General Category >> The Cafe >> Say Hello to Lily!

Message started by Dave on 12/07/15 at 06:00:38

Title: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by Dave on 12/07/15 at 06:00:38

Just about a year ago, Sarah our Black and Tan Coonhound passed away at the ripe old age of 15.  She was a great dog and gave us a lot of joy, and she outlived her brothers and sister by about 5 years!  She was a very tough dog - but very loving and eager to please.  We miss her terribly.

We just got a new puppy...half Rottweiler and half Coonhound, and hopefully she will have all the good stable traits of both those breeds.  For an 8 week old puppy she seems to be incredibly quick to learn and it has only taken a couple days to work out the "hold it until you get outside" bathroom routine!  She is a bundle of energy when she is awake.....which is about 1 hour of awake for every 4 hours of nap/sleep.

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by Oldfeller on 12/07/15 at 06:22:22

Having a dog is important -- for example my wife simply isn't happy without a dog.

Her dog is her constant companion and her dog talks to her both verbally and with nose pointing gestures -- there is real communications going on there.

If she is out of town the broken hearted dog comes and stays by me, but has lower expectations of my understanding him completely.

When mommy comes home, the dog announces his total joy with full belling as he runs to the door, which for a full sized 50 pound deer beagle inside a house can threaten your hearing.

Deer beagles were long legged beagles bred for running deer instead of running fox (the English origins).   Some form of coursing hound was used, one with the second clear eyelid for protection when bursting through brush.

No matter what he started out as, he has been turned into a new breed by my wife.  

I call the new type of breed a Pillow Bagel.


Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by Serowbot on 12/07/15 at 06:45:50

Some good size paws to grow in to... 8-)...

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/07/15 at 16:33:40

495F48554D58554E3A0 wrote:
Some good size paws to grow in to... 8-)...

No kidding..
Nothing defines the size of the dog like that.
I see a Badly spoiled animal coming.

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by MMRanch on 12/07/15 at 16:58:41

wow Dave usually it take more time for  owner and pet to start looking alike ???  ;D  

Do Dogs have to wear helmets in Ky ?  


Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by Serowbot on 12/07/15 at 17:12:36

5B495B49445758555E160 wrote:
wow Dave usually it take more time for  owner and pet to start looking alike ???  ;D

MM's right.. ;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by KennyG on 12/07/15 at 17:14:21


I had many Rottweilers during my life and always wanted to try crossbreeding one with another big dog to try to eliminate the health problems known to plague Rottweilers.

I am anxious to see Lily in 10 years.

Kenny G

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by kimchris1 on 12/08/15 at 06:57:42

Hi Miss Lily, such A pretty gal she is. I love her markings.
Dave it looks like you have already done a great job of
bonding with her.
It makes me wonder when she is fully grown what her bark will
sound like?
My Rottie rip John Wayne had a loud bark that could be heard for
quite a ways from the house.
I wish you and her all the best and keep the pics coming of her..
Hugs, Kim, Genie and Shadow

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by old_rider on 12/08/15 at 17:30:21

I see a side car in dave's future :)

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by MMRanch on 12/08/15 at 21:47:13

Sidecars can be nice ![ch128523]

If they are well guarded [ch128522]

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by Dave on 12/09/15 at 02:23:11

Lilly will be lavished with love and attention....but will not be allowed to become spoiled.  She will have to learn how to behave, to be a welcome guest at anyone's home or business.  She will be expected to stay outside when we are not home so she can guard the house and garage, and keep the neighbors cows out of our yard when they escape their fence.  We have about 4 acres of yard with an underground wire around it, so she will be in charge of running "patrol" while we are away.  She will not be allowed to bark randomly - but will be expected to let us know when someone pulls in the driveway (our 4 legged alert system).  In the rural area we live there are daytime burglar visits about once a year......and we don't ever want to be the house that they choose to rob.

No....I don't see a sidecar in my future.  Lily will be a companion on visits to the hardware store and Tractor Supply, and to when I go to visit friends and neighbors.  We take our dog on camping trips and when we go visit family on holidays.....she will be an integral part of the family and will never be chained behind the barn and ignored!

One big goal I have for Lily, is to be the kind of dog that will stay near me and not wander off.  Our last dog "Sarah" would stay near me when I was walking in the woods - but if I stopped for any reason, her nose would take over and she would start following trails and not pay any attention to staying with me.  Similarly if I stopped to talk to a neighbor while on a walk....I would constantly have to keep calling her back when she wandered off too  far.  I have friends who can come over and bring their dog, and if they come into the house their dog will stay outside for hours and never wander off.....even on the first visit to a new place he stays within a few hundred feet of the house and doesn't get into any mischief.  I realize this is too tall of an order for a puppy - but as Lily grows I hope she can learn to hang around me....I would love to be able to just take her along whenever I have an outdoor project to work on.  I used to throw Sarah in the trailer and haul her out to gather firewood.....but it was a constant battle to keep her from wandering off while I was loading wood.

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by LANCER on 12/09/15 at 06:55:28

You've got yourself a beautiful dog Dave.
I miss not having one.

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by Art Webb on 12/09/15 at 07:28:50

Beautiful dog Dave, I found a Lab puppy on my property the other day, but sadly, labs a nd owners who are never home and 16x8 travels trailers don't mix, so I had to find it a foster home (after taking it to the vet to be treated for mange, poor fella)

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/09/15 at 08:12:14

Lofty goals, delicate line,

Offer learning opportunities before you know they are ready.
Time and patience, daily working,
I've had two good dogs, as an adult, as a kid,Generally ,my dog wasn't running with me, but the day two boxers got after me, he was. He ran in, distracted them while I beat it,then he ran for hills,too.
Just some beagle mix mutt, but he saved my butt that day.
The smartest, best dogs I've had were mix breed mutts.

The shepherd/ beagle was a funny looking, yet nice looking dog.
I got him in the Air Force.

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by Art Webb on 12/09/15 at 08:43:30

584741465B5C6D5D6D55474B00320 wrote:
The shepherd/ beagle was a funny looking, yet nice looking dog.
I got him in the Air Force.

Did he fly? or was he ground crew?  ;D

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by Dave on 02/16/16 at 10:19:45

Little Lily is growing up.....she has been a member of our family for about 10 weeks.  She has gone from the 12 pounds when we picked her up - to about 35 pounds.  She is becoming a good "garage' dog, and getting used to all the noises I make when working.

I somehow caught a cold from somebody, and yesterday afternoon I was exhausted and went home to crash on the couch.  Lily and the cat Boo enjoyed having me home in the daytime, and did their best to keep me warm. (My foot is sticking out of the blanket on the lower left side of the photo). 

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/16/16 at 13:32:46

She's a good looking dog. Interesting coloration on the ears and around the eyes.
My dogs want out when I start grinding or hammering.
It's nice that they keep you company while you're not feeling well, but , aren't they supposed to go for help? Maybe you can get some Lassie reruns on and teach her. Show her a few, get out behind the shop, pull a classic
Slip and Fall

Lili, go get help..

See what happens..

I can see the cat laughing....

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by pg on 02/16/16 at 15:18:52

504F494E53546555655D4F43083A0 wrote:
I can see the cat laughing....

The cat knows it's in charge.   ;)

Best regards,

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by LANCER on 02/17/16 at 05:31:17

Nice family photo Dave !

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by Art Webb on 02/17/16 at 07:10:08


Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by Dave on 03/08/16 at 08:12:18

Lily is growing up and she has gone from 12 pounds at 7 weeks old to about 45 pounds at 18 weeks...we anticipate 70-80 pounds when fully grown, She is becoming a good buddy while I am in the garage, while doing yard work, or just hanging out.  She really loves our trip to the Dog Park....she is learning how to play well with others, and is learning not to be afraid of other dogs.  She is still very submissive when the really big dogs get a bit rough - and that is probably a very good thing!  Sometimes you need to walk away from trouble!

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by Art Webb on 03/08/16 at 08:26:33

Dat purty baby

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by DesertRat on 03/08/16 at 09:21:30

Dave, beautiful dog. We had a Rottweiler, long ago, named Timex. I miss that dog.

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by Ed L. on 03/08/16 at 10:08:46

Beautiful puppy you have there Dave, it's a commitment but well worth it. We lost our 14 year old Australian Sheppard in August and only have one now who is 2 years old. Been looking around for a second one and found a little girl puppy which we will be picking up in about five weeks.
 Luck with the new kid, they become family.

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by Dave on 03/08/16 at 10:15:43

I just found the photo of our previous dog Sarah with that same Siamese cat....they were best buddies.  Sarah was about 5 years old and the cat was brand the cat is a lot older and is breaking in a new dog!

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by Trippah on 03/08/16 at 12:35:32

Our cat lived through 2 Golden retrievers and 1 Newfie; but as the first of the Goldens tried to retrieve the cat, she really didn't like the dogs that much.  Female doggies wander much less than their male counterparts. Good looking critters, congrats.

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by MMRanch on 03/08/16 at 19:59:43


That dog looks like she has a gentile personality , you ought to be proud !   Looking forward to meeting her in August .  :)

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by Dave on 03/09/16 at 03:51:27

It is interesting how different our previous dog Sarah and new dog Lily are:

Our previous dog Sarah was a Black and Tan Coonhound, and she passed away about 1.5 years ago.  She was our dog for 15 years and she was a really special girl.  Sarah was extremely gentle and easy going - but she was fearless.  She would never provoke or start a fight - but she would never back down from anything.  The few times that another dog started a fight with her...she came out on top.  You only had about 8 seconds to get your message to her mind would wander away after that length of time - she had no desire to chase a ball...she did like playing tug of war with a rope.  Her sense of smell was incredible, she would be laying asleep on the living room floor and suddenly jump up and want to be let outside - and when we looked out the window there would be a deer 1/4 mile away in the hayfield.

Lily has a lot more energy and is just a bit too rough with the cat.  She drags him around by the neck...the cat puts up with it, and we are trying really hard to teach Lily to be more gentle.  Lily started out being very timid, and she is very submissive to anything and anyone.  She is gradually getting more bold as we keep taking her to a dog park to get her socialized and more confident.  A couple days ago she actually chased 2 deer away from our bird feeder.....and just stood and watched as a flock of turkey flew up into the trees when we surprised them on a walk (a few weeks ago Lily would have put her tail between her legs and run to the porch at almost any sound or movement).  She is learning that she has some authority in our yard, and that squirrels and deer can be chased out of the yard.  She has a lot more focus, energy and attention span that Sarah.  Lily loves to fetch a ball and do any kind of play.  If I am picking up sticks in the yard Lily will wrestle one away from me and run off with her new toy......then come back a few minutes later to steal another one away from me, and only about 80% of the sticks every make it to the burn pile.

Lily is a great puppy, and is going to be a great dog and family member, and she is going to love sleeping with MMRanch in his tent!

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/09/16 at 05:57:39

Doggy treats, you carry stick, lily carries a stick.
You toss yours in. Help her drop hers in.
Treat time.
Sounds like a rearfine animal. I've been privileged to have shared the lives of two very fine dogs. I miss them both.
Both were mixed breed.
Shepard/Beagle, had the dark sadde,green eyes, red nose,short back legs, looked like a forklift. Very smart dog.
Weimeriner/ Boxer, ad in paper, free puppies. This guy saw me, walked right up to me, sat down, looked up. All the other puppies were playing or running around, AND this one had a bobbed off tail.  Boy, what a good dog he was. Times change, lives change, but, fond memories remain. Dogs are sure a source of fond memories to collect.
Thanks for the update, Dave. Keep us up to speed with her progress.
Are you doing ANY leash work.
I don't do that out where We live, but I did with the Weimeneriner/ Boxer. Take walks a few blocks away, cut him loose, tell him
Go home
He would Run home and be inside the gate, sitting, waiting for me to come close it.
Shake car ke y s, say
Let's go
He'd run and jump in the car window.

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by Dave on 03/09/16 at 06:19:16

Yep....we are working on the leash and will eventually graduate to "heel" without a leash.  Lily is just a bit too young and peppy to understand the need to stay right at my side when were are walking - but I am sure she will learn before long.  I do take her with me to Tractor Supply, the hardware store, auto parts store.....any place I am running errands that doesn't mind if you bring your dog inside.

Monday night I was able to get Lily to "catch" a ball in her mouth 3 times....which is not always a natural thing for dogs.  Sarah never did get it....she would open her mouth and try to catch things - but she never understood how to watch and follow the motion - if you threw it exactly right and the timing was perfect it would land in her mouth - but she couldn't do anything to move her head and mouth to help.  She just wasn't wired well for coordination - too many of her wires were redirected to operate her nose!

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by old_rider on 03/09/16 at 06:30:58

Dave, a friend of mine is a trainer, he does the treat thing with some, but not all require it.
Other things he does is use hand signals for each command (he teaches dogs for the hearing and speech impaired), he also trains other dogs in foreign languages, so that the animal will only obey someone that knows that (comes from the attack dogs being taught german commands) language or knows to speak it to them, he says that it is to keep your pup from listening to strangers who might steal them.
He also introduces dogs to people in two different "modes" , he will say come let the dog sniff your fist.....
He will then say "friend" meaning the dog can trust you....
Or he will say "ok" meaning the dog should only trust you so far...
He is kind of a "dog whisperer"... they seem to catch his meaning.... how he teaches the last bit i'll never know :)

He has had only one dog that he could not train fully.... it was an abused brindle female pit bull.
She would tolerate people near her, and occasionally growl at you... but if you ever approached my friend too closely, she would nip or bite you... he could never break her of that.

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by Art Webb on 03/09/16 at 07:15:34

My Border Collie was a joy to train
It took a while to housebreak him, and also to teach him my version of 'no' , but once he had 'no' down, you could break him of any behavior with a few 'nos', and he would listen the first time
My friends were amazed i could walk him past meat on a pit with just verbal commands and he would ignore it after the first 'no' but a big part of that is down to his own high level of intelligence
(then again, I trained a cat to not mess with food on a plate, so maybe I'm good at it, too  :D)

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by verslagen1 on 03/09/16 at 08:02:33

I trained a cat not to mess with me too... only took it 2 years to find it's way back.   :-?

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by old.indian on 03/09/16 at 08:09:51

Training a cat is easy.....  Leave a couple of Chinese food cookbooks lying around ........ ;)    
(Well so much for being politically correct..... ::) )

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by Dave on 03/09/16 at 09:07:56

101 Ways to Wok your Dog!

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by Ruttly on 03/09/16 at 20:24:44

They foreclosing on your house , your wife sleeping around , your boss just fired you , got your 4th speeding ticket on your way home , But your dog is always happy when you arrive and always ready to share his love ! Mans best friend !

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by Ruttly on 03/09/16 at 20:35:46

Thousands of years ago wild dogs allowed themselves to be domesticated and they just had to keep their masters company and maybe provide some security in return for free food and a warm place to sleep , no such thing as a dumb dog !

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by MMRanch on 03/09/16 at 21:41:36

Lily is a great puppy, and is going to be a great dog and family member, and she is going to love sleeping with MMRanch in his tent!
are you saying Lily makes a good Pillow too ?  ;D

sounds better than my electronic intrusion alert !  ;)

:-?    maybe I should bring some "Doggie Treats" so I can have a tent in Lily's  yard ?   ::)

Title: Re: Say Hello to Lily!
Post by Art Webb on 03/11/16 at 07:49:57

A dog is the one and only critter on this earth that will love you more than it loves itself
All it asks for in return is love, food and water, and proper training and socialization
My Uncle had a Weimaraner that would give us kids 'doggyback rides' when we were young, and go utterly ape if another dog offered us harm
I watched old Smokey run off 2 German Shepherds and a Doberman one day that were in the yard acting threatening toward my cousin
Man I loved that dog » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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