General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Usurping the press

Message started by raydawg on 12/27/15 at 08:51:02

Title: Usurping the press
Post by raydawg on 12/27/15 at 08:51:02

After reading much on the INTERNET about how this year was one of many uncertainties realized.
How things "changed" and didn't follow the normal paths.
I have come to the conclusion it is because the press has failed to do its real job.

That would be reporting the news, not scripting and promoting an agenda or personal belief.

It has become its own force in influencing political policy without being duly elected by any democratic process.
They find a belief, then script a story to promote that belief. under the guise of giving it credibility.
They are no longer journalist, a trade invested with truth finding over personal beliefs, and reported as such, free of spin.

This explains the Trump hump, as his words are hard to spin, as he has already done the deed for them  ;D

Frankness, tho sensationalized and spoken merely for his own personal gain, has removed this "tool" the press has stealthy evoked to steer matters according to their own agenda.

For now they can just say Trump is only appealing to white angry blue collar workers, and that is a fact, as they carry the burden of a socialist agenda upon their overloaded backs.
But this class has made all their social programs possibly, and was (?) and is the pillar that holds up our system of governing.

I think its bigger than that, I think you can add in the Bradley effect if you look at how since Obama became elected, the democrats lost seats/governors. etc,  and this class of opposition to the way things have been done, for a spell now, is growing.
It is NOT an endorsement of the repubs, no. They are merely the only "other" choice.

This is a movement of rejecting the press, as it is the process, and those responsible for the mess we are in.
Its not that folk have any collective idea on how we fix it, and that is joining them at the hip, no,  its just that they see THIS ain't working no more and they are getting tired of the press, and those who benefit by this bullshiit.

And that folks is a game changer, for this anger is stealthy too, and they can't factor it, and therefor not harness it to their bidding....

About time I say  ;D  

Title: Re: Usurping the press
Post by old.indian on 12/27/15 at 09:37:09

'dawg !  :-[ Once again I have to ask, "Where have you been the last few decades that you are just now figuring this out ?"  :-?  
A#1: The media is, first and foremost, an "entertainment" business aimed at gathering the largest number of viewers allowing higher rates to be charged for commercials (profits).     Even the "news" networks need to generate profits via "viewer percentages/ numbers".                The concept of an independent "news" department ceased to exist several decades ago.  

Title: Re: Usurping the press
Post by raydawg on 12/27/15 at 10:00:44

2E2D256F282F2528202F410 wrote:
'dawg !  :-[ Once again I have to ask, "Where have you been the last few decades that you are just now figuring this out ?"  :-?  
A#1: The media is, first and foremost, an "entertainment" business aimed at gathering the largest number of viewers allowing higher rates to be charged for commercials (profits).     Even the "news" networks need to generate profits via "viewer percentages/ numbers".                The concept of an independent "news" department ceased to exist several decades ago.  

I will give you a few possibilities Chief....

I was apathetic.

I was complacent.

I wanted others to fix it.

I was clueless  ;D

But in all reality, I think I was a bad parent.
You know the kind.
I wanted to be their friend, so they would like me.
If I told them no, even if for their own good, they would reject me.

Dude, I was too unsure and insecure about myself to stand up and take RESPONSIBILITY and do the right thing, a liberal, as it allowed me to thing all things are fair.  :-[

Thank goodness I married a strong woman who did it for me  ;D

Our kids are GREAT, and to this day thank her for being that disciplinarian, that my friend is the greatest LOVE a person can give to another, for it is a lesson in sustainable living.

Did I answer you question and expect no more such question Chief?  :-*

Title: Re: Usurping the press
Post by DesertRat on 12/27/15 at 10:16:42

Is it legal to lie on the news?

The Media Can Legally Lie. In February 2003, a Florida Court of Appeals unanimously agreed with an assertion by FOX News that there is no rule against distorting or falsifying the news in the United States.

Title: Re: Usurping the press
Post by Serowbot on 12/27/15 at 11:45:39

We report, you decide...   ...whether we are lying... :-/

Title: Re: Usurping the press
Post by raydawg on 12/27/15 at 12:11:37

7563746971646972060 wrote:
We report, you decide...   ...whether we are lying... :-/

Yep.... in your face ain't it.
The others just pretend they did the vetting, deciding for you already.

Title: Re: Usurping the press
Post by pg on 12/27/15 at 15:01:41

Yes, the press manufactures consent.   :-/

Best regards,

Title: Re: Usurping the press
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/27/15 at 17:26:05

Thanks for reminding us of that travesty. Imagine Telling someone that you're out in the world, just a Diggin up facts, hunting for the Truth, WANTING to make sure You know Everything you need to know, so you can decide what to agree with or disagree with.

And how many times do you have to find out that the stuff you were Told to be concerned about were lies?

When the media pushes it, I doubt it. When the volume goes up, I become less willing to listen.

Global Warming, gonna Gitchya!

When? Been
Gonna Git Me for a long time.
Still there
Hurricanes are gonna get more per year, and bigger and meaner.
But, there's a Consensus! No. And even if there was, wouldn't mean squat. There's a Consensus on the Supreme Court, doesn't make it RIGHT.
The weather stations put in hot places, ohh, but, they adjust the data and compensate. Really? If you know how hot it Would have been, then why have a weather station?

It's a game. While you're watching the left hand,,  
And it's GONNA be a Huge screwing.
But, don't pay attention to the SOLAR activity. That stuff don't matter.
Don't let Observed Reality get in the way.
Believe what they tell you.
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