General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Sick.......very sad.

Message started by raydawg on 12/13/15 at 08:10:24

Title: Sick.......very sad.
Post by raydawg on 12/13/15 at 08:10:24

ATLANTA –  The father of a Muslim middle school student says a teacher asked his daughter if she was carrying a bomb in her backpack.

Abdirizak Aden said the teacher at Shiloh Middle School in Gwinnett County, Georgia, stopped his 13-year-old daughter, who wears a hijab, and asked if she had a bomb.

Aden told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution ( ) that both he and his daughter were greatly upset by the comment.

Sloan Roach, a Gwinnett County Public Schools spokeswoman, said the teacher's comment was inappropriate and the school's principal has apologized to the family.

She said the comment came as the teacher was telling students to put away their backpacks and school officials don't believe it was made with ill intent.

Title: Re: Sick.......very sad.
Post by Kris01 on 12/13/15 at 08:45:38

Sounds like the teacher was making a joke, but it was in poor taste.

Title: Re: Sick.......very sad.
Post by raydawg on 12/13/15 at 08:50:47

744D564C0F0E3F0 wrote:
Sounds like the teacher was making a joke, but it was in poor taste.

Extremely poor taste, and they teach our kids and lack the capacity to understand the importance of glib or flippant humor in such matters?

Title: Re: Sick.......very sad.
Post by DesertRat on 12/13/15 at 09:34:16

I'm at college right now. After the attack in California I take situational awareness serious. A LOT a hijab wearing folks on campus. That get the stink eye. Until I hear/see them protest these types of occurrences in public or at my school, not at their mosque, they'll continue to get "special attention".

Title: Re: Sick.......very sad.
Post by Serowbot on 12/13/15 at 09:38:48

Kids hate being singled out as different.

I remember a girl in my 6th grade, here in America... her parents didn't allow her to stand at the pledge for some religious reason... Jewish/Morman????... She cried...
Anyway,... as a sign of solidarity, I decided not to stand with her...

3 swats on the a$$ with a wiffled ruler from the principal, straightened me right out.  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Sick.......very sad.
Post by DesertRat on 12/13/15 at 09:53:32

Bot, that reminds me of the comply or die rhetoric that the majority of "masters" love to spin.

Title: Re: Sick.......very sad.
Post by HovisPresley on 12/13/15 at 10:01:52

I wouldn't worry too much about the muslim school-girl..... I'd worry about the 59 shooting incidents so far this year in US schools/universities.

Title: Re: Sick.......very sad.
Post by DesertRat on 12/13/15 at 10:04:50

664158475D7E5C4B5D424B572E0 wrote:
I wouldn't worry too much about the muslim school-girl..... I'd worry about the 59 shooting incidents so far this year in US schools/universities.

The problem I have with our school rules is a full lock-down policy! It's AUTOMATIC! The doors LOCK and alarms sound.

If I'm in class, I'm screwed. Since it's a "you must die unarmed campus"!

Title: Re: Sick.......very sad.
Post by raydawg on 12/13/15 at 10:43:03

From a different post/reply (by me)  but seems to fit here as well......

Of course this is an over simplification of many existing problems, but they became bigger problems and have sprouted more problems, because we tried forcing a solution because the repair was not......

SUSTAINABLE with democracy.

Of course tyranny, and socialism, and...... changes the whole dynamics of governing. If we are willing to forfeit some of the freedoms we were granted in our early documents, then we have abrogated those rights to another.


That is the threshold this country stands upon presently.


Is what those who designed terrorist activities against the USA and its allies foresaw, and decided to push us to that brink.

Are we willing to surrender our freedom that we say we believe in, or, try and bend it into a new shape that we think will assure us protection?

Laws against second hand smoke and business, owning guns, junk food, or suspecting a person of possible devious motivation based solely on assumptions, is this what the founding fathers imagined?

You decide for yourself......

People, I pose the question, what are you willing to surrender to assure what?

Using a wearing of a hijab, or a religion, is akin to banning guns to stop the killings.
These are only tools, or vessels, that deliver the results their words can't attain. It will not stop the underlining cause of their hate.

Title: Re: Sick.......very sad.
Post by DesertRat on 12/13/15 at 10:58:18

raydawg, an issue I have with "cultural diversity" mandates, is that the hijab represent their UNWILLINGNESS to assimilate into our culture (melting pot).

We can look at historical immigrant data to see WHO actually wanted to assimilate, and that included adopting cultural norms in regards to clothing!

I have college textbooks after text on "cultural diversity" and the "compliance" I must follow or be labeled "racist". Yet, they show me absolutely no motivation to assimilate into OUR culture.

Title: Re: Sick.......very sad.
Post by raydawg on 12/13/15 at 11:29:04

Goodness, what you share concerns me. I would love to hear more on what you share and the how and why it's implemented.

Now to what I think is a bigger question re: assimilation.
I think we are a total sum of all that we are....
It sounds convoluted and it is  ;D however, what I am thinking is human RACE must trump ( gee, that might be a poor choice of word bout now ) all other races.
When we see any race, special interest group, etc, trying to promote their beliefs/rights over others, then it needs to be addressed solely on its own distinct merits, as to why?

As bot pointed out earlier, "whites only" was practiced as a means to ensure their place, in society. It was wrong, and no way do we want to endorse, or promote, such mindset, and that goes for whatever side of the coin that lands up....

Rat, if you could share the stuff you referenced, and the context, it was brought to your attention in school, I would be grateful.....

Title: Re: Sick.......very sad.
Post by DesertRat on 12/13/15 at 11:42:44

raydawg, it's written into the codes of our school, along with every single syllabus issued to date.

It starts with enrollment. Almost every single document has a "cultural diversity" clause in it.

Then the very 1st MANDATED class: Strategies for College Success

Then in subsequent courses, either thru the syllabus or as part of the professors "teaching".

Now, as I am further along into upper division course work, it is spun with "nuance", carrying the "message" of mandated compliance into my Business and Finance courses.

I am of a "one tribe" mentality most of the time, it is when you "mandate" I accept when they do not have to is when I draw the line.

Title: Re: Sick.......very sad.
Post by raydawg on 12/13/15 at 11:48:58

Ok, I am not sure I follow you here.
Is their a distinct charge against some race, religion, or?
Or is this just one of those umbrella policies that hope to make everyone feel included, as in PC will fix it?

Title: Re: Sick.......very sad.
Post by Serowbot on 12/13/15 at 11:49:05

Assimilation takes time... 2 or 3 generations...
...and that depends on how accepted people feel...

Imagine trying to assimilate to their culture... :-/

Title: Re: Sick.......very sad.
Post by DesertRat on 12/13/15 at 11:56:27

67746C71746272150 wrote:
Ok, I am not sure I follow you here.
Is their a distinct charge against some race, religion, or?
Or is this just one of those umbrella policies that hope to make everyone feel included, as in PC will fix it?

It's PC B.S. (my opinion*). They mandate tolerance, celebration, and appreciation.

*Personally, I could care less, I'm a Business major, all I care about is if you have CASH to spend on products/services at my business.  ;)

Title: Re: Sick.......very sad.
Post by DesertRat on 12/13/15 at 11:58:52

1204130E16030E15610 wrote:
Assimilation takes time... 2 or 3 generations...
...and that depends on how accepted people feel...

Imagine trying to assimilate to their culture...

I understand that, BUT forcing me to accept them while they avoid assimilation????

BTW, I'm sitting here enjoying a nice homemade bowl of Pho, that I made  ;)  how's that for diversity?

Title: Re: Sick.......very sad.
Post by oldNslow on 12/13/15 at 12:00:49

Imagine trying to assimilate to their culture...

Very few folks heading thataways. And the ones that do sure don't get any special consideration.

Title: Re: Sick.......very sad.
Post by raydawg on 12/13/15 at 12:02:25

And here the pendulum swings the other way too far....

Someone remarked, commonsense isn't that common  ;D

Title: Re: Sick.......very sad.
Post by raydawg on 12/13/15 at 12:04:39

584E59445C49445F2B0 wrote:
Assimilation takes time... 2 or 3 generations...
...and that depends on how accepted people feel...

Imagine trying to assimilate to their culture... :-/

Yeah..... just ask a Christian over there how that is working out  ;D

Title: Re: Sick.......very sad.
Post by DesertRat on 12/13/15 at 12:11:33

584B534E4B5D4D2A0 wrote:
And here the pendulum swings the other way too far....

Someone remarked, commonsense isn't that common  ;D

We have that on campus as well. Expressing MY beliefs is taboo, but wear a hijab and it's a okay. F@#$ THAT!

Title: Re: Sick.......very sad.
Post by Serowbot on 12/13/15 at 12:12:11

735244524543655643370 wrote:
BTW, I'm sitting here enjoying a nice homemade bowl of Pho, that I made  ;)  how's that for diversity?

Good Pho you...  ;D
Never heard of it,... now I want some... :P

Title: Re: Sick.......very sad.
Post by DesertRat on 12/13/15 at 12:14:27

a few weeks ago I was called out because I pointed out that another student was using reverse discrimination tactics during a debate. Im a white man, it was taboo to point out their flawed logic and irrational thought. Again, F@#$ THAT!

Title: Re: Sick.......very sad.
Post by DesertRat on 12/13/15 at 12:23:05

Bot, you gotta have some in this cold weather! YUM


Title: Re: Sick.......very sad.
Post by MnSpring on 12/13/15 at 13:49:32

567761776066407366120 wrote:
" ...  our school rules is a full lock-down policy! It's AUTOMATIC! The doors LOCK and alarms sound.   If I'm in class, I'm screwed. Since it's a "you must die unarmed campus"!

Well then,  CHANGE,  the rules !

Form a coalition that is of the same view.
BE, or get a leader, for that group.
Get MANY, members, to join your group.
 Remind the, ’school’,
“They do not pay you,
YOU, pay them”

Have a plan, ‘B’ in your pocket.
Like another school that DOES, uphold the wishes of the PAYING students.
And ‘X’ number  of people will Leave that school,
taking their MONEY with them.

Or perhaps, plan, 'C', the RACE card !

It's  not gonna happen over night.
But it WILL, happen.
After all, someone else did it,
why not you ?

If none of that works, then, YOU leave,
and find a school, where your are not a, ‘Fish in a Barrel’.
Their ARE many !

Title: Re: Sick.......very sad.
Post by DesertRat on 12/13/15 at 15:09:32

MnSpring, I have 8 classes left then I'm outta the school.

And have yet actually met with todays college youth? They're a bunch of brainwashed cell phone zombies, lacking any critical thinking skills. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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