General Category >> The Cafe >> DEER!!!

Message started by cheapnewb24 on 12/29/15 at 09:09:12

Title: DEER!!!
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/29/15 at 09:09:12

I had an EXTREMELY close call with a deer a couple days ago.(Tell you about it later)

How do you guys handle the country roads at night? How do you not total a half dozen bikes a year and stay in the hospital after striking endless supplies of half-witted deer? >:(

I've read someone mention here about upgrading one's brake pads for safety? On the other hand, if I had stronger front brakes, they could lock up in a panic stop and leave me laying on the ground >:(
Which is worse?

I'm also curious how many of you have eerie gut feelings before they are about to encounter a road hazard? I had a bad feeling the last time I wrecked, and I had a bad feeling that night as well. It's like the road gets creepy. :-?

Title: Re: DEER!!!
Post by Serowbot on 12/29/15 at 09:26:27

202B2622332D2634217177430 wrote:
I'm also curious how many of you have eerie gut feelings before they are about to encounter a road hazard? I had a bad feeling the last time I wrecked, and I had a bad feeling that night as well. It's like the road gets creepy. :-?

I went for a ride on Christmas day, and got that feeling on the way home...  So much so, that I considered pulling over for while... but I didn't...
Nuttin' happened...
My psychic powers ain't so good...  :-?

Title: Re: DEER!!!
Post by bobert_FSO on 12/29/15 at 09:44:39

I know this advice doesn't help if you need your motorcycle for transportation, but the best solution is don't ride your bike in high risk situations or at high risk times.

There is one street in Wichita that I just don't take my motorcycle, unless I really have to. It is in a suburban shopping areas. Two miles of two lanes each direction with a center turn lane, many right side turn lanes and even more business driveways connecting to the street. Traffic is busy and the speed limit is 40MPH, as if anyone obeys it. There is simply too much traffic going on to keep track of it all and it makes me highly nervous to be in that kind of traffic mix.

My mom always told me that if there is someplace that is known for trouble, don't go there.

Title: Re: DEER!!!
Post by Art Webb on 12/29/15 at 09:45:58

I watch for deer
I slow if I see them
I cover the brake
I pray
Short prayer  
Oh lord please not a deer in the face
last may not help, but it can't hurt, either

Title: Re: DEER!!!
Post by pg on 12/29/15 at 11:21:36

When I went Deal's Gap at the end of he summer the guy in the cabin next to mine hit a deer on the Skyway.  He said he was going about 45 and it jumped out of no where.  He was skinned up pretty good and his bike took a lot damage.  He was able to get back to where he could ride it home; although, it looked about 2K worth of damage.

Best regards,

Title: Re: DEER!!!
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/29/15 at 11:35:30

I guess that's why you ride a cheap, beat up bike --- nothing to lose ;).

One of the biggest things is to keep riding -- never give up or let fear stop you from riding (within reason) no matter how many times you wreck. That is what takes and builds personal strength.

Am I not correct?

My cousin told me about how he stopped riding and sold his dirt bike after he crashed it years ago. Don't know how many times he crashed before. I guess that's what gets many people out of riding-- they get scared out of riding, or they lose heart and give up.

Title: Re: DEER!!!
Post by gizzo on 12/29/15 at 15:09:33

Could be they do a risk v reward assessment and decide riding is not worth it to them. They know they could end up injured or dead and decide riding doesnt mean enough to them to be worth it. I've quit skating half pipes and pools because of it. Too old. Get hurt too easily. Would still love to do it but the risk is not worth it to me. I still ride, fly, surf, dive and wakeboarding because those games are still worth the risk to me.

Re the deer thing: we have mostly kangaroos to worry about and there are some times you just don't ride because of them. Last interstate trip I did at night (in a car) we were slowed to 60 kph for about 4 hours to make it safe.

Title: Re: DEER!!!
Post by bobert_FSO on 12/29/15 at 15:28:09

"One of the biggest things is to keep riding -- never give up or let fear stop you from riding (within reason) no matter how many times you wreck. That is what takes and builds personal strength."

No matter how many times you wreck? No offense, 24, but that is spoken like a true young person with their usual attitude of immortality. To me, a bunch of wrecks means you are probably overdriving your ability. However, in general motorcyclists are like airplane pilots. The saying is there old pilots, there are bold pilots, but there are no old, bold pilots.

I ride for fun, not for on-the-edge thrills. I've been riding off and on since a teen in 1968. I'm grateful that I have only dropped a street bike twice. Once was a slow speed intersection on dark, wet, leafy streets. The other was taking the ditch when an oncoming car passed on the curve and came around the curve in my lane. Luckily, I saw him start his little maneuver while he was still on the far side of the curve.

Title: Re: DEER!!!
Post by Kris01 on 12/29/15 at 16:44:03

I just sold a Mustang that I've had for 15 years because 2 deer hit both front fenders within 2 weeks of each other...and then the front brakes went out. Not worth fixing! I'll miss her though!

On a positive note, the kids and I are completely unhurt!  :)

Title: Re: DEER!!!
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/29/15 at 16:57:07

The reason I wreck is probably not because I'm a squid (I don't think I'm one of those). I think the reason is because I haven't been riding long, I make mistakes/poor choices as a result, and I am willing to ride in less than ideal conditions. I talked to a girl who rides a mid-size metric cruiser (Yamaha, I think). From what she said, I don't think she had ever taken her bike on gravel, mud, or the superslab; and she has been riding at least twice as long as I have. Her bike is probably more comfortable on the Interstate than mine, and she won't try it; I have. Heck, I can't even get out of the house without going through gravel and dirt/mud. If I was too scared to slip and slide in the mud, I probably wouldn't get much riding done. :P

If I were scared of gravel, there would be no way I could ride short of parking the bike at a neighbor's house :P.

I almost dropped it the other day when the tires got so clogged with mud that the thing just wouldn't hold itself up. I literally had to set my feet down and hold the thing from falling flat. It had leaned over, ready to hit the ground, and I had to wrestle it back up. Both of my real wrecks, though, have been on asphalt.

There are sometimes I literally have to peel the clods of mud off the cylinder fins. Good for keeping the engine warm on cold days. :D ... Uh... maybe... ::)

Tonight, I stayed below the speed limit in certain areas due to deer. The fellow behind me probably wished I would get out of his way ::).

There have been nights recently that I've had to stay notably below the speed limit (maybe too slow) because I didn't feel confident with the conditions.

Title: Re: DEER!!!
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/29/15 at 17:05:56

2D202D2A3D3B4F0 wrote:
"One of the biggest things is to keep riding -- never give up or let fear stop you from riding (within reason) no matter how many times you wreck. That is what takes and builds personal strength."

No matter how many times you wreck? No offense, 24, but that is spoken like a true young person with their usual attitude of immortality. To me, a bunch of wrecks means you are probably overdriving your ability. However, in general motorcyclists are like airplane pilots. The saying is there old pilots, there are bold pilots, but there are no old, bold pilots.

I ride for fun, not for on-the-edge thrills. I've been riding off and on since a teen in 1968. I'm grateful that I have only dropped a street bike twice. Once was a slow speed intersection on dark, wet, leafy streets. The other was taking the ditch when an oncoming car passed on the curve and came around the curve in my lane. Luckily, I saw him start his little maneuver while he was still on the far side of the curve.

I guess the idea is perseverance in the face of trouble. I've had my share of things I've given up on or set aside. That last wreck bothered me a little, but I haven't let it make me stop riding. I reckon there are some that have managed to never wreck, but as the old saying goes:

"There are those that have been down, and there are those who are going down."

The question is this: Are you going to let a wreck scare you out of riding? Are you going to have an injury and use a little pain as an excuse to quit on life?

Title: Re: DEER!!!
Post by Kris01 on 12/29/15 at 17:07:55

If you don't feel confident, it will show. You have now become a traffic hazard and a danger to yourself and everyone around you.

Don't worry - you're not alone!  :-[

Title: Re: DEER!!!
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/29/15 at 17:55:30

When you're on a dark, two lane, back country road with twisties, varying pavement conditions, possible dirt/gravel/debris, and deer everywhere, anything can happen. Doing the posted 55 mph in some cases, especially when it's wet and foggy, might be unwise. There have been times I wouldn't do much more than 30 or so, much less 55.

I know one place where you basically ascend/descend a fairly steep woodsy mountain with tight curves and twigs/debris everywhere. Not sure of the speed limit, but you can't go fast there.

There are places I've ridden (including the one above) that have a curve so steep that you end up basically crawling around the curve.

I know a place (a church) that, until recently, had a pile of loose gravel in the road. When you hit that stuff, you can feel the rear tire come loose :o.

I get what you're saying, though. The cagers don't think much of road conditions, as cars are more forgiving with 4 wheels, cage, and anti-lock brakes. It still affects cars, but it's not nearly as dangerous as it is to a motorcyclist. When I'm driving the Subaru, I drive a relatively normal speed regardless if it's wet or dark.

Title: Re: DEER!!!
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/29/15 at 18:12:05

Tonight, I rode in a place I'm used to, so it's not too bad, but I've had a deer jump in front of me there while driving the car.

Today was a good day to ride, and I feel like I'm starting to feel more comfortable riding again.  :)

Title: Re: DEER!!!
Post by oldNslow on 12/29/15 at 18:16:28

 The fellow behind me probably wished I would get out of his way

No shame in pulling over and letting him by. Getting rear ended 'cause you had to get on the binders to avoid a deer isn't any better than hitting the deer. I live in deer country, and if I can arrange to have a car run interference for me I do it.

Title: Re: DEER!!!
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/29/15 at 18:24:14

I thought about letting him by, but I didn't bother with the trouble of it. I didn't have a very long way to go. I didn't think about letting the car hit the deer for me :D.

With my luck, the deer will skip the car and hit me ;D, or I'll rear end the car  ;D

Title: Re: DEER!!!
Post by Kris01 on 12/29/15 at 18:54:14

734D4C40524E4F210 wrote:
I live in deer country, and if I can arrange to have a car run interference for me I do it.

Me too! I feel a little sadistic sometimes for doing it but better him than me. A cage driver is waaay more protected than I am naked and invisible on a bike.

Title: Re: DEER!!!
Post by gizzo on 12/29/15 at 19:30:55


The question is this: Are you going to let a wreck scare you out of riding? Are you going to have an injury and use a little pain as an excuse to quit on life? [/quote]

So, in your 24 years, have you ever been injured to the point you spent weeks or months in hospital, had skin grafts, bones plated and screwed or suffered the emotional setbacks a severe injury can cause?
I really hope not. Me either, just the usual bumps and bruises. I have friends who will never walk again, have lost limbs or use of them and suffered extreme emotional trauma through accidents of one kind or another. Until you walk in those shoes you really have no idea.

FWIW when I was injured after I was knocked off by a car, I didn't ride for a good long while- at least a year. No significant injuries (sprains, bruises) but affected me mentally for sure. My cousin's husband lost his leg in a moto accident a few weeks ago and believe me he's not travelling well.

Title: Re: DEER!!!
Post by Kris01 on 12/29/15 at 19:39:05

I agree with a point. Life is hard, get a helmet. If something bad happens to you doing something you love, don't let that bad occurrence prevent you from enjoying yourself after you heal....if you are physically capable. Get back on that horse and ride!

I've been lucky enough to have been in 2 motorcycle accidents in my life and walked away unharmed. They were very minor. The first (I was 6), we slid in some gravel riding 2-up with my Dad. We rode home. The next (when I was learning to ride), I turned left and totally flubbed the turn at 10 mph. I ended up dumping the bike in some soft, wet grass. The "accidents" were very minor looking back but, at the time, they were enough to stop me from riding again. I enjoy it too much. As long as I'm physically able, I'll continue to ride.

Title: Re: DEER!!!
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/29/15 at 20:04:22

5B4145474678495A5C5A414C4F4D280 wrote:

The question is this: Are you going to let a wreck scare you out of riding? Are you going to have an injury and use a little pain as an excuse to quit on life? [/quote]

So, in your 24 years, have you ever been injured to the point you spent weeks or months in hospital, had skin grafts, bones plated and screwed or suffered the emotional setbacks a severe injury can cause?
I really hope not. Me either, just the usual bumps and bruises. I have friends who will never walk again, have lost limbs or use of them and suffered extreme emotional trauma through accidents of one kind or another. Until you walk in those shoes you really have no idea.

FWIW when I was injured after I was knocked off by a car, I didn't ride for a good long while- at least a year. No significant injuries (sprains, bruises) but affected me mentally for sure. My cousin's husband lost his leg in a moto accident a few weeks ago and believe me he's not travelling well.

You're right-- I don't know. I had a wreck that irked me a little, but that was a cakewalk to what some have to deal with.

Title: Re: DEER!!!
Post by MMRanch on 12/29/15 at 20:30:53

I like that idea of getting a cage to run interference .   I do that at intersections when I'm turning left , but letting them make a freshly cleared path through the deer is a good idea.
I've seen deer legs go off like springs at the sound of a horn more than once .  Yea ,that deer in the headlights unfreezes when the horn goes off.
Mostly, I trust the Lord has chores lined up for me for a long time into the future.


Title: Re: DEER!!!
Post by Art Webb on 12/30/15 at 07:31:47

out here I share the road with gravel trucks, they make great 'interference' it's the automotive equivalent of having 'the fridge' blocking for you  ;D

Title: Re: DEER!!!
Post by KennyG on 12/30/15 at 17:43:33

I am not sure how to do this on a motorcycle, but I know from driving an automobile if you kill the head lights the instant you see a deer ahead of you it will be gone by the time you get to where you first saw him.

In Canada many cars and trucks have a little propeller that attaches to the front of the vehicle that when it spins it makes a noise that animals hear and get off the road.

Kenny G

Title: Re: DEER!!!
Post by Kris01 on 12/30/15 at 19:24:03

They also sell those little high pitch whistler thingies, but they're useless.

Title: Re: DEER!!!
Post by Serowbot on 12/30/15 at 22:20:10

I ride a lot, with a couple of buddies... and I always ride in front...

I thought I was special...  :-?    
I may be sacrificial?... :-/

I am the most experienced crasher...  ;D

My theory is,.. if you see a critter in the road,... aim for him...
It's what they are expecting... 8-)

Title: Re: DEER!!!
Post by Dave on 12/31/15 at 04:02:23

3620372A32272A31450 wrote:
My theory is,.. if you see a critter in the road,... aim for him...
It's what they are expecting... 8-)

I have heard that theory before.  If you aim for them and blow the horn you know they are going to do something and bolt in some direction - and they will not be in that spot when you get there.

So far the brakes have been able to keep me out of trouble.  I do a lot of evening riding on the local country roads,  and when darkness sets in I cut my speed significantly.

Title: Re: DEER!!!
Post by Bluewolf on 01/01/16 at 09:21:59

I had a close encounter about five years ago, with a deer.  In the afternoon, northern Florida.  I was going about 45, no hurries, no worries.  I heard a strange noise, then it was in front of me about two feet above the bike, then gone.  No amount of braking could have helped, it was gone before I had time to react.  I say if you see one just let off the gas and be ready to brake, if it gives you that much time.  Otherwise I would use the Pray method previous suggested. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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