General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> God save the Queen.......

Message started by raydawg on 12/05/15 at 18:54:25

Title: God save the Queen.......
Post by raydawg on 12/05/15 at 18:54:25

OK, she ain't a queen, but anybody, and I mean ANYBODY , now that a third term ain't possible, Hillary is better than this freak.

Folks, this guy is just yanking chains, he is nothing.

What a Carney barker he is.

Title: Re: God save the Queen.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/05/15 at 19:08:34

You just Think Obama sux, wait till you see what she will usher in.
I shudder to think.
Maybe Trump is a ringer,

Y'all don't forget,I declared she was next when Obama was selected.

Title: Re: God save the Queen.......
Post by raydawg on 12/05/15 at 19:36:27

283731362B2C1D2D1D25373B70420 wrote:
You just Think Obama sux, wait till you see what she will usher in.
I shudder to think.
Maybe Trump is a ringer,

Y'all don't forget,I declared she was next when Obama was selected.

I remember......

I am awaiting for all the smoke to clear and see what Marco can say.
I remember years ago seeing an interview on him and I was thinking what a fresh change from the Mitts and Ryans and all the old white stalwarts.

Title: Re: God save the Queen.......
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/05/15 at 19:39:52

Whenever I get reminded of how mean Trump is, I like to think of Andrew Jackson. Now that president was one mean dude. Didn't call him "Old Hickory" for nothin'. Took a .70 or bigger cal lead ball to the chest before gunning down his opponent in a duel. INDIAN KILLER he was. BAD, BAD, UGLY MEAN DUDE.  Trump's got nothing on him. Trump's a gentleman to some of the guys who led us. Some of our old timey presidents would make our recent ones look like sissies.

Of course, I'm not a history buff, so correct me if I'm going off in left field here.

Our people are a bit sick of the status quo, and Trump is a stark turn in direction.

What could possibly go wrong!? ::);D ;D

Title: Re: God save the Queen.......
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/05/15 at 19:43:48

Well... then again... put Trump into the rough culture of yesteryear, and who knows how wild he would have been! :o ::)

Title: Re: God save the Queen.......
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/05/15 at 19:52:02

I got to hear Trump speak live. I was in the same building as a famous billionaire  :o 8-). Anyway, he claimed to be a "true Christian." He also commented on how he agreed not to cuss there.

Mean and Christian... Okay... we'll go with that... kinda... Well, look at the bright side, at least he's not stiff and prudish like some religious people are.  :-/


Title: Re: God save the Queen.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/05/15 at 20:19:34

Well, that he wouldn't answer a question about
Would you drop out and support another?
What does that mean? Darnfino...

I know he gave Hillary money in the past.
So, what is coming?
I say MORE of the same. Faster and crazier, like the water in the toilet, faster and faster,

Think it's not coordinated? Look in Yurp, the countries are drowning in refugees. My, how conveniently timed.

Title: Re: God save the Queen.......
Post by Serowbot on 12/05/15 at 21:15:23

Yurp... ;D ;D ;D...
JOG, I swear I can hear what you type... ;D...

Title: Re: God save the Queen.......
Post by raydawg on 12/05/15 at 21:36:10

081711160B0C3D0D3D05171B50620 wrote:
Well, that he wouldn't answer a question about
Would you drop out and support another?
What does that mean? Darnfino...

I know he gave Hillary money in the past.
So, what is coming?
I say MORE of the same. Faster and crazier, like the water in the toilet, faster and faster,

Think it's not coordinated? Look in Yurp, the countries are drowning in refugees. My, how conveniently timed.

Look, a politician that can be bought, gee ya think?

And lets say it is orchestrated, if true, it means the repubs are stupider than the demos.

Title: Re: God save the Queen.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/05/15 at 22:19:53

The short order cook and waitress work for the same boss.

Who doesn't know where the
Unelected bureaucrats
Who set policy are all from the same think tanks.
Remember IKE warned us.
JFK  tried, died, and it's been downhill since.

Title: Re: God save the Queen.......
Post by mpescatori on 12/06/15 at 02:35:43

My two cents' worth.

Unlike "professional politicians" who "live off the system as long as it works",
Donald Trump is a self-made man who knows the value of hard work and knows the value of the buck in your pocket.

Go back and read the Gospel, that parable about the Man of the house leaving for far away business; he gives his "servants" (employees) money and tells them "invest";
one invests well, the other invests better, the third doesn't give a d@mn and buries the amount given.
Upon the Man's return, one servant gives back a hefty investment, the other an even better investment, the third gives back the money, not "fair and square" but "that's all, folks!"

Whom would YOU trust your money to ? Whom would YOU call to invest your TAXES ?  ::)

Just sayin'...

Title: Re: God save the Queen.......
Post by raydawg on 12/06/15 at 06:35:39

495441574745504B564D240 wrote:
My two cents' worth.

Unlike "professional politicians" who "live off the system as long as it works",
Donald Trump is a self-made man who knows the value of hard work and knows the value of the buck in your pocket.

Go back and read the Gospel, that parable about the Man of the house leaving for far away business; he gives his "servants" (employees) money and tells them "invest";
one invests well, the other invests better, the third doesn't give a d@mn and buries the amount given.
Upon the Man's return, one servant gives back a hefty investment, the other an even better investment, the third gives back the money, not "fair and square" but "that's all, folks!"

Whom would YOU trust your money to ? Whom would YOU call to invest your TAXES ?  ::)

Just sayin'...

Self made....uh, I doan think so.

The parable you offer is not about the money, it is only used as an illustrator.
I read it as the Lord has blessed (or invested) us with the knowledge of grace, and salvation.
Do we sit on that gift, or do we share it (invest) on others that will bring dividends to the Kingdom.

Now, if you want to get into the one about heaping hot coals on your enemies head......   ;D

Title: Re: God save the Queen.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/06/15 at 06:47:09

Taxes just go to service the debt. Trump will
Build up the Military.

Really? The defense budget is about the same as the total of the next Ten countries... What do we NEED?
Theoretically, with that spending, we should be like Rick Butkis
playing against PeeWee league.

That's Supposed to be a D, not Rick,

But, we haven't actually WON a fight, nor taken the spoils,
It's almost as if it's just a game.

Title: Re: God save the Queen.......
Post by thumperclone on 12/06/15 at 09:34:38

it is a game

football w/o a quarterback &
a coaching staff of pompous twits  

Title: Re: God save the Queen.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/06/15 at 09:42:06

And yet, the stadiums are filled with cheering morons, hollering, hurray for my side.

Title: Re: God save the Queen.......
Post by MnSpring on 12/07/15 at 17:30:48

7F6C74696C7A6A0D0 wrote:
" ...  Hillary is better than this freak.  ..."

Your are Kidding,  Right ?
(At least Hope so)

Exactly, WHAT  PART, of her,
Well Documented History.
Of her, Lies, Cheating, Dishonesty, Lack of Ethics, and ONLY, for  HER.
do you not understand ?

(Both Sides),   is better !

Title: Re: God save the Queen.......
Post by raydawg on 12/07/15 at 18:06:04

Some people would use all those adjectives you used to describe her and call that savvy  ;D  

Title: Re: God save the Queen.......
Post by MnSpring on 12/07/15 at 18:27:58

796A726F6A7C6C0B0 wrote:
" ... describe her and call that savvy  ;D  

  In, today, the word,  “savvy”

   and  NO   Ethics.

I, ‘Learnet',  Better’   !

I ant’t rich, but when my head hits the pillow, I sleep.

Today,  the,  “ME”,  generation,   HAS NO ETHICS.

That is a BIG  part of the Problem.

Instead of, “Striving to make thing better’,
It’s Just,   LIE, CHEAT, STEAL,   for   “ME”.

Title: Re: God save the Queen.......
Post by raydawg on 12/07/15 at 18:58:29

1C3F022123383F36510 wrote:
[quote author=796A726F6A7C6C0B0 link=1449370465/15#16 date=1449540364]" ... describe her and call that savvy  ;D  

  In, today, the word,  “savvy”

   and  NO   Ethics.

I, ‘Learnet',  Better’   !

I ant’t rich, but when my head hits the pillow, I sleep.

Today,  the,  “ME”,  generation,   HAS NO ETHICS.

That is a BIG  part of the Problem.

Instead of, “Striving to make thing better’,
It’s Just,   LIE, CHEAT, STEAL,   for   “ME”.

Yes..... we have sold out.
Our moral compass is broke.
I would hazard a guess this started in the 50's, and TV really turned peoples minds to mush, as folk invited propaganda into their homes with it.
BTW, she is using the left to fulfill her dreams and desires, as I believe she knows they are easier to fool.

Title: Re: God save the Queen.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/07/15 at 19:23:33

Yes..... we have sold out.
Our moral compass is broke.
I would hazard a guess this started in the 50's, and TV really turned peoples minds to mush, as folk invited propaganda into their homes with it.

I think air conditioning had a hand in it, along with the T.V.,

Some of it reasonably predictable. Societies have risen and fallen. The cycles have been noted.

Some of it is a result of the end of reason in schools. Raise a kid in the insanity of
Zero tolerance
Forced on us by the tolerant.
Be about impossible to raise up reasonable and hard working people while opportunity diminishes, schools are ruined by progress,
I've detailed the Tuning process they used to wreck the schools.

Title: Re: God save the Queen.......
Post by mpescatori on 12/09/15 at 02:26:58

584B534E4B5D4D2A0 wrote:
[quote author=495441574745504B564D240 link=1449370465/0#10 date=1449398143]My two cents' worth.

Unlike "professional politicians" who "live off the system as long as it works",
Donald Trump is a self-made man who knows the value of hard work and knows the value of the buck in your pocket.

Go back and read the Gospel, that parable about the Man of the house leaving for far away business; he gives his "servants" (employees) money and tells them "invest";
one invests well, the other invests better, the third doesn't give a d@mn and buries the amount given.
Upon the Man's return, one servant gives back a hefty investment, the other an even better investment, the third gives back the money, not "fair and square" but "that's all, folks!"

Whom would YOU trust your money to ? Whom would YOU call to invest your TAXES ?  ::)

Just sayin'...

Self made....uh, I doan think so.

The parable you offer is not about the money, it is only used as an illustrator.
I read it as the Lord has blessed (or invested) us with the knowledge of grace, and salvation.
Do we sit on that gift, or do we share it (invest) on others that will bring dividends to the Kingdom.

Now, if you want to get into the one about heaping hot coals on your enemies head......   ;D


Sorry, local Sunday School gives a wholly different teaching to that parable here in Italy - and Europe.
I'll just stay out of this one -  :-X

Title: Re: God save the Queen.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/09/15 at 03:02:36

it as the Lord has blessed (or invested) us with the knowledge of grace, and salvation.
Do we sit on that gift, or do we share it (invest) on others that will bring dividends to the Kingdom.

I think that's the only explanation I've seen that makes sense.
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