General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Gus opens the door

Message started by Gus on 12/22/15 at 17:49:20

Title: Gus opens the door
Post by Gus on 12/22/15 at 17:49:20

and puts one foot through the door. He looks up at the " tall table" and all it represents, bows his head, clamps his eyes shut and shakes his head. He picks up his head and opens one eye and steals one more look. As smoke rises from the table he takes one step back, closes the door and walks away.

Some day maybe . . . .someday; but not today . . . . :-/

Title: Re: Gus opens the door
Post by raydawg on 12/22/15 at 18:31:02

I cried BIG time when after I caught my first fish, my dad killed it and ate it.
I have since went on to catch so many fish I couldn't even begin to tell you how many.

When you come back Gus, I will tell you about women  ;D

Title: Re: Gus opens the door
Post by Serowbot on 12/22/15 at 21:19:25

Smart move, Gus... move...

Some things,... can't be unseen.... :-X

Title: Re: Gus opens the door
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/23/15 at 07:52:47

67746C71746272150 wrote:
I cried BIG time when after I caught my first fish, my dad killed it and ate it.
I have since went on to catch so many fish I couldn't even begin to tell you how many.

When you come back Gus, I will tell you about women  ;D

Good grief! Don't tell me he killed and ate the first one you caught..

Title: Re: Gus opens the door
Post by Serowbot on 12/23/15 at 08:00:24

I'm a Liberal...
I buy my fish in cans,... then release them back into the wild... :-?...

Title: Re: Gus opens the door
Post by old.indian on 12/23/15 at 08:03:28

I don't want to kill anything, so I buy all my meat and vegetables at the supermarket where they make it.........

Title: Re: Gus opens the door
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/23/15 at 08:16:49

I wish I could have taken a picture of the woman's face at the store when I explained that the different names for the steaks were because they were from different places of the cow. I don't think that she really understood that what she called steak was actually a muscle in a particular place in the cows body. Seems she walked away without buying any meat.

Title: Re: Gus opens the door
Post by Gus on 12/23/15 at 08:51:28

3D2224233E3908380830222E65570 wrote:
I wish I could have taken a picture of the woman's face at the store when I explained that the different names for the steaks were because they were from different places of the cow. I don't think that she really understood that what she called steak was actually a muscle in a particular place in the cows body. Seems she walked away without buying any meat.

Justin you didn't have to go and do that. I had no,idea. I been wondering why people been chasing and feeding the critters out here for so many years. I thought they were retirement homes for cows in the movies. I'll  never eat a burger again!

Title: Re: Gus opens the door
Post by Serowbot on 12/23/15 at 08:59:12

Burgers are okay...  
Claims of beef in those are highly dubious... ;)

Title: Re: Gus opens the door
Post by Paraquat on 12/23/15 at 09:03:38

6B747275686F5E6E5E66747833010 wrote:
[quote author=67746C71746272150 link=1450835360/0#1 date=1450837862]I cried BIG time when after I caught my first fish, my dad killed it and ate it.
I have since went on to catch so many fish I couldn't even begin to tell you how many.

When you come back Gus, I will tell you about women  ;D

Good grief! Don't tell me he killed and ate the first one you caught..

I award you 10 Tall-Table points.


Title: Re: Gus opens the door
Post by old.indian on 12/23/15 at 09:13:51

I have a friend back east that won't go into a Mexican restaurant since he was out here visiting and I showed him a miniature donkey, and told him it was a "burr-e-toe"...   

Title: Re: Gus opens the door
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/23/15 at 11:37:05

Back when grocery stores actually had butchers and bought beef hanging on hooks, rolling them off the truck, hanging on a trolley system into a cooler, bringing them out, cutting them up, packaging the various cuts and tossing the fat and scraps into a container, then dumping the contents of that container into a hopper, and grinding it into hamburger, that Might impact the hunger for a cheeseburger, but, having seen it,it didn't dampen my enthusiasm one bit.

The store manager took me into the market after closing one night and asked if I'd like for him to hang me by the belt on one of those hooks. I thought it would be a blast. He got me up there, I was tiny, he was a big dude, and he gave me a shove toward the back door, feet to the door. I absorbed it with the knees and jumped as hard as I could and went flying down the rail. It had a couple of turns in it to allow the butchers to put a side of beef where they wanted it to start the disassembly process. We did that a while, then when I jumped, he flipped a switch and opened the door to the cooler. Pretty funny,, slapping into a side of beef.

Title: Re: Gus opens the door
Post by WebsterMark on 12/23/15 at 14:43:56

I sell stuff to the food & beverage industry and one of my customers claim they are the largest beef kill plant in the US. At peak capacity, they can kill and process 11,000 head a day. It's an unbelievable sight to see behind the scenes. 3500 employees, it's like a small city.   I've seen every stage of production except the kill floor in operation.

Title: Re: Gus opens the door
Post by Gus on 12/23/15 at 14:51:25

427077666170675874677E150 wrote:
I sell stuff to the food & beverage industry and one of my customers claim they are the largest beef kill plant in the US. At peak capacity, they can kill and process 11,000 head a day. It's an unbelievable sight to see behind the scenes. 3500 employees, it's like a small city.   I've seen every stage of production except the kill floor in operation.

Where's the Beef.   [ch55357][ch56384]

Title: Re: Gus opens the door
Post by Paraquat on 12/24/15 at 06:02:15

JoG - That sounds like a happy memory from a time that will never again come to pass.

But for some reason, I can see that as a happy memory and, when put so bluntly as Mark described... it doesn't turn my stomach but "kill floor" has a certain connotation to it.


Title: Re: Gus opens the door
Post by raydawg on 12/24/15 at 07:32:25

Out here on the island they raise beef cattle, organic I think.
Some areas are still pretty rural, shared private roads going back into a few spreads/acreage.
When I first moved up here I was doing residential plumbing.
I was on one of these roads going to a house when I came around a sweeping bend, I saw a box truck with a boom coming out the back of it.
I saw guys and a bunch of cows.
I saw where they had penned up a bunch of cows.

I was wondering what in the heck was going on.....
Was it a vet thing, or????

Then I saw a guy take a stick like thing and punch a tethered cow in the head....

It dropped instantly to the ground.
I almost lost my stomach.

I then glanced at the cows penned up, they were freaking.

I drove off sick.

I guess they kill these guys in the field here, then hook them to that boom, pull into a refrigerated box truck and take them to be butchered elsewhere.  

It still gives me the creeps, but I put it under the reasoning of things I just don't have to get/understand.
I love a good steak ( I pretty much have to cook my own, like fish too, as most places don't really do it right ) and I am glad others are willing to do what it takes so I can enjoy something.

Life is really full with stuff like that, I will put it in the " It is what it is" category and go on  ;D

PS: I too remember the butcher shop JOG, it was a treat to go with my dad there. To be a butcher in those days was a good paying job. to know one in the neighborhood was always a good thing, and was a special treat to go to their bar-b-ques   ;D

Title: Re: Gus opens the door
Post by Gus on 12/24/15 at 08:16:36

It's  called field dressing. It was an annual event in the fall on the farm/ranch I grew up on. Anyone who hunts is familiar with it too.

Title: Re: Gus opens the door
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/24/15 at 13:17:23

I then glanced at the cows penned up, they were freaking.

That's bad practice. Very bad. Harvesting the animals is part of life, but when you are doing it, you're supposed to isolate them, so they don't Know. It's cruel, for one thing, and it's also having a negative impact on the meat.

All they needed to do was build a wall, outside the holding pen, put the back of the truck just at the wall, work behind the truck with the wall hiding them from the cattle in the pen.

If you raise rabbits for food, you've got to have enough sense to not go get a rabbit out of the cage and cut its throat right in front of the others, right?

Title: Re: Gus opens the door
Post by raydawg on 12/24/15 at 13:29:29

Well I don't think ISIS agrees with you  ;D

Title: Re: Gus opens the door
Post by Serowbot on 12/24/15 at 13:59:01

If they ever want to give up on their goal of global jihad,... we have careers for them here on the open range...
Shame about the pork phobia... :-/

Title: Re: Gus opens the door
Post by DesertRat on 12/24/15 at 15:15:27

46495E43484015484B4315270 wrote:
Gus opens the door and puts one foot through the door. He looks up at the " tall table" and all it represents, bows his head, clamps his eyes shut and shakes his head. He picks up his head and opens one eye and steals one more look. As smoke rises from the table he takes one step back, closes the door and walks away.

Some day maybe . . . .someday; but not today . . . .

Can you explain this Gus? I'm a short bus rider, and have difficulty reading between the lines.

Title: Re: Gus opens the door
Post by pg on 12/24/15 at 15:18:07

Can you explain this

Best regards,

Title: Re: Gus opens the door
Post by Gus on 12/24/15 at 17:08:16

123325332422043722560 wrote:
[quote author=46495E43484015484B4315270 link=1450835360/0#0 date=1450835360]Gus opens the door and puts one foot through the door. He looks up at the " tall table" and all it represents, bows his head, clamps his eyes shut and shakes his head. He picks up his head and opens one eye and steals one more look. As smoke rises from the table he takes one step back, closes the door and walks away.

Some day maybe . . . .someday; but not today . . . .

Can you explain this Gus? I'm a short bus rider, and have difficulty reading between the lines.[/quote]


If I told you THEY'D have to kill you  :'(

No really DR;
I was merely being facetious ;)

Title: Re: Gus opens the door
Post by DesertRat on 12/24/15 at 17:25:12

ah, thanks ...  :D

Title: Re: Gus opens the door
Post by Kris01 on 12/24/15 at 17:48:49

I took a tour of the John Morrell plant about 35 years ago. It's pretty disgusting seeing dead animals hanging everywhere but that didn't dissuade me from eating meat. I even got a free keychain out of the deal!  :D

Title: Re: Gus opens the door
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/24/15 at 19:09:06

OhhBoy! A keychain with a miniature side of beef! » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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