General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Our future leaders

Message started by old.indian on 12/16/15 at 13:45:03

Title: Our future leaders
Post by old.indian on 12/16/15 at 13:45:03

And their parents are paying for an education ???? (They should have just left them in daycare......)  

Title: Re: Our future leaders
Post by pg on 12/16/15 at 14:17:02

This will help shed some light how we got there, I'd say we are 4 generations deep.  This is a 15 minute clip; although, if you are interested there is plenty more out there.


Best regards,

Title: Re: Our future leaders
Post by raydawg on 12/16/15 at 15:13:56

I saw this at work, it is making its rounds quickly...

You just can't make this stuff up, spooky!

edit: It also reminds me of a video I saw were they gave people a sample of a drink, then asked them their opine.
Most said positive stuff, and then the interviewer asked them if they would be surprised to learn it had no calories?

They said, yes....

It was water they were sampling  ;D

Title: Re: Our future leaders
Post by DesertRat on 12/16/15 at 19:04:16

y'all should be sitting in classes with them  :o

I cry sometimes  :'(

Title: Re: Our future leaders
Post by old.indian on 12/16/15 at 19:32:41

I could really fire up some people and point out that these dolts are poster children for planned parenthood...     :o :o Picture of group and label " See what happens when people indulge in haphazard inbreeding" :o :o

Title: Re: Our future leaders
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/16/15 at 20:33:24

More victory! Progressive mentality at work. They won't TELL us what they want. But, if THAT'S NOT a liberal, leftist piece of ideology at work, what is it?
Is THAT what a conservative or Libertarian would agree with?
Yeah, we are progressing.
About half a circle more and we hear the
Glug, as the crap goes down the chute..
I hope everyone starts thinking.

Yeah, Elect Hillary,
For Prison,

Title: Re: Our future leaders
Post by pg on 12/16/15 at 20:36:11

Progressive mentality at work.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Our future leaders
Post by DesertRat on 12/16/15 at 20:39:44

Seems legit

Title: Re: Our future leaders
Post by HovisPresley on 12/17/15 at 07:37:05

Let's see...

Free college? Yes, when I was that age it was free.

Free weed? I don't pay for mine ;)

Free sex? I don't pay for sex, unless I want to ;)  ;D

Free healthcare? Yes.

Free loans? Yep, use one credit card with an introductory offer of no interest for the first 3 months to pay off existing credit cards, and the cycle continues. Free loans, and your credit rating actually  improves....

Not sure of the hourly rate, but you can keep the kittens.....

Title: Re: Our future leaders
Post by raydawg on 12/17/15 at 08:06:56

Ain't nut'n free, someone put in the energy to produce what others take.
You bought it hook, line, and sinker. All that awaits is a desperate attempt to avoid the landing net once the boat makes the obvious, obvious.....

Title: Re: Our future leaders
Post by HovisPresley on 12/17/15 at 08:35:55

11021A07021404630 wrote:
Ain't nut'n free, someone put in the energy to produce what others take.
You bought it hook, line, and sinker. All that awaits is a desperate attempt to avoid the landing net once the boat makes the obvious, obvious.....


Bought what?

Yes, my taxes go toward healthcare, etc, but I get free healthcare in '20-odd' different countries. Sounds like a deal to me.

And there is plenty for free.... an unlimited source of energy and inspiration from that shining light above....and please don't assume I'm talking about God  ;D

Title: Re: Our future leaders
Post by raydawg on 12/17/15 at 15:23:43

Oh no, I would never assume such, I just figgered you have your head shoved so far up your aft ( remember I previously mentioned boat) that pert near every thing is shiny when it cracks open  ;)

Title: Re: Our future leaders
Post by old.indian on 12/18/15 at 18:09:42

See "Is Gollum... " post in Café forum... I'm certain that the Yale students would see NO connection to the stories.....

Title: Re: Our future leaders
Post by DesertRat on 12/18/15 at 19:49:58

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