions on this matter might give your argument feet, as it removes democracy from the enactment of such a law, and imposed by an individual who has even stated he has a personal agenda at stake in the matter.

But I could be wrong on my reasoning....  

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by Serowbot on 01/02/16 at 07:19:41

Teen shot by homeowner may have been "ding dong ditching"

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by raydawg on 01/02/16 at 08:04:39

6B7D6A776F7A776C180 wrote:
Teen shot by homeowner may have been "ding dong ditching"

Bot, I understand these horror stories exist, sad, but we could say booze kills too, as folk drive after leaving a bar, game, party, etc....

Life has consequences, often not to our liking.

And to be fair, we can't list all the crimes reverted because a gun stopped a criminal act from fruition.

I was sorta hoping to dialogue back and forth on merit, practicability, applicability, and projections, of more gun laws/restrictions on citizens right to own.


Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by Serowbot on 01/02/16 at 08:28:09

13001805001606610 wrote:
I was sorta hoping to dialogue back and forth on merit, practicability, applicability, and projections, of more gun laws/restrictions on citizens right to own.


I don't believe you...

Web,.. pass me another flag... ;D

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/02/16 at 09:24:26

You could try to go with the thrust of the post and see,rather than immediately try to derail it. I'm not seeing the car ban proposals after that woman drove through a crowd on purpose.

The Principle behind the second amendment is crucial.

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by raydawg on 01/02/16 at 10:03:26

27383E3924231222122A38347F4D0 wrote:
You could try to go with the thrust of the post and see,rather than immediately try to derail it. I'm not seeing the car ban proposals after that woman drove through a crowd on purpose.

The Principle behind the second amendment is crucial.

Jog, crucial how, I can understand that accusation if it was for a total ban of private ownership, but I can't find any truth to that, only speculation.

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/02/16 at 11:42:42

Until everyone understands the role they have, the role government, the rights guaranteed, the principles and reasons,
They don't have the sufficient understanding to see a threat.
Does it take a full on ban tto get your attention?

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by MnSpring on 01/02/16 at 12:51:16

697A627F7A6C7C1B0 wrote:
" ... Can we try to have some dialogue on the subject, ..."

“ …very ignorant about the matter, as I don’t owe or use guns myself. …”

That is the the, very, VERY, vast majority of the problem.
 (Not you specifically dawg, but the people writing laws,) and voting to ban guns

“ … I don’t see how this will really reduce the crime, …”
It doesn’t. Time after Time, it is  PROVEN.
But the Anti’s just keep lying and Spinning the facts,
enlisting, FEAR, into the people that are, “ … ignorant about the matter…”

“ ..  Obama wants to go after the on-line sales,  …”
            Ohhh, that sounds SO Bad !.
  ‘ANYONE, can go on line, and Buy a Gun’.
That statement, ’sounds’ so bad, but, it is, ‘Partly’, true,
it is ALSO, Lying, by omission of Fact.

Guns are NOT like a tea cup, you buy on fleaybay.
But the Gun Grabbers, put  FEAR, into the people that are, “ … ignorant about the matter…”

Yes, a person CAN, buy a gun On Line.
I’m in Minn, I, ‘Buy’, a gun off the internet, from someone in TX..
I, ‘Own’ that firearm.   (Now for the REST of the Story, as P.H. always said)
I, can NOT, ‘Possess’, that firearm, Until it is Shipped, to a Federal Firearms Licensed Dealer, (FFL),  in MN, and I go, to that local Dealer, and fill out the 4473, (4 pages both sides), do the NICS check.  (The Background check, that is ALREADY in place governed by the FBI).  THEN, If I am ‘approved, and IF, the guberment, who do the NICS check, Approves. THEN, and only then, can I, ‘Posses’ that firearm.

“ … and small time gun show dealers who are what, exempt, from the requirements of full time shops, …”
Again, a total, complete  LIE.  Repeated over and over AND OVER again, that the Gun Grabbers use to put,  FEAR, into the people that are, “ … ignorant about the matter…”.

“ … Can someone tell me the way(s) to currently purchase a gun now? …”
Go to ANY gun shop, look at a firearm, and ask what you have to do to, buy/Posses it!
Local law, varies, as to the, State, County, City, you are in. And that is Added on to the Fed Law, Which is:  18 for a long gun, 21 for a handgun, Must be Citizen of the USA, a resident of the State, (unless it is a long gun, then, a ’touching’ State of your residence).  Must fill out the 4473, the 1968 law.   (do some people lie on that form? Well do some people lie on their Tax form, etc. etc, etc).  Then, the dealer, calls in the NICS ‘check’, and you wait, until a response, is given, (Proceed/Delay/Denial).  Sometimes up to 3 days, (More, if your, local, law says so).  Most of the time,  it is 10 -30 min.

‘Banning, ‘assault’ firearms. Again, ‘ ignorant about the matter’, comes into play.
And Again,  the gun grabbers, use that phrase, JUST, to enlist  FEAR, in the people that are, “ … ignorant about the matter…”.

Gee in 1908, Remington, made a Semi-Auto rifle. (their were other brands models, made before this), but this was generally believed to be the first one that worked well, and was reliable.  Yet, If I took a can of BLACK, spray paint, painted the gun,  someone, that is, “ … ignorant about the matter…”. would most definitely call it a, ‘assault rifle’.

When Clinton first proposed his,  ‘assault rifle’, ban.  It   INCLUDED, any Double Barrel SHOTGUN, with one Trigger !!!!!   Because, it is a,  ’semi-auto’.  (Load TWO Shells, pull the trigger, bang, then Without Re-loading, pull the trigger again).  It was taken off, thanks to the NRA, for catching it.

A, ’True’ ‘assault rifle, was first regulated in 1934. And a Civilian in the US can own one, but it is a VERY expensive process to do, and reams of paperwork, and often takes a YEAR + to be able to hold that license.
(All other firearms were relegated in 1968).

Now, their is one exception, the, ‘Face to Face’, transfer.  (Some States/Places you can, some you cannot). Here is the LAW, concerning that.  Both parties have to PROVE, they are of age, (18 or 21),  Both parties, Have to Be USA Citizens. Both parties Have to be residents in the same State. The seller of the firearm MUST, ask;  ‘Have you evener been,  CHARGED, with a  Felony, have you ever been, Convicted, of a crime of Violence, Have you ever been issued a restraining order.  AND,  MOST sellers, AND, receivers, on a  (FF) transfer, ALSO, get a ‘Bill of Sale’, from each other.

Again, the ‘gun-grabbers’, say a statement something like, ‘Anybody can buy a gun from anybody else’, for the whole reason to:    put,  FEAR, into the people that are, “ … ignorant about the matter…”.

Again, do some people, LIE?   Sure, Just like they LIE, about other things.
Do, Criminals’, obey the Law?
Let’s see, their is a, Law, one can’t drive Drunk.  YET   Drunk drivers account for FAR, more deaths then Citizens owning Firearms. Their is a, Law, about drugs, (illegal and prescribed),  yet FAR more people die from that use.

Gee maybe something should be done about that. !

And the Number ONE, reason, their is the 2nd Amendment. Is to KEEP,  YOU, FREE.
Because If, or when, the 2nd goes, the 1st will follow VERY shortly !

This is why, their are bout 75,000 +  People, in the USA, that,  ’TEACH’,  (Voluntary),  ‘Gun SAFETY’.

If you are a firearm user.   Take someone, (who does not know), out to shoot.  Explain to them how things work,  Teach them the 10 Commandments of firearm safety.

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by raydawg on 01/02/16 at 13:07:14

Spring, you gave me a lot to chew, thanxs....

I hope an "anti" ( just to keep the news labeling in context ) gun will address your thoughts and points.

Thanks  ;D

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by raydawg on 01/02/16 at 14:46:31

5E4147405D5A6B5B6B53414D06340 wrote:
Until everyone understands the role they have, the role government, the rights guaranteed, the principles and reasons,
They don't have the sufficient understanding to see a threat.
Does it take a full on ban tto get your attention?

No, that is why I asked the question, Sir.

I don't want to retread your hooker post, but you talked about freedom the constitution ensures, yet break from your extension if it involves abortion, that is conflicted reasoning to me Jog.
I can see, at this point in time with the knowledge I have about the gun ownership issue, that what the "anti" are only speaking of limitations, on ownership, which, I believe already exist, in some cases.....
But I already see conflict in what I have read that Obama wants to do, and what MSpring shares....

If you can elaborate instead of telling me I am already hopeless   ;D
Then I would be indebted to your sharing boss  ;)

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by Ed L. on 01/02/16 at 16:06:53

Good reply MnSpring, I was wonder when someone would answer raydawg's question.
 Each state is different concerning firearm purchases. Look at laws concerning firearm purchases in New Jersey or California then compair them to Florida or Texas.

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by MnSpring on 01/02/16 at 16:13:32

43504855504656310 wrote:
" ... will address your thoughts and points ..."

Those are not, ‘ thoughts and points ‘.  They are FACTS.  They are the LAW !

So when a Anti-gun person says:   “We Need Background Checks”.    They are praying on FEAR.  Because, people are, “ … ignorant about the matter…”.    Guess what, we ALREADY do THAT !  In some cases, Several TIMES !

Take Minn. Their is a 7 day waiting law on the books for ‘possessing’, a handgun.
A person, goes into a shop, ‘Purchases’ a handgun, they ‘own’ it, but it Stays at the Dealer for 7 Days.  They can NOT,  ‘Have it in  POSSESSION’,  for 7 days!  And Yes, they did the,  NICS check, and let’s say that check came back, ‘Proceed’, they STILL, can NOT,  ‘Have it in  POSSESSION’,  for 7 days!

So Most people get what is called in this State, a Permit to Purchase, (PTP).  To get that, you fill out another form, that is Submitted to your local LEO.  Guess what, they do a, ‘Background’ check.  Then you go to a Dealer, buy your handgun, show them your, PTP card. you Still/Again, have to do the Nics check, But, you get your  gun without waiting 7 days.

Let’s say you want to have a, Permit to Carry,  (here PTC, other places CCW).  So you take the class, do the tests. Then fill out another application, that goes to the local LEO.   Can you Guess what they do?   Yep, ANOTHER, ‘Background Check’.

Look at, Rosie O’Donals, she does not like any firearm, said so many times. She does not believe any Citizen, should have a firearm, she has said so several times.   YET, when she goes somewhere, does something, she has, ARMED Bodyguards!

Take one of your, ‘Elected’ officials to the Fed guberment. And let’s say, they are of a Political party, who has a Main Load Bearing, ‘plank’ in their platform, to ’take away the 2nd A’.   Now, they have a couple of kids.   Are those kids, accompanied by, ARMED, guards, where ever they go?    
(Totally understand why they are, ya Never know, when some DFI, is going to come out of the woodwork)
But, THEY, have the right to defend themselves, and YOU  do NOT ?????

Those same people, (who YOU PAY, they do not pay YOU), get to partake in, ‘Insider Trading’.    You Can’t !        
Those same people get Premium Health Care, which YOU, pay for. When you get sub standard Health care, at outrageous premiums, which now, you HAVE to have.
And Now, those, SAME, people are telling YOU,  ‘Give up your guns, you will be safer’.  

Note: Their is a difference, between, "Purchase" and, 'Possession".  Just another LIE, the,  FEAR, Spreaders do, saying, ' Anybody ...".

Does the guberment, fail sometimes in, 'Background Checks' ?
Do some Drunk Drivers avoid the Police. ?
Does the F.B.I. catch ALL, Bank Robbers. ?
Does the I.R.S. fine, ALL people who lie/cheat on their taxes. ?
Does the D.O.A. arrest ALL  street corner Drug Peddlers. ?

Yea  Right !

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by Serowbot on 01/02/16 at 16:36:58

So,.. if everything Obama is proposing, is already in effect,... there should be no objection to his enacting, already enacted laws...

He will pacify those wanting action, without making any more restrictions than already exist...

Good for you... Right?...  Maybe you should thank him... :-/

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/02/16 at 16:43:48

Then what is it for? A show? It's Not for Nothing.
Will anyone ever admit how hypocritical the whole thing is?

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by Serowbot on 01/02/16 at 16:45:26

I'm not accepting Mn's assertion,... I'm just assuming that he does... :-/

I will admit that it is hypocritical to be against a non-action... when you want no action to be taken...

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by MnSpring on 01/02/16 at 17:00:33

6177607D65707D66120 wrote:
So,.. if everything Obama is proposing, is already in effect,... there should be no objection to his enacting, already enacted laws...

Sounds good, on ‘Paper’.  Now let’s get to,  ‘REAL LIFE”.
(Just like Communism,  looks good on, Paper, but does NOT, work in real life)

No need to,  enacting laws,  just,  enforce, laws that are already their.
(Un Like Holder, who IGNORED ALL Existing Firearms Laws)

Next, any, ‘new’,  law, their  WILL BE, ‘Hidden things’, in it.
(Gee Just look at the A.H.C. act.)

Just like the, ‘Hidden’,  double barrel Shotgun with one trigger to be, BANED, in, ‘Clintons’,  (assault  rifle’ ban)

King Bama, is JUST, using,  FEAR, to the people that are, “ … ignorant about the matter…”.

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by MnSpring on 01/02/16 at 17:07:07

4F594E534B5E53483C0 wrote:
I'm not accepting Mn's assertion,...  "

It is   NOT   a,  ‘assertion’, it is the LAW.
It is the way thing are.
It is not a Opinion.
It is the LAW.

It is NOT,  ‘Fairy Dust  Sprinklers, or, ‘Kum-By You’ singers.
It is the LAW.

Everybody follows it.     (Well unless your name is Eric Holder)

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by Serowbot on 01/02/16 at 17:10:23

At this stage in his Presidency,.. he is a lame duck... (he won't be running again)...
I see no reason for him to use subterfuge in any executive action ...
He's knows it will be combed over top to bottom...

Speaking of comb-overs...   :-?...
...couldn't resist... ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/02/16 at 17:15:52

283E29342C39342F5B0 wrote:
I'm not accepting Mn's assertion,... I'm just assuming that he does... :-/

I will admit that it is hypocritical to be against a non-action... when you want no action to be taken...

That's your assertion. I'm accustomed to watching goob action.
I don't remember them ever Doing anything that doesn't accomplish something. That I also don't remember them doing something that helped America, well, maybe I overlooked something.
The electeds and their offspring are well protected. We pay for it.
Yet, they seem to believe that we shouldn't be able to protect ourselves, while they wring their hands about whether we wear the seatbelt.

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by pg on 01/02/16 at 17:16:21

392F38253D28253E4A0 wrote:
At this stage in his Presidency,.. he is a lame duck...

...couldn't resist... ;D ;D ;D


Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by raydawg on 01/02/16 at 17:48:12

4C6D564527090 wrote:
Good reply MnSpring, I was wonder when someone would answer raydawg's question.
 Each state is different concerning firearm purchases. Look at laws concerning firearm purchases in New Jersey or California then compair them to Florida or Texas.

Then is Obama looking to standardize ownership, under a federal guideline, so it would be consistent, sorta like driving a car in another state, still requires us to have a licence in good standing, in our residential state?  

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by Serowbot on 01/02/16 at 17:58:05

Funny that they call it, the "lame duck" stage of a presidency...
"Loose Tiger" would be more appropriate...

Once a 2 term President is in his final year... he is  answerable to no one... more a-kissin',... and gloves are off, the fox has entered the hen house...  Potus has jumped the shark... School's out for summer...
papa's got a brand new bag....
(in GW's case... the nuts are in control of the asylum)...

You could mix a million metaphors on that one.... ::)

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by raydawg on 01/02/16 at 18:10:51

3C2A3D20382D203B4F0 wrote:
At this stage in his Presidency,.. he is a lame duck... (he won't be running again)...
I see no reason for him to use subterfuge in any executive action ...
He's knows it will be combed over top to bottom...

Speaking of comb-overs...   :-?...
...couldn't resist... ;D ;D ;D

Well bot I can think of a reason why.....
They have lost badly in the past elections because of turn out, or lack of.
Perhaps they see this tactic as a Rahm Emanuel "don't let a perfectly good disaster go to waste".
When you see how Obama is packaging this independent action on his part, with references to mass shootings, etc, he has entered into a different arena than just trying to "fix" existing polices (loopholes).
That, and the man sure seem (as most of them) to care about legacy building. His rush to Obamacare being a perfect example of not telling us the truth in order to get his desires passed.

Bot, you wanna see if you can find what MSpring shares is wrong, or distorted, or?

Seems collectively, we should be able to tell what is true regarding current ownership, and what isn't....

Please see if you can find any conflicting information, not political speak, ok?      ;D

THANKS ALL...... really appreciate the chance to become informed on this issue.
Hunting is BIG where I live, and guns are very much part of life up here.
I am the odd ball, I just don't like em' is all.
But I don't want to impinge on others, just cuz it doesn't impact me in a manner that I can readily claim loss of constitutional freedom.

Please keep it coming, I will share with others what I come to believe is the truth on the matter.

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by Serowbot on 01/02/16 at 18:31:15

Soory, Dawg...  
It's been hashed in 50 threads here over the years.
I got nuttin' left,.. but to stir the pot for ya'..

You need me to stir the pot...
...otherwise you'll have all newt and no frog...

You want to get the alchemy right, an atheist... :-?

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by raydawg on 01/02/16 at 18:50:24

2630273A22373A21550 wrote:
Soory, Dawg...  
It's been hashed in 50 threads here over the years.
I got nuttin' left,.. but to stir the pot for ya'..

You need me to stir the pot...
...otherwise you'll have all newt and no frog...

You want to get the alchemy right, an atheist... :-?

Well I was talking specifically about what Obama is talking about now, with the AG, on what he can do on his owny accord.
I am not sure how you did that in 50 threads already, and the other referencing escapes me.
But that cool if you don't want to dig at the truth, I think I'll keep shoveling for it.
If in fact, what he proposes can curb gun violence, I think we owe it to people, like me, who are really confused over the arguments, both for and against, and the victims of gun violence.
On the other hand if it is only pandering, at the cost of not really addressing, and protecting, those very folk you pledge to help, then I think that needs to be revealed too, as in the long run it WILL cost more lives as we are not effectively addressing the issues that cause these mass shootings, etc.

To me bot, that is worth it, either way, sorry you are opting out.  

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by MnSpring on 01/02/16 at 18:51:14

3C2A3D20382D203B4F0 wrote:
, an atheist...

Have you not said, you Are One ?
More that once ?

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by Serowbot on 01/02/16 at 19:04:04

You may have misunderscrutimated my meticulaphor...

I must most sinceraumunaimously aplodgolize... :-?

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/02/16 at 19:20:01

Where's my rant?
Post it Dawg.

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by oldNslow on 01/02/16 at 19:48:56

Well I was talking specifically about what Obama is talking about now, with the AG, on what he can do on his owny accord.

I think it's about time he did something about all them nut-jobs out there  " clingin' to their guns and religion."

You know, ISIS, AL Qaeda, Boko Haram. Them guys.

There's some gun control that might actually accomplish something.

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by raydawg on 01/02/16 at 20:09:02

5B6564687A6667090 wrote:

Well I was talking specifically about what Obama is talking about now, with the AG, on what he can do on his owny accord.

I think it's about time he did something about all them nut-jobs out there  " clingin' to their guns and religion."

You know, ISIS, AL Qaeda, Boko Haram. Them guys.

There's some gun control that might actually accomplish something.

I forgot he said that......  :o

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by raydawg on 01/02/16 at 20:09:44

203F393E23241525152D3F33784A0 wrote:
Where's my rant?
Post it Dawg.

The PM?

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by thumperclone on 01/02/16 at 21:15:09

you can not legislate morality(may be a bumper sticker)
open carry is  murder waiting to happen
background checks keep the honest honest maybe
if you live in fear protect you and yours by what ever legal means are available

me I go fishing

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/02/16 at 23:30:32

495A425F5A4C5C3B0 wrote:
[quote author=203F393E23241525152D3F33784A0 link=1451710989/30#31 date=1451791201]Where's my rant?
Post it Dawg.

The PM?

Is there anything else youve been sent?
Bot did forward it, right,?

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by Serowbot on 01/02/16 at 23:45:28

Sorry, JOG...
I got your e-mail... (thought it was a little weird, to get some anti-abortion forward as a first ever e-mail... but, I didn't see anything saying to forward it)...
It just thought you were being expeditious...  (forwarding, instead of typing something new)...

Sorry... anyway.. near 1am... I was up at 5... barely conscious...
Cannot be held responsible for.....  ....   ... Zz.. ZZzzzzzzz...........

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by oldNslow on 01/03/16 at 05:52:04

open carry is  murder waiting to happen

For the record:

Now that Texas has made open carry - only for folks that already have a state issued licence to carry concealed, not everyone - there are only five states where open carry of a handgun is NOT legal. In most of those other 45 states open carry has been legal for years and years. In spite of the hyperbole from both sides of the issue it's never really been that big of a deal.

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by raydawg on 01/03/16 at 07:26:54

6579647C617463727D7E7F74110 wrote:
you can not legislate morality(may be a bumper sticker)
open carry is  murder waiting to happen
background checks keep the honest honest maybe
if you live in fear protect you and yours by what ever legal means are available

me I go fishing

Dude..... your twenty bucks worth is wearing off  ;D

Why such a statement that open carry is murder waiting to happen?
Wee bit of some assuming on your part?
The fact would be NOT murder, if it was used in self defense, or to subdue a perp who was already using deadly force on others.

I think anybody bent on destruction ALREADY carries, law or no law, that IS their intent.

Seems you are with me on the ignorance of what this gun debate really is all about too.
Maybe we can both learn the truth for reasons I already stated.

BTW I must ask, worms or flies, the answer will reveal the real you  ;)

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by raydawg on 01/03/16 at 07:36:03


I kid you not, I tried to post your reply, it won't let me.
I am down to only one more, of the three attempts allowed to post, before it blocks me.
You must have something embedded in that script, I dunno bout this cyber stuff, but the site seems to think it is spam  :o

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by Ed L. on 01/03/16 at 07:36:56

Hey Raydawg, open carry is legal here in Florida when fishing. Go Figure.  ;)  
Salt water, popper or swimmer plugs. Fresh water, rubber worms. Never got into fly fishing, too upper crust.

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by raydawg on 01/03/16 at 07:43:06

4F6E5546240A0 wrote:
Hey Raydawg, open carry is legal here in Florida when fishing. Go Figure.  ;)  
Salt water, popper or swimmer plugs. Fresh water, rubber worms. Never got into fly fishing, too upper crust.


I saw where a guy shot at a large shark to subdue it along side his boat.....
The round deflected upon hitting the water and went into his hull, causing the trip to end in a hurry  ;D

I think they use side arms in Alaska too, to bring big old barn doors to heed, before bringing them on board.

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by raydawg on 01/03/16 at 07:57:11

OK folks, hot off the press.....

Here is the story about Obama's plan.
It has opposing candidates opine already weighing in on the matter.

Now, can we start here, with his claim, agree with it, and why, or debunk it, and why, thanks  :)

“The president is a petulant child,” New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie told “Fox News Sunday.” “Whenever he doesn’t get what he wants, … this president acts like a king.”

Obama said over the weekend that he’ll meet Monday with Attorney General Loretta Lynch to discuss his options on tightening federal firearms laws to reduce violence, after instructing his White House team several months ago to look at what types of “action” he could take.

Obama purportedly will use executive action to require small-scale gun sellers to order background checks on prospective buyers and tighten laws for gun sales to those who have committed domestic-abuse offenses.

“The president has a pattern of taking away rights of citizens,” GOP candidate and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush told “Fox News Sunday.”

Bush suggested that he didn’t object in principle to keeping guns out of the hands of criminals, but that he is wary of how far-reaching and burdensome the proposed changes might be on small-scale gun sellers.

“How do you know?” he asked. “The better approach would be to punish people who violate federal gun laws. … If it’s such a great idea let (Obama) go to Congress.”

The president tried unsuccessfully in the aftermath of the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook elementary school, in Newtown, Conn., to get Congress to pass comprehensive gun control legislation.

The National Rifle Association, which opposed that plan, also opposes the new plan, calling it a “political stunt.”

Christie and others point out that Obama last year tried to use executive action to allow illegal immigrants to remain in the United State and work. However, a federal appeals court has temporarily stopped that action, pending a final ruling.

“I’m sure (the gun executive action) will get stopped by the courts,” Christie said Sunday.

I underlined the part I would like qualified.
Is this a loop hole currently?
Is their any evidence firearms have been acquired, and used in mass killings through this "loop hole"?  

Thank you!

Edit: BTW, I think bot even stated this, before he opted out of this thread:
“ … If it’s such a great idea let (Obama) go to Congress."

By his statement, it says the same thing to me, I think in reasoning:
So,.. if everything Obama is proposing, is already in effect,... there should be no objection to his enacting, already enacted laws...

He will pacify those wanting action, without making any more restrictions than already exist...

Good for you... Right?...  Maybe you should thank him...

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by Serowbot on 01/03/16 at 08:04:50

5D4244435E5968586850424E05370 wrote:
Where's my rant?
Post it Dawg.

Here's yer' post, JOG...

I've explained this many times.

She Had control, while she got pregnant.

Now, once again, since the overwhelming majority of abortion is essentially post sex contraception, we will not include rape and incest, I would not expect anyone to shoulder the burden for a crime committed against them,

Once a woman, engaged in consensual sex is pregnant, then there is another life involved. Now, you can pretend that it's not a valid life form yet, but you will play the dickens convincing me you wouldn't be upset about someone digging up the seeds you planted in your garden.
That's a baby. She LEASED that body out. It's not just hers any more.
I'm curious,
Does anyone else know what hair was split in order to deny the unborn child its rights?
Study the Constitution, read how Roe v Wade was done.
Odd how differently decisions get made. It's almost as if there is an agenda.

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by MnSpring on 01/03/16 at 11:28:12

70637B66637565020 wrote:
Then is Obama looking to standardize ownership, under a federal guideline, so it would be consistent, sorta like driving a car in another state, still requires us to have a license in good standing, in our residential state?  

'Standardizing' ownership, is already done. It is the Gun Control Act of 1968. Which has been added to, to add, Background Checks. Most of the people, that do not follow that law, are severely punished.  The Criminals, do NOT heed that law, (heck, they are, Criminals !)
Only if you are, Eric Holder, can you IGNORE that law, and Nothing is done.

As to other States, and driving a Car. You are licensed in your State. You have done all the things that, YOUR, State required, so now you have a D.L. issued to you, from, Your State.

Other States, allow you to drive, in their State, but require you, to obey, That States law. Some States have different Speed limits, on the same road.  Some States, allow a Right turn on a Red lite, (Stop and look first), some don't. Some States, make a Helmet Mandatory, some Optional. Some States say you can stick something on your windshield, (GPS/Cameras/etc)  some States do not. Some States say you can use a Cell phone while driving, some do not. States have different requirements, in getting, that, States license.

So, would you then be in favor, of the Fed guberment, telling your State, what to do?

Well about, 155 years ago, the Feds, IGNORED, 'States Rights', Then what happened?    :'(

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by raydawg on 01/03/16 at 13:06:42

6F4C7152504B4C45220 wrote:
[quote author=70637B66637565020 link=1451710989/15#24 date=1451785692] Then is Obama looking to standardize ownership, under a federal guideline, so it would be consistent, sorta like driving a car in another state, still requires us to have a license in good standing, in our residential state?  

'Standardizing' ownership, is already done. It is the Gun Control Act of 1968. Which has been added to, to add, Background Checks. Most of the people, that do not follow that law, are severely punished.  The Criminals, do NOT heed that law, (heck, they are, Criminals !)
Only if you are, Eric Holder, can you IGNORE that law, and Nothing is done.

As to other States, and driving a Car. You are licensed in your State. You have done all the things that, YOUR, State required, so now you have a D.L. issued to you, from, Your State.

Other States, allow you to drive, in their State, but require you, to obey, That States law. Some States have different Speed limits, on the same road.  Some States, allow a Right turn on a Red lite, (Stop and look first), some don't. Some States, make a Helmet Mandatory, some Optional. Some States say you can stick something on your windshield, (GPS/Cameras/etc)  some States do not. Some States say you can use a Cell phone while driving, some do not. States have different requirements, in getting, that, States license.

So, would you then be in favor, of the Fed guberment, telling your State, what to do?

Well about, 155 years ago, the Feds, IGNORED, 'States Rights', Then what happened?    :'([/quote]

You make, as HovisPresley would say, a lot of sense....

So Obama is just using peoples emotion/fear to enact some sort of law that is already covered elsewhere, and it has NOT stopped these mass shootings, that he has promised these survivors relatives, correct?

Anybody disagree with my assertion?

If nobody offers up opposing proof, then I guess we can say we have A LOT of proof Obama is just doing this for his OWN ulterior reasons and  in all honesty doesn't care diddly about what he said about protecting folk.

Case closed?

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by raydawg on 01/03/16 at 13:50:38

One other possibility.....

It would be really hard to put into scope, but if one was to consider that Obama refers to the 2012 push by him, on this issue, it created more problems for democrat candidate up for re-election than effecting the republicans, as the left paints all of them with a broad brush.

Could he really be so egotistical that he will try and sabotage Hillary's chance at superseding him ?  

Forcing her to take a stand is not what this woman likes to do.....
And it could cost her votes/states.
Oregon looks at guns differently than most liberal ones, and it is pretty liberal on other matters.
In a close race it could be a deciding factor, and coupled with her consistent unfavorable ratings in polls, golly, I can see it as him torpedoing her ( that is better than what Trump said he did last time).

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by MnSpring on 01/03/16 at 16:01:39

392A322F2A3C2C4B0 wrote:
“ … So Obama is just using peoples emotion/fear to enact some sort of law that is already covered elsewhere, and it has NOT stopped these mass shootings, that he has promised these survivors relatives, correct? …”  

Well, here in the USA,  where are, the VERY most, ‘mass-shootings’, happening ?
A Hint.   (Here they are called, ‘Zones’, in France, it is the whole Country.)
Are they at, places, where law abiding Citizens, have been TOLD,  “You can NOT, bring a firearm in here”.  So the,  DFI’s, and Terrorists,   KNOW, it’s just,  ’shooting fish a barrel”. ?  Oh they are at,  “Gun Free Zones”  !

Why are not those,  ‘mass shootings’, conducted at, 100’s of Thousands of other gatherings, where their are Families, Children, Elderly, etc,  and all sorts if Citizens, who’s rights have not been removed?

Who, ‘made’; “Gun Free Zones”,  and,  ‘Why” ?  I believe, that is the BIG question!  Especially, ‘WHY” ?

A interesting statement this morning on the News.
(Paraphrased, as I don’t remember the ‘Exact’, words.  But you will get the idea)

In a interview, Trump was asked, ‘Do you think America is going to run into ISIS’,
he responded, “No,  The Extreme Islamic's, are going to run into America”
 ( Now some people, are already crafting a, ‘one liner’, which probably would include the word, ‘Arrogant’. )
But, think, outside the Box.   Let me add just two words.
“ Is America, (your motorcycle), going to run into ISIS, (a Red Oak Tree)”
“No, The Extreme Islamic's, (motorcycle), are going to run into, America, (Oak Tree)”

See the difference.  He is the ONLY one I have heard, that has, EVER, ’reversed’, those two words.

As JOG pointed out,  ‘Car Jacking’s’.
You heard about them ALL the time. Happened in dark alleys, parking lots, on the street at stoplights. etc.
They were Lots of them.  Then they stopped.   Why ?
Was their, more police, was their, laws about locking your car as soon as you got in. Did the ‘jackers’, get bored,
Etc. etc. etc.
Or was it, that they got Shot Dead!
And the rest, (who were thinking about doing that for Fun & Profit), actually, ‘Learned’,  ‘Not a good career choice’.

" ... has NOT stopped these mass shootings, that he has promised these survivors relatives, ..."

If he, actually, WANTED, to. (Ray Charles could have seen the solution), he would have, 'removed' the mandate, for, 'Gun Free Zones'.

Now, removing, 'Gun Free Zone', does not mean, taking away, metal detectors for Courthouses and the like.   But use some Common Sense !  Let, 'that' School, let, 'that' Courthouse, let 'that' Hospital, decide what, Their', policy is.

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by Serowbot on 01/03/16 at 16:07:30

082B1635372C2B22450 wrote:
As JOG pointed out,  ‘Car Jacking’s’.
You heard about them ALL the time. Happened in dark alleys, parking lots, on the street at stoplights. etc.
They were Lots of them.  Then they stopped.   Why ?
Was their, more police, was their, laws about locking your car as soon as you got in. Did the ‘jackers’, get bored,
Etc. etc. etc.
Or was it, that they got Shot Dead!
And the rest, (who were thinking about doing that for Fun & Profit), actually, ‘Learned’,  ‘Not a good career choice’.

I think lack of success, and bait cars had more to do with it...

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by HovisPresley on 01/03/16 at 16:36:35

ISIS and USA....Oak tree and motorcycle.

It's a very young oak tree  ;)

PS. Ray, "You make, as HovisPresley would say, a lot of sense....", I don't get it...

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by MnSpring on 01/03/16 at 16:37:15

51425A47425444230 wrote:
" ... Could he really be so egotistical that he will try and sabotage Hillary's chance at superseding him ? ..." 

Totally, Absolutely, Believe so!
Follow his actions, the first lady's actions, his V.P.'s actions.

Oh, speaking about the V.P. Concerning G.C., 'You Don't Need a, 'assault ..."
Where he told everybody, on National T.V., to Violate, the laws in just about every town in the USA.
And told them to, VIOLATE, a VERY, important 'commandment' of Firearms Safety.  

Be sure of your target and what's beyond it.

He must have forgot, that the, 'People', are NOT,  above the Law,  Like HE  is !

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by MnSpring on 01/03/16 at 16:40:16

5E485F425A4F42592D0 wrote:
" ... I think lack of success, and bait cars had more to do with it...

Sure, that, and other things, helped.  
But what, Stopped it was.
The Criminals Greater,  Much  Greater, 'fear', of a 'armed Citizen', vs the Police.

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by raydawg on 01/03/16 at 16:44:16

082F362933103225332C2539400 wrote:
ISIS and USA....Oak tree and motorcycle.

It's a very young oak tree  ;)

PS. Ray, "You make, as HovisPresley would say, a lot of sense....", I don't get it...

Yes.... one can tell by your uptighness, that you don't visit Jogs constitutional practitioners, a lot  ;D

PS: if you were confused before, I'll double my bet that you are now triply confused  ;)  

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by HovisPresley on 01/03/16 at 16:46:19

5774496A6873747D1A0 wrote:
[quote author=5E485F425A4F42592D0 link=1451710989/45#49 date=1451866050] " ... I think lack of success, and bait cars had more to do with it...

Sure, that, and other things, helped.  
But what, Stopped it was.
The Criminals Greater,  Much  Greater, 'fear', of a 'armed Citizen', vs the Police.

Opinion or fact?

Btw, where are these 'Savage' women? There are several flags being waved.

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by HovisPresley on 01/03/16 at 16:48:11

Ray, "Yes.... one can tell by your uptighness, that you don't visit Jogs constitutional practitioners, a lot "

:-? Why talk in code?

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by MnSpring on 01/03/16 at 16:56:36

1D3A233C260527302639302C550 wrote:
" ... It's a very young oak tree ..."

OK  Hovis,  Take your scooter, and drive it head on, into, (even a 20 year old tree). Ignore the 100-200+ year old ones.  Then tell us what happens?   A 500 + year oak tree, It’s Not even their anymore !

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by raydawg on 01/03/16 at 16:59:29

42657C63795A786F79666F730A0 wrote:
Ray, "Yes.... one can tell by your uptighness, that you don't visit Jogs constitutional practitioners, a lot "

:-? Why talk in code?

You no like puzzles?

OK, if you need help....
You stated Jesus hung out with A Lot of hookers
I questioned your meaning of A Lot

And then you made another claim that I appear uptight, or defensive about Jesus being with ho's....etc.

So, if one can use a descriptive anyway they desire, I will avail myself to the same, adding more flavor to the stew.

Bon Appétit  ;D

PS: I make up limericks in the shower, I have a good time.....
My wife thinks I am crazy.
If you are ever over in the states, you can join me, good clean fun  :-*

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by raydawg on 01/03/16 at 17:00:29

15360B282A31363F580 wrote:
[quote author=1D3A233C260527302639302C550 link=1451710989/45#50 date=1451867795]" ... It's a very young oak tree ..."

OK  Hovis,  Take your scooter, and drive it head on, into, (even a 20 year old tree). Ignore the 100-200+ year old ones.  Then tell us what happens?   A 500 + year oak tree, It’s Not even their anymore ![/quote]

I KNOW, I KNOW......
He blames the scooter  ;D

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by HovisPresley on 01/03/16 at 17:00:31

That should explain the tree..... now, the many women you talk of?

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by HovisPresley on 01/03/16 at 17:03:16

Ray, what has JoG got to do with it, and what are you on about with the "a lot" thing?

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by MnSpring on 01/03/16 at 17:07:10

HovisPresley wrote:" ... Btw, where are these 'Savage' women? There are several flags being waved.  ..."

LOLOLOL,  Where is your, Opinion Of,  Margret Thacher's statement on Socialism, who you dished, where you, NEVER, replied, as to MANY  requests !

My, Troll quota is full for tonight !

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by HovisPresley on 01/03/16 at 17:18:49

I may have omitted talking about Thatcher (when you could've googled it)
but then again, I didn't feel that me giving my opinion on Thatcher was important.
I thought if it were so important for you to hear it, then I'd expect you to start a thread on the subject.
Or even PM me.
But nothing.

The point is that this is all over a lack of me sharing my views on a dead politician's words from 40 years ago............

........... I didn't have to make up BS about the many women who you are trying to empower to face their fear of posting on this forum  :-[

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by MnSpring on 01/03/16 at 17:22:37

42657C63795A786F79666F730A0 wrote:
" ... The point is that this is all over a lack of me sharing my views on a dead politician's words from 40 years ago............

As  Richard  Dawson,   'Rolls his eyes'  and says:  'Good Answer'   LOL

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by Serowbot on 01/03/16 at 17:30:32

Youz guyz is too cryptic fer' me... :-/

I don't get none of it... :-?

We do have a new girl at the her name's Momtot...
Best behavior when you leave the sandbox boys... 8-)

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by HovisPresley on 01/03/16 at 17:31:34

You used that reply with other people before.... even RD is rolling his eyes now  :-[

Easy escape plan, that answer.

So, if you wanted to know about my thoughts on Thatcher, why didn't you start a new thread or PM me?

I'm off to buy a Danish six-pack  ;D and talk to these many women about their fear of posting  ;D

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by MnSpring on 01/03/16 at 17:42:09

Criminals  Fearing ARMED  Citizens:
In a survey of criminals(read that as FELONS IN PRISON), Professors James D. Wright and Peter Rossi of the Social and Demographic Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts conducted a study in 1982 and 1983 paid for by the U.S. Department of Justice. (Professor Rossi was a former President of the American Sociological Association.) The researchers interviewed 1,874 imprisoned felons in ten states.

88% of the criminals surveyed by Wright and Rossi agreed with the statement that, “A criminal who wants a handgun is going to get one.”(read this to mean that these felons are not obeying the gun laws and the Legislature cannot figure this out)

Wright and Rossi reported that:
81% of interviewees agreed that a “smart criminal” will try to determine if a potential victim is armed.

74% indicated that burglars avoided occupied dwellings, because of fear of being shot.

57% said that most criminals feared armed citizens more than the police.

40% of the felons said that they had been deterred from committing a particular crime, because they believed that the potential victim was armed.

57% of the felons who had used guns themselves said that they had encountered potential victims who were armed.

34% of the criminal respondents said that they had been scared off, shot at, wounded, or captured by an armed citizen.

Yep,  take away the, right, take away the ability, to Defend one’s self.  See what happens.
(Oh, we already know this, it’s called,  ‘Gun Free Zones”).

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by Serowbot on 01/03/16 at 17:55:15

... a 30 year old survey?...  the average criminal today,.. wasn't alive. :-/

Title: Re: The truth on gun control......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/03/16 at 22:04:36

5543544951444952260 wrote:
... a 30 year old survey?...  the average criminal today,.. wasn't alive. :-/

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