General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Independent Trump.....

Message started by raydawg on 12/12/15 at 10:21:07

Title: Independent Trump.....
Post by raydawg on 12/12/15 at 10:21:07

Heard some chatter yesterday at the union hall/meeting.
Kind of off the radar screen for me, as I don't see it, but people were talking about voting for Trump if he breaks away from the repub party and runs as an independent.
Most of the reasoning went that they can't vote for a repub, and Hillary does not give them tingles down their legs. They believe she will sell out to big business and Wall Street, not to mention folks are really angry about having their medical plans taxed.
She said she would repeal this part, I believe, but they don't trust her.
Most the talk ran that neither party can be trusted and will only cave to the same stuff that has brought us to this point in history, and they want someone who is just willing to change the topic and speak their minds even if it seems crazy.....

Man, I don't see it, but again, there is no denying something has changed this year.....

Title: Re: Independent Trump.....
Post by Serowbot on 12/12/15 at 10:43:26

Trump can sell out to himself...
Just wait 'till you see the "no bid" contract for building the "Trump" wall...
;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: Independent Trump.....
Post by MnSpring on 12/12/15 at 11:06:21

3E283F223A2F22394D0 wrote:
" ... Just wait 'till you see the "no bid" contract for building the "Trump" wall..."

Is that a, ’Statement’, designed to enlist, ‘Fear’, of what would happen?
NOT, biased on ANY, Fact?

Is that ’statement’,
like the ’Statements’, made,
by a ‘group’ of people.
Every time a State, is discussing legislation about a, Carry Law.
Where they say:
“Mayhem in the Street” ,
"Old West Mentality”,
“Road Rage with Guns”.

Title: Re: Independent Trump.....
Post by Serowbot on 12/12/15 at 11:10:48

It's a "Statement", like a joke...
Sheeeez, Mn,.. lighten up... ::)...

He won't get elected,.. I doubt if he really wants to be,... and he couldn't build a wall if he did...
He's joke... :-?...

Title: Re: Independent Trump.....
Post by MnSpring on 12/12/15 at 11:23:35

Many people equate a, ‘wall’,
as Only,  a Physical Structure,
which can be breached, in one way or another.

Think, ‘Outside the Box’.

Think:  Andersonville - String - ’The Dead Line’.

Title: Re: Independent Trump.....
Post by raydawg on 12/12/15 at 12:01:33

It seems that way to me, but that is just my perception. I think it's fair he has exposed the joke of what we call a unbiased or independent media.
I don't get it, not him personally, but his presences has added a different landscape to the arena where the horse and buggy whip normally perform.
He has stymied a lot of conventional wisdom, that's for sure.

Title: Re: Independent Trump.....
Post by pg on 12/12/15 at 14:27:42

I read an article yesterday about the prospect of an independent ticket for Carson as well as Trump.  Pretty interesting, Carson said he was afraid the GOP was going to broker the nominee.  Pretty bad when the guy leading and the second place guy might get stepped over.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Independent Trump.....
Post by raydawg on 12/12/15 at 15:43:54

Yeah I saw that too. Kind of telling. I saw where congresswoman Sanchez is being dissed by the democrats too for her remarks. This should be a clue as to how politics play....
You goose step with them or else.

Title: Re: Independent Trump.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/12/15 at 16:20:21

23302835302636510 wrote:
Yeah I saw that too. Kind of telling. I saw where congresswoman Sanchez is being dissed by the democrats too for her remarks. This should be a clue as to how politics play....
You goose step with them or else.

Haven't heard about Sanchez. What was said?

Title: Re: Independent Trump.....
Post by raydawg on 12/12/15 at 16:50:55

405F595E43447545754D5F53182A0 wrote:
[quote author=23302835302636510 link=1449944467/0#7 date=1449963834]Yeah I saw that too. Kind of telling. I saw where congresswoman Sanchez is being dissed by the democrats too for her remarks. This should be a clue as to how politics play....
You goose step with them or else.

Haven't heard about Sanchez. What was said?

Here buddy:

Title: Re: Independent Trump.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/12/15 at 17:38:42

Well, they jerked the collar and she went to Heel right quick like.
Must be tolerant, must trust FIRST, else we be bad. I guess Europe and the rapes and murders and complete lack of respect and appreciation for them and their way of life and the cost burdens,  we aren't supposed to allow OBSERVED REALITY to use when considering an action.

Ohh, lest it be forgotten,,
Did I mention that I believe that the powers that be want a sufficiently troublesome SOCIAL problem in order to justify severe restrictions on the people, which WILL cause an economic downturn, which will give them  a scapegoat to blame the crash on? Ohh, bring them in. How many suicidal policies will it take before we learn?

But, it just FEELS like the right thing to do..

Sure, we are awash in debt and unemployment,  
Bring, not just people, but people who have been SEEN in Europe, doing damage, hating their hosts, bring bunches.
And WHO seeks asylum?
The Persecuted!
And Who is being beheaded?
The Christians.
And what percentage of the Refugees are Christian?
Go look.
What percentage women and children?

Total, about 32%,,

Well, you do the math.
But, whatever the real number is, look at the news.
Look at all the MEN..
They didn't stay to fight for their country.
And they are angry at us, for destabilizing the region, ruining their lives.

Title: Re: Independent Trump.....
Post by MnSpring on 12/23/15 at 14:55:43

Just realized today, the one thing that, Trump, had Done, to, AWAKEN, the Citizens in this Country.

Regardless if you like him or not, regardless if you think he can win or not, regardless if you will vote for him or Billery.

He has, AWAKENED, the Citizens !!!

When I stopped for some beer this afternoon. At that store, they said:  “Merry Christmas”,  NOT,  ‘happy holidays’.

Then it dawned on me, that at every place I went, (this season),  that I Bought something, I was given the exit greeting of: “Merry Christmas”,  NOT,  ‘happy holidays’.

The very least Trump had done in his Campaign is to, inform’ people, the  P.C. BS, is Just That, BS !  If someone, ‘says’ they are offended, just stand up, do NOT, give up YOUR rights, just to, ‘appease’, and play nice.  (Because ’someone says’, they are, ‘offended’).

Heck, if someone says: “Happy Hanukkah,’, or, ‘Happy Kwanzaa’,  (etc), no way, am I ‘offended’.   BUT a Full Face Covering, ‘Burka’,  GREATLY  OFFENDS  me  !!!!!!!!   After the Christmas, Time, I am thinking of mounting a campaign, to have, “Full Face Burkes”,  BANNED, in this County, Because they, ‘Offend’, Me !

SO, on the Eve of, Christmas Eve,  Happy Christmas to all !

And if you are, ‘offended’, well then, stick your head further in the sand, turn up the T.V., and order more Pizza.

Title: Re: Independent Trump.....
Post by Dane Allen on 12/23/15 at 15:03:24

23302835302636510 wrote:
"Progressives*"....You goose step with them or else.

Right on soo many levels. I have left the Republican party officially and am registered independent. Trump has my vote for many, many reasons the most of which is there is no difference between the agendas of the two major parties. Screw us, the taxpayer, that is their agenda.

*added and emphasis mine.

Title: Re: Independent Trump.....
Post by MnSpring on 12/23/15 at 15:11:50

7A6C7B667E6B667D090 wrote:
" ... He won't get elected,.."

Bot, you have said this many times, in many ways. And you have stated, who you like.

Many disagree.

For the sake of, discussion, “IF”, you were to back a  Republican, candidate. (Oh I know you, such a terrible thought),  But, “IF”,   Who and why then, (Because we all know it’s not Trump) ?

Title: Re: Independent Trump.....
Post by Serowbot on 12/23/15 at 15:12:37

51724F6C6E75727B1C0 wrote:
He has, AWAKENED, the Citizens !!!

Same one's as thought they were awake before...

The Tea Party fringe... The 1/3 of the Republican Party that think they are thinking for themselves...

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