General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> it's the demographics stupid.

Message started by WebsterMark on 11/24/15 at 07:34:43

Title: it's the demographics stupid.
Post by WebsterMark on 11/24/15 at 07:34:43


Title: Re:  it's the demographics stupid.
Post by Serowbot on 11/24/15 at 07:51:42

Clearly, we need to promote more motorcycling, sky diving, bungee jumping, and parkour, among the elderly...
Maybe build some retirement homes in Syria... :-?...

Title: Re:  it's the demographics stupid.
Post by WebsterMark on 11/24/15 at 08:30:05

Or, we need to breed more.  (I volunteered to practice)

it also tells me as the saying goes, the best laid plans of mice and men sometimes go askew. ( something like that anyway)

All the political scheming in the world doesn't matter if the population demographics change the foundation. Could it be this recession has lasted so long not solely because of Obama's ineptitude, but because the math for getting out of it was never there?

Title: Re:  it's the demographics stupid.
Post by Kris01 on 11/24/15 at 17:17:17

I like the comment at the end of the article.

Luke Kasi:
On August 14, 2015, I marked 30 years of living in the great USA. Before that I was herding camels in Somalia, same as my parents and their parents did. Within these 30 years, I have acquired first rate education, raised a family, and amassed wealth of knowledge that I can bequeath on to my three children.

While my achievements are a testament to America's ethos of rewarding hard work and assimilating new immigrants, it also a testament of the indomitable spirit of immigrants working hard and contributing to this country.

If a camel-herding dude like me from Somalia can come to a developed country and make it, so can others.

Title: Re:  it's the demographics stupid.
Post by WebsterMark on 11/25/15 at 06:39:29

The two Boston bomber brothers could have said the same thing right before they put a ball bearing filled bomb behond an 8 year old boy.

Title: Re:  it's the demographics stupid.
Post by Serowbot on 11/25/15 at 08:34:13

Bringing this 'round, back on topic...

We need to convince the terrorists to attack retirement homes and bingo parlors...
;D ;D ;D...

Jes' kidding... :P...

Title: Re:  it's the demographics stupid.
Post by DesertRat on 11/27/15 at 10:19:39


Why are they NOT breeding?

Who's bitching about this? Companies who cannot take advantage of a naive, youthful population, so they're pissing an moaning that we, the older folks, refuse to buy into their lies and low wages?

Title: Re:  it's the demographics stupid.
Post by Serowbot on 11/27/15 at 10:35:35

6B4A5C4A5D5B7D4E5B2F0 wrote:

I'm so uncool...
I had to Google that... :-?...

I think I use it for all of MPesc's posts... ;D...

Title: Re:  it's the demographics stupid.
Post by DesertRat on 11/27/15 at 10:47:08


My physical and mental self is a true example that the hard work trope is a LIE. I've abused my body and mind with extreme blue collar and white collar work and I am DEAD ASS BROKE in my mid-forties. Lost my retirement funds multiple times only to have it given to the wealthy elite through schemes and bailouts.

What I have taken from the lesson is that the majority of the companies I've "worked hard" for are benefitting, not me and mine.

Hard Work Fallacy

This is the argument that states that the outcome is directly proportional to the effort the individual put in. Failure is therefore the result of simply not having put in enough effort. This argument ignores other factors that may be at play. For example, most of the time, who you know is more important than what you know. Or that your unrequited Love Interest isn't dating you because s/he's dating (and satisfied with) someone else. Or that the so-called Self-Made Man did indeed have help from other people, even if it wasn't direct or reserved only for him. It implies that people are rewarded based on the hard work they do, rather than on how valued that hard work is in the particular time and place they live in. (For example: "Homemaking is not real work because you don't get paid for it. You don't get paid for it because housework and taking care of the kids is not that hard.") Or that you may be naturally gifted at something, have to work a bit more at something else, and be completely awful at yet another thing...and that no two people have exactly the same combination of talents.

Contrast Hard Work Hardly Works when the extra effort doesn't achieve much and You Were Trying Too Hard where the extra effort prevents you from succeeding.

Often involves the words, "If I can do it, so can you!"

Common corollaries are the Gambler's Fallacy and the Sunk Cost Fallacy: "If I keep doing A/B/C, or put a little more work into it, I'll get what I want!"

Some tropes that rely on this:

•      The American Dream: "In America, any man can pull themselves up by their bootstraps and become a success."
•      The Dogged Nice Guy: "If I keep telling her how awesome she is, buy her things, hold the door for her, listen to her problems, et cetera, she'll see how awesome I am and become my girlfriend!"
•      Japanese Spirit: Persistence and hard work is one of three major values for the concept of "Yamato-Damashii". The idea being that if you work hard enough, your true power will be revealed.
•      Rags to Riches: From poor to rich but not necessarily though hard work. Marrying someone who was already wealthy and winning the lottery are all valid examples for this trope.
•      The Self-Made Man: Success boasted to be the result of hard work alone with zero favours, assistance (bar early childhood care), or luck.
•      Training Montage: By working hard (Training from Hell level hard) you take a level in badass. (Gonna Fly Now from the Rocky Franchise is optional.)
•      Underdogs Never Lose: Succeeds as a result of determination, surmounting all the odds no matter how large.

Title: Re:  it's the demographics stupid.
Post by pg on 11/27/15 at 14:48:30

Hard Work Fallacy

Who wrote that?  What is the source?  Thanks.

Best regards,

Title: Re:  it's the demographics stupid.
Post by DesertRat on 11/28/15 at 08:41:33

382F29252A3A480 wrote:
Hard Work Fallacy

Who wrote that?  What is the source?  Thanks.

Best regards,

Author nor source matters, it is true throughout history! Plenty of historical and academic resources to back this.

In sociology;
The fallacy of hard work - everyone faces significant obstacles, some people's obstacles loom quite large. This is hard for people to accept because they are socialized into thinking "work hard and you can succeed". A willingness to work hard is no guarantee that one will succeed in our competitive social system, never ever mistake effort for achievement!

"If wealth was the inevitable result of hard work and enterprise, every woman in Africa would be a billionaire!"

Title: Re:  it's the demographics stupid.
Post by pg on 11/28/15 at 09:34:18

never ever mistake effort for achievement!

That is a small simple statement; although, a whole lot of truth to it.

Best regards,

Title: Re:  it's the demographics stupid.
Post by HovisPresley on 11/28/15 at 09:59:37

DesertRat, are you an 'idler' as well?

Title: Re:  it's the demographics stupid.
Post by DesertRat on 11/28/15 at 14:58:45

193E273822012334223D3428510 wrote:
DesertRat, are you an 'idler' as well?

Never heard of them, but this pledge sounds AWESOME:

To strive not to work ridiculous hours, especially not for some corporate wankster. To strive to eat nice stuff that doesn't go ping at the end. I will not let stress intrude upon me where possible. Eat more home grown FOOD. To eat slowly. To drink real ales frequently. To sing more. To smile more. To step off the 9-5 merry-go-round before I get queasy. To amuse myself in public as well as in private. To strive to amuse others as well as myself. To know that work is merely for paying the bills. To always remember that friends are a source of strength. To enjoy the simple things. To spend quality time in nature. To spend less with big businesses and corporations. To make lots of nice things instead. To go against the grain. To strive to make a difference, to the world and people around you... however small. To be happy!!!

I did edit and remove a few bits!  :P » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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