General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> 16 rounds....

Message started by raydawg on 11/24/15 at 18:49:25

Title: 16 rounds....
Post by raydawg on 11/24/15 at 18:49:25

You have got to be kidding me.. WTF.

Something is wrong, deathly wrong!

Title: Re: 16 rounds....
Post by MnSpring on 11/24/15 at 19:12:06

OK,   their are,  ‘Bad’  Police.
So then,  ‘Punish', THAT, Person !
NOT Everyone else !

Gee, their are NO,  ‘Bad’,  Lawyers,  Car dealers, R.E. Agents, Bakers, Salesman, Elected People,  and 1,000’s of, Other,  
‘Bad’ people?    Punish the BAD, person, NOT Everyone else !

So, you take your, LS650/S-40, to a,  ‘BAD’ dealer.
It means    ALL,    Motorcycle Dealers, are,   ‘BAD” ?

That is,    ‘WTF”.    !!!!!!!

Title: Re: 16 rounds....
Post by HovisPresley on 11/24/15 at 19:12:28

16 rounds? Must've run out of ammo  :-?

Title: Re: 16 rounds....
Post by oldNslow on 11/24/15 at 19:48:12

Just checked the 5 day weather forecast for Chicago. I was hoping for a cold snap or even a snowstorm to keep folks indoors. No such luck. Mid 40s for the rest of the week. Standby for some ugly sh*t.

Title: Re: 16 rounds....
Post by raydawg on 11/25/15 at 03:43:57

4665587B7962656C0B0 wrote:
OK,   their are,  ‘Bad’  Police.
So then,  ‘Punish', THAT, Person !
NOT Everyone else !

Gee, their are NO,  ‘Bad’,  Lawyers,  Car dealers, R.E. Agents, Bakers, Salesman, Elected People,  and 1,000’s of, Other,  
‘Bad’ people?    Punish the BAD, person, NOT Everyone else !

So, you take your, LS650/S-40, to a,  ‘BAD’ dealer.
It means    ALL,    Motorcycle Dealers, are,   ‘BAD” ?

That is,    ‘WTF”.    !!!!!!!

Spring, the issue here is we give these officers the responsibility and means to decide someones fate, in just mere seconds.
Beyond doubt, a very tough and almost impossible job to do without error.
However, they chose this job, and they need to accept the fact, as everyone of us, no exceptions, we are responsible for our actions and the consequences, that arrive from them.

To dismiss this fact in the manner that you do is akin to those saying just let in all the refugees because nothing will ever happen and we are poo-poo heads if we don't.......

Houston, we have a problem, lets find a fix, more training, or?

Title: Re: 16 rounds....
Post by raydawg on 11/25/15 at 03:45:37

6E50515D4F53523C0 wrote:
Just checked the 5 day weather forecast for Chicago. I was hoping for a cold snap or even a snowstorm to keep folks indoors. No such luck. Mid 40s for the rest of the week. Standby for some ugly sh*t.

Lets hope not, the mayor has pleaded with them, lets hope they demonstrate peacefully, this will be a start to hopefully some honest dialogue into this problem.....

Title: Re: 16 rounds....
Post by raydawg on 11/25/15 at 06:15:37

Just saw they are charging the officer with first degree.....
I think this is dumb, for if I remember once you assign first degree you can not settle for a lessor charge as an option. To prove intent, or premeditated for a person who is placed in a position that might tequire deadly force is going to be a hard sale.......

Title: Re: 16 rounds....
Post by WebsterMark on 11/25/15 at 07:14:58

I watched the whole video. The full one is 2 1/2 minutes long, no sound.

I generallly give cops the benefit of the doubt. Especially in tough neighborhoods where shootings and killings are a daily occurrence. My good friend is an ex city cop ( oh my gosh and he's black! what? webster has a black friend?) anyway, the stuff he saw and went through, they deserve a pass sometimes.

anyway, in this case, sorry buddy, you're screwed. Murder conviction and up the river you go. expect a short lifespan unless he's kept in solitary 24/7.

The kid he shot wasn't close to him, didn't have a gun, it was clear he was high or something the way he was walking etc....They should have just followed him a while.

This was not the same as Michael Brown incident. Cop was not being hit and there was no struggle for a gun.

Title: Re: 16 rounds....
Post by oldNslow on 11/25/15 at 07:33:43

36253D20253323440 wrote:
Just saw they are charging the officer with first degree.....
I think this is dumb, for if I remember once you assign first degree you can not settle for a lessor charge as an option. To prove intent, or premeditated for a person who is placed in a position that might tequire deadly force is going to be a hard sale.......

Maybe not dumb at all.  Might be hoping that charging the cop will calm things down, prevent a really bad uprising. Then, when the case goes to trial they get a hung jury. I don't think an acquittal is likely, but a mistrial and then a decision by the DA not to re try the case would accomplish the same thing. I's already been a year since the shooting. String this out for a couple more years, folks move on. Cop that IMO should go to jail instead just loses his job and has to deal with a civil suit from the kids family. Maybe I'm too cynical but I believe the Chicago administration is protecting this guy as best they can under the circumstances while still covering their own tails.

Title: Re: 16 rounds....
Post by raydawg on 11/25/15 at 07:52:57

Slow......I think you are right, and thus, prove BLM's arguments

Title: Re: 16 rounds....
Post by Serowbot on 11/25/15 at 08:29:58

Since we all  seem to agree for the most part,...
..allow me to agree cross this line a bit further...

Rev. Jackson,.. wants the surrounding police charged as well. for not preventing this.
Sorry, J, but no...

They had 6 seconds and were focused in the other direction (he seems to be shooting from behind them)... once the bullets are flying, 16 shots in 15 seconds,.. they are supposed to turn and fire on one of their own, while facing his weapon?...
Nope,... as soon the fire stopped, he was stopped from reloading, the knife was kicked aside, and police closed in, blocking further shooting...

I think they acted properly...

The only thing I wish they had done differently is,... this rogue cop should have been awaiting trial behind bars...
The evidence was too compelling to allow him to be free for a year...


Title: Re: 16 rounds....
Post by verslagen1 on 11/25/15 at 09:04:10

This is a feeding frenzy type thing, poor training will be blamed.
You might see it more than I, at a range it's how fast can you empty your weapon, then reload it.
So what these need is more training that is conditional, 2/3 rounds, is the suspect still a threat?

They'll also try to blame traumatic stress influencing the officer.
Constantly dealing with gun threats will have some impact.

Title: Re: 16 rounds....
Post by WebsterMark on 11/25/15 at 11:51:48

one of the main underlying causes of course will never be mentioned much less discussed: the prevalence of violent crime in predominantly black inner cities naturally creates an environment where cops all to easily see all blacks as violent criminals.

Back to the situation in St. Louis a year ago with Michael Brown, when the cop told him to 'get the fu(k on the sidewalk', the attitude he first confronted him with was created not by that situation, but by the hundreds of interactions that cop had with blacks in that neighborhood and the knowledge that 99% of murders in St. Louis are done by one race.

Is that right? Not really, but that's reality.

Title: Re: 16 rounds....
Post by oldNslow on 11/25/15 at 13:35:50

WebsterMark wrote:

one of the main underlying causes of course will never be mentioned much less discussed: the prevalence of violent crime in predominantly black inner cities naturally creates an environment where cops all to easily see all blacks as violent criminal

Unfortunately I think you are correct.

This guy has an interesting take on the shooting. A cop in a situation like this one may have a very different perception of what constitutes a threat, than we do when we simply sit at our computers and watch a dashcam video.

Title: Re: 16 rounds....
Post by raydawg on 11/25/15 at 14:05:53

Of course a lot of variables come into play, from high drug use, drop out rate, unemployment, etc. if Black males, however, in all fairness, none of that matters in the heat of the moment, a cop is holding deadly force in his/her hand and needs no know, to the best of their ability, when to use it.
Societal issues are a mitigating circumstance, of course, but that really is a whole other subject and should not be introduced into evidence, or you open up an endless avenue that might never have and end to it....

Title: Re: 16 rounds....
Post by pg on 11/25/15 at 15:14:14

Feel free to correct me if I am wrong; although, wasn't there a time when LEOs were taught to wound as opposed to kill?  Did the SOP change?  If someone may be perceived as a threat just shoot them...

Best regards,  

Title: Re: 16 rounds....
Post by oldNslow on 11/25/15 at 15:28:46

7661676B6474060 wrote:
Feel free to correct me if I am wrong; although, wasn't there a time when LEOs were taught to wound as opposed to kill?  Did the SOP change?  If someone may be perceived as a threat just shoot them...

Best regards,  

I"m pretty sure you are mistaken.

I do know that LEO's today are trained to shoot until the threat is neutralized. They are not trained to kill. Once the subject is no longer a threat - if he gives up, falls down, turns around and tries to run away, whatever, then they are no longer legally authorized to continue shooting.  

Even though shooting someone may very well kill someone,that isn't always the case and "shooting" and "killing" are not at all the same thing.

Title: Re: 16 rounds....
Post by raydawg on 11/25/15 at 16:16:28

A very interesting tidbit about the shooting.....

If these accusations are true, I think this is EXACTLY what the BLM people mean......

The mayor of Chicago talked a lot about accountability just before he released the police video showing Laquan McDonald gunned down by a cop.
But what of the mayor's accountability? He sat on the video for months. If voters had seen it, he wouldn't have been re-elected. So it all worked out for him.

And where is the accountability of African-American politicos and others like the Rev. Jesse Jackson, so loud now, pointing their fingers and organizing meetings and demanding accountability from others?

When it mattered, they were silent. They didn't demand that the video be released. Why?

Because this is Chicago and that's how it works.

"Jason Van d**e's going to court," Emanuel said Tuesday of the officer charged earlier in the day with murder in the first degree.

"There will be a judgment and he'll be held accountable for his actions," the mayor said, in a thin voice that had a whiff of desperation in it. "There's also a judgment for all of us. At one level it's about him individually, but we as a city must also do certain things."

Like tell the truth?

Warning, graphic content: Laquan McDonald shooting dash-cam video: short version
Warning graphic content: Chicago officials released the police dash-cam video of the October 2014 fatal shooting of Laquan McDonald, 17, by a Chicago police officer. Warning: This video contains graphic images. The Chicago Tribune edited this version only for length.
I watched the video, as many of you did. Until it was released to the public, the mayor insisted he hadn't seen it, even though he called it "hideous" the other day.

The important parts last only a few seconds. It is one of the worst things I've seen, like those old "Faces of Death" videos that were viral before viral was a word, tapes of people dying, something creepy that high school kids once watched in their basements alone.

Now, of course, that kind of thing is fed to you for breakfast on the news.

There is no drama to McDonald's last seconds, no sound, not even the smack of bullets, only the thing itself: a white cop shooting a young black man to death on the streets of Chicago.

According to Cook County State's Attorney Anita Alvarez, it took only 15 seconds.

Van d**e shoots him on the ground, repeatedly. You see the puffs of pavement fly up as the bullets go through McDonald's body and hit the ground. You see his arms twitch. A cop walks over and kicks a knife out of McDonald's hand, and the teen lies there, bleeding out, without anyone coming up to offer aid.

Chicago releases dash-cam video of fatal shooting after cop charged with murder
Chicago releases dash-cam video of fatal shooting after cop charged with murder
There may be efforts to make Laquan McDonald, 17 and with PCP in his system, into some kind of icon as the protesters begin to make noise. It's part of the script that has been used before. I won't do that.

But I will tell you this. He was a troubled young man who didn't deserve what happened to him. And he didn't deserve what the cop took from him, which was everything.

If you see the video, and if you're honest with yourself, this isn't self-defense.

Alvarez called it murder. That's what it looks like to me.

McDonald didn't lunge at police with a knife. He was trying to get away, as an eyewitness to the killing confirmed for me in a recent column.

And Van d**e emptied his 9 mm into him when he was on the ground. Then Van d**e slapped another magazine in there, prosecutors said, and was ready to keep firing.

Horrific? Yes. Perhaps the mayor should finally see it.

But while we're waiting, that business of the mayor telling others that they are accountable is interesting.

Who holds Rahm Emanuel accountable?

He's the mayor. He's the man. He can throw others under the bus. That thought had to be going through police Superintendent Garry McCarthy's mind as he stood there, at police headquarters Tuesday afternoon, listening to the mayor talk about accountability.

McDonald was shot to death by Van d**e on Oct. 20, 2014. And Emanuel rushed to settle the case even before a lawsuit was filed. City Hall shelled out $5 million of taxpayer money.

And then the Emanuel administration wasted a boatload of cash on legal fees and other legal work, trying for months and months to keep Chicago from seeing that video the mayor said he'd never seen.

Rahm sat on the video, and kept sitting on it, all the way through his re-election, as black ministers and other African-American political figures rallied to his side to get out the black vote and deny that vote to Jesus "Chuy" Garcia.

If the video had come out during the election campaign, Rahm Emanuel would not be mayor today.

Rahm didn't demand that the video be shown, and neither did the Chicago City Council's Black Caucus. They voted for the $5 million settlement.

But if they'd demanded that the video be shown — before the election — Rahm would have cut them off at their knees.

I didn't hear Kim Foxx — Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle's candidate for state's attorney — demand that the video be made public either.

I didn't hear Preckwinkle and Foxx hold a news conference, with all their supporters around them back when the case was settled in April, speaking in loud, angry tones about accountability and City Hall and that video.

And I didn't hear Jackson — now trying to use this police shooting to re-legitimize himself and help Foxx — demand that the video be released.

Or other black leaders, who like most of the rest are covering their behinds, pointing fingers at others, lest the people of Chicago be reminded that many of them had Rahm's back, or at least never made a peep out loud about that video.

The art of politics in Chicago is demanding accountability for others, but never for yourself.

Twitter @John_Kass

Title: Re: 16 rounds....
Post by old.indian on 11/25/15 at 16:20:00

3A2D2B2728384A0 wrote:
Feel free to correct me if I am wrong; although, wasn't there a time when LEOs were taught to wound as opposed to kill?  Did the SOP change?  If someone may be perceived as a threat just shoot them...

Best regards,  

The Abq. PD were authorized to fire if they felt threatened and the "threat" was within 20 feet.... I know of at least five (unarmed) "threats" who killed because they were "advancing in a threating manner".  FYI: More than one Abq. PD officer has been involved  in multiple shooting incidents. One APD officer I know of has been involved in four (4) shooting incidents.  :o :o :o  :o

Title: Re: 16 rounds....
Post by Kris01 on 11/25/15 at 19:25:04

I love some of the comments on YouTube:

Excessive force at best! Laquan McDonald: extensive criminal record, caught in the commission of a crime armed with a knife, slashed patrol car tires and windshield, headed toward a crowd of people still armed with the knife despite many orders to drop the weapon...who knows what he might have done to members of that crowd? $16 million to the family of a perp who was a ward of the state? SMH[ch65279]

If that kid is breaking into cars, evading police officers with a weapon in his hand and refusing to submit to an arrest... he is asking for trouble.

No the cop should be let go. If a cop says stop f---ing stop period glad he is dead one less f---ing idiot on the street next!

somepeople are glad a knife wielding crazy guy who does PCP isn't on their street s no more. this was overkill but really its the kids fault choices have consequences and how much longer till another black guy killed this dude in Chicago? lmao look at Chicago crime rates.

A little excessive on the cop's part but if you're a criminal and get caught AND tease the police... Actions have consequences!

Title: Re: 16 rounds....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/25/15 at 19:56:25

Until the lawsuits and payouts to families/victims of police misconduct start HURTING the cops, the money coming from the pension funds, or, make them carry malpractice insurance, and the insurance company Would have each of them in a sit down, face to face, psych evaluation,, every year or maybe more often. , until SOMETHING changes, why would anyone expect to see change?
At least he's not on paid Administrative Leave.. I've watched cops literally get away with murder since I was a kid, and, Finally I'm starting to see at least occasionally one be held accountable. But, it's not okay, yet. We got a lot of changes to make in America. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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