General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> What are your thoughts on this perspective?

Message started by raydawg on 11/22/15 at 06:53:55

Title: What are your thoughts on this perspective?
Post by raydawg on 11/22/15 at 06:53:55

I think the guy framed it pretty well, as I understand things.

You might want to read the comments as well, some really good ones without too much name calling that seems all too common anymore.

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on this perspective?
Post by Serowbot on 11/22/15 at 07:30:06


Title: Re: What are your thoughts on this perspective?
Post by old.indian on 11/22/15 at 09:38:09


Title: Re: What are your thoughts on this perspective?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/22/15 at 09:58:00

Good article

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on this perspective?
Post by MnSpring on 11/22/15 at 12:12:57

Lots of sensible things in it.
But, several things, that show, how, Sided, it really was.

“… But we must elect someone infinitely better prepared than Carson. …”
WHAT, Obama Was ???????????

Two Sentences, about, Democrats, ‘re-thinking’, the Refugee thing.
Yet,  Pages and Statements from leading Democrats, left out ??????

" … there’s no common-sense reason to believe that a terrorist is as likely to enter the United States amid those screened refugees as by crossing the Mexican border,  …”

So this is the Logic: Your on a ship, it is sinking because it has a hole in it. So to remedy that, you make a, Bigger Hole, so the ship, sinks Faster. ??????

“ … ISIS isn’t about a finite pantheon of ruthless puppeteers. It’s about a region in violent disarray, …”

Wait, “ … a region in violent disarray …”.  Did something change?
Haven’t we been told, over and over and over again, it is  NOT, the, ‘religion’, it is  just a few ‘extremists’.  ?????

And in one statement; “ … From Obama we needed fire. Instead we got embers,  …”
Yet in another statement; “ … less rash and cavalier than Trump …”
Exactly,, which is it, the writer believes ?????

Yes, their was good points.
But their was ALSO, a  LOT of Garbage, AND,  the writer, DOING, exactly, what HE, said should not be done: “ …How much more garbage and nonsense do Trump and Carson have to spew before the people supporting them wake up, grow up …”

The best statements were;  “ … This wasn’t the time for catcalls, from either party. This isn’t the time. …”
“ … WE lose the war against ISIS if we don’t get serious about our presidential candidates. …”

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on this perspective?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/22/15 at 15:56:31

Carson can't read. The Constitution is beyond his simplest abilities to grasp the concept of individual freedom. He believes that it's reasonable to force people to be vaccinated. That is a well dressed, gentle voiced, tyrant.

The holes in the rationale of the article Mn.Spring points out are enough to keep me from wasting my time.

Qualified,,, Ha!!! I don't see one, anywhere. I'm just hunting for the least disastrous,, but, in spite of everything, I said when bammy was elected, Hillary is next. I don't see why that is not still possible.

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on this perspective?
Post by raydawg on 11/22/15 at 17:06:52

JOG......please loose the bammy referencing, its not funny, not even in an Al Jolson context.


Title: Re: What are your thoughts on this perspective?
Post by Serowbot on 11/22/15 at 17:58:27

3D2E362B2E38284F0 wrote:
JOG......please loose the bammy referencing, its not funny, not even in an Al Jolson context.


6 years,.. and I never got that...

Web,.. what's 1+1 again?...:-?,...

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on this perspective?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/22/15 at 18:05:34

I don't know who Jolson is.
I'm daily exposed to words that grate on my guts. If my allusion to the illustrious president has rankled your nerves, understand that is not my goal, but simply an expression of MY feelings.
Inasmuch as this Is America and to date, we do still have a first amendment, folks can be prepared to see me refer to him in various ways. Sometimes, I say it properly, sometimes, no. And , until I see evidence that the healthcare system is Constitutional and beneficial it will continue to be seen as and referred to as Bamicare.

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on this perspective?
Post by Serowbot on 11/22/15 at 18:09:22

Is Medicare Constitutional?... :-?...

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on this perspective?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/22/15 at 19:30:14

Probably not... nor SS, OR Fed reserve, tons of stuff need to be reconsidered.
I don't see it working out. The debt, the corporate tentacles, the power IKE was trying to warn us about, the global economic situation, I hope I'm wrong, but the future I see isn't okay.

That Medicare is likely not constitutional isn't reason to create another problem.
I don't know what process went into passing Medicare and Medicaid, but, I doubt seriously they're actually constitutional.

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on this perspective?
Post by Serowbot on 11/22/15 at 21:26:59

But,... since it's already here, and almost universally liked by everyone that uses it,...
What if we just let everyone have it?...
That way,.. even the people currently paying for it, would get it,.. as well as those who have worked for it and retired...

No more mandates,.. no more confusion over plans,.. no more fines or penalties,... and no more dropping coverage...

Just Medicare... for everyone...

I have friend... his wife has MS...
He has an 80k job with a military supplier with A+ health insurance package... and he is still paying $1,000 to $3,000 a month for care...
My friend is very lucky...

It's beyond silly...
Nobody chooses to be sick...
It's not like everybody wants a Mercedes... :-?...
It's like God gives you a broken Yugo,... and you just want it to run... :-/...

Life isn't fair...
We don't need to help make it less fair...


Title: Re: What are your thoughts on this perspective?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/23/15 at 01:55:29

I'm not in favor of people suffering, or spending everything, going broke, due to illness.

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on this perspective?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/23/15 at 03:53:39

0724193A3823242D4A0 wrote:
“ It’s about a region in violent disarray, …”

Wait, “ … a region in violent disarray …”.  Did something change?
Haven’t we been told, over and over and over again, it is  NOT, the, ‘religion’, it is  just a few ‘extremists’.  ?????


'Region' was the word in the article, not 'religion'  ;D

There is an 'Li' missing somewhere, has someone forgotten to take their Lithium today?

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on this perspective?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/23/15 at 05:12:56

53704D6E6C7770791E0 wrote:
" … there’s no common-sense reason to believe that a terrorist is as likely to enter the United States amid those screened refugees as by crossing the Mexican border,  …”

So this is the Logic: Your on a ship, it is sinking because it has a hole in it. So to remedy that, you make a, Bigger Hole, so the ship, sinks Faster. ??????


Not really. You have a ship with 2 similarly sized holes in it, and the chances are that they let water in at the same rate.
If an undesired H20 terrorist molecule leaks in, then it is equally likely to come through either hole.

Perfect logic. Why question it?

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on this perspective?
Post by WebsterMark on 11/23/15 at 06:15:34

1107100D15000D16620 wrote:
But,... since it's already here, and almost universally liked by everyone that uses it,...
What if we just let everyone have it?...
That way,.. even the people currently paying for it, would get it,.. as well as those who have worked for it and retired...

No more mandates,.. no more confusion over plans,.. no more fines or penalties,... and no more dropping coverage...

Just Medicare... for everyone...

I have friend... his wife has MS...
He has an 80k job with a military supplier with A+ health insurance package... and he is still paying $1,000 to $3,000 a month for care...
My friend is very lucky...

It's beyond silly...
Nobody chooses to be sick...
It's not like everybody wants a Mercedes... :-?...
It's like God gives you a broken Yugo,... and you just want it to run... :-/...

Life isn't fair...
We don't need to help make it less fair...


Nation's largest healthcare insurer has announced they are considering pulling out of Obamacare. The death spiral that was predicted is happening of course. Young healthy people are not buying insurance policies at the rate Obama,  for some reason, believe that they would despite the fact everyone told him they would not.

if you remember the campaign between McCain and Obama, health insurance was the main issue.  there was a mandate for whoever the winner was to address healthcare much the same way there is a mandate for whoever wins this election to address more serious Islamic fascist problems.  Obama had an opportunity to make positive incremental changes to the healthcare system that would have made dramatic improvements. He could have blended his ideas with McCains ideas and came up with something useful.  guaranteeing portability and non-cancellation policy's along withwith moving insurance plans away from employers  and opening up insurance companies ability to operate a crossed state lines would have  a been a good start.

instead, Obama went for broke. After suffering through this fool for the past seven years we know now why he did that. Number one, he's clearly the worst president  this nation has ever seen but number two, he's an egotistical piece of  $hit.  it's his way or the highway. He knows best everybody, else is a fool. Well, seeing that everything he's touched has turned to lead and is sinking fast, who's the fool now?

The big question is can we dump Obamacare and replace it with the beginnings of something that will solve this problem once and for all. I'm not sure. I think the idea about portability and guaranteed coverage can be put in the place. I think we need to find a way to move insurance policies away from someone's  employer. That's never made any sense to me. Since we've seen what happens when government gets involved in large scake healthcare, ( medicare for example VA care for example ) we know we can't go that route.

there has to be away for the free market to get involved to drive premiums down and quality up while at the same time having that failsafe so no one goes bankrupt because of a health issue. There has to be a way to do this. The amount of money the US government pi$$es away almost daily should be enough to take care of this problem.

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on this perspective?
Post by Serowbot on 11/23/15 at 07:45:25

What Obama did, was not going broke...
Medicare for everyone would be going for broke...

That is where we're going,.. eventually...

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on this perspective?
Post by WebsterMark on 11/23/15 at 08:04:39

I'm on a webinar right now for my company's benifits for next yesr. going over what drives our premium increases. obamacare is responsible for 4% this year.

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on this perspective?
Post by LostArtist on 11/23/15 at 16:45:50

615354454253447B57445D360 wrote:
I'm on a webinar right now for my company's benifits for next yesr. going over what drives our premium increases. obamacare is responsible for 4% this year.

what do you blame the rest of the increase on?  

cause if your health insurance ONLY went up by 4%, that's a HUGE win and you could thank Obamacare for that.

If the rest of the increase is MORE than 4%, then shouldn't you focus on the bigger part?

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on this perspective?
Post by MnSpring on 11/23/15 at 17:10:19

7F4D4A5B5C4D5A65495A43280 wrote:
" ... premium increases. obamacare is responsible for 4% this year.

From 2014, when I was, FORCED, to pay, (as per,  King  Bama).
to 2015, my premiums went up,   322%

Thanks 'King  Bama', for your   FAILED    !!!!!!   A.C.A.

It,  was,  real simple. I put money away, in a, 'Self Insurance' , fund.

I used it once, when the Wife, broke her femur, the Hospital/Surgery, bill was $56,750.00.   They  NEVER gave me a Detailed, list of the costs.
I kept questioning/ASKING, them.    
(By  Minn LAW, if you ask, they  MUST   Give)

THEN, a, 'Meeting', with 6, 'heads', of the various departments.
After my questions,  "WHICH NONE OF THEM WOULD ANSWER"
After the meeting, the administrator asked me:  "Well what do you think"
I told him:   "I will pay a fair cost,  but I  WILL NOT GET SCREWED".

2 days later, I received a bill for 15,000.00   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gee,  from 56, THOUSAND,  to 15 Thousand.   ???????

Think,  'BAMMA  CARE"  is   BROKE   !!!!!!!

Now, here is  ANOTHER Clincher, !!!!!!!!

INR, (Blood Test to determine the, 'thinness of the blood, while taking a, 'Blood Thinner').   As a, 'number, determined by what ever, is prescribed.

The, 'Insurance' cost is $69.95  per test.  (In  Minn)
(The test consists of, 'pricking a finger', taking a, 'drop' of blood, and determining what, 'number', that blood is).
The, 'test' takes, 1 min, and it takes a $500.00 machine to read the results.

My wife had to do this for 10 weeks, (once a week),  after she got out of the hospital.

So, the Clinic, that did the blood tests.  First time, I said: "How Much".
They said:   "69.95"
I said:   " NO,  I will pay you CASH, each time, Right Now".
They, called, consulted, talked about it, etc.
and after 15 min it was:  "We will take $24.00"

GEE,   69.95 to 24.00   ??????????????

Think Health Care is  BROKEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, Let's FIX it.
First thing. Let ALL  the H.C. Insures, Compete, with each OTHERS.
Do,  NOT,  allow,   (can you say,  'Kick Back'), ONLY, a handful to compete in each State.

Then, (nothing wrong with a profit), but NOT, a  GROSS OBSCENE,  PROFIT.

That would be like getting a  S-40 for 5,000.00 then turning it around and selling it, for $20.000.00 (By a, 'King Bama",  GUARANTEED Profit) !

Getting back to topic.

Today,  'Refuges', are  QUITE,  DIFFERENT,  than, Yesterdays.

Today, the,  'Terrorists', are riding the backs of, 'Real People In Need'. To do Nothing but,  TAKE   Free this and that,  so they can,  'GO BACK', and use that against US.

That,  'Rattlesnake', is going to   BITE,  you !

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on this perspective?
Post by HovisPresley on 11/23/15 at 17:22:47

MnS, is this the same financial wisdom that said "Again 43 years ago, a 6 pack of, ‘cheep’ beer cost 20.00." (In Denmark)

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on this perspective?
Post by WebsterMark on 11/23/15 at 17:36:48

2F0C10172211170A1017630 wrote:
[quote author=615354454253447B57445D360 link=1448204035/15#17 date=1448294679]I'm on a webinar right now for my company's benifits for next yesr. going over what drives our premium increases. obamacare is responsible for 4% this year.

what do you blame the rest of the increase on?  

cause if your health insurance ONLY went up by 4%, that's a HUGE win and you could thank Obamacare for that.

If the rest of the increase is MORE than 4%, then shouldn't you focus on the bigger part? [/quote]

The 4% is the direct obamacare tax. The total increase was about 16%.
$500,000 plus some change. I work for great people plus we killed it this year sales wise so they absorbed entire increase so my premiums stay same. Everyone else in my industry won't be so lucky. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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