General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> San Bernardino Shooting

Message started by cheapnewb24 on 12/02/15 at 18:28:47

Title: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/02/15 at 18:28:47

Since this is still unfolding, I figured it would be a good time to get people's ideas on this matter. Wa da ya think, terrorist or disgruntled? Has ISIS come to our front door, or is this something else entirely? Leave your thoughts here.

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/02/15 at 18:35:14

Here's the poll. Option 8 is for those of you who don't even like this thread.

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by old.indian on 12/02/15 at 18:57:04

To early to know with any certainty.  
Right now I WOULD be certain that any, and all, Federal bureaucrats are being very cautious and tiptoeing around the dreaded "T" word for fear of making the boss politico look like he stuck his foot in it with the "Safe from terrorist attacks" rhetoric ......

And, No this is a fair way to find out people's early reaction to this .   In fact, my wife and I just had a conversation on this question.... "Where do you think......?"   

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by verslagen1 on 12/02/15 at 19:07:13

very much looking like disgruntled employee

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/02/15 at 19:16:25

The people on Fox News, I believe, said that it was very similar to some of the ISIS attacks. I would guess that it is possible that a disgruntled employee would have family or friends that are some sort of paramilitary prepper sort and could have grouped together and executed some sort of revenge killing. I can only say that, if that's the case, the victims certainly messed with the wrong one this time.

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by WebsterMark on 12/02/15 at 19:36:30

I can only say that, if that's the case, the victims certainly messed with the wrong one this time.

Holy crap, you really didnt just say that did you?

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/02/15 at 19:40:27

:-[ Unfortunately, I did. The point is that of all the thousands of people the parties, whoever they are, could have made mad, they had to pick some crazy paramilitary fighting force :o. Sorry if my comment upset anyone. :-[

I just realized that my comment could come across badly. Sorry about that :-[

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/02/15 at 19:52:17

Do you really expect a disgruntled employee to suit up with some friends/family, get in a dark SUV with assault weapons and execute a well-done attack like this? That's the point. Maybe some are capable of it. I can certainly say that the necessary gear can be gotten. Really, how easy would it be for the typical Joe and his buds to do something like this. Does the disgruntled employee idea really seem reasonable?

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by verslagen1 on 12/02/15 at 19:53:55

syed farook id'd as suspect

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by old.indian on 12/02/15 at 19:58:28

526067767160774864776E050 wrote:
I can only say that, if that's the case, the victims certainly messed with the wrong one this time.

Holy crap, you really didnt just say that did you?

A Red Letter day when I agree with WM... I understand what you are saying, but an extremely poor choice of words.....
This seems a bit too well organized to be either a disgruntled employee or customer....          This appears to be a group action . A "gang", a "cell" some sort of group... Every disgruntled employee, customer, what ever that I ever heard of was a "lone wolf" action.    No this was not a spur of the moment action.  Multiple shooters, well armed and highly committed.        No, not a "I'm pi$$ at so-and-so. So let's go do it to him and every body else in the room........

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/02/15 at 20:11:38

Sounds like ISIS or ISIS inspired since the name sounds Arab, but of course, that's just racial profiling, now isn't it? ::)

Still trying to wrap my head around what I said a few minutes ago. Brain's a little foggy from my cold and laying around all day.

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by verslagen1 on 12/02/15 at 20:49:02

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/02/15 at 20:58:54

As I write, there is a dude from some "Islamic Relations Council", or something like that speaking. You just know where this is headed ::)

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/02/15 at 21:01:22

647760617E7375777C23120 wrote:

"Farook’s father, who was not named, told the New York Daily News his son was Muslim and 'very religious.'" --above source

Yep, we know where this is going.

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/02/15 at 21:23:05

Well, I'm not sure what caused it, nothing, But understanding the Problem is Not as important as preventing the possibility of it occurring again. Since guns were involved, we Must BAN Guns.
It's just that simple.

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by Serowbot on 12/02/15 at 21:36:08

Careful JOG,... your sarcasm may reveal truth.
It appears to be an ISIS/daesh cell,... but, we all know, it could easily have been some random nut,... or some disgruntled  "Postal" freak, or a militia type, or some guy that never got a puppy... etc...
Whoever it is,.. this time or the next... they will have an easier time here, than anywhere...

We may not even have time to settle before the next one...

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/02/15 at 21:41:45

Some more of JOG's satire, I presume?
Gotta love it!

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/02/15 at 21:42:51

Ohhh no! You got ol' Serobot started  ;D

JOG, you should have known better ::)

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/02/15 at 21:45:50

4452455840555843370 wrote:
Careful JOG,... your sarcasm may reveal truth.
It appears to be an ISIS/daesh cell,... but, we all know, it could easily have been some random nut,... or some disgruntled  "Postal" freak, or a militia type, or some guy that never got a puppy... etc...
Whoever it is,.. this time or the next... they will have an easier time here, than anywhere...

We may not even have time to settle before the next one...

Really, 'Bot, you're crackin' me up ;D ;D

You'll have to excuse me for my sometimes wild sense of humor

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by Serowbot on 12/02/15 at 21:50:10

I'm sure we're all grateful that I did get a puppy... ;)...

Allow me, for MPesc's sake, to send my empty, vacuous, condolences into the ether... where no one  affected will read them...
If,.. by chance, anyone here, actually has more connection to this incident,...
I am genuinely sorry, and wish you strength...

These things are getting to be like some grotesque reality show.
The more frequently they come,.. the more hardened and distant we become,... ....the more they become, a sick, macabre, form of infotainment, and distanced from reality...

It sickens me a little, that it so rivets me to the latest news... :-[...

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/02/15 at 22:20:59

Honorable thing to do, 'Bot. Even if it may not help the victims directly, it's still a good gesture.
At least we're listening (or watching, to be precise), so its not all in vain. Somebody knows about your good gesture.

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by thumperclone on 12/02/15 at 22:57:11

736C6A6D70774676467E6C602B190 wrote:
Well, I'm not sure what caused it, nothing, But understanding the Problem is Not as important as preventing the possibility of it occurring again. Since guns were involved, we Must BAN Guns.
It's just that simple.

 Obama said something like that also as the event was un folding ::)

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by raydawg on 12/03/15 at 03:37:56

Are we getting a sniff at what also comes with freedom of society?

I had an glimpse of what the future might hold when I saw how we reacted after 911.

The only question that really remains is, how much of your freedom are you ready to surrender?

Could another armed person, a good guy, been a hero?

The possibility exists, that is fact......

Do we want an old west mentality?

Do we sanction or temporarily deputize folks to help with this threat.....?

Again, war took a different tack on 911, ignoring it is an option, but not if you are the president of a country......  

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by WebsterMark on 12/03/15 at 05:59:44

The shooting is my fault. That's how it's going to turn out. My prediction is the shooters will be portrayed as gentle people just trying to make a living in the great America but evil conservatives constantly talking about the dangers of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism drove them to commit these crimes.  just a couple of fun loving kids trying to raise a baby but were tortured to the point where they literally had no choice but to use evil guns and respond the only way they knew how.

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by Ed L. on 12/03/15 at 06:57:32

Wow Web, even as a sarcastic remark that comment is way out but I get your point. It's a spin that will be used.
 What I still can understand is where does the anger come from that drives these shooters. How did it become socially acceptable to shoot someone over differences.
 It is almost like there is a poison in the food or enviroment that is causing our brains to short out and fall into extream anger.

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by Serowbot on 12/03/15 at 07:31:57

I think there is a seduction aspect for the disenfranchised...
A social scientist on TV last night, pointed out the "tactical uniforms"...
... saying, they are almost as important to the perp's as the weapons....
As if they are actors, starring in their own little action show.

These outfits serve little or no practical purpose, and certainly don't help them look inconspicuous...
Useless, impotent, people searching for their 15 minutes... :-?...

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by WebsterMark on 12/03/15 at 07:34:57

 on one hand, I think it's always been like this. the differences today is there are so many more people in the world and certainly so many more guns. 1% of 300 million is a lot bigger problem than 1% of 100 million. That's obvious.

while all of that is true, there's no way to get around the fact that Islam likely played a role in this.  I don't think it really matters at if this is tied directly back to an organized Islamic terrorist group or not. this whole theory of lone wolves  is ridiculous. Lone wolves act alone  in name only.

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by old.indian on 12/03/15 at 07:47:09

JOG seems to have a handle on the "logic" inside the Washington D.C. beltway...   Any time there is a shooting, blame guns.   That might work in those cases involving a single shooter, but starts to get a bit questionable when multiple shooters are involved....     As I noted previously. Too well organized to be a spur of the moment decision..  BUT, since the boss politico stated that the country was safe from terrorist attack, :-[ they circle the wagons and point at that old bogie man of the politically correct, "GUNS".  :-X    
One of these days I'll figure out why it affects "National Security" when ever something in government is pointed out as corrupt, incompetent , or unlawful ?   :-/

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by oldNslow on 12/03/15 at 08:17:50

I'm very curious about the female perp. Reports so far indicate she is the guys wife, and that he met her on some online site, went to Saudi Arabia and married her and brought her to the US. I wonder how much she influenced him rather than vice versa.

They also left behind a six month old child. That strikes me as very strange unless they somehow actually believed they were going to somehow survive this, or at least not get caught, as improbable as that might be. It takes very twisted individuals to deliberately orphan their own offspring I think.

I suspect there is a he** of a lot more known about these people than what the authorities are revealing right now. I am also cynical enough to suspect that a lot of information that doesn't conform to whatever the official narrative is determined to be, may never be released. There are people in high places right now, on every side of this issue,  meeting, and deciding how best to spin this to favor their point of view and their agenda. It isn't possible to hide everything, but some stuff will never see the light of day.

All the usual actors will make whatever hay they can out of this for the next few days or weeks and then move on.

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by thumperclone on 12/03/15 at 08:17:54

Switzerland doesn't have an army it is an army, every adult male is armed
never heard of a mass shooting from there

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by MnSpring on 12/03/15 at 08:36:24

I have a question.

Was that a, "Gun Free Zone" ?

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by verslagen1 on 12/03/15 at 09:03:46

It was a conference center of a private hospital.
But most such things aren't controlled other than a sign at the door and democrats.

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by pg on 12/03/15 at 09:51:01

495A4D4C535E585A510E3F0 wrote:
But most such things aren't controlled other than a sign at the door and democrats.

Was that a bit of sarcasm?   :-?

Best regards,

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by WebsterMark on 12/03/15 at 10:12:54

just caught the tail end of the press conference and an interesting point was brought up. It could be, given the huge amount of weapons, ammunition and bombs they had prepared at their house, they were actually planning a different target. One theory is that something happened at the Christmas party to set this guy off and he changed targets  at the last minute.

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by oldNslow on 12/03/15 at 11:12:41

As of latest Press conference FBI still won't call this terrorism. Probably just a hunting accident then. ::)

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by pg on 12/03/15 at 11:21:10

77494844564A4B250 wrote:
As of latest Press conference FBI still won't call this terrorism. Probably just a hunting accident then. ::)

Yeah, neither was Fort Hood either....

Best regards,

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by Ed L. on 12/03/15 at 11:37:51

Wonder if they were only serving ham at the christmas party and the shooters got upset about it.

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by verslagen1 on 12/03/15 at 11:51:28

2631373B3424560 wrote:
Was that a bit of sarcasm?   :-?

yeah, couldn't help myself.

I can't help but recall Rylee's experience, bending over and flashing his gun to 2 old biddees, thrown in handcuffs w/out even a challenge.

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by Dane Allen on 12/03/15 at 14:47:53

00231E3D3F24232A4D0 wrote:
I have a question.

Was that a, "Gun Free Zone" ?

Gun Free Zone is a myth, it doesn't exist. There is no place a person can go that a gun cannot be taken along.

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by old.indian on 12/03/15 at 20:41:01

"Gun Free Zone" ????  That must limit "bad people" to Baseball bats, knives, hatchets, hand grenades, Molotov cocktails, four wheeled vehicles, and/or various other forms of blunt or sharp instruments, and sundry explosives to inflict mayhem within these locations....

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/03/15 at 21:58:33

Gun Free = defenseless targets.

A certified safe zone.

Bet your electeds children are schooled in locations where armed guards are, while they scream about guns. They just want the sheep easy to slaughter.

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by Paraquat on 12/04/15 at 09:00:13

I have been purposefully ignoring all SB related posts, articles, topics... I'll just throw in that there are a lot of unhappy people on my Facebook feed reminding everyone how last week everyone's profile picture was the French flag and there is not one US flag today.


Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/04/15 at 15:46:03

Weapons are banned in the penitentiary, yet , inmates stab each other. If anyone believes banning guns will stop gun violence, they are delusional. We can't control people coming over the border. Think.
Machine shops, gunsmiths, outlaw them? What's gonna stop four or five hoods from hovering around the donut shop and mug the cops and take their guns, to use those guns and go get more,,
How can people who want to be free expect that freedom to be without cost?
When has it ever been?

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by cheapnewb24 on 12/04/15 at 15:52:35

Maybe we should try to fix society--people themselves--instead of becoming obsessed with such petty little objects like the liberals do.  :P

Unless... there's a reason we should all be rendered defenseless.  :-X

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/04/15 at 16:16:10

Ohhh, there is a reason..
With every great trade deal, America sunk further.
I remember one man, one job, and not a sixty hour a week job, and a family of four could get along okay. Not new cars, but cars. Not designer jeans, but decent clothes, and from there, we are here.
And the globalists who have designed all this NEED a societal issue big enough to justify taking the guns or declaring martial law before the economy lands exactly on its face. Should they allow the economy to actually reflect the sorry state we are really in, the people would rise up and have them and sieze the fortunes they have created out of the debt they put on, not just us, but every nation they have managed to get their Fed reserve type scheme into.

Economic Hit Man

Know about it. Understand that the Fed is a private bank.
We, a Sovereign Nation, BORROW every dollar that exists.
Until people understand the concept of Sovereign, they will accept that as okay.
JFK was in the process of short circuiting that process.
Scattering the CIA to the wind.
Rounding up the mob.
Ending the Vietnam war.

And some lone gunman pops him from high and right rear, his head goes back and to the left, and Jackie retrieves a hunk of his head from the trunk lid.

Yeah, keep believing.

Remember that IKE warned us that there was a power running things and to be aware and resist it.

Observed Reality demonstrates that We Failed.

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by pg on 12/05/15 at 03:36:38

So is this still classified as "work place violence?"

How can they let a media circus go through their apartment?

Best regards,

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by Serowbot on 12/05/15 at 06:59:55

So,.. wifey convinced hubby to be a terrorist?...
He gets 70 virgins... what's she get?... :-/

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by raydawg on 12/05/15 at 07:06:42

4E584F524A5F52493D0 wrote:
So,.. wifey convinced hubby to be a terrorist?...
He gets 70 virgins... what's she get?... :-/

70 of yous  :-*

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/05/15 at 10:12:42

From CNN,
Neither Farook nor Malik were on any list of potentially radicalized people, and there are no clear ties to overseas terrorist groups as of now, officials said.

Now, it's not just coming right out and saying it, but, since the no fly list Isn't something that we can see,anyone can Claim whatever fits the agenda.
And neighbors reportedly said

Well, we thought something strange was going on. They were getting lots of packages, and we thought about saying something, but,
We didn't wanna be called racist.

san bernardino neighbors didn't report strange packages didn't want to be called racist

Pipe bombs and bullets may kill so many,
But words will never hurt me.

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by old.indian on 12/05/15 at 11:37:11

As yesterday evening, the FBI was "investigating as a terrorist incident". (One of the shooters had used social media to swear allegiance to ISIS durning the timeline between the conference room shooting and the final shootout with the police.)

As far as I'm concerned when explosive devices are added to a mix of a couple thousand rounds of ammo and "tactical gear" something more than "disgruntled employee" is amiss.  That much should be obvious, even to a product of too many generations of inbreeding federal bureaucrat.  (I know several wantabe bad a$$s who have "tactical gear", semiautomatic .223 s and ammo, but none have anything like an IED (we used to call them "booby traps" ) "factory". )          Oh Well. As I stated before, it does one's career as a federal bureaucrat no good at all when one says, or does, something that would indicate that the head politico has his head so far up his neither regions that only the soles of his shoes show...... ::)        

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/05/15 at 14:22:30

At some point the question becomes
Is this stupidity and ignorance and beauracratic mismanagement or is this being allowed and used to further an agenda.

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by old.indian on 12/05/15 at 14:44:45

405F595E43447545754D5F53182A0 wrote:
At some point the question becomes
Is this stupidity and ignorance and beauracratic  mismanagement or is this being allowed and used to further an agenda.

If the boss politico makes a public statement that "The sun rises in the west."   You can bet that, from that point on, all the "official compasses" will show that " the sun rises in the west."  ::)
(And California is on the EAST coast at the same time.....)

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by raydawg on 12/05/15 at 14:52:32

2D2E266C2B2C262B232C420 wrote:
[quote author=405F595E43447545754D5F53182A0 link=1449109727/45#50 date=1449354150]At some point the question becomes
Is this stupidity and ignorance and beauracratic  mismanagement or is this being allowed and used to further an agenda.

If the boss politico makes a public statement that "The sun rises in the west."   You can bet that, from that point on, all the "official compasses" will show that " the sun rises in the west."  ::)
(And California is on the EAST coast at the same time.....)[/quote]

He is one of the two, a raging narcissist, or blinded by ideology akin to what drives ISIL, or that funny name bot calls them  :D

Either way, he is not in contact with Huston  ;D

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by old.indian on 12/05/15 at 16:44:29

[quote author=2D3E263B3E28385F0 link=1449109727/45#52

Either way, he is not in contact with Huston  ;D

Have you ever been in Huston????      I have. And I don't want to be in contact with that particular box of nuts and flakes either.......  :o

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by MnSpring on 12/08/15 at 10:05:06

I wonder about the Calf Shooting.

 (Using that wonderfully Magic, ‘Time Machine’.)

Suppose, Their was, a couple of armed Citizens in that place in Calf.
Suppose, the DFI’s, came in shooting.
Suppose, they only got as far as wounding some people,
Before the armed, legally caring Citizens, took them out.

What would have happened?

1.  A Visit to the President?
2.  A Commendation, from the local LEO?
3.  No reporting of the occurrence.
4.  A Full Court Press, from the State A.G.,
Bringing up charges, putting the CCW citizens in Jail.
And the Media Only focusing on the, ’nut jobs’,
that STOPPED, 2 people, from murdering many?

Ah, if their only were a, ’Time Machine’, we could see.

In the past, #’s  2., 3., 4.,  Have happened,
when a, ’Terrorist’, or DFI, was Stopped by, legal carrying Citizens.
But the very Vast Majority of them, never made the news,
and most Certainly , NOT the National Media.

(# 1. Would never happen, unless you took apart a, clock radio, to make a, ’timing’ device.)

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by Paraquat on 12/08/15 at 11:01:05

    Terrorist attack...
         Strict firearm laws
             14 dead.
    Terrorist attack
         Lax firearm laws
              2 dead*.

*The two terrorists.


Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by verslagen1 on 12/08/15 at 11:24:12

19283B28383C283D490 wrote:
    Terrorist attack...
         Strict firearm laws
             14 dead.
    Terrorist attack
         Lax firearm laws
              2 dead*.

*The two terrorists.


Not even a similar playing field, they baited the terrorists, and 2 stupid ones showed up.

At least this one was not baited into doing so...

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/08/15 at 12:03:57

I'm not getting the obvious conclusion.

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by old.indian on 12/08/15 at 13:37:39

For some reason the political leadership (I use the term "leader" advisably) are of the opinion that in order to protect the lives and property of the citizens in this country they need simply pass laws, regulations, ordinances banning, forbidding and making unlawful certain items and/or acts that endanger and/or offend said citizens.                Obviously they did their duty to protect the citizens by doing so. (At least in their own minds which is the IMPORTAIN part...... The fact that prohibition, "the war on drugs" etc., etc. were abject failures  leads to the argument "Well This is different."....(Somehow....)
Horse Feathers !!!!! With enough $$$$$$ in any city, even those with the strictest "gun laws", L.A., NYC, Chicago, S.F. I will be able to obtain RPKs and enough magazines, drums and belts of ammunition to start my own war..   And, of course, the "political leadership" will wring their hands and say, "We did all we could, but we'll enact more laws, regulations and ordinances....."    

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by verslagen1 on 12/08/15 at 19:44:27

old.indian... I nominate you for the golden hammer award.

but the point of my post was the texas cartoon event in no way compares to the california event.

we definitely need more cartoons.

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by mpescatori on 12/09/15 at 02:21:06

Don't nobody forget Al Capone was Al Capone during Prohibition...
...when it was illegal to brew and sell alcohol...


Why should he care ? HE sold carpets...  ;D

So... go ahead and ban ALL guns...

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by pg on 12/09/15 at 05:09:54

Here is a nice vid of school children cutting the head of a stuffed animal shouting "Allah Akbar". Yes, this is the religion of peace.

Best regards,

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by raydawg on 12/09/15 at 05:32:58

687F79757A6A180 wrote:
Here is a nice vid of school children cutting the head of a stuffed animal shouting "Allah Akbar". Yes, this is the religion of peace.

Best regards,

I played army men as a kid, killing my buddies, and out grew it, nor have any desire to kill threats to me.
Not sure if this video is just, and fair, when you want to attach it to a whole religion.

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by MnSpring on 12/09/15 at 09:30:11

“ … I played army men as a kid, …”

I Think a lot of people 45 + and older, Payed outside.
Instead of burying their heads, in a  i-phone.

And Many of those, played, Army, Cowboys & Indians, Red Rover, Dodge Ball, rode bicycles, built tree houses, built & floated rafts down a creek or river.  Had BB guns, giged frogs, etc.
And were young and innocent, in the social, political, implications of such, ‘games’, after all they were just Games.

Sure, The farm boys and girls, learned how to humanely dispatch FOOD,
that was raised for FOOD. By watching,
And allowed at a much Older age, (then the age depicted in the video),
to help in the process.

BUT  !!!!  Don’t think, ANY, TEACHERS,   Taught,  
(In this Country)
How to, and, practiced, with fake blood,
with festive music, with moms taking photos.

HOW to,
    CUT OFF HEADS !!!!!

For Fun and Games !!!!!

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/09/15 at 10:08:12

After a bit of looking at
How that moment came to be,
Uhh, I'm with Spring on this.
I didn't see Where that came from.

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by thumperclone on 12/09/15 at 22:52:48

why hasn't that marquez fella been charged with accessory to murder?

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/09/15 at 23:18:45

Kinda hard to understand that... but, hey, I'm sure they know what they are doing.

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by verslagen1 on 12/10/15 at 11:22:36

I believe he's in custody for questioning... aggressively I hope.

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by thumperclone on 12/11/15 at 08:46:56

if the male suicides' get # virgins in heaven what do the fms get?

Title: Re: San Bernardino Shooting
Post by Serowbot on 12/11/15 at 08:52:57

70 of me...  Lucky ladies... ;D...

6B78607D786E7E190 wrote:
[quote author=4E584F524A5F52493D0 link=1449109727/45#46 date=1449327595]So,.. wifey convinced hubby to be a terrorist?...
He gets 70 virgins... what's she get?... :-/

70 of yous  :-*[/quote] » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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