General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> The Trump trap...

Message started by Serowbot on 12/09/15 at 09:34:21

Title: The Trump trap...
Post by Serowbot on 12/09/15 at 09:34:21

He's the straight talker from outside the mainstream...

Anything any Republican says against him,.. just reinforces how straight talking and outside the mainstream he is...
Anything said that agrees with him,... just shows how right he is...
He can't be agreed with, or disagreed with... without adding to his credibility...

At this point,... ...he can say anything...

It's lose with Trump,... or just lose... :-X...

Title: Re: The Trump trap...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/09/15 at 09:49:57

I've asked you to describe the society you want. You won't.
What will Hillary DO that you want?
What would be wrong about Trump?
He admits BUYING influence.
If that's how it works, that's screwed up.
He Supported Hillary. I'm still not sure he isn't setting her up to sweep in.

Title: Re: The Trump trap...
Post by LostArtist on 12/09/15 at 13:50:03

726D6B6C71764777477F6D612A180 wrote:
I've asked you to describe the society you want. You won't.
What will Hillary DO that you want?
What would be wrong about Trump?
He admits BUYING influence.
If that's how it works, that's screwed up.
He Supported Hillary. I'm still not sure he isn't setting her up to sweep in.

Trump is a fascist, he will become one if he becomes president, He has very little understanding of and respect for the Constitution.

He's verbally trampling on the 1st and 4th, and given time he'll get around to the rest o the amendments, maybe even the 2nd if his power becomes threatened.

I'd put up with 4 years of Hillary rather than risk it on Trump. Bernie Sanders is actually a much, much  lesser threat to the American way of life than Trump is.

I'd rather see Kasick or maybe Rubio or maybe at this point Jeb, Hell I almost voted for Romney last time, I would have but I voted for the libertarian candidate instead cause I'm in Texas and Romney was going to win Texas hands down anyway. I know that none of those will make huge changes in the way our politics work which I think we desparately need, but Trump is way too risky, especially with this much mainstream republican support.

check this out: Who said it, Trump or Hitler:

Title: Re: The Trump trap...
Post by MnSpring on 12/09/15 at 17:07:25

Interesting the words: “He’s verbally trampling on the 1st and 4th,” and “ I’d put up with 4 years of Hillary “.

I Don’t see how, Trump is, “trampling on the 1st and 4th,”.   In Fact, I believe he is Using the 1st, in a way, the,  (PC Correct people),  do Not like.

And, what was that said,  by a,  'wannabe King, appointee' ?
about YOU  Can  NOT  Say  Anything  BAD, about a  Certain, people, or their beliefs,
or she, will,  'Come After You'  ????
( NO   PROBLEM their, usurping the 1st Amendment)
After all, the,  'wannabe, KING' said OK !

 And I do Not see any, 'eve dance’, of any , “trampling”, on the 4th.

Oh by the way,  the Media is all up in arms about the recent statement by Trump.
Just guessing they have not learned/read/understood, USA History,
when that WAS,  DONE, to the Chinese?
And then, lifted, when they were a, Ally, in WWII. ?

Oh, and how about the pesky little thing, in the Immigration LAW, which says if you do NOT believe in the Constitution of the USA, you can NOT immigrate?   (Which has been  TOTALLY,  ignored in the last 7 years)

Now this: “I’d put up with 4 years of Hillary “.
Let’s see, 8 years of a, “Wanna Be  King”.
And you, WANT,  4  MORE years, of a, ‘Wannabe Queen” ?
You want to pay,  MORE, for your Heath Care?
You want, MORE,  “Gun Free Zones”,
(so the Citizens of this Country become a, REALLY, Soft Target)?
You want to pay, MORE, in Taxes, for the, ‘Vacations’, of the People, YOU PAY?
You want to, give up, the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, Amendments, (just for a Start),
because you think, you will be ’safer’?

Tell you what.    All the people that have
'A EVIL  thing called a,  GUN',
Just PM ME,  I will send you the address of a Local Gun Shop,
You can then pack up all your guns, and send them their.
(Totally Absolutely,  Legal, from ALL 50 States)
AND,  I will PAY YOU, a little  EXTRA  Money, for your  Pizza.
(Better that GIVING them, to,  Queen Hillary, for Nothing!)

Title: Re: The Trump trap...
Post by Serowbot on 12/09/15 at 17:30:15

The more you defend him,.. the stronger he gets... and the closer he comes to losing you the election...
The deeper you have fallen into the "Trump Trap"...
Keep up the good work... 8-)...

Title: Re: The Trump trap...
Post by MnSpring on 12/09/15 at 17:42:55

Well Bot,
it is well known, the difference you and I have of the ‘candidates’.
And you and I are in  the 10-20%,
(One way and the Other)

I am not going to change the way you vote, nor are you I.
It’s just a given.

That is called,   FREEDOM.

But perhaps,  just Perhaps, someone will look at the Facts,  History, possible outcomes,
and come to a  Conclusion.

Title: Re: The Trump trap...
Post by Serowbot on 12/09/15 at 17:59:43

Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".

Does this apply to all Americans, or only some?...

Title: Re: The Trump trap...
Post by LostArtist on 12/09/15 at 18:28:13

0B281536342F2821460 wrote:
Interesting the words: “He’s verbally trampling on the 1st and 4th,” and “ I’d put up with 4 years of Hillary “.

I Don’t see how, Trump is, “trampling on the 1st and 4th,”.   In Fact, I believe he is Using the 1st, in a way, the,  (PC Correct people),  do Not like.

So BANNING people based on their religion isn't trampling on the 1st Amendment? Putting people in a DATABASE to track them and advocating for warrantless search and seizure of because of their religion isn't against the 4th and 1st amendments?  

And, what was that said,  by a,  'wannabe King, appointee' ?
about YOU  Can  NOT  Say  Anything  BAD, about a  Certain, people, or their beliefs,
or she, will,  'Come After You'  ????
( NO   PROBLEM their, usurping the 1st Amendment)
After all, the,  'wannabe, KING' said OK !

 And I do Not see any, 'eve dance’, of any , “trampling”, on the 4th.

Oh by the way,  the Media is all up in arms about the recent statement by Trump.
Just guessing they have not learned/read/understood, USA History,
when that WAS,  DONE, to the Chinese?
And then, lifted, when they were a, Ally, in WWII. ?

So because it was done in the past makes it okay then?

Oh, and how about the pesky little thing, in the Immigration LAW, which says if you do NOT believe in the Constitution of the USA, you can NOT immigrate?   (Which has been  TOTALLY,  ignored in the last 7 years)

Now this: “I’d put up with 4 years of Hillary “.
Let’s see, 8 years of a, “Wanna Be  King”.
And you, WANT,  4  MORE years, of a, ‘Wannabe Queen” ?
You want to pay,  MORE, for your Heath Care?
You want, MORE,  “Gun Free Zones”,
(so the Citizens of this Country become a, REALLY, Soft Target)?
You want to pay, MORE, in Taxes, for the, ‘Vacations’, of the People, YOU PAY?
You want to, give up, the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, Amendments, (just for a Start),
because you think, you will be ’safer’?

I have no idea what the hell you're talking about in this section  :-/  

Tell you what.    All the people that have
'A EVIL  thing called a,  GUN',
Just PM ME,  I will send you the address of a Local Gun Shop,
You can then pack up all your guns, and send them their.
(Totally Absolutely,  Legal, from ALL 50 States)
AND,  I will PAY YOU, a little  EXTRA  Money, for your  Pizza.
(Better that GIVING them, to,  Queen Hillary, for Nothing!)

Don't worry, when the populace uprises against Trump, He'll send his own troops to retrieve your guns

Title: Re: The Trump trap...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/09/15 at 18:38:45

5543544951444952260 wrote:
Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".

Does this apply to all Americans, or only some?...

What freedoms are you saying We would give up for the sake of believing that, by doing so, we create a more secure future?

Title: Re: The Trump trap...
Post by MnSpring on 12/09/15 at 18:43:33

4D5B4C51495C514A3E0 wrote:
Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".  Does this apply to all Americans, or only some?...

OK,  I’ll Bite,   Describe,  “Americans”, (as in Citizens of the Country of the U.S.A.)

I Believe, Americans are:
First,   CITIZENS   !!!!!
People that, uphold, and believe in, the CONSTITUTION, of THIS  Country.
People that strive, to lead a,  FREE, life,
VOID, of, ’Terrorists’.
VOID, of, 'Criminals’.
Void, of people, that are,  NOT Citizens, which say:
    “That Offends Me”.

Void, of people, “Who think they have, ‘more rights’,  than others”.
Void of people, playing,  “Politically Correct verbal, GAMES’.

Now, none of those things are going to be , ‘perfect’.
Just as in, Life, nothing is perfect.
BUT, one has to STRIVE, to make it so,
KNOWING, that one will never achieve that goal.
And in Knowing that, one,  STILL  has to  Strive to do so !

I guess it all comes down to:
You will vote for a, ‘Queen”,  I will vote for a, ‘Leader’.

Title: Re: The Trump trap...
Post by Serowbot on 12/09/15 at 19:21:23

Trump is not a "leader",... he's a Tea Party wet dream...

..and that's all he'll ever be...

Title: Re: The Trump trap...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/09/15 at 19:56:14

Be pretty tough to screw up worse than any of the last several. Every president in recent memory has set , yet again, a new record for being the worst ever. I'm willing to chance a business success, political newbie, over a
Seasoned, Veteran, life long parasitic politician.
If you think it's bad now, you ain't seen nothing till you Gitchya summa Hillary.

Title: Re: The Trump trap...
Post by thumperclone on 12/09/15 at 22:47:26

3F293E233B2E23384C0 wrote:
Trump is not a "leader",... he's a Tea Party wet dream...

the best part of which is a stain on the sheets

Title: Re: The Trump trap...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/09/15 at 23:14:35

How can anyone want more of what we've been getting? Or, maybe it's all still Bush's fault?  How's your insurance?
I just Thought Bush sucked.. steady downhill spiral.
You folks really otta read up on the Fed..
Doesn't matter, really, I don't think it's gonna change anything. Trump can't save it, but at least he wouldn't be paddling a canoe, wearing a party hat, and pretending he's making it better.

Now, these changes, uh, they can't happen overnight,you folks know that.

Title: Re: The Trump trap...
Post by Sonny on 12/10/15 at 02:07:44

Trump is the Republican party's OEM Savage cam chain tensioner.

Hey, what could possibly go wrong?

Tick tock...   ;)

Title: Re: The Trump trap...
Post by WebsterMark on 12/10/15 at 05:22:38

Trump is a fascist, he will become one if he becomes president, He has very little understanding of and respect for the Constitution.

He's verbally trampling on the 1st and 4th, and given time he'll get around to the rest o the amendments, maybe even the 2nd if his power becomes threatened.

check this out: Who said it, Trump or Hitler:

Last time I checked, The Constitution applies to Americans...... not Syrians or any other country for that matter.  Our freedom of religion concept doesn't apply over there where they regularly kill those who convert from away from the State approved religion. Your comments reveal how little you understand or respect it. Hilary decided laws didn't apply to her so she gonher own email server. Between the two, my money's on Trump as far as loyalty to the constitution.

and stop the stupid Hitler analogies. anyone's comments can be made to fit that. Hell, your buddy Hopey-change held the conservative position on gay marriage until he lost the House in a midterm election but the he "evolved". You could take comments from the Pope and do that....

Title: Re: The Trump trap...
Post by LostArtist on 12/10/15 at 13:24:02

043631202736211E322138530 wrote:

Trump is a fascist, he will become one if he becomes president, He has very little understanding of and respect for the Constitution.

He's verbally trampling on the 1st and 4th, and given time he'll get around to the rest o the amendments, maybe even the 2nd if his power becomes threatened.

check this out: Who said it, Trump or Hitler:

Last time I checked, The Constitution applies to Americans...... not Syrians or any other country for that matter.  Our freedom of religion concept doesn't apply over there where they regularly kill those who convert from away from the State approved religion. Your comments reveal how little you understand or respect it. Hilary decided laws didn't apply to her so she gonher own email server. Between the two, my money's on Trump as far as loyalty to the constitution.

and stop the stupid Hitler analogies. anyone's comments can be made to fit that. Hell, your buddy Hopey-change held the conservative position on gay marriage until he lost the House in a midterm election but the he "evolved". You could take comments from the Pope and do that....

I'll stop the Hitler comments if you apologize for all the conservatives who have been lambasting Obama by comparing him to Hitler for the last 7 years.

Trump's anti-Muslim comments along with his comments about the illegal immigration problem from Mexico, show his BLATANT bigotry. it's not about his actual policy as much as it is about HOW he says it, might as well be running bubba from f*cktard, Texas.

Title: Re: The Trump trap...
Post by WebsterMark on 12/10/15 at 16:06:28

I'll stop the Hitler comments if you apologize for all the conservatives who have been lambasting Obama by comparing him to Hitler for the last 7 years.

Trump's anti-Muslim comments along with his comments about the illegal immigration problem from Mexico, show his BLATANT bigotry. it's not about his actual policy as much as it is about HOW he says it, might as well be running bubba from f*cktard, Texas.

I'm not apologizing for some other idiots Hitler comparison. How many Bush/Hitler pictures do you want me to show you? I'm not asking you to apologize for them.

BLATANT bigotry is a bit over the top don't you think? Didn't Jimmy Carter do the same thing Trump is suggesting?

Title: Re: The Trump trap...
Post by LostArtist on 12/10/15 at 20:14:28

4E7C7B6A6D7C6B54786B72190 wrote:
I'll stop the Hitler comments if you apologize for all the conservatives who have been lambasting Obama by comparing him to Hitler for the last 7 years.

Trump's anti-Muslim comments along with his comments about the illegal immigration problem from Mexico, show his BLATANT bigotry. it's not about his actual policy as much as it is about HOW he says it, might as well be running bubba from f*cktard, Texas.

I'm not apologizing for some other idiots Hitler comparison. How many Bush/Hitler pictures do you want me to show you? I'm not asking you to apologize for them.

BLATANT bigotry is a bit over the top don't you think? Didn't Jimmy Carter do the same thing Trump is suggesting?

no, I think BLATANT bigotry is just about right.

you might not have asked me to apologize for the Hitler comparisons but everytime I brought up examples of how badly Fox News and conservative media has lambasted Obama, you excused that by saying "well, the liberal media was even worse!" like that was some excuse, dismissing my point of the over the top hyperbole being unacceptable to rational people.

Title: Re: The Trump trap...
Post by LostArtist on 12/10/15 at 20:20:20

oh, and on the Carter thing, no, it's not the same, Carter was targeting a specific COUNTRY with specific goals via SANCTIONS, Trump is targeting an ENTIRE RELIGION out of fear with a generic goal of "figuring out what's going on" and Trump is targeting Mexicans out of fear as well, FEAR is Trump's motivation, applying political pressure to a country to get results was Carter's motivation.

If you are being motivated by fear alone, especially if someone else is talking you into being even more afraid than you reasonably should be, don't buy in, it's only making you a worse human being.

Title: Re: The Trump trap...
Post by WebsterMark on 12/11/15 at 06:20:00

The hostage crisis had Islam at it's heart. The hardline Islamic Revolutionary blah blah blah ...whatever the hell their name was, objected to the US.

Carter issued orders refusing immigrants from Iran. He also instructed all Iranians in the US on visas report to immigration office to be checked. A lot were deported.

the fact that this order was a de facto attack on Islam wasn't an issue because even liberal Americans back then felt it was more important to protect the US than the scumbag, pu$$y, commie, traitorous  liberals we are stuck with today.

I found the exerts below. Couldn't quickly find the entire orders, but I'm sure you'll go ahead and investigate the 'original" American Hitler president...!

Fourth, the Secretary of Treasury [State] and the Attorney General will invalidate all visas issued to Iranian citizens for future entry into the United States, effective today. We will not reissue visas, nor will we issue new visas, except for compelling and proven humanitarian reasons or where the national interest of our own country requires. This directive will be interpreted very strictly.

Carter orders 50,000 Iranian students in US to report to immigration office with view to deporting those in violation of their visas. On 27 December 1979, US appeals court allows deportation of Iranian students found in violation.

I saw conflicting reports on this. One report said 15,000 students deported another said only 7,000.  

Title: Re: The Trump trap...
Post by LostArtist on 12/11/15 at 12:54:23

still targeting a country, not a religion. there isn't an objection to targeting specific mis-behaving factions of religious zealots, there is an objection to casting an entire religion in the worst possible light.

it's like when atheists us the West Boro Baptist church, and terroristic muslims, etc... to argue the ALL religion is evil

Title: Re: The Trump trap...
Post by Serowbot on 12/12/15 at 09:43:08

Title: Re: The Trump trap...
Post by MnSpring on 12/12/15 at 10:24:17

First they came for the "assault" rifles,
and I didn't speak out because I didn't own any "assault" rifles.

   Then they Then they came for the for the military pattern “Semi automatic” rifles,
 and I didn’t speak out because I didn’t own any military pattern “semi automatic” rifles.

   Then they Then they came for the for the over 10 rounds magazines for any, “Semi automatic” rifles,
and I didn’t speak out because I didn’t own any, “ over 10 rounds magazines”.

Then they came for the came for the ‘’Handguns”. I didn’t speak out.

Then they came for the came for the ‘’Bolt Action rifles”. I didn’t speak out.

Then they came for the came for the ’Shotguns”. I didn’t speak out.

Then they came for the came for the, "Single Shot Rifles, Shotguns, Handguns”. I didn’t speak out.

   Then they came for me,
   and there was no one left to speak for me.

Attributed to MANY people, in Many different forms, for the last 50 + years

Title: Re: The Trump trap...
Post by Serowbot on 12/12/15 at 10:39:05

Mn,.. you have a one track mind... ;D... » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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