General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Good to know...

Message started by Serowbot on 12/05/15 at 17:45:02

Title: Good to know...
Post by Serowbot on 12/05/15 at 17:45:02

I may be the minority here,.. but the general population tends to agree with me...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Just days after two Muslims were accused of gunning down 14 people in California, a Reuters/Ipsos poll shows 51 percent of Americans view Muslims living in the United States the same as any other community, while 14.6 percent are generally fearful.

Title: Re: Good to know...
Post by raydawg on 12/05/15 at 18:09:17

Once again you post gibberish.....

I ask you again, who on this board believes ALL Muslim are bad people, who bot?

Are you Ok.... honestly?

Maybe you should turn off the news  :-?

BTW, I think 51% is way too low.......
I think the number of people who believe Muslims are NOT terrorist is way higher.

Title: Re: Good to know...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/05/15 at 18:31:23

You think I Care where anyone is from?
I don't give a rip.
IF they are here illegally, I care.
Most assuredly if they are taking any sort of goob support,,
We have debt, and unemployment, and seeing anyone else coming in, competing for jobs and assistance, nope.
I think we should halt all incoming people unless they come with cash and build business and employ people.
That's just about the same time we stop kicking around in other people's backyard.

Title: Re: Good to know...
Post by Paraquat on 12/07/15 at 11:10:21

JoG is right on this one.

People are getting tired of this garbage. Some people are finally realizing its a rigged game and how the media perpetuates nonsense and get getting fed up.

I don't care where someone's from. I care if you're blowing up a school or taking shots at me.


Title: Re: Good to know...
Post by MnSpring on 12/07/15 at 16:21:56

Refugees, from someplace, should be judged by,
Why, Where, and their need.
Their are Many different Refugees,
from Many different places,
with Many different circumstances.
And  VERY  FEW, people, Care,
about where they came from,
or what they do, in their own religions or celebrations.
As long as they,
do, NOT, tell, 'someone else, What, "THEY', 'SHOULD' do.

Look at the current lot, of  100,000 +/-
Mostly Muslim, Mostly followers of the Islam religion.
Are they all, ‘Terrorists’ ?  Most certainly not.
(And I don’t recall ANYONE on this Forum, stating they believe ALL of them are)

But, what percent are ?
is it, 20%,  10%,   5%,  1% ???

(And YES, Virginia,
the Latest lot of Refugees,
DO have, ’Terrorists,’ among them!)

.05 Percent, is to many!

So what is a possible solution?
We know, ‘disarming’, Citizens, does not work.
We know, ‘Gun Free Zones’, do not work.
We know, ‘vetting’ someone does not work.

Perhaps, ’TEACH’, the, ’Terrorist’, this Country, is NOT, a, ’soft’ target?

Title: Re: Good to know...
Post by MnSpring on 12/07/15 at 16:58:58

233C3A3D20271626162E3C307B490 wrote:
" ... That's just about the same time we stop kicking around in other people's backyard.

Sounds like:   “Isolation” !

“ You do what You want to in your Country,
we will do what we want in this Country”

“You want to come to this Country, fine,
we will welcome you.
We will allow you to do what ever You want,
to practice whatever religion/customs, you want”

“But do  NOT, tell, ANYONE HERE,
What to eat, What Flag to fly, How to live”

And Just think, of the SEVERAL  BILLIONS,
of Dollars, this Country will SAVE each year, by  NOT,
giving other Countries/Republics/Dictatorships/Monarchies,
WELFARE money,  (which is spent mostly for, GOLD,  Toilette seats).

Oh, and just in case, you, (another country, etc),
Thinks it can ’take’ Tourists, from this Country.
Just Remember the term;  “Gun Boat Diplomacy”.

A-YEP.   “Sounds like:   “Isolationism” !

Perhaps it's,  TIME,  to do that, again !

Title: Re: Good to know...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/07/15 at 17:13:00

Non interventionist, is not isolationist.
I'm not anti American if I criticize foreign policy.
I'm not anti Semitic for criticizing Israeli foreign policy.

Title: Re: Good to know...
Post by Serowbot on 12/07/15 at 17:17:48

If you look at my original post,.. you guys have inferred yourselves silly... ;D...

Title: Re: Good to know...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/07/15 at 17:28:23

What else could possibly be the outcome with all those silly implications thrown around? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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