General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not have

Message started by Serowbot on 11/19/15 at 08:34:43

Title: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not have
Post by Serowbot on 11/19/15 at 08:34:43

1. "“Daesh ", the name Kerry is using to refer to ISIS, is a derogatory term, meaning "to get ahead by stepping over others"...
ISIS hates this term...  Muslim states that are working with us, like it...
I will be referring to ISIS as Daesh from now on...

2. The French and Russians have stepped up their attacks on Daesh... but US is coordinating the attacks, and 78% of the attacks are still coming from US...
We are not leading from behind...

3.Much of the information France is acting upon in rounding up the attackers, is coming from the Muslim state of Morocco...
Offending all Muslims is not smart, many want to help, and hate Daesh.......

4. More Muslims are being killed by Daesh than Christians...
Republicans are using this issue to create racial and religious, fear and unrest for strictly political reasons.   this is not racial or religious... it is a bunch of nuts against the civilized world

5. One Daesh attacker had to call French 911 when he shot himself in the leg... this is the highly trained and organized enemy ...this was in April, not 11/13...

Peace.  :-?...

PS.. the trick to remembering how to spell "Daesh" is to type dash with an e in the middle...
Do it,... it pisses them off... ;D...

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by WebsterMark on 11/19/15 at 10:02:46

4. More Muslims are being killed by Daesh than Christians...
Republicans are using this issue to create racial and religious, fear and unrest for strictly political reasons.   this is not racial or religious... it is a bunch of nuts against the civilized world

keep telling yourself that.......

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by HovisPresley on 11/19/15 at 10:10:30

152720313627300F233029420 wrote:
keep telling yourself that.......


You know otherwise?

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by Serowbot on 11/19/15 at 10:39:06

American Conservatives have their own facts... they ignore the facts the rest of the world see...
They know,... that everyone else in the world is lying and stupid...  ;D...

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by WebsterMark on 11/19/15 at 10:52:06

Really? Daesh. oh boy I'll bet they're scared and now. Kerry's calling them a name they don't like. Hey, let's start a Twitter hash tag...hit 'em where it hurts!

Jesus H Christ...... I'm glad you guys weren't around in the 1940s.

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by Serowbot on 11/19/15 at 10:54:39

Ditto, Web..  

My home town was bombed in WWII... my mother's school was blown up...she carried a gas mask to school...
My grandfather dug a bomb shelter in the back yard...he carried Nazi shrapnel in his leg for 40 years...

You know nothing...

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by Paraquat on 11/19/15 at 11:19:00

6573647961747962160 wrote:
Ditto, Web..  

My home town was bombed in WWII... my mother's school was blown up...she carried a gas mask to school...
My grandfather dug a bomb shelter in the back yard...he carried Nazi shrapnel in his leg for 40 years...

You know nothing...

I know that hiding underneath my desk at school will protect me from gamma radiation.


Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by HovisPresley on 11/19/15 at 12:18:53

5442554850454853270 wrote:
Ditto, Web..  

My home town was bombed in WWII... my mother's school was blown up...she carried a gas mask to school...
My grandfather dug a bomb shelter in the back yard...he carried Nazi shrapnel in his leg for 40 years...

You know nothing...


My father was born in the '20s in London.
His house was bombed during the blitz, luckily, after my family had been evacuated.
He served in the Royal Navy.
My mother (as a little girl) remembers the night sky turning red when Coventry was bombed. Air-raid sirens every night, shelters in the garden, gas masks, etc.

I'd love Mark to hear their stories....

Bot, what makes you think that Mark knows nothing?  ;)

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by WebsterMark on 11/19/15 at 12:50:29

2A3C2B362E3B362D590 wrote:
Ditto, Web..  

My home town was bombed in WWII... my mother's school was blown up...she carried a gas mask to school...
My grandfather dug a bomb shelter in the back yard...he carried Nazi shrapnel in his leg for 40 years...

You know nothing...

So? what do those things mattet?

I know nothing? really?

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by LostArtist on 11/19/15 at 13:07:57

3325322F37222F34400 wrote:
1. "“Daesh ", the name Kerry is using to refer to ISIS, is a derogatory term, meaning "to get ahead by stepping over others"...
ISIS hates this term...  Muslim states that are working with us, like it...
I will be referring to ISIS as Daesh from now on...

2. The French and Russians have stepped up their attacks on Daesh... but US is coordinating the attacks, and 78% of the attacks are still coming from US...
We are not leading from behind...

3.Much of the information France is acting upon in rounding up the attackers, is coming from the Muslim state of Morocco...
Offending all Muslims is not smart, many want to help, and hate Daesh.......

4. More Muslims are being killed by Daesh than Christians...
Republicans are using this issue to create racial and religious, fear and unrest for strictly political reasons.   this is not racial or religious... it is a bunch of nuts against the civilized world

5. One Daesh attacker had to call French 911 when he shot himself in the leg... this is the highly trained and organized enemy ...this was in April, not 11/13...

Peace.  :-?...

PS.. the trick to remembering how to spell "Daesh" is to type dash with an e in the middle...
Do it,... it pisses them off... ;D...

can you share your sources, just so I can get some real info, conservative media has all but taken over the airwaves and even online, the financial success of Fox news and conservative media many journalistic sites are slanting that way so they don't openly publish information that may show a positive side to the things we are doing, they don't want to be assaulted in the media by conservative media pundits

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by WebsterMark on 11/19/15 at 13:13:57

53746D72684B697E68777E621B0 wrote:
[quote author=5442554850454853270 link=1447950883/0#5 date=1447959279]Ditto, Web..  

My home town was bombed in WWII... my mother's school was blown up...she carried a gas mask to school...
My grandfather dug a bomb shelter in the back yard...he carried Nazi shrapnel in his leg for 40 years...

You know nothing...


My father was born in the '20s in London.
His house was bombed during the blitz, luckily, after my family had been evacuated.
He served in the Royal Navy.
My mother (as a little girl) remembers the night sky turning red when Coventry was bombed. Air-raid sirens every night, shelters in the garden, gas masks, etc.

I'd love Mark to hear their stories....

Bot, what makes you think that Mark knows nothing?  ;)


Again, so what?

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by raydawg on 11/19/15 at 15:05:40

Lets see.......if we call them the right name, one that really pushes their trigger, they will what?????



Oh, lets call a gun a knife, because it can't kill as quickly as an automatic firearm.

Dang bot, this whole thing escapes me, I don't think these FN creeps care about what anybody calls them, that would take some kind of emotional feelings.

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by WebsterMark on 11/19/15 at 15:30:50

so you have some family members from the past involved in WWII and somehow this gives you some kind of insight I'm incapable of understanding..... and I'm the one who knows nothing?....

both you guys are loons! ;D

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by Serowbot on 11/19/15 at 15:54:53

605255444352457A56455C370 wrote:
...both you guys are loons! ;D

What's that got to do with anything?... ;D...

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by old.indian on 11/19/15 at 16:13:55

'bot has a point.   I have personal issues with "Kerry" that influence my perception of any of his statements or actions.
Calling a gang of murdering bullies by what they are removes any pretenses of  legitimacy from them. "Daesh" it is as far as I'm concerned......  

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by raydawg on 11/19/15 at 16:26:29

KKK is Daesh then?

Anybody who wants to step over me is Daesh, then?

Are rioters who kill and loot Daesh, then?

Global warmers Daesh, then?

Capitalist, Daesh, then?

Anti-capitalist, Daesh?

Communist ?


A word has this power?

Golly, I guess I can toss out "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.......  :-/  

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by WebsterMark on 11/19/15 at 16:42:54

54575F1552555F525A553B0 wrote:
'bot has a point.   I have personal issues with "Kerry" that influence my perception of any of his statements or actions.
Calling a gang of murdering bullies by what they are removes any pretenses of  legitimacy from them. "Daesh" it is as far as I'm concerned......  

They are not a gang of murdering bullies......  

If a group of "murdering bullies" sprayed gun fire during a gay rights meeting screaming "all praise and honor to Jesus Christ" you think bot would say "this is not religious bassed. Just some fringe criminal groups struggling for power....."

$hit, I'd hear his little fingers pounding out anti-Christian diatribes from a thousand miles away...

Come on people, wake the f up!

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by LostArtist on 11/19/15 at 16:47:29

Come on people, wake the f up!

after you

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by HovisPresley on 11/19/15 at 16:52:49

75564A4D784B4D504A4D390 wrote:

Come on people, wake the f up!

after you


Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by MnSpring on 11/19/15 at 16:53:35

OK then, calling a group, or person, a, ’name’, they don’t like.
Will STOP, that person, from doing what they do ?

So, if you are on the playground, and a, ‘bully’, is telling you to do something, and you say,  ‘Your A Bully”, they will stop what they are doing ?

Or, if you are about to be, raped, and you say:  ‘Your a Rapist”, they will just leave you alone ?

Or if you are about to be shot by a mugger, you say:  “Your are a Murderer”, they will walk away ?

If a person want’s to say, ‘Daesh’, when describing, ‘COWARDLY   MURDERING  TERRORISTS’.

Go ahead.  I just think, that will NOT, change anything.

My Opinion is, showing the, ‘COWARDLY   MURDERING  TERRORISTS.
Their will be, repercussions, for their,  ‘COWARDLY   MURDERING  TERRORISTS ACT.
and they will be, responsible, for their, ‘COWARDLY   MURDERING  TERRORISTS ACTS.

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by MnSpring on 11/19/15 at 17:01:19

5543544951444952260 wrote:
American Conservatives have their own facts... they ignore the facts the rest of the world see..."

Well here is a perspective, from another person.
Who is in another Country !

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by HovisPresley on 11/19/15 at 17:07:26

Pat Condell is an immigrant, himself!  ;D

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by Serowbot on 11/19/15 at 18:22:27

...and I'm the loon?... :-/...

The gentlemen are now arguing pure, ridiculous, nonsense...

Thank you, Ol' indian for acknowledging my point...

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by raydawg on 11/19/15 at 18:33:59

2036213C24313C27530 wrote:
...and I'm the loon?... :-/...

The gentlemen are now arguing pure, ridiculous, nonsense...

Thank you, Ol' indian for acknowledging my point...

Thank you...for, oh, affirming you so you feel more superior and wiser and others are just fools, gotcha....

Such balderdash, it really is hilarious, whats next, a bridge for sale in yew york?

Have you word party and atta boys, geez  

edit: Ok, then will this word make them even more determined to succeed and kill more people in their RAGE?

As to the press, welcome to the club that has known for quite a spell that they only steer and direct and even FABRICATE news to garner ratings and $$$$$$$, truth be darn or non-existent.....

I am still scratching my head on how a person can rationalize this reasoning.

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by old.indian on 11/19/15 at 19:02:47

A murdering bully is a murdering bully. No matter it's religion, race, nationality or political affiliation.    Calling them for what they are won't stop them, or even slow them down. BUT it does identify them for what they are, and erases any trace of legitimacy or "heroic glamor" they might attempt to foist off on the ignorant. >:(
FYI: "Daesh" is an (Arabic ?) word used to describe a SPECIFIC group of murdering bullies who were using the term I.S.I.S. (the letters representing the English translation....) for the political/religious ideology they claim to represent...

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by Serowbot on 11/19/15 at 22:09:29

+1... ol'Indian...

Daesh,.. is the word that the Right-wing has been looking for...

Unfortunately,.. Kerry found it...

Daesh, is the word, that gives disrespect to the enemy, without promoting their cause...

Believe it or ?...liberals hate terrorists...
I am happy to call them names... degrade them,... celebrate when they are decimated...

I just won't assist them, in broadening their influence... by calling them the name that they choose...
They are happy to have "Islam" as a part of their name...

Can't you see how that legitimizes them?...
How it can aid in their recruitment?...
Painting themselves as crusaders for Islam,... rather than the scumbag killers that they are?...

Example from Web's post...
If, the KKK, started calling themselves the True followers of Christ...?...
Would you start calling them the name they want?...
Would you assist them in associating themselves with Christianity?...
Would you want news reports to say that The True Followers of Christ just dragged a man to death behind a pick-up truck?...
The KKK did that... nothing to do with Christ...

Just stop being partisan for second, and think...
...or just stop in being the opposite to anything that i say... and think... 
I really don't know which motivation directs this nonsense...

There is supposed to be more to intellectual discussion, than...
I know you are, but what am I?...


Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by raydawg on 11/20/15 at 04:20:48

My bad bot, I held your opine in a higher plane, but I now believe I was amiss.
Your last reply in assuming all conservatives, or right-wing, is how the left likes to label them, shows how your own thinking and prejudice has trapped you.

How did Kerry find this word if the Muslim have already been using it?

I know nothing of its origination, but the Christians you lump together have a word that is biblical in context and often used to justify someones actions.
The word is zealot.
We are instructed to be zealous in our quest to be holy.
However, you have folk who use this as a direct command and affirmation to go against some one else.
That is not its intentions.
As a believer I can call this person a zealot, and in context, it is not a flattering word, but it is accurate.
Perhaps this word Kerry found is similar, but only has weight when used by another sharing the same faith, as an example I could say Al Gore is so zealous in his quest to promote the Global Warming Scare that his zealousness has removed any intellectual honesty from his reasoning. I am sure you would see this as a good thing, or maybe even expand it to say he is really committed on his belief then, and gives greater witness to his testimony, lending it even more credence.  
And BTW, not all conservatives love war, as I am sure you must think....

Bot, your world is only as big, or, as small, as your thought footprint...

I could go on and cite a bunch of examples on how the left plays with opportunity of misfortune of others, to promote their own beliefs and agenda, but it would be fruitless and a waste of time, so I won't....

Rome is burning and we fight over how hot the flame is, so very sad....

A real paranoia is growing, that is fact, it was manifest when 911 happened and has taken root.
On a much smaller scale we saw this mindset exampled against American Japanese with interment camps in WW2.
We saw McCarthyism, and we are seeing a press and political operatives capitalize and feed off this present  fear.  
Social media and instant news, 24/7, has only given the wino a river of wine in which to indulge his weakness, as he falls away from reality and into a deeper abyss of no return, lost......

BTW, I don't expect an honest reply, nor am I going to participate any further into this topic.

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by WebsterMark on 11/20/15 at 06:15:39

Daesh,.. is the word that the Right-wing has been looking for...

Unfortunately,.. Kerry found it...

Nonsense. The right wing is not afraid of calling them what they are, Islamic terrorist, Islamic fascist, Islamic (fill in the blank with your favorite adjective here)

Daesh, is the word, that gives disrespect to the enemy, without promoting their cause...

Daesh is a word I'm sure the Islamic fascist leaders love to hear because they know it's a continuing signal the West is still pu$$yfied and unwilling to admit who their enemy is.

Can't you see how that legitimizes them?...
How it can aid in their recruitment?...
Painting themselves as crusaders for Islam,... rather than the scumbag killers that they are?...

They are crusaders for Islam.

Example from Web's post...
If, the KKK, started calling themselves the True followers of Christ...?...
Would you start calling them the name they want?...
Would you assist them in associating themselves with Christianity?...
Would you want news reports to say that The True Followers of Christ just dragged a man to death behind a pick-up truck?...
The KKK did that... nothing to do with Christ...

Bot; you already think the KKK is a Christian organization. I'm willing to bet if I searched long enough on this site, I could find you saying that.

But my point still stands, if a group calling themselves Christian State in North America, (CSNA) shot up a gay rights meeting shouting All Hail Jesus Christ, you would be beside yourself. Don't even pretend otherwise. If attacks had gone on for decades with Christians taking over countries, throwing gays off buildings, beheading people, do you honestly think you would be saying 'hey wait a second guys, lets stop calling these bullies CSNA because that unfairly accuses honest, loving Christians. Let's call the KKK from now on because that will shame them."

You know, the people who throw gays off buildings are going to be shamed by a name.....  Really? Does that even sound logical?

Just stop being partisan for second, and think...
...or just stop in being the opposite to anything that i say... and think...
I really don't know which motivation directs this nonsense...

Ditto. The only reason you are on the side you are on in this case is because conservatives are on the other side. So I will say to you, stop being partisan for a second and think....They identify themselves as Islamic. The % of Muslims who have sympathetic beliefs towards them are huge. Even within our own country, the number is significant. At a soccer game in Turkey, a moment of silence was interrupted by some fans yelling Allahu Akbar.

Saying these terrorist events are not connected to Islam is lunacy. It's all about Islam.

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by Serowbot on 11/20/15 at 08:23:39

5774686F5A696F72686F1B0 wrote:

Come on people, wake the f up!

after you

I give up...  I'm with Lost and Hovis...

after you...

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by HovisPresley on 11/20/15 at 09:29:24

Quote WM:
"The % of Muslims who have sympathetic beliefs towards them are huge."

And what number would you put that % as?
Where are the sources for this?

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by Serowbot on 11/20/15 at 09:44:14

Rush Limbaugh stands up, bends over, and flaps his cheeks... and facts fly out...

;D... I being too politically correct?... :-/...

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by verslagen1 on 11/20/15 at 10:28:15

786E79647C69647F0B0 wrote:
Rush Limbaugh stands up, bends over, and flaps his cheeks... and facts fly out...

;D... I being too politically correct?... :-/...

you've correctly described all politicians.

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by WebsterMark on 11/20/15 at 12:31:43

in gore-spattered corridors of Mali hotel where at least 27 hostages were slaughtered by jihadi gunmen
Radison Blu hotel under attack by jihadists armed with AK-47s and hand grenades in Malian capital of Bamako
Up to 10 gunmen have taken dozens of hostages inside the Radisson hotel while 80 people have escaped unharmed
Gunmen spoke in English and tested hostages' knowledge of the Koran before allowing Muslim hostages to leave

Religion of peace strikes again.

read that last line again.  Yea that sounds like nothing more than a gang of murdering bullies.....

again, u guys are loons.....

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by Dane Allen on 11/20/15 at 14:37:54

I know I'm coming late to the party but...the right wing have media???

Will have to read the thread but if we are just talking Rush Limbaugh and a few shows on Fox News then that is hardly right wing media. That is a very tiny right wing sliver within the minority centrist aligned media.

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by Serowbot on 11/20/15 at 14:49:35

There's Right,.. and then there's right off the edge...

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by HovisPresley on 11/20/15 at 15:13:42

487A7D6C6B7A6D527E6D741F0 wrote:
again, u guys are loons.....


Yep, we are loons! Welcome to the club!

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by Dane Allen on 11/20/15 at 16:19:11

7C6A7D60786D607B0F0 wrote:
2. The French and Russians have stepped up their attacks on Daesh... but US is coordinating the attacks, and 78% of the attacks are still coming from US...
We are not leading from behind...

Apparently you are correct, we are sabotaging from behind....78% of attacks are coming from the US but Obama blocks 75% of the proposed attacks lest we get too successful... ::)

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by Serowbot on 11/20/15 at 16:20:53

586A6D7C7B6A7D426E7D640F0 wrote:
Gunmen spoke in English and tested hostages' knowledge of the Koran before allowing Muslim hostages to leave

Religion of peace strikes again.

read that last line again.  Yea that sounds like nothing more than a gang of murdering bullies.....

again, u guys are loons.....

Great,... lemme' call PP and tell them you will sanction their actions as long as they give a quiz on the New Testament first...


Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by WebsterMark on 11/21/15 at 11:20:18

that's fine, make a joke and avoid the logical conclusion that your position is entirely wrong. Thinking Islam has nothing to do with these terrorist attacks is beyond the pale.

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by HovisPresley on 11/21/15 at 12:39:21

Look at it this way;  the terrorists are the extreme radical fundamentalists in Islam. But with the Christian 'West' it's the mainstream Christians that are doing all the killing (not radical extremists). The West even started it all with their quest for empires and oil.
Some of us might think that the West has a more mature, more cultured, peaceful way of life, a superior attitude perhaps. (Mark doesn't even believe that the US or UK have invaded another country in 100+ years)
But imagine if a Martian landed on Earth, wanted to find out who the overall aggressor was, without bias, then what would the Martian think of this, for example?

As for immigrants that were living in mud shacks, eating twigs, etc (as MnS might think) in Syria, then maybe they need to be given a dose of 'freedom' and property development ideas:

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by pg on 11/21/15 at 16:54:03

How many countries has the UK invaded in it's history?  Out of nearly 200 countries it is easier to list the ones they have not, wow - 22.

Central African Republic
Congo, Republic of
Ivory Coast
Marshall Islands
Sao Tome and Principe
Vatican City

"The sun never sets for the British empire."

Best regards,

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by raydawg on 11/21/15 at 17:00:08

"The sun never sets for the British empire."

Yeah.... you ever notice how they butchered our language too  :P

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by pg on 11/21/15 at 17:04:36

44574F52574151360 wrote:
"The sun never sets for the British empire."

Yeah.... you ever notice how they butchered our language too  :P


Best regards,

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by Serowbot on 11/21/15 at 17:06:37

Those dagum' English people,.. messin' up the English language... ;D...

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by pg on 11/21/15 at 17:33:57

I did go through much of England & Scotland when I was young.  I did have some issues communicating.  I knew I was in a different place when I got off the plane.  A beautiful young lady asked me to help her with her luggage.  She said, "would a scraping young ladd like yourself be so kind as to help me with my bags?"    ;)

Best regards,

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by raydawg on 11/21/15 at 17:46:55

A beautiful young lady asked me to help her with her luggage.  She said, "would a scraping young ladd like yourself be so kind as to help me with my bags?"    ;)

Best regards,

No Bot..... you don't have to censor this, its a funny story, no one will be offended  ;D  

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by HovisPresley on 11/21/15 at 17:53:54

I included the UK in my last post, as it's in the Christian West.
It was easier to find a statistic for US bombings, rather than US+UK bombings, hence the link.

I'm utterly disgusted by what the British Empire has done, and what the UK has done in more recent times (Tony Blair, etc).

Mind you, the list you provided for the UK covers all of history, rather than the one for the US, which is post WW2, ie. within living memory.

And it's mainly the 'within living memory' aspect which motivates most of this hate within the potential terrorist, I'd imagine.

The list of UK bombings/invasions really does emphasize my point, as it is viewed by Islamic extremists as being a huge part of the 'decadent West'.

As for the language, the UK and the USA are separated by a common language..... how big is a gallon? how many is a billion?  ;D

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by WebsterMark on 11/21/15 at 18:13:03

Hovis, you'd fit right in to a typical American university, majoring in womens studies or social engineering.....

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by HovisPresley on 11/21/15 at 18:17:49

497B7C6D6A7B6C537F6C751E0 wrote:
Hovis, you'd fit right in to a typical American university, majoring in womens studies or social engineering.....


Pay me enough and it'll happen  ;D

Title: Re: ...a few facts the Right Wing media may not ha
Post by raydawg on 11/21/15 at 19:06:26

I know...... I KNOW!!!!! how big is a gallon? how many is a billion?

A gallon is what it takes to fit all the honest politicians into, and you'd have to sort through a billion of em' to get that many, and still have some room left over for ego expansion cuz the close proximity to each other.

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