General Category >> The Cafe >> Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10

Message started by Oldfeller on 12/13/15 at 12:12:30

Title: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/13/15 at 12:12:30

"Sorry may be the hardest word, but it seems to be tripping off Microsoft's tongue quite freely at the moment. Maybe it's the holiday season making the company look at itself, but we've had two apologies in recent days -- first, a semi-apology for stealing OneDrive storage from people, and now it's sorry about the Surface Book and Surface Pro 4.

Recognizing that many people's experiences with the latest addition to the Surface range has been "less-than-perfect", Microsoft's Josh_F has issued an apology on behalf of the company. Thanksgiving may be little more than a memory now, but Microsoft is thankful for the "open and candid feedback" (or bitching and complaining) about the latest Surface devices. With Microsoft in an apologetic mood, what else could it say sorry for?

Writing on the Microsoft Community boards, Josh_F says that more fixes are on the way to address the problems and concerns that people have had with their Surface Books and Surface Pro 4s. Cold comfort to those struggling with problems with their devices, but it's something at least.

First, a big thanks to all of our customers for your open and candid feedback on Surface Book and Surface Pro 4. For those of you who've had a less-than-perfect experience, we’re sorry for any frustration this has caused. Please know that we're reading your comments and hearing you loud and clear. Your input is incredibly valuable in helping us address your questions with timely updates and fixes. Since launch, we have aggressively pursued the most pressing feedback. We have already issued a number of updates via Windows Update and are working to issue additional updates and fixes as soon as possible to further improve the overall Surface experience.

The "too long;didn't read" version? "Sorry for shipping products we knew were rubbish, but you're just going to have to keep waiting for the problems to be fixed".

There are probably plenty of other things Microsoft might want to consider apologizing for while it's at it. How about the forced downloading of Windows 10 -- or the upgrade process that has baffled some? What about an apology for the frankly rubbish launch of Microsoft Edge which still doesn’t have extensions? How about an apology for Windows 10 in general? Someone certainly needs to offer a heartfelt apology for Windows 10 Mobile."


Hah !!!  Some of the Microsoft sub-chiefs may still be real people and they might be sorry about screwing up so badly but the Genghis Khan himself never apologizes for anything, not for real anyway.

Somehow "Sorry I cut your nose and ears off,  .... again .... "  just doesn't get it as far as sincere apology goes.

Want to make a sincere apology?   Give us a 6 month period to roll back to Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 and then spend the next six month FIXING all the garbage that is broken with Windows 10.

You want to judge how "sorry" Microsoft really is?

My gaming partition was set back to full automatic upgrade again this morning when I checked it.
  I put it back to non-automatic mode, pure manual "do not upgrade anything" mode.

3 hours later ........

The assholes at MS just reset it 2 minutes ago -- right back to full automatic.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/13/15 at 14:03:10

When I shut the gaming partition down after setting it to refuse all upgrades, MS started automatically downloading all the stuff I had just turned off again --- I hit the power switch to kill the computer and went back to Linux so I could investigate how to stop it from going forward.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by v-pilot on 12/13/15 at 15:35:38

After they let XP die during tax season I went to a Macbook air, been happy ever since

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/13/15 at 16:17:02

If everyone would ditch winders,  what a wonder it would be.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by jcstokes on 12/13/15 at 22:27:14

Fair comment JOG2, but as OF has pointed out, there are too many tech thicko's and scaredies like me around.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/14/15 at 07:39:44

FEAR of the unknown keeps you enslaved to MS --- they are counting on it, BTW.

You need to download and burn a Linux Mint DVD and get somebody to help you install it so you actually have a plan B.

Or ..... if that is too hard for your mind to get around, plan to buy a Google based laptop inside of two years for about $250 for a nice one.   Let the kids buy it for you for Christmas .....

Or plan to continue having MS bend you over the coffee table every few weeks or so ......

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Art Webb on 12/14/15 at 07:48:51

First time my PC doesn't work due to an 'upgrade' I buy an android tablet, or chromebox. problem solved, for me, as I don't really need a full PC for what I do

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by verslagen1 on 12/14/15 at 07:52:38

(Riff Raff) It's astounding
Time is fleeting
Microsoft takes it's toll...

(Magenta) Ahh...

(Riff Raff) But listen closely...

(Magenta) Not for very much longer...

(Riff Raff) I've got to keep control.
I remember doing the Upgrade.
Drinking those moments when
The blue screen would hit me.

(Riff Raff & Magenta) And the void would be calling.

(Guests) Let's do the Upgrade again.
Let's do the Upgrade again.

(Narrator) It's just a jump to the left.

(Guests) And then a step to the right.

(Narrator) With your hand on your hips.

(Guests) You bring your knees in tight.
But it's the pelvic thrust.
They really drive you insane.
Let's do the Upgrade again.
Let's do the Upgrade again.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/14/15 at 08:06:03    just click on it


Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/14/15 at 08:06:40

The Kindle works out so well.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/14/15 at 09:55:45

Walmart will sell you a Chromebook for $134 (today only).

:o    :o     :o     :o

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/14/15 at 11:28:42

The gist of this current as of 4 hours ago article is that Chromebooks are still selling well and Microsoft notebooks and laptops are running totally flat to negative as far as new sales figures go.

Windows 10 is not generating any "new unit sales excitement" whatsoever.

I used to carry ThinkPads, starting with the IBM models and then Lenovo's versions, with me everywhere. They were, and still are, great laptops. Then I started using Chromebooks. I still have a couple of ThinkPads, but they never leave my office. Why? Because a Chromebook can do anything I want, typically deliver battery life that can see me through a whole day of work at a coffee shop, and are immune to almost all of Windows' security woes. I'm not the only one who loves them.

ABI Research, a technology market research leader, has found that Chromebooks were the best-selling laptop computers in 2015. The research firm expects Chromebook will ship more than 8 million units by year's end.

In a world where PC sales continue to slump quarter after quarter, Chromebooks are one of the few bright spots. Jeff Orr, ABI Research's Research Director, said in a statement, "Industry professionals can expect the notebook PC market, including Chromebooks, laptops and ultraportable PCs, to remain roughly flat year-on-year in 2015, with flat to slightly positive growth projected through 2020,"

Orr continued, "Specifically, data suggests a 2016 sales surge in both Chromebooks and ultraportable PCs as consumers continue to adopt Chromebooks into classroom settings and 2-in-1 ultraportable PCs maintain their trend status as the future of portable computing."

Chromebooks have done especially well in schools. Futuresource Consulting claims that Chromebooks accounted for more than 50 percent of US education devices sales in the third quarter. That jump came primarily at the expense of iPads and, to a lesser degree, Windows PCs. That's up from 40 percent year-over-year, and less than one percent back in 2012. Pretty good for a kid that's just gone from kindergarten to second grade.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Kris01 on 12/14/15 at 16:31:33

I just love the title!  ;D

Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10

That's hilarious!

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by old_rider on 12/14/15 at 16:36:07

I let mint 17 take over my little laptop (full install), 3 weeks after the install.... critical error...could not and would not boot.
I could have just reinstalled it and taken 30 minutes.... but.... I couldn't run any of my online games with it, and my security camera software won't work with it either, because most of them don't support the unix/Linux format.

So I just spent 3 days installing and upgrading xp home pro edition back to normal operation last weekend.
Ain't nothing in the software business "perfect", and as I was told by the local Linux/Unix guys..... buy some books....
Start with Linux for dummies and work your way up if you really want to know how to use the "free" software.
And those "updates" everyone is trying to stop.... the more of them you stop, the more problems you will have, because the software needs to go in numerical order to load properly.
And that is why they keep "turning it back on".

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/14/15 at 18:59:58

OK, MS has hacked up their premium phone and their premium surface book -- neither works right and MS cannot fix it after multiple tries.

The Surface Pro 4 and Surface Book are among Microsoft’s top premium flagship devices. But the two hybrid tablets are facing huge backlash from customers as multiple firmware updates still haven’t fixed the slew of problems users have been experiencing since unboxing the brand new devices. Customers flooded to Microsoft forums and revealed long lists of problems with the new October released surface line. At the top of the list are the yet-to-be addressed battery drain and sleep flaws.

The Nov. 2 firmware update improved keyboard, trackpad and screen flickering glitches. On Nov. 18 Microsoft optimized touch features. The latest update Dec. 2 was a new driver which addressed certain display issues. But those software patches still haven’t helped the countless number of customers facing battery drain and sleep mode problems.

This week, Microsoft issued an apology still without a solution for the disruptive Surface Pro and Surface Book power bugs. Thanking customers for their “open and candid feedback,” Microsoft again directs users to the support page and update histories for the Surface Book and Surface Pro 4. “For those of you who've had a less-than-perfect experience, we’re sorry for any frustration this has caused.”

The Surface team’s “I’m Sorry” should be taken with a grain of salt. The Surface Book costs upwards of $2,000 and the Surface Pro 4 $1,000 minimum. Suffice to say, these hybrids are not cheap. To make matters worse, ‘Joe’ a Surface Engineering team manager said in a Dec. 3 Microsoft forum regarding the sleep problem, “We will have an update for the issue sometime soon in the new year.” He insinuated Microsoft even knew about the issue before it released the device and described the flaw as a “very hard computer science problem.”

While the Surface Pro 4 and Surface Book deserve the rave reviews for the best productivity tablets, a brief look at the Microsoft forums will send you running toward the iPad Pro or Google’s Pixel C instead."

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/15/15 at 08:39:59

What do you have to know to use a Chromebook?


Turn it on.

Use it.


What will give you trouble?   Printing, you may need a new printer (or do the net-printer set up on the one you have now).

You may have to learn a new word processor (or not if you go to MS Office On Line and do your stuff there)


What will make you love your Chromebook?

...... it isn't Windows.  

Yeah, I know that sounds snarky, but it is what you come to realize over time.  

Once you understand how much trouble Windows machines are to take care of, then you will never look back again.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/15/15 at 09:16:26

You remember Woody, the big MS lover guy who said "MS would NEVER be that stupid to go do that" ......  and then they did go do that --- and Woody immediately did a 180o flip flop into being a fair and even handed Windows basher from that point forward?

You remember Jo Ann Foley, Ms. Microsoft herself?     ;)    ..... same story.   Even handed MS basher now.

Microsoft narrows Win10 upgrade options to 'Upgrade now' or 'Upgrade tonight'

"It's hard to imagine any marketing campaign worse than Microsoft's ongoing "Get Windows 10" debacle. Microsoft is pushing hard for Windows 7 and 8.1 customers to upgrade to Windows 10, and the backlash from users has been vocal and very negative.

Paying Windows 7 and 8.1 customers have been subjected to:

Surreptitious installation of a potentially unwanted program, GWX, starting way back in April

Incessant nagging by a balloon notification in the system tray that "Your upgrade is ready"

Forced download of 3GB to 5GB of unwanted installation files

"Accidental" automatic launching of the upgrade program

Last week PC World's Brad Chacos detailed the evolution of the nagging GWX balloon notification into a full-fledged (and nearly full-screen) Get Windows 10 window with two options: "Upgrade now" and "Start download, upgrade later."

Per Chacos:  To be fair, you can still simply close the window using the X in the upper-right corner, and if you click through the itty-bitty inconspicuous chevron on the right-edge of the window there may be a "Nope" prompt somewhere further down the line. (I closed the prompt before exploring the auxiliary pages.)

But having the only two large, clearly actionable options on a pop-up page both lead to a Windows 10 download feels inherently icky—like Microsoft's trying to trick less-savvy computer users into downloading the operating system with tactics often used by spammers and malicious websites.

On Sunday, Microsoft's over-the-top pushiness (or is it hubris?) led the company to introduce a new Upgrade to Windows 10 dialog, shown in the screenshot. Windows 7 and 8.1 users who click on the Get Windows 10 icon in the system tray are now presented with two options: Upgrade now or Upgrade tonight. As you can see, there's no option to defer the upgrade, and no obvious way (short of the "X" in the upper-right corner) to dismiss the ad.

The fact that Microsoft introduced this "enhancement" on the weekend, shortly before the holidays, may have been a colossal mistake. Or it may have been a calculated maneuver to hit paying customers when they're least likely to have tech help at hand.

Whatever the motivation, the no-way-out offer reeks of desperation.

For those of you who take on the family go-to-geek mantle over the holidays, you're going to have your hands full. I bet you just can't wait until Microsoft makes the Windows 10 upgrade a Recommended update and ensnares everyone naïve enough to leave Windows Automatic Update turned on.

When that time comes, the owner of the Win7 or 8.1 PC will only be able to stop the Win10 upgrade by refusing to accept the EULA. Tell me how many of your family members will have the gumption – or inclination -- to do so?

Deck the halls with poison ivy."

Now I tell you this stuff is coming ---- and some of you act surprised when it arrives on schedule.

What I fought through this past weekend was widespread and GENERAL, and MS is now crowing that their Win 10 uptake number rose to 148 Million just recently.  

But it wasn't willing people --- it was tricked, manipulated and UNWILLING people that made up the swell in numbers.

They are BOASTING about lying to people and tricking them.

These same folks are going to choke on the Win 10 brokenness going forward and be eager to join another camp as soon as possible.

"Trust us", said flippy hair boy.

and the forced MS users respond en masse     ....... Fuggetaboutit,  just circle the toilet bowl twice on your way out of my life forever, MS.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by verslagen1 on 12/15/15 at 09:47:13


Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/16/15 at 08:33:59

Google’s self-driving cars to spin off as a new company

"According to a report from Bloomberg, one day you might be able to call a self-driving car much the way you would hail a cab or call an Uber. But it won’t necessarily be sent to your location by Google: the company is reportedly planning to spin off the self-driving car division as a separate company.

Bloomberg says rather than sell those cars to the public, it’s likely that the first commercial rollout of the technology would be through an Uber-like service that would let you call a car from your phone.

The service would initially be available in closed environments such as college campuses or military bases, where the cars wouldn’t need to travel anywhere unfamiliar, and where customers would be able to get a first taste of what it’s like to be ferried about by a car without a driver."

Beta Test time .......  in some carefully selected friendly environments with low general speed limits.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/16/15 at 09:20:09

Google in 2015 -- activity report & recap

OK, I like Google.  They don't hide what they do and if they use your info they will be clear about it and if they say they don't use your kids info (that they could get from school activity) they will even let watchdog groups in to check on that and give them coffee and donuts while they do it.

EU takes them to task for stuff, Google proves they didn't do it and then does everything the EU suggests they do to make sure they don't squelch the little European search engines.

Let's give Google some credit for what they quietly and seamlessly did in 2015, without aggravating anybody or pissing off anybody (other than their various competitors of course).

Google Fi  

My daughter and son-in-law were pilot people for this and simply say that it rolled out according to the schedule and always worked as good as Verizon ever did, and it got better each month until their service is "most excellent" everywhere in the world that they have actually gone.   And they take trips to Iceland and Mali and places like that, so if they say "everywhere they have gone" it has some meaning.  

Plus, Google just told them they could Fi their Android tablets for free, as part of their general service, and sent them the sim cards.   Since they live in a Google wired town, Google wifi for them is free and Google cable is along every street and them Google cable nodes are in every store they visit now in town so their tablets can get a wifi signal just like their phones do.

Project Loon

Red indicates Loon populated wind currents

So, reading the two reports gives you the position Loon reached this year, which is POST Beta testing, ready to distribute fully.   Google always wanted their own backbone, one not monitored by the NSA, and it looks as if they might actually be building it.   Google GIGABYTE ground fiber system and the Loon system are actually the same system, and it is actually profitable even now as they roll it out.

Self-Driving Cars

Technology is complete and dozens of Beta units lined up for deployment to nearby college campuses.    Not much fuss about it, just motion going forward.   If it is cheap enough, kids on large campuses will be excellent customers as it beats walking long distances with a heavy back pack.

Android and ChromeOS

Both got rolled forward by several major revisions and nobody got dumped on or messed up or pissed off.   Android COMPLETED the 64 bit changeover (congrats to ARM/Google/LENARO) with no noticeable evil laying about anywhere during the entire process.

And let's put MS and Android into perspective, volume-wise.   Android activates 1.5 million phones a day and is still growing organically.  That means it will take Android only 100 days to INCREASE its size to GROW PAST the total number that MS has struggled for a year to even get to.   Toss in the 30,000 Chromebook activations per day on top of that for a sprinkle of seasoning, and you get a overwhelming problem for MS for next year.  

Google will outgrow past MS repeatedly from the very get go.

Android has always activated more brand new items in any given month than free Win 10 has managed to move itself over into by hook or crook (or even by lying and coercion).    

Android has 10 billion installed devices / 148 million = 67.56 times more Android than Win 10 devices, and that ratio is INCREASING no matter what MS does, with Android relapping MS again every 100 days by simple organic growth.

And next year, Android will become a full desktop operating system and actually begin to compete head to head in MS's home turf, something they assiduously avoided doing up until this point in time.   Go Google, go !!!

;)      ..... let the feature wars begin !!!!!

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/16/15 at 14:42:25


If there is one thing Insiders love, it’s new builds of Windows 10. So, when the company announces that they are going to be releasing builds as a faster pace, it should be a time of excitement but also cautionary celebration.

To reach the faster release cycle, the company is going to lower the threshold of what qualifies a build for release to the fast ring. The company says the standards used for release will be much closer to that of their internal rings for those who are in the Fast ring.

Seeing as they are lowering their standards for what can enter the Fast ring, the trade-off is that there could be much larger bugs that are harder to deal with on a daily basis. It’s the risk and reward scenario of giving out more builds but at the same time, the telemetry received by the team will also help to stabilize the builds too.

Of course, it should be noted that the company did say previously that they would speed-up the release cadence for Insiders. That promise did not materialize in the way that many had hoped but it does seem that they are much more sincere this time around.

The faster build release cycle is expected to start in January which means that if you do not want to live on dangerous side, or you need your machine always performing at its best, you should switch to the Slow ring now to avoid any show-stopping issues. Otherwise, hold on tight, as the builds will be coming faster which should make for a wild ride.

However, pundits do note that MS screws up more and communicates less internally the quicker it goes, so is this speed up a good thing?



Run the slider over and look ...... it's floppy hair boy up on (behind) Satya,  riding him hard and leaving finger nail claw marks

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/16/15 at 16:46:58

Microsoft takes the gloves off       check the dog out, now even he's ashamed of them

Microsoft and Windows 10

What’s become increasingly obvious over the past six months is that Microsoft is hell-bent on converting everyone to Windows 10, no matter what.

The company hasn’t just increased the volume of its recommendation, but the ways in which it attempts to enforce that recommendation as law.

From stealth downloads to deceptive presentation, the entire point of the Windows 10 GWX application is to leave users thinking they must upgrade.

Given that Microsoft has pledged to support Windows 7 with security updates through 2020, there’s no current reason to update to Windows 10 if you don’t already feel like doing so, and plenty of reason to avoid it if you want to send MS a message that these increasingly pushy tactics are unacceptable.

If you want to make certain MS can’t sneak the Windows 10 install files on to your system behind your back, we recommend using the GWX Control Panel. This simple widget will block GWX from running, monitor Windows Update to ensure the OS isn’t installed behind your back, and will notify you of any changes to your existing Windows Update configuration

Sad part is that GWX Control Panel is just BARELY able to keep you ahead of MS's level of chicanery right now --- next year when MS's lying boys amp it up yet again this time claiming "security issues" --- then you will become dead meat.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by old_rider on 12/16/15 at 17:59:21

The wife is getting that screen....


Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/16/15 at 20:03:08

Possible last second reprieve

If you didn't click on anything a while back to start the wrecking ball rolling at you, then you may have a one last chance when the EULA page pops up after the software starts to install itself .....

Refuse the EULA and see what happens ......

My bet is that MS treats it just like a YES and the Win 10 wrecking ball still rolls on right over the top of you .......  except your installed copy will be illegal and they will want $110 from you later on to get it "authorized".


Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/17/15 at 00:27:37


...... Not in the balls, kid, never hit a guy in the balls when he can't hit you back 'cause you are just a kid.      Oh, they are upgrades, oh that makes it OK.  
A new set of upgrades shows up every night ????   Ouch.   And I've got how many sets awaiting for me to reboot?   138 !!!!


This is Microsoft. Punching itself in the balls. Again. And again. And again.

Surface Book reliability issues

"Sorry, but Microsoft really blew the Surface Book launch, turning me from a wide-eyed-believer into a frightened little animal that jumps behind a tree at any little reliability issue. You cannot charge premium prices for a luxury product, completely screw it up with display and power management issues, and then announce you’re not fixing anything until after the holidays (typical) because it’s a “very hard computer science problem.” This is unacceptable and it would be laughable if it weren’t so serious.

HoloLens is a lie

All year long, Microsoft has been lying to you about HoloLens. And all year long, I’ve been telling you the truth. Which is this: Despite all the incredible on-stage demos you’ve seen, the field of vision is far too small. That is, as you look forward out through the HoloLens headset, you can of course see peripherally, but the area in which you can see holograms is a small rectangle in the middle of your vision. It’s like looking through a small portal, or a submarine periscope. You can’t see anything that is not right in the middle of your field of vision. It’s … constraining. It’s also disappointing, given how Microsoft advertises this product. Which will not be made available to consumers anytime soon, another lie.

Candy Crush in Windows 10

Microsoft has a history of over-compensating for its mistakes, and the app bundling in Windows 10 is a typical example. Why Windows 10 ships with apps like 3D Builder (what the f that is) we’ll never know. Why Windows 10 doesn’t let you uninstall built-in apps like Groove, OneNote, and Mail is likewise a mystery for the ages. But why Microsoft choose to bundle Candy Crush Saga—a three-year-old mobile game—with Windows 10 just highlights how out of touch this company is. At least you can uninstall it.

Low-end Lumia Windows phones

I won’t belabor the point because Microsoft appears to have belatedly received the message: There were far too many nearly-identical but painfully different low-end Lumias released in early 2015. And by continuing the broken strategy for over a year, Microsoft may have stuck the final dagger in Windows phone’s back. Congratulations.

OneDrive reliability

Microsoft dropped support for placeholders in Windows 10, a decision I did not agree with. But the reasoning behind this was sound, and the promise was a more reliable service. Which did not pan out at all in 2015. In fact, OneDrive was so unreliable this year that I switched to the far more expensive—but far more reliable—Dropbox for my most important work. Way to win over your fans, guys.

OneDrive unlimited storage

In what is now apparently an annual tradition, the OneDrive team dropped a bomb on its best customers in November and revealed that it would not provided unlimited storage to Office 365 customers and was killing off most of its free and promotion storage options. The firm (much) later apologized for the ham-handed way in which it handled this communication, but only took minor steps to address the concerns. Sorry, guys. You can’t win back trust that way.

Project Astoria

Imagine that Microsoft invents a technology that lets users of Windows 10 Mobile (which no one uses) run Android apps (the most popular mobile platform on earth). Now imagine that this technology worked so good that it scared the living beejezus out of MS management, so they decided to limit it to developers so that they could port their Android apps to Windows. Now imagine that even that worked too well for comfort, and that they canceled that too. Yeah. That happened in 2015. And in fumbling around for the year, Microsoft now enters 2016 with absolutely no strategy for dealing with the Android app explosion. Which, when you think about it, is pretty much Windows phone in a nutshell anyway. Directionless."



...... and let's not forget the poor Windows Phone Beta Testers -----

"SOON" MEANS NEVER, JUST THROW IT AWAY -- IT'S GARBAGE NOW.   WE DIDN'T BUILD IT, IT ISN'T A LUMINA.   AND WE DONE TOLD YOU REPEATEDLY (after the fact) not to flash the Beta upgrades on to any phone except these three Lumina phones (and two of the these three haven't really shipped yet).

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/17/15 at 01:20:07

Last thought of the night, before I go back to sleep.

You do realize if you go Win 10 and the company folds up in a year or so that your Win 10 NEEDS Microchoke to be active on the other end of the puppet strings for it to work, right?  

Especially if you are on a Cloudbook, as you don't even keep all of your operating system on your own machine any more.   About half is up in the cloud all the time -- to save you drive space on that VERY limited hardware so you can swallow your nightly dose of "upgrades'.

Win 7 and Win 8.1 were at least free standing software.  

Win 10, not so much.   Less so as time goes on.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/17/15 at 07:31:51

Beware, latest Windows 10 Update may remove programs

"Microsoft's Windows 10 operating system may uninstall programs -- desktop programs that is -- from the computer after installation of the big Fall update that the company released earlier this month.

I noticed the issue on one PC that I upgraded to Windows 10 Version 1511 but not on other machines. The affected PC had Speccy, a hardware information program, installed and Windows 10 notified me after the upgrade that the software had been removed from the system because of incompatibilities.

There was no indication beforehand that something like this would happen, and what made this rather puzzling was the fact that a newly downloaded copy of Speccy would install and run fine on the upgraded system.

According to reports on the Internet, Speccy is not the only program affected by this. Others report that programs like CPU-Z, AMD Catalyst Control Center or CPUID were removed as well during the upgrade.

AMD's Catalyst Control Center needs to be mentioned specifically as it is a core program for Radeon users allowing them to control various video card settings directly from within the operating system. It is unclear which versions of the programs are removed by the upgrade, and if there are versions that are not removed.

All applications share that they interact with computer hardware, either by creating a list of installed hardware or controlling hardware via software.

While this could very well be a bug that slipped by Microsoft's quality control, it is a serious issue not only because of the removal itself, but also when it comes to the future of the operating system.

The removal itself is bad enough. First, Microsoft should have the decency to inform users about the issue before the software is removed. Either do a check prior to running the upgrade or afterwards.

Then, all reports indicate that the forcefully uninstalled software would install and run fine on the system without issues. This makes it more likely that a bug caused the issue and that it was not a deliberate action programmed into the update.

The outlook is even worse. Who in their right mind would install an operating system that might remove installed software -- maybe even paid for software or critical software -- without user interaction or consent, especially if it turns out later that the software works just fine on the system?

Windows 10 users give up control and since there is no way of telling if software will be removed after a Windows update, should consider backing up the system regularly before system updates so that it can be restored to an earlier stage if important software was removed by the update.

Now You: What's your take on this?"

...... and these are the user comments

alex November 24, 2015 at 7:36 pm #
It's amazing how much of a clusterfluck Windows 10 is. I have disabled updates at this point and will probably go back to Windows 7.

craig November 26, 2015 at 8:06 am #
I downloaded it in September, and had to work hard at migrating some of my software. First of all, they completely messed up the ownership and permissions on my computer. You have to work hard to screw up something as basic as this in an upgrade. For the last month, my computer has crashed every time I try to use the start menu. Now I have to think about migrating back to Windows 8 which I never liked, or hope that they can get their act together. I don"t understand why Microsoft, with all its experience, is doing a progressively worse job instead of a better one.

Corky November 26, 2015 at 12:09 pm #
The reason Microsoft are doing so bad is because they sacked almost all of their Q&A staff a while back, it's now the responsibility of the developers to test their own code, and for Microsoft insiders to report problems before they reach the general public.

Ron December 12, 2015 at 4:15 am #
I have an I7-2600k Nvidia 450 based system (not overclocked) that works perfectly on Win 10 10240. The upgrade to 1511 left it with Explorer.exe crashing about once per second, rendering the system unusable. So far no one I've asked has a clue. I like 1511, which I'd used in virtualbox ahead of time, so I'd like to go to it, but my PC had to be put back to 10240.

Anonymous November 26, 2015 at 7:17 pm #
I just want to say, Official software that has been removed on my system already had new software to replace it by said manf.

So for my gaming rig this is just fine. (using amd oh and the new drivers from amd the crimson edition.. ROCK)

Anonymous December 11, 2015 at 7:28 pm #
Ccleaner got uninstalled as well... looking through stuff now to see what else is missing. Im finding holes where programs used to be in my startmenu.

Microsoft... go stfu pls!

Aimz November 26, 2015 at 8:25 pm #
Hey, so about Nov, 18th 2015 Windows 10 did a update 1. when I came home I could not connect to internet. (after several hours finally) 2. Now for 3 weeks I have had no PC and this is a brand new all in one with a 28 inch smart touch screen and not to mention I lost my college documents was unable to do finals 4. Brand new $1500.00 so I pay $300 to fix it another update comes through and done. 5. Now that I have lost my pc all my files, microsoft sucks!!!! assholes so over 3 weeks this is 4 and still nothing black screen no sleep trying to fix this not eating I start school in 3 days!!!! it is all useless & to top it off my laptop had the same gmail so I cannot get by the login screen and then my phone will not stop going off factory reset the phone 4 times I am getting notification for nothing.... Microsoft nor Windows give a nuts...I have been in college for almost 3 years not missed one point for my psychology degree you know how embarrassing it is when your school calls or anyone somehow there are call restrictions???? WTF had to close my gmail tied to all this crap and lost my college one as they are being transferred somewhere in the EFFEN system.... I need reliable help if anyone could help would be so much appreciated!!!! ~Amy

Jim Dove December 12, 2015 at 11:28 pm #
I've had 10 installed on all but one of my systems (total of 4 with it) and all have worked OK until now. Sigh, guess I should have known it was too good to last. To go back, means losing a couple of new installs, that may not reload due to install counts.

I WILL NOT be installing the update on the remaining machines!

Please note, these are users who have been on Win 10 for a while and now suddenly their stuff quits working because MS canned some of their needed softwares without asking or acknowledging or saying "boo" ahead of time.

The percentage of users responding that they have had zero issues is dropping like a rock in recent polls.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/20/15 at 06:18:31

ED BOTT begins his new career as a Microsoft Basher

Oh, how the worm has turned .... Ed Bott has joined all the rest of the journalists in becoming a "cut off from MS secret knowledge" normal old reporter.   And he has his billy club out now, swackin' MS's noggin just like all the rest of them.


"Another week, another round of apologies from Redmond, along with more back-pedaling on that "unlimited storage" promise. Also, a new build of Windows 10 arrives for Insiders, and my favorite media software, Plex, now works with Xbox.

Pew pew pew! Here's a recap of this week's news that wasn't related to The Force, Chewbacca, or BB-8. Spoiler alert: Most of it is about OneDrive.

Last month, Microsoft's road map for Office 365 included a promise of unlimited OneDrive for Business storage for every subscriber. Here's what it looked like in November:

Apparently there was an invisible asterisk on that page. This week Microsoft tried to do its own Jedi mind trick with a blog post that changed the definition of "all Office 365 customers" to subscribers in "premium" Office 365 plans in organizations of more than five people. Here's what the road map now says:

In an accompanying blog post, OneDrive Corporate Vice-President Jeff Teper admitted, "[W]e are disappointing customers who expected unlimited storage across every Office 365 plan, and I want to apologize for not meeting your expectations."

Oh well, they did ship the long-awaited unified OneDrive sync client this week, with selective synchronization for OneDrive for Business accounts. And a terabyte is still one helluva lot of storage.

And some good news: Microsoft is still working on restoring support for placeholders in OneDrive. (They've said that all along, of course, but they could have changed their mind. It happens.)


Microsoft's hardware division continued the parade of apologies with a mea culpa for Surface Pro 4 and Surface Book users who had a "less-than-perfect experience."

This is from the official post, "A Note to Our Customers from The Microsoft Surface Team":

For those of you who've had a less-than-perfect experience, we're sorry for any frustration this has caused. Please know that we're reading your comments and hearing you loud and clear. Your input is incredibly valuable in helping us address your questions with timely updates and fixes. Since launch, we have aggressively pursued the most pressing feedback. We have already issued a number of updates via Windows Update and are working to issue additional updates and fixes as soon as possible to further improve the overall Surface experience.
I've experienced a few of these issues myself. And given that the holidays have officially begun, I wouldn't expect any fixes until well after the New Year."

So what does this all mean?   Is MS's middle-management saying they are sorry that they had to lie to us again?

Or are they simply saying MS's senior management made them change the deal after it was made, like good ol' "reneged upon contractual stuff" that would get normal companies senior management people put in jail in European or Japanese cultures?

So, who is the jail bait this time?    Can't be flippy hair boy, he is very carefully "out of the country on sabbatical" and had nothing to do with this one .....

It's this guy ......

He's just been promoted to be sacrificial goat-boy for the One Drive Disaster.

Read all about it here:

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/21/15 at 08:48:10

Toshiba to eliminate 6800 PC jobs

Toshiba plans to eliminate 6,800 jobs in the company’s consumer electronics division. While that only represents about 3.4 percent of Toshiba’s total 200,000 person workforce, it’s close to a third of the company’s “Lifestyle business segment.”  (can you say PC based segment being cut by 33%)

The move is part of a big restructuring in response to an annual loss of more than $4.5 billion.

As the BBC notes, the restructuring plan follows news of an accounting scandal: over the past six years the company’s books had shown over $1 billion in profits that the company hadn’t actually made.
(Hmmmm .... mebbe some "counter-revenue" bribe payments from Intel and MS that never actually came about, huh?)

Toshiba expects to eliminate those jobs by the end of March, 2016.

Hey MS, PC worldwide ain't growing anywhere buddy ---  where is that Win 10 miracle you promised everybody?    

At least the Japanese make the people who did the dirty deed step down ---- and what would MS look like right now if each one of the various Win 10 'gates  had cost a head dog his job?


Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/22/15 at 08:07:45

My name is Oogle, Cortana's older more mature, more experienced big sister.
You can oggle at Oogle all you want, I kinda like it.   And, being more mature and experienced, I can do a lot more for you ......

So, MS takes some big self-appointed kudos last week for putting Cortana out on Android phones the week before last, but MS sure doesn't say much when the app BREAKS after only a few days and Cortana actually stopped responding to verbal commands.

However, since MS had piggy backed on "OK Google" to get Cortana to work on Android in the first place, guess what browser system would actually respond to you when you tried to talk to it after Cortana herself up and quit  ---  well, up until MS totally yanked their wonder feature app in abject defeat, having found out their piggy back on Android trick had really totally backfired on them.


What's sad is that MS Cortana users reported it was the best "Hey Cortana" response speed and accuracy that they had ever gotten to date, ever ......

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/23/15 at 17:23:59

How to fix Microsoft's latest update blunder:  latest MS update nuked all the MS Office templates everywhere

Microsoft's endless Blunder-gate continues afresh as of yesterday early AM when Microsoft pushed out yet another problematic update, and it erased all of the secretary user's customization made to the 'normal' template in Word 2016 and all of the earlier versions as well.

This is a key feature that is used to set up every official business letterhead and official government format used across America.

"It’s bad enough that Microsoft is so pushy about getting users to upgrade their PCs to Windows 10. These software updates don’t always go as planned, and Microsoft this week released another update that’s wreaking havoc on some versions of Microsoft Word.

If you use Word 2016, the latest version of Microsoft’s word processing app, and install the company’s most recent Windows 10 patch, the update wipes out your “normal” template. That little file, named normal.dotm, is important because it contains all of your macros, autotext blocks, autocorrect entries, styles and more customization options. If that normal.dotm file gets nuked, all of your tweaks and customizations are erased, and you need to recreate them, which is a major pain for folks who use heavily customized templates. Word still works, but the software reverts to its default settings.

Microsoft offers recovery option, but no official fix
A Microsoft engineer who monitors the official Office 2016 user forum confirmed the problem and suggested a solution. The good news is you can recover your customizations. However, it’s a fairly complex process. I won’t detail the steps here, but if you hit the link above you’ll find more information on the recovery.

“This was not an intentional change and we (the Word product team) are working to understand both the cause as well as what steps customers can take to either avoid or recover from this,” the Microsoft employee wrote. As of Tuesday evening, no official fix for the update has been released.

Windows 10 often automatically updates itself when Microsoft pushes out patches. To date, the company released one very large update, and a series of smaller patches. The latest patch, called “Windows 10 Cumulative Update KB3124200,” renames the Normal.dotm template, which causes the problem when users restart Word, according to Microsoft.

I’ve seen a few reports that indicated older versions of Word are also affected by the upgrade glitch, but so far Microsoft only confirmed the problem with Word 2016.

If you use any version of Word on a Windows 10 PC, I suggest making a backup of your normal.dotm template before you install any new Windows software updates. You can find your template by navigating to Start > Run, and then pasting %appdata%\Microsoft\Templates into the entry field. Next click OK, and you’ll see the templates.

If you update Windows 10 and it renames your normal template file, replace it with the backup, and you’ll be back in business."

Now, why is this "suggested fix" complete and total BS?    First, you never know when or where the Windows 10 fruckups are going to strike.   Second, no secretary is at work right now on Christmas Eve, so even if you could magically warn them all tWindows 10 Windows 10 he update gremlin would still have wiped their machine out before they could get back to save it.

Second, who saves their Normal.dotm template routinely anyway?  

Get real, MS, you just pissed off the big boss's personal secretary and all the sub-secretaries right on down the food chain, and be sure she will share that ire with all her peers and her bosses lieutenants secretaries all down the food chain to IT's secretaries who are right now telling the IT boys to go get the backup tapes ASAP for every secretary in the company so they can their stuff back together so they can print their bosses stuff on time.  

Or it's the IT boy's arse that will get reamed.

MICROSOFT,  YOUR WIN 10 SOFTWARE UPDATE SYSTEM IS COMPLETELY UNRELIABLE AND IS CREATING TOTALLY BUGGY BULLSHITE DISASTERS and believe me secretaries know what to do with stuff they cannot trust from one day to the next.   So do the IT boys.

Hey MS, you just put one into your own foot, you killed your own Office software.  

Or was it "an unauthorized incompatible software" that had to be deleted for security reasons?


Oh, that excuse doesn't work for Word and the rest of Office, now does it?



Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by bobert_FSO on 12/23/15 at 18:32:57

Wow.  It's hard to believe that MS can no longer put out an update that doesn't seriously mess up stuff. That Office update gaff could make half of business/corporate users really mad. If they decide to move to something else, MS is toast.

Of course, Apple with their recent IOS updates aren't doing much better.

I can't believe this stuff isn't caught before release. It reveals two things:
1) QA is severely lacking in software development.
2) Software is getting so complicated that it can't be fully tested and developers can no longer keep track of all the pieces. Feature creep can kill the best software.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/23/15 at 19:42:36

oooh... she's pretty ;D Maybe not so much when she's mad...

!!! Now what was this thread about? Oh yeah...Microslop sucks, is a modern rendition of Genghis Khan, and wants to turn us all into the Borg so everyone should switch to Linux.  ;D

Yeah, I'm a stinker, ain't I?  ;D

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/23/15 at 19:45:45

:D     Yep, this is so  ---  the big boss doesn't have an ugly secretary.   Nor one with bad teeth, either.
And she's got some teeths on her too (really really great teeths).     ::)

And what's really bad is I can make a right decent ongoing case for all of it about MS, too.

When I said Borg activity, they looked -- and what did they find?     (a hidden Borg partition on their Win7 machine with over 5 gig of Borg in it)

So far everything I predicted has happened.


What do you think will happen next?

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by bobert_FSO on 12/23/15 at 20:02:17

I just found an article states that the template bug is an Office update, not Windows 10. It accuses Infoworld of not verifying user group reports before blasting MS about it.

However, the underlying issue is still-- How can MS release updates with these kind of bugs in them. If I was an Office customer, especially for business, I would still be burning mad.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/23/15 at 20:11:48

Ed Bot got an emergency phone call from his masters .... "Defend us, oh Bottish One !!! 
It wasn't a Win 10 upgrade, it was ...... something else !!!"

Let's see what the rest of the reports have to say .....

I am curious as to the Official Story and how they spin this ugly fruckup into something semi-benign and "almost understandable".

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/23/15 at 21:26:51

50737B797A73737A6D1F0 wrote:
:D     Yep, this is so  ---  the big boss doesn't have an ugly secretary.   Nor one with bad teeth, either.
And she's got some teeths on her too (really really great teeths).     ::)

And what's really bad is I can make a right decent ongoing case for all of it about MS, too.

When I said Borg activity, they looked -- and what did they find?     (a hidden Borg partition on their Win7 machine with over 5 gig of Borg in it)

So far everything I predicted has happened.


What do you think will happen next?

Nibiru will swing by, and the Aliens will take us away.  ;D


Microsoft is a behemoth, and since the PC world has been dependent upon the Windows platform a bit like a child to its mother's milk.(actually, more like the connection of a baby to its mother's breast --Neh! More like an umbilical cord! ) The weaning will take a while, but it seems possible, given the increase in alternative platforms, particularly in the mobile sector.

There's still a fat chance that MS will come out on top of this. It takes alot to stop a freight train. Windows 7 is their major hold out amongst PC users. If they lose this, they'll be in trouble. Linux is still a minor competitor amongst the OS's. It always has been this way. Could it change? Possibly, but Linux has never accomplished this before in modern computing, at least with PC's, anyway.

So, the question is this? How long could the Microsoft empire really last?

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/23/15 at 21:36:57

If they keep frickin' up at this horendous rate, not forever.

The frisson over MS Win 10 and MS's upcoming monitization of the same will create armed camps of journalists throwing mud at each other .....  

Microsoft could defuse this by not writing any more headlines for themselves --- i.e. tell their troops "NO MORE Screw-ups or it is your ARSE out the door."

Next time MS has to apologize over some stupid thing they did a programming manager's arse should get its head chopped off.

Since the programming managers are now totally responsible for QC on their on area's work, this seems appropriate to me.

MS HAS no overall QA function any more, they let them all go a year ago with this cost and time saving procedural change-up.


In that same time frame Ford can tell you who writes good reliable software and who they fired for fricking up repeatedly.

And MS just announced they are going to increase the rate of release at the cost of more and bigger bugs getting out to the public.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/23/15 at 21:54:22

By the way, Oldfeller, was your former occupation in any way related to computer science? Just curious ;) Seems like you talk about it a lot.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/23/15 at 22:00:52

Microsoft is a behemoth,

Ok, you got me curious.

Other more current sources say MS's current number just dipped below 100,000 "equivalent employees" as they have just cut loose a bunch of contract programmers just recently and are reassigning the permanent employees to take over the current tasks.

Hmmmmm ..... wonder how much of this "people churn" reflects in the current chaos level at MS?

One also has to note that Google does a relatively better job with nearly half the head count .....

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/23/15 at 22:05:15

Well, Wikipedia shows that only 1.5% of web browsing is done by Linux, whereas Windows 7 alone takes over 49%. That must mean something.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/23/15 at 22:07:28

5271797B787171786F1D0 wrote:

Microsoft is a behemoth,

Ok, you got me curious.

Other more current sources say MS's current number just dipped below 100,000 "equivalent employees" as they have just cut loose a bunch of contract programmers just recently and are reassigning the permanent employees to take over the current tasks.

Hmmmmm ..... wonder how much of this "people churn" reflects in the current chaos level at MS?

One also has to note that Google does a relatively better job with nearly half the head count .....

Hmmm.... Interesting

Maybe MS is not doing too well as a company. However, that does not suddenly cause them to lose their death grip on the PC world. Too many people are used to using it. They don't know of much else, and their programs are made for Windows. It's too easy to stick with the same old, same old. Alot of people don't know anything about computers and don't give a rip.

On the other hand, if they keep pissing people off, they might just give a rip after all. ;)

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/23/15 at 22:11:51

575C5155445A5143560600340 wrote:
By the way, Oldfeller, was your former occupation in any way related to computer science? Just curious ;) Seems like you talk about it a lot.

In my previous life I was a Senior Quality Assurance Engineer, then a Process Improvement Engineer, then a Six Sigma Black Belt, then a Purchasing Quality Assurance Engineer and SQA Lead Auditor for ISO /TS 16949, then I became a Manufacturing Engineer at the last remaining manufacturing facility in my city.

Then I became a security guard in my old age.

I like to watch stuff change, it is a hobby I guess.

Check and see if that Linux number includes mobile devices, or has somebody simply forgot that Android is Linux.    I bet it is a "PC only" based number.

I just read more net searches come off mobile devices now than do from all PCs and laptops now-a-days.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/23/15 at 22:22:58

An engineer... makes sense. I kinda know a little of what you're talking about. I was a business major. I had to go over Six Sigma in my studies, though I don't remember much about it, apart from the possibly obvious fact that it is a quality assurance/improvement program that businesses use. The basic principles have something to do with statistics? Six different standard deviations or something? I forget.

From your titles, it sounds like you were very successful as an engineer, more or less a systems/manufacturing engineer. I've thought about becoming a mechanical engineer. From time to time, I like to consider designing engines or something. Engineering takes a huge amount of time, effort, and money, though.

Why did you drop such a big engineering career for being a security guard? Didn't want to move? Tired of the pressure?

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/23/15 at 22:26:03

The stats I mentioned were for "Desktop/Laptop", so yes, just PCs. The mobile market share is waaay different, I believe. That's where Android rules.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/24/15 at 05:46:55

Did not want to move to Renosa, nor did I want to move to Taiwan or China a few years after that.

It's sad, the ones that did take these horrible horrible moves got let go in a few years after the smart native language speakers got up to speed on their jobs.

It's funny, back in the late 80's I was there doing Southern Ports Receiving Inspection and product audits for the very first Taiwanese Black and Decker brand named rip off products coming into America.  Yep, B&D quickly learned they could buy a competent rip off of drill press or bench grinder far far cheaper than they could make one in the USA.  Really, all they needed was education in the quality levels Americans required and what UL meant.

Now China and Taiwan build EVERYTHING and have evolved into very competent industrial nations.

I guess I am an ongoing expert on change, having seen so much of it and finding it so fascinating to watch it unfold.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/24/15 at 06:13:37

You see, that thinking about PC being all that different is what is going to kill MS.  

Yes, PC is able to do any of it, but .... it is awkward and overly complicated for doing MUCH of it.

If you are doing CAD or graphics design, you need a PC.

If you are doing journalistic reporting you need a 2 in 1 tablet or a laptop and you need to carry a phone with a good camera on it.

JOG can tell you what you need to have just to post on

And reporting net searches for PC only is sorta silly, when most net searches happen off of phones now days.


Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/25/15 at 06:48:06

Fujitsu is spinning off PC and phone divisions as new companies

Earlier this month we’d heard rumors that Fujitsu, Toshiba, and VAIO were planning to combine their PC businesses to create a new company.   It’s not yet clear if today’s announcement means that’s not happening… or if it’s the first step toward the creation of that new combined company.   Toshiba has just cut 6,800 people from computing and put its computer portion in a separate movable bucket as well, so they too could be making moves to combine their ailing PC portion with Fujitsu and VAIO as per this rumor.

But what is clear is that PC in Japan is "sick to dying" and that it is pulling down the big Japanese electronics Conglomerate Corporation's bottom lines and that simply isn't acceptable in Japan.   Time to amputate .....


Consolidation and layoffs, two signs of a sick industry.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/25/15 at 07:20:54

Windows 10 update KB 3124200 and Office update 6366

Microsoft turned loose another turd patch set this past Thursday, just in time to break a lot of PCs over the Christmas holidays.   The smoke has settled a bit and folks now realize there were TWO bad patches in the patch set that was pushed out in the middle of Thursday night, Windows 10 update KB 3124200 and Office update 6366.   Each caused a different set of items to crash and die.

What's wrong with the Win 10 Update #KB 3124200

"Radu Tyrsina at Windowsreport has amassed a list of more than a dozen problems with KB 3124200, including the following:

Install failures, which have become very common with cumulative updates. Usually, but not always, frozen installations can be fixed by installing the patch manually.
File Explorer, Calculator, Store, Calendar, and/or Maps won’t work.
Outlook won’t open.
Errors 0x80242fff, 0x8007000d.
Installation failures are particularly bothersome on Windows 10 machines because Windows Update continues to slam its head against the wall, downloading and installing the impossible patch over and over again.

What's wrong with Office update 6366

"At the same time, Microsoft has released Office update 6366, which wipes out your Word customizations. Somehow the installer takes it upon itself to rename the Normal.dotm file to Normal15Pre.dotm, NormalOld.dotm, and/or Normal.dotm.old.

That may sound like a minor problem, but it effectively breaks nearly any customization you have in Word. AutoText entries, macros, default template settings such as margins and fonts, custom styles, envelope return addresses, autocorrect and autoformat settings, and much more get trashed".

Having pissed off all of American Business, MS comes out with an update to fix the mess.

Microsoft has a new article, KB 3129969, that steps you through the process of fixing the problems introduced by Office update 6366.

It is becoming clear that MS is not in control of its software update system any longer, and that MS's Blundergate has become a repeated, repeated, repeated, (wash and repeat) repeated issue now that MS has restructured itself under the new Win 10 automatic nightly update system.   MS is shredding its image nightly.

Win 10 is now being judged "not suitable for business use any longer".    Business will stick firmly with Win 7 and freeze all of MS Win 10 efforts from entering their business space.

Win 10 just failed ---- it will be a while before this is realized but nobody wants the endless Blundergate that comes with it.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Steve H on 12/27/15 at 10:15:28

I have to agree.  If it's a behemoth and still functions substantially as it should, people will use it especially if you market it like they're getting something for nothing. (free upgrade to Windows 10)

This update that broke Word probably just super-pissed-off 90% of the big corporate management in the country.  Very, very few are so isolated from the day to day that they don't have a secretary doing documents, presentations and letters for them all the time. You can believe when the secretary says it will be several hours or maybe a couple days to get a document because Microsoft's latest update just trashed all his custom letter, presentation, email, and document formats, the big guy will take notice.  You don't mess with a company's productivity and get away with it.

If Microsoft made a backup of the file and if it's relatively easy to find and restore, it might alleviate some of the pain.  But, they have just served up notice to all the BIG decision makers that we can f(*k up at any time and possibly cost you tens of thousands of man-hours to repair our damage. And, if you restore your backups to get things working again, we'll just trash it again tonight when we reapply the "patch" that broke everything since it's no longer on your systems.

You may be right.  This might be a big enough screw-up actually begin Microsoft's death throws. If a company can't count on its tools, it will get better tools. Time spent repairing/reworking unreliable tools is time lost from work, lost productivity, and directly affects the bottom line.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 12/27/15 at 14:19:02

Pundits begin talking about the need to BLOCK Windows 10 aggressively.

As the Windows 10 adoption rate is slowing down, Microsoft ramps up its efforts to make users upgrade. Come 2016, many people will wake up to a new operating system, despite never having consciously consented to the upgrade. Even those of you who have previously removed updates and installed tools to block the Get Windows 10 app (GWX) could be affected.

We show you what’s going on and how to push back and hold on to Windows 7 or 8.

What’s Happening in Windows Land?

Over the Thanksgiving weekend, users of GWX Control Panel, a tool designed to remove the Get Windows 10 app, reported that the “AllowOSUpgrade” setting was being switched on automatically. “It keeps re-setting iself at least once a day if [users] switch it back off,” developer Josh Mayfield told Computerworld.

Apparently, Microsoft has been re-issuing the update that installs GWX with different binary files, which makes it look like a new update. Moreover, Microsoft has applied changes to Windows Update in Windows 7 and 8.1.

This update enables support for additional upgrade scenarios from Windows 7 to Windows 10, and provides a smoother experience when you have to retry an operating system upgrade because of certain failure conditions. This update also improves the ability of Microsoft to monitor the quality of the upgrade experience. –Microsoft Support
Mayfield suspects that Microsoft is laying the groundwork for its next move. And all the evidence suggests he’s right. Microsoft is pushing the Windows 10 upgrade through Windows Update and it’s not being coy about it. In late October, Terry Myerson wrote:

We will soon be publishing Windows 10 as an “Optional Update” in Windows Update for all Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 customers. (…) Early next year, we expect to be re-categorizing Windows 10 as a “Recommended Update”. Depending upon your Windows Update settings, this may cause the upgrade process to automatically initiate on your device.
Such an update was erroneously published as a default update earlier this year. In September, reports surfaced that computers had been upgraded to Windows 10 over night.

Meanwhile, the Get Windows 10 notification has lost a decline option. Instead, users can choose between “Upgrade now” or “Start download, upgrade later”. Reddit user EchoRadius reports that the “upgrade later” option caused his system to upgrade quicker than expected and automatically; other users confirm similar experiences.

The trick, of course, is to simply close the app without making a choice. It’s a clever way of fooling naive users into upgrading.

Why Is Microsoft Pushing So Hard?

The Windows 10 adoption rate is slowing down, as the latest numbers from NetMarketShare demonstrate. Windows 7 (56.11%) lost around 4% of its market share since the release of Windows 10, Windows 8.1 (11.15%) dropped by 2%. From October to November, however, both Windows versions gained back market share. Meanwhile, Windows 10 (9%) is struggling to overtake Windows XP (10.59%) as the third most common Windows version. This is a disaster that Christmas sales alone are unlikely to fix.

At the current rate, Microsoft is unlikely to make its 1 Billion Windows 10 devices goal anytime soon. But that’s not its biggest problem. Windows 10 was designed to reduce costs by streamlinging updates and bring in extra money through new services. The more existing users upgrade, the more profitable Microsoft will be; it’s all about business.   If Win 10 fails to convert all of the previous users, then MS cannot make the money they need to make to stay afloat.

5 Ways to Block the Windows 10 Upgrade

We have previously shown you how to get rid of the Windows 10 upgrade notification and how to stop the automatic Windows 10 download and installation. In the meantime, additional strategies have emerged. Here we’ll briefly summarize all of them.

1. Install Third Party Software
The previously mentioned GWX Control Panel (fka GWX Stopper) can permanently remove the Get Windows 10 icon and disable the respective app. Frequent updates and a newly added “Monitor Mode” ensure that the tool will quickly catch any changes made to Windows upgrade settings and alert users. You can download GWX Control Panel here (direct download).

Likewise, I Don’t Want Windows 10 blocks GWX, however, this tool hasn’t been updated in a while to handle MS latest tricks so it is no longer recommended.

2. Take Control Over GWX Folder in System 32
This sounds more intimidating than it is. You could rename the GWX folder to remove the irritating system tray icon. At least this would prevent anyone from accidentally upgrading now or later — until an update restores the folder. Instead, change write permissions.

Briefly, open File Explorer, head to C:\Windows\System32, find the GWX folder, take ownership, delete everything in it, and Deny any users all of the security settings. Restart your computer and be done.

3. Set a Registry Key to Disable GWX
Open the registry and head to the following string:

Right-click Windows to create a new Key and call it GWX. Now right-click GWX and create a new DWORD Value called DisableGWX. Set its value to 1, close the registry editor, and reboot to activate the changes.

4. Disable Recommended Updates
Microsoft announced that Windows 10 will become a recommended update in 2016. Time to disable these updates, they are not essential anyway. Briefly, head to Windows Update, select Change Settings from the menu on the left, under Important updates, select Install updates automatically, and then remove the check mark under Recommended updates.

If you’re on a metered connection, you might want to disable automatic updates altogether. Note that this could make your system vulnerable to malware and malicious attacks.

5. Give Up and Install Linux

We don’t know how far Microsoft will go to make Windows 7 and 8.1 users adopt Windows 10 before the free upgrade offer expires. And while Windows 10 has many benefits and this writer enjoys working with it very much, the aggressiveness with which Microsoft is pushing the upgrade is disconcerting. If you can’t see yourself using Windows 10, maybe it’s time to move on.

Linux is a great alternative to Windows not only because it’s free. It also comes in many different flavors, some of which are very similar to Windows. Last but not least, it’s less of a target for hackers and malware. First time users upgrading from Windows might want to try Ubuntu Linux.

When Will You Give Into Windows 10?

Maybe, if Microsoft nags users long enough, they will eventually give in. The numbers indicate that this hasn’t worked so well, yet. What if Microsoft focused on making Windows 10 really great and let it speak for itself. A free upgrade alone isn’t enough.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Art Webb on 12/27/15 at 19:43:28

6; buy android / chrome powered devices and take the windows machine off the interweb completely
of course this won't work for power users, but I can totally see myself with just a tablet, especially now I live in this bitty trailer

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/27/15 at 22:13:11

File a class action lawsuit against them.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 01/02/16 at 03:12:54

Despite Microsoft's increasingly aggressive tactics, Windows 10's growth continues to slow

The slowing of growth for the new OS is quite clear. In September, Windows 10 grew by 1.42 percentage points, in October it grew by 1.31 and in November it increased its share by 1.06 percentage points. As we saw, in December the new OS grew by 0.96 percent. For an operating system that’s not only free but being pushed ever more forcefully onto users, that trend has to be a worry for Microsoft.

Most other versions of Windows lost share in December. Windows 8 went from 2.88 percent to 2.76 percent for a decline of 0.12 percentage points. Windows 8.1 went from 11.15 to 10.30 for a drop of 0.85. With both flavors combined, the tiled OS now stands on 13.06 percent, down 0.97 percentage points.

Windows 7 remains by far and away the most popular operating system with 55.68 percent of the market, dropping just 0.43 percentage points in the month.

GWX Control Panel is up to rev. 1.7 now with even better counter moves for MS's attempts to cram Win 10 on to the now strongly preferred (relatively stable and well behaved) Windows 7 machines.

Microsoft's underhanded coercive tactics have backfired on them
and a majority of the un-infected users are actively resisting MS's Win 10 big push now.


Venturebeat makes a point that "Windows in total" is now losing market share to both Apple and Linux.   The percentages are small and ARE within the "standard sampling error" size range, but still, folks are noticing this ongoing trend and are reporting it now.

"On the whole, Windows slipped 0.07 points to 91.32 percent in December. Those losses were, of course, direct gains for Mac OS X and Linux, which were up 0.03 points and 0.04 points to 7.02 percent and 1.66 percent, respectively."

Run your slider over and see that Linux is now bigger than Windows Vista, which was another year's end surprise.    Stat counter is only listing pure 100% Linux boxes in these numbers, as any dual boot machine gets listed as a Windows box as the primary boot partition gets used as "defining the machine".    

Also please note that Chrome OS is not being reported in these displayed numbers at all, as MS pays $$$ to have statistics vendors like StatCounter to ignore ChromeOS in their published "PC information".
   Remember, to MS ChromeOS is not a real OS, the pawnshop guys say so.

Listing Chromebooks off over there in mobile (or not at all) is just one of MS's dirty tricks intended to keep misleading the purchasing public into thinking MS is still the big industry monolith that they so drastically ARE NOT ANY MORE.  

Example:  iPhones by themselves dwarf this Windows pie volume, and what does that say about the Android phones pie volume?   A comparison to anything other than themselves is deadly to MS, so they pay out bribe money to avoid this happening.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/02/16 at 06:36:58

If you can't Give it away, maybe it sux,,

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Serowbot on 01/02/16 at 07:40:02

Big pie!....  :-?

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 01/02/16 at 10:34:02

Looks impressive, doesn't it?

Just remember that in the overall world of "all computing devices" this is one of the smaller pies -- for example the yearly Apple iOS pie for the iPhone sales is LARGER than the entire Windows PC pie (including over 10 years of PC sales).

Just three months of Android devices sales make a bigger pie than this Windows pie.   And because of the competition growing so much faster the Windows pie is actually SHRINKING 6-10% year on year on year.   This is absolute real lost units shrinkage on top of relative shrinkage, so it is bad when considered either way.

MS has spent money over the years to make this false impression -- by getting all dual boot Linux rigs to show up as MS machines and by excluding ChromeOS devices basically from all displayed pies everywhere.

Why are the pies you see so misleading?   For the last few years Chromebooks have outsold Windows laptops in about 1/3 of the months, but Chromebooks are still COMPLETELY INVISIBLE on all these charts, not listed at all simply because MS wants it that way.  

Microsoft likes to "compare PC" as them being all of PC (and only adding in Mac desktops and the "Linux only" boxes because it looks so good for them).  

A nice false MS centric world view where they (MS) are a strong winner still.

And, since MS is paying for the charts to be put together, well .......


Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 01/03/16 at 09:39:57

It is the new year.    

You were told this was coming, right?   The proper "Threat Balance" comes into play now, with MS outright lying to you and threatening you intentionally.

Microsoft Warns Windows 7 Has Serious Problems

“Speaking to Windows Weekly, Microsoft Marketing chief Chris Capossela explained that users who choose Windows 7 do so “at your own risk, at your own peril” and he revealed Microsoft has concerns about its future software and hardware compatibility, security and more.

We do worry when people are running an operating system that’s 10 years old that the next printer they buy isn’t going to work well, or they buy a new game, they buy Fallout 4, a very popular game, and it doesn’t work on a bunch of older machines,” Capossela stated. “And so, as we are pushing our ISV [Independent Software Vendor] and hardware partners to build great new stuff that takes advantage of Windows 10 that obviously makes the old stuff really bad and not to mention viruses and security problems.”

He also stressed it is “so incredibly important to try to end the fragmentation of the Windows install base” and to get users to a “safer place”.

There’s only one problem with Capossela’s statements: they are complete (BS) rubbish.

"And so, there’s no doubt with a base as big as ours, it is hard to move anyone to a new model without angering some people. We don’t want to anger anybody, but we do feel a responsibility to get people to a much better place, and Windows 10 is a much better place than Windows 7. We will always give you a way out, but we’re trying to find the right threat balance.”

This phrase – “threat balance” – is telling. Microsoft has been cranking up the pressure on Windows 7 and Windows 8 users to upgrade and, in my opinion, the ‘balance’ was replaced by ‘threat’ a long time ago due to mandatory Windows 10 downloads, automatic upgrade attempts and now Capossela’s claims which add up to nothing more than deliberate misinformation designed to unsettle users."

The fact is that Win 7 is the market leader in PC and it is the gold standard for software support and that is not going to change ANY AT ALL UNTIL YEAR 2020.

Microsoft has stalled in its grandiose plans for "1 billion PCs by 2017" and people are now actively resisting the endless blundergate of Windows 10's nightly "upgrade/update destruction".

Real people know that MS is lying to them all the time now, and that Win 7 is still the most stable and non-intrusive of any of the MS operating systems.

This is the factual actual, until MS starts REMOVING your Win 7 drivers and replacing them with Win 10 drivers, an act that will intentionally BREAK Windows 7 for you.    

And that my friends is coming soon.  Right now all my Win 7 update selections are turned off and protected/monitored by the 1.6 or better GWX Control Center with all my security, emergency, systems updates -- every last one of them is turned off -- MS does not get to touch my Win 7 installation at all unless it does something illegal to do so.


Nothing And Everything To Lose

To understand why Microsoft has embarked upon such an aggressive update strategy you need to realize the importance of Windows 10 to the company’s entire future. In short: everything depends on it.

For all intents and purposes, right now Windows 10 is Microsoft. The operating system is Microsoft’s hail Mary pass at revitalizing the struggling PC sector, its troubled mobile devices (Surface is the bright spark here) and even in gaining greater parity in the gaming sector as Windows 10 has become the heart of the Xbox One in an attempt to increase functionality and close the sales gap on the PS4.

But this is just the start because all these factors have knock-on effects. If Microsoft gets Windows 10 onto a billion PCs then it piques the interest of app developers and the operating system has ‘universal apps’ which can then be used on Windows 10 smartphones and tablets therefore increasing their appeal as well. Ditto the Xbox One. There’s potentially a whole work/play/mobile ecosystem to rival anyone – but for it to work and crucially for it to work as fast as Microsoft wants,  it has to be forcibly kickstarted."

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by old_rider on 01/04/16 at 08:06:16

Here ya go.... a link to a recent story about a new computer the author wanted to install a Linux boot partition on...
I'm sure you will like the story OF..... it is a new win10 computer.... and the author hates it! :)

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 01/05/16 at 10:19:58

Yup, sounds like this Win 10 machine is about as Linux unfriendly as possible on purpose, with EFI Secure Boot uglies out the buppie.

You do realize that MS can change your boot structure at will on any given nightly update once you go Win 10, right?  

What worked for you last night is ancient history, what is new today is what counts.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 01/06/16 at 02:46:18

Windows 10 budges a bit as masses cling to Windows 7  it's British, what can you say ....

"Microsoft's Windows 10 is free for Windows 7 and 8.1 users, but people aren't exactly rushing to upgrade.

The latest version of the Windows software, released in late July, snagged a 9.96 percent share of all Web traffic generated by desktop operating systems in December, tracking company NetMarketShare said Friday. That's up from 9 percent in November, continuing a tepid pace for Windows 10 following an initial burst of energy in the first month after the software hit the market.

The British language publication also alludes to the thought that MS has started outright lying in their press releases now as part of their "calculated threat" implementation.

"The report is in sharp contrast to Microsoft's upbeat announcement Monday that Windows 10 has seen an "incredible response" with more than 200 million devices worldwide running the software. That number includes tablets and smartphones, not just desktop PCs. The company also said that Windows 10 adoption is accelerating, with more than 40 percent of new Windows 10 devices having been activated since Black Friday in late November.

"Windows 10 continues to be on the fastest growth trajectory of any version of Windows -- ever -- outpacing Windows 7 by nearly 140 percent and Windows 8 by nearly 400 percent," Yusuf Mehdi, the head of Microsoft's Windows and Devices Group."

0.96 of one percent growth last month is NOT " the fastest growth trajectory of any version of Windows -- ever -- outpacing Windows 7 by nearly 140 percent and Windows 8 by nearly 400 percent,"

This article also covers the new "calculated level of threat" that is being pushed out in addition to the BS press releases.

"The software giant has aggressively been trying to coax people to shift to Windows 10, pushing the upgrade through frequent pop-up reminders for Windows 7 and 8.1 users. The company classified Windows 10 as an "optional update" last year. Microsoft expects to change that to "recommended update" early this year.

Microsoft is so keen to shift people to Windows 10 that one executive has begun striking a note of caution about Windows 7. "Windows 10 is a much better place than Windows 7," Microsoft marketing chief Chris Capossela said last week on the Windows Weekly podcast.

We do worry when people are running an operating system that's 10 years old that the next printer they buy isn't going to work well, or they buy a new game, they buy Fallout 4, a very popular game, and it doesn't work on a bunch of older machines," Capossela said, apparently referring to Windows 7, according to a transcript of the interview from BetaNews.

The comment is odd because Windows 7 is six years old and still seems healthy. Microsoft discontinued free support for Windows 7 a year ago, but paid support will continue to 2020. Bug fixes, patches and other updates will also keep rolling out until the end of this decade, ensuring that Windows 7 will remain protected against malware and other threats."

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 01/06/16 at 03:12:25

Next, the CES show is coming up with a few newly "announced" Windows 10 phones and tablets that companies around the globe are slowly saying they are going to put forth -- as soon as Win 10 Phone settles in and becomes a bit more stable that is.

Sad to say, most of these new announced in stock right now phones were built off of old MS data sheet recommendations from early of last year, from vendors who wound up actually making up a small warehouse stock of phones which are NOT covered by the current list of approved MS Win 10 phones.  

You know, the short list of phones that MS says Win 10 Phone is currently claimed to actually work well with?

Can you say "Built to fail"?

MS is being crushed by a reality vise right now -- No PHONES -- no apps -- vendors that were bribed to put out new phone versions to old spec sheets finding that they built phones that won't work right at the moment.   This is all capped off by a "free" PC changeover plan that is "barely budging" at 0.96 of one percent growth last month.

(Christmas month for crying out loud, to make it jest a little more sharply pointed on the business end of the stick)  

Feel the knurling on them vice jaws yet, MS?

To put some stinky brown icing on this poo pie, the real world users who are currently buying up some of last year's hardware that is being sold off at sharp discounts right now are finding they CANNOT change OS systems easily as the boot loaders on the new Win 10 equipment are being restricted on purpose.  

MS will quickly see that if you can't load an alternate OS on it, nobody wants the hardware ....


When MS now has to make patently false press releases saying "Windows 10 continues to be on the fastest growth trajectory of any version of Windows -- ever -- outpacing Windows 7 by nearly 140 percent and Windows 8 by nearly 400 percent"  statements which immediately get tossed back at them by the press, well then MS is in trouble yet again.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/06/16 at 06:04:20

Are you saying it's a technological tug of war and MS is trying to shoot their competition down inside the computer laying on some desk somewhere, the owner WANTING Linux, and MS changing it overnight? And the owners of those computers can't sue MS?

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Art Webb on 01/06/16 at 07:22:13

I wonder if I've already been 'upgraded' no idea how to tell  ;D
maybe if my PC crashes, that's the clue  :-?

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 01/06/16 at 08:34:19

4E5157504D4A7B4B7B43515D16240 wrote:
Are you saying it's a technological tug of war and MS is trying to shoot their competition down inside the computer laying on some desk somewhere, the owner WANTING Linux, and MS changing it overnight? And the owners of those computers can't sue MS?

No, I am trying to say that before you buy a new Win 10 laptop or desktop stop and check to see if it CAN load an alternate OS before you buy it.    ASK "Can this device dual boot Linux?   If it can't, can I bring it back for a refund?"    If the answer is no, or "I dunno." simply don't buy the device.   Vendors will quickly learn that EFI lockouts mean units sitting in stock unsold at any price.    Manufacturers CAN reflash the device, and they WILL do this before they let the the devices shelf-rot for 2 years and become hardware obsolete.

Locking you out of loading an alternate OS takes two parties -- MS who is already there and ready and the vendor who built the machine who has to set the EFI software up to exclude loading other OS products on reboot and flash the bios that way on to the device at manufacture.    

EFI SafeBoot has to be set up at the manufacturing plant to exclude all other OS products.   Some vendors will do that, some vendors won't do that -- but a bribe built (MS financially supported) machine is always set up to EXCLUDE other OS products as part of the support deal.

Most fan clubs will figure out ways to beat the EFI lockouts on a favorite device given a year or so, but this takes a lot of time and effort on somebody's part -- it is a lot simpler and safer for you to find out before buying the hardware in question.

For Microsoft to redo an existing machine to change the EFI settings during a nightly foray would be very stupid and good ol' Woody says "MS isn't stupid enough to do that -- oh, that's right, I said that once before MS would never flip a machine over automatically AND MS WAS INDEED STUPID ENOUGH TO GO  AHEAD AND DO THAT .... (by accident, of course, according to MS after the fact)"

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/07/16 at 23:02:38

I understood some of that. Thanks

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 01/09/16 at 19:07:24      

Click on it and read it, or what follows won't make sense to you.  This rebuttal was written by an educator, using a chromebook.   Just another pissed off teacher who hates being lied to by MS (again).

This is a response to a recent MS "Cromebooks vs Laptops" comparison ad page which got so many severe slam comments in the comments section it actually started to get some early journalistic press reports for MS actively misleading and lying to people yet again.

Microsoft pulled the page and all the ads completely when the stink got to be too much.   It is gone now or else I'd post a link to it.   But since the link at the top is an item by item rebuttal, you pretty much get the sense of what MS said.

However, the actively pursued rebuttal STILL continues with people in the Education Sector taking a very strong position about MS actively lying to school children and parents.   And the educators are posting comparison pages of their own now --- built by real users.

So, MS is making friends all over the place yet again ......

Digital Trends early on caught the trick that MS was comparing $200 Chromebooks to full 4 gigs of memory and full sized hard drive equipped $600 top end MS machines --- they posted the same sorts of comparisons back to a real world same price range MS CLOUDBOOK and folks were surprised that some of the MS software suites mentioned in the original comparison wouldn't even LOAD on the limited resources available on the real same price range MS Cloudbook machines.

Go Microsoft, go .....   go stub your other big toe on a nail or something.   You need to even out your bleeding toe limp some with some blood coming from the other foot.

ASS-U-ME-ing that educators are not smart enough to understand your brown vapor BS PR stuff is really not very smart -- since these guys ADMINISTER the Chromebooks under their control (no IT department is needed for this servicing) they DO understand Chromebooks very very well.

And being educators, they can do basic math too.    And think for themselves.   And write scathing rebuttals when you lie to them too.


Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by verslagen1 on 01/09/16 at 21:08:59

Most of them have to be FN genius to be able to teach new math.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 01/09/16 at 22:00:16

The new Win 10 devices with EFI Safe Boot restrictions are pissing off the general FOSS community now, which is stupid for MS to be doing right now.

They are motivating a new organized cooperative consortium effort to blend the best features of the old Linux Ubuntu world in with the new Chrome/Android world that is shaping up as we speak.  

AMD just contributed all of Vulcan and its predecessors into an open source gaming standard initiative as well (Microsoft took a pass at buying up AMD to get hold of its gaming standards and graphics capabilities, so AMD gave it to FOSS to keep MS from getting it).

Please remember, Android and Chrome ARE open source Linux projects and Google turns all their stuff loose at the end of every year, so Linus and the kernel boys do pick up any good new tricks in a timely fashion and all the various Distro boys do pick up drivers and new methodologies as well.   And vice versa -- Google uses open source code in Android as well.

The Android world is ORGANIC and self-growing.   Expect Google 7.0 to pull a lot of source code from a lot of the FOSS guys who are churning it out now and for Google to make it an organized documented part of the Android standard and put the needed development tools right into the Android 7.0 Tool Kit.

By the time Android 8.0 rolls around MS will have a much much LARGER set of worldwide competitors to kick their sorry lying butts around the playground.


Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by old_rider on 01/09/16 at 22:03:12

Can't dual boot, so what to do? Dump win 10.... and load what you have.
But you are still buying a windows system and they get kudo's for the sale.
If you absolutely need windows on your new system... oh well, just go buy a used laptop and load up what you want on it for your secondary system.
And that's the way its going to be, because Microsoft doesn't care..... it is still making billions. :(

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 01/09/16 at 22:09:54

I think Americans like powerful hardware (we like hot rods too).

So, the new Android 7.0 - 8.0 devices will cost $250-$350 for a top of the line power unit.

Depending on how well Google organizes this Android change up, MS will have a real competitor as far as features, capabilities, etc. on a local load system that costs HUNDREDS of dollars less than a comparable MS system.

Google says they are going to keep Chromebooks going for the educators and students, so it may get aimed more and more for that market and let Android take over the phones/tablets/local loaded laptops realms.

Android just grew a simplified BIOS system, so Android software can now run against multiple types of processors/units without needing a manufacturer's customized Android for every off the wall device as was needed in years past.


Microsoft cannot win now if limited to telling the truth and competing honestly --- so they are locking folks in synthetically with Win 10 EFI Secure Boot (without telling them, btw) and pushing FUD at everything else.

Title: Re: Microsoft Apologizes for Windows 10
Post by Oldfeller on 01/09/16 at 22:33:05

4C4F47514A474651230 wrote:
Can't dual boot, so what to do? Dump win 10.... and load what you have.
But you are still buying a windows system and they get kudo's for the sale.
If you absolutely need windows on your new system... oh well, just go buy a used laptop and load up what you want on it for your secondary system.
And that's the way its going to be, because Microsoft doesn't care..... it is still making billions. :(

I think EFI Secure Boot is a Bios Level thing, not a hard drive thing.   You might re-format your hard drive and find (just like the guy in the article you posted about) that you SIMPLY CANNOT load and boot from any other operating system because the Bios Level Secure Boot prom won't let you go past the first steps in the new booting sequence.

This is why vendors who do what MS asks them to do had better be getting paid a lot of money for it because Americans in general (and Walmart and Best Buy) are going to treat this like a warranty issue and let the builder/vendor eat the returns. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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