General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Its a fact........

Message started by raydawg on 12/20/15 at 12:20:16

Title: Its a fact........
Post by raydawg on 12/20/15 at 12:20:16

The DNC is/are running the democrat debates around the impoverished neighborhoods of the world, in order to recruit more radical jihadists, er,  liberals, to come and support Hillary, and all she can give you, for free.

Title: Re: Its a fact........
Post by old.indian on 12/20/15 at 12:42:45

And what have you been doing for the last few decades that this is so surprising to you ??????? :o :o

Title: Re: Its a fact........
Post by raydawg on 12/20/15 at 13:15:31

57545C1651565C515956380 wrote:
And what have you been doing for the last few decades that this is so surprising to you ??????? :o :o

Ya know Chief, I WANT to believe people really, in all honesty, care, about one another, as in my brothers keeper.
I am slowly coming to the realization it won't happen.

I believe Obama is guilty of theses same emotions too, when dealing with the ME issues.
I think he honestly thought  dialogue and appeasement would change things.
I see even if I am right, and he did want try a different approach, the results are the same, except being the battlefield is more vast, and many lives not in uniform are spilling their blood.

Odd that he doesn't use this approach in dealing with the republicans and others against his agenda, as he has no qualms about leveling accusations and blame against them, deserved or not.

I will vote for anybody but the democrat candidate, as it is slowly dawning on me they have no desire to lead and assure the very principals that has made this country what it was/is.
They have become devoid of empowering people to be self sufficient and independent, but have created a society that expects them to provide for them, which, empowers them even more.....  
A pimp and a whor-e.

Title: Re: Its a fact........
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 12/22/15 at 08:58:40

My father was a very committed Democrat from the time of FDR thru the 1950s.  However, in 1960 he switched parties.  His explanation was that the Democrats had ceased to be the party of the working man, and had become the party of the non-working man.

Title: Re: Its a fact........
Post by pg on 12/22/15 at 09:55:46

My parents were long time democrats as well and changed at some point.  Even as an uninformed youth I saw through the smoke and mirrors at a very young age.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Its a fact........
Post by Serowbot on 12/22/15 at 10:15:52

42514954514757300 wrote:
The DNC is/are running the democrat debates around the impoverished neighborhoods of the world, in order to recruit more radical jihadists, er,  liberals, to come and support Hillary, and all she can give you, for free.

You should hear yourself sometimes... ;D

Title: Re: Its a fact........
Post by raydawg on 12/22/15 at 10:45:38

6B64686269646F636473666473010 wrote:
My father was a very committed Democrat from the time of FDR thru the 1950s.  However, in 1960 he switched parties.  His explanation was that the Democrats had ceased to be the party of the working man, and had become the party of the non-working man. a boomer, this is exactly my story too.
My parents were democrats, even had some polticians in the family in Oklahoma and Orgeon.
I am not sure where they ended up, they are no longer alive.
Of the 5 kids, me the youngest, I am prolly the last one to vote for a democrat. I didn't even vote for Reagan, who left the party, or as he said, it left him too.

It will be sorta poetic justice to see Hillary succumb to the very anger they tried to use (useful fools) , via media and academia, as people are just plain fed up with the BS.

It has awoken a sleeping giant  ;D

Title: Re: Its a fact........
Post by Dane Allen on 12/22/15 at 10:57:06

It was Carter who ruined it for my close and extended family but then Reagan really made a positive impression. Obama is the answer to the question what if Carter won a second term. More failure, complete abject failure.

Fortunately, there is a new generation of born-yesterdayers who fall for the BS. Like they say, freedom is only a generation away from extinction. Just didn't expect to see it in my lifetime.  :(

Title: Re: Its a fact........
Post by old.indian on 12/22/15 at 11:23:03

The most accurate example of  an "Oxymoron" is "honest politician" No matter which political party.  :-/  In fact, both parties are controlled by professional party bosses, lobbyist and "party fund raisers/ contributors".     Please note as I keep telling you..  We have the very best government that money can buy. All three branches of it......  

Title: Re: Its a fact........
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 12/22/15 at 12:06:54

Old Indian -
Being from a political family, your comments are BS.  My daughter served a term as a city council member, and her husband, my son-in-law, is a Representative in the Ohio Legislature.  Both are honest as the day is long.
Most politicians are honest people, trying their best to serve.  You certainly don't do it for the money.
My son-in-law is a graduate of the Fisher School of Business at Ohio State University, double major in economics and finance.  My daughter has a Bachelor's degree from Ohio State, and is working on her master's in finance at Harvard.
With their credentials, they can earn triple their government salaries if money were the object.

Title: Re: Its a fact........
Post by HovisPresley on 12/22/15 at 12:27:18

"Government salaries" aren't the issue.
It's the financial 'extras' received from others, and for what purpose, is the issue.
Power and influence do strange things to the most upright of people.

Title: Re: Its a fact........
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 12/22/15 at 12:38:10

Hovis -
There are no "extras" received from others, unless you count the times that I take them to dinner.
Maybe in the U.K., but not here.  Our ethics laws are very strict, and more than one politician has been taken down for violating them.

Title: Re: Its a fact........
Post by HovisPresley on 12/22/15 at 12:48:36

I was talking about politicians in general, not your family members.

Laws can be by-passed, that's where the 'money/power/influence' comes in.

I don't see UK or USA ethics laws being much different.

Title: Re: Its a fact........
Post by LostArtist on 12/22/15 at 13:02:33

232C202A212C272B2C3B2E2C3B490 wrote:
My father was a very committed Democrat from the time of FDR thru the 1950s.  However, in 1960 he switched parties.  His explanation was that the Democrats had ceased to be the party of the working man, and had become the party of the non-working man.

that's how I feel about the current Republican party


Republicans are all about the "job creators" not the workers, and the investment class and the democrats are also all about the investment class and academics and the "welfare queens"  

Title: Re: Its a fact........
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 12/22/15 at 13:10:44

Hovis -
You talk in generalities.  Give me specific examples.  There are always a few bad apples in any barrel, but by and large, politicians are no less honest and hard working than any other occupation.  And that applies to both parties.

Title: Re: Its a fact........
Post by oldNslow on 12/22/15 at 13:13:50


Prolly 'cause there aren't enough WORKING MEN around anymore to make it worth while going after those votes. Especially in the big urban areas where the population is concentrated :(

Title: Re: Its a fact........
Post by pg on 12/22/15 at 14:47:32

7D727E747F7279757265707265170 wrote:
Most politicians are honest people, trying their best to serve.  You certainly don't do it for the money.

Ok, feel free to name some.  Perhaps it is just me; although, I can't think of to many who I feel are honorable people.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Its a fact........
Post by old.indian on 12/22/15 at 15:53:17

Jerry:  I don't know your family, hopefully they are the exception to the rule. That being said I've lived long enough and observed too much not to feel justified in my cynicism.  

Title: Re: Its a fact........
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 12/22/15 at 16:29:43

OI -
In all sincerity, I have been around politics and politicians all of my adult life, and that's been a awhile.
While some aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer, I honestly have never seen any who ever did anything unlawful nor unethical.  People love to call public servants all kinds of names, and otherwise be dubious, but seldom can anyone point with specifics to wrongful conduct.  Now as I said, there are a few, like Duke Cunningham, the California Congressman who went to jail for taking bribes, and who, sad to say, was an Ace Naval fighter pilot in Vietnam.  But the likes of him are few and far between, in or out of public office.

Title: Re: Its a fact........
Post by LostArtist on 12/22/15 at 16:58:38

102E2F23312D2C420 wrote:


Prolly 'cause there aren't enough WORKING MEN around anymore to make it worth while going after those votes. Especially in the big urban areas where the population is concentrated :(

no, there's plenty of working people, working poor, working middle class, etc...  they are sold a huge lie by the politicians and their financial backers, and they keep buying it, again and again and again regardless of how irrelevant it is to their actual lives.

Title: Re: Its a fact........
Post by raydawg on 12/22/15 at 17:00:18

I have been in Patty Murray's home, have talked to her and her husband.
It has been a few years, but what a difference the lady is in that environment, than the one I see on TV.  
In all honesty she is no different than what most of do and live.

If we step back and look for answers, lets look at how the media "interprets" what a person says by the way they present and edit it.

A 15 minute exchange can be reduced to a sound bite that was never uttered in the context they show on TV.....

Now the person who was wrongly represented, has to defend themselves, and that gives the appearance that they did say/do something wrong......

The media loves it because it keeps the $$$$$$ rolling in.  

Title: Re: Its a fact........
Post by raydawg on 12/22/15 at 17:08:55

60435F586D5E58455F582C0 wrote:
[quote author=102E2F23312D2C420 link=1450642816/15#15 date=1450818830]

Prolly 'cause there aren't enough WORKING MEN around anymore to make it worth while going after those votes. Especially in the big urban areas where the population is concentrated :(

no, there's plenty of working people, working poor, working middle class, etc...  they are sold a huge lie by the politicians and their financial backers, and they keep buying it, again and again and again regardless of how irrelevant it is to their actual lives. [/quote]

Yes.... without a middle-class, well, look at history, it does not bode well, when society crumbles.

Special interest is just that, governing to a segment of a society, instead of the whole.....
Be it wealthy, race based, gender, or whatever, it divides and fragments, weakening the whole lot.

We are only as strong, as our weakest member, that is a testament to our society.

Title: Re: Its a fact........
Post by old.indian on 12/22/15 at 20:03:10

08070B010A070C000710050710620 wrote:
OI -
In all sincerity, I have been around politics and politicians all of my adult life, and that's been a awhile.
While some aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer, I honestly have never seen any who ever did anything unlawful nor unethical.  People love to call public servants all kinds of names, and otherwise be dubious, but seldom can anyone point with specifics to wrongful conduct.  Now as I said, there are a few, like Duke Cunningham, the California Congressman who went to jail for taking bribes, and who, sad to say, was an Ace Naval fighter pilot in Vietnam.  But the likes of him are few and far between, in or out of public office.

Jerry, do the names Spiro Agnew, George Ryan, Otto Kerner or Rod Blagojevich ring any bells ??????
Spiro was Nixon's first Vice President, the other three are past governors of Illinois.      

Title: Re: Its a fact........
Post by pg on 12/22/15 at 20:32:08

Here is Ohio's:

State Representative Ron Gerberry (D) found guilty of charge of unlawful compensation of a public official. (2015)
State Representative Steve Kraus (R) convicted of a fifth-degree felony. (2015)
State Representative Peter Beck (R) convicted of perjury. (2015)
State Representative Dale Mallory (D) found guilty to a first-degree misdemeanor count of filing a false disclosure form and a fourth-degree misdemeanor charge of improper gratuities and was sentenced to a total of $600 in fines and 1 year of probation. (2014) [88]
State Representative Sandra Williams (D) convicted of filing a false report. (2014)
State Representative Clayton Luckie (D) convicted of corruption. (2013)
State Representative W. Carlton Weddington (D) was convicted on bribery charges and sentenced to three years in prison. (2012)[89]
Governor of Ohio Bob Taft (R) pleads no contest and is convicted on four misdemeanor ethics violations. He was fined $4000 and ordered to apologize to the people of Ohio. (2005)[212]
State Senator Jeff Johnson (D), was convicted of three counts of extortion in 1990.[281]

Best regards,

Title: Re: Its a fact........
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/23/15 at 08:38:59

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